Indiana Digital Library
Indiana Digital Library Launches March 1!

Attention OverDrive/Libby Users! Goshen Public Library will be joining the Statewide OverDrive Consortium called Indiana Digital Library, which is slated to launch March 1, 2022. Our current EPL/GPL OverDrive Consortium is folding into this new statewide consortium. What does this mean for GPL users? It means you will have a much larger collection of digital titles to choose from! The Indiana Digital Library will provide access to ebooks, eaudios, and digital magazines from over 190 Indiana libraries.
What do current OverDrive/Libby users need to do?
BEFORE MARCH 1: If you don’t want to lose your current reading history (shows what you’ve checked out in the past), use the instructions below to download and save:
Libby – exporting reading history:
Overdrive-exporting reading history:
AFTER INDIANA DIGITAL GOES LIVE: Log in to your app again, using the same information you use now. You should be good to go! Your current borrows and holds should transfer over to the new consortium.
Questions? Contact us by email or by phone at 574-533-9531.