Elkhart County Face Covering Mandate
Elkhart County Face Covering Directive
The Elkhart County Health Department issued new Public Health Orders on November 19, 2020.
Face Covering – Public Health Order No. 05-2020 (en español)
Mitigation Directives – Public Health Order No. 06-2020 (en español)
*Every individual must properly wear a face covering over their nose and mouth when they are at:
- an indoor area open to the public, including public transportation;
- an outdoor public area where a distance of 6 feet from individuals outside of their household cannot be maintained; or
- a private indoor or outdoor area where a distance of 6 feet from individuals outside of their household cannot be maintained
*See Public Health Order No. 05-2020 for exceptions
Click here to find updates from the Elkhart County Health Department. Learn more about how you can prevent spread of COVID-19 here. A list of testing sites can be found here.