Pulitzer Prize Winners
2020 Winners
The Nickel boys
The end of the myth: from the frontier to the border wall in the mind of America
Sontag: her life and work
The tradition
2024. Night Watch. Jayne Anne Phillips. Fiction Phillips
2023. Demon copperhead. Barbara Kingsolver. Fic KIN, Large Type Fic KIN, Playaway KIN
Trust. Hernan Diaz. Fic DIA
2022. The Netanyahus: an account of a minor and ultimately even negligible episode in the history of a very famous family. Joshua Cohen. Fic COH
2020. The Nickel boys. Colson Whitehead. Fic WHI, Large Type Fic WHI, CD Fic WHI, Ebook, EAudiobook
2019. The overstory. Richard Powers. Fic POW, Ebook
2018. Less. Andrew Sean Greer. Fic GRE, CD Fic GRE, Ebook, EAudiobook
2017. The Underground Railroad. Colson Whitehead. Fic WHI, Large Type Fic WHI, Spanish Lang. Fic WHI, CD Fic WHI, Ebook, EAudiobook
2016. The sympathizer. Viet Thanh Nguyen. Fic NGU, Ebook
2015. All the light we cannot see. Anthony Doerr. Fic DOE, Large Type Fic DOE, Spanish Lang. Fic DOE, CD Fic DOE, Ebook
2014. The goldfinch. Donna Tartt. Fic TAR, Large Type Fic TAR, Spanish Lang. Fic TAR, CD Fic TAR, Ebook, EAudiobook
2013. The orphan master’s son. Adam Johnson. Fic JOH, CD Fic JOH
2012. No award
2011. A visit from the Goon Squad. Jennifer Egan. Fic EGA
2010. Tinkers. Paul Harding. Fic HAR
2009. Olive Kitteridge. Elizabeth Strout. Fic STR, Large Type Fic STR, CD Fic STR
2008. The brief wondrous life of Oscar Wao. Junot Diaz. Fic DIA, Spanish Lang. Fic DIA, CD Fic DIA
2007. The road. Cormac McCarthy. Fic MACC, Large Type Fic MACC, Spanish Lang. Fic MACC
2006. March. Geraldine Brooks. Fic BRO, Large Type Fic BRO, CD Fic BRO
2005. Gilead. Marilynne Robinson. Fic ROB, Large Type Fic ROB, CD Fic ROB
2004. The known world. Edward P. Jones. CD Fic JON
2003. Middlesex. Jeffrey Eugenides. Fic EUG, CD Fic EUG
2002. Empire Falls. Richard Russo. Fic RUS, Large Type Fic RUS, Audio Fic RUS, DVD Drama
2001. The amazing adventures of Kavalier and Clay. Michael Chabon. Fic CHA
2000. Interpreter of maladies: stories. Jhumpa Lahiri. Fic LAH
1999. The hours. Michael Cunningham. Fic CUN, DVD Drama H, VIDEO Drama H
1998. American pastoral. Philip Roth. Fic ROT
1996. Independence Day. Richard Ford. CD Fic FOR
1995. The stone diaries. Carol Shields. Fic SHI, Audio Fic SHI
1994. The shipping news. E. Annie Proulx. Fic PRO, CD Fic PRO
1993. A good scent from a strange mountain: stories. Robert Olen Butler. Fic BUT
1992. A thousand acres. Jane Smiley. Fic SMI, Large Type Fic SMI, CD Fic SMI, Audio Fic SMI
1991. Rabbit at rest. John Updike. Fic UPD
1990. The mambo kings play songs of love. Oscar Hijuelos. Fic HIJ, Spanish Lang. Fic HIJ
1989. Breathing lessons. Anne Tyler. Fic TYL, Large Type Fic TYL
1988. Beloved. Toni Morrison. Fic MOR, Large Type Fic MOR, CD Fic MOR, Audio Fic MOR
1987. A summons to Memphis. Peter Taylor. Fic TAY
1986. Lonesome Dove. Larry McMurtry. Fic MACM, DVD Western L, VIDEO Western L
1985. Foreign affairs. Alison Lurie. Large Type Fic LUR
1984. Ironweed. William Kennedy. Fic KEN, Audio Fic KEN
1983. The color purple. Alice Walker. Fic WAL, Y Fic WAL, DVD Drama, VIDEO Drama
1982. Rabbit is rich. John Updike. Fic UPD
1981. A confederacy of dunces. John Kennedy Toole. Fic TOO, Audio Fic TOO
1980. The executioner’s song. Norman Mailer. Fic MAI
1979. The stories of John Cheever. Fic CHE
1976. Humboldt’s gift. Saul Bellow. Fic BEL
1975. The killer angels. Michael Shaara. Fic SHA, Large Type Fic SHA, CD Fic SHA, DVD Action Adv. G, VIDEO Action
1973. The optimist’s daughter. Eudora Welty. Fic WEL, Audio Fic WEL
1972. Angle of repose. Wallace Stegner. Fic STE
1969. House made of dawn. N. Scott Momaday. Fic MOM
1968. The confessions of Nat Turner. William Styron. Fic STY
1967. The fixer. Bernard Malamud. Fic MAL
1966. Collected stories of Katherine Anne Porter. Fic POR, Audio Fic POR
1963. The reivers, a reminiscence. William Faulkner. Fic FAU, CD Fic FAU, DVD Comedy R
1961. To kill a mockingbird. Harper Lee. Fic LEE, Y Fic LEE, Large Type Fic LEE, CD Fic LEE, Audio Fic LEE, Spanish Lang. Fic LEE, DVD Drama T, VIDEO Drama
1959. The travels of Jaimie McPheeters. Robert Lewis Taylor. Fic TAY, Audio Fic TAY
1958. A death in the family. James Agee. Fic AGE
1955. A fable. William Faulkner. Fic FAU
1953. The old man and the sea. Ernest Hemingway. Fic HEM, Y Fic HEM, Spanish Lang. Fic HEM, CD Fic HEM, Y AUDIO CD, DVD Drama, VIDEO
1952. The Caine mutiny. Herman Wouk. Fic WOU, DVD Drama
1951. The town. Conrad Richter. Fic RIC
1950. The way west. A.B. Guthrie. Fic GUT, Large Type Fic GUT
1948. Tales of the South Pacific. James A. Michener. Fic MIC, DVD Musical S, VIDEO Musical S
1947. All the king’s men. Robert Penn Warren. Fic WAR, CD Fic WAR, DVD Drama A
1945. A bell for Adano. John Hersey. Fic HER
2024. A day in the life of Abed Salama: anatomy of a Jerusalem tragedy. Nathan Thrall. 956.053 THR
2023. His name is George Floyd: one man’s life and the struggle for racial justice. Robert Samuels, Toluse Olorunnipa. B Floyd
2022. Invisible child: poverty, survival, and hope in an American city. Andrea Elliott. 362.7756 ELL
2021. Wilmington’s lie: the murderous coup of 1898 and the rise of white supremacy. David Zucchino. 305.8009 ZUC, Ebook
2020. The end of the myth: from the frontier to the border wall in the mind of America. Greg Grandin. 973 GRA
The undying: pain, vulnerability, mortality, medicine, art, time, dreams, data, exhaustion, cancer, and care. Anne Boyer. 616.9944 BOY
2019. Amity and prosperity: one family and the fracturing of America. Eliza Griswold. 363.73 GRI
2018. Locking up our own: crime and punishment in Black America. James Forman, Jr. 364.3496 FOR
2017. Evicted: poverty and profit in the American city. Matthew Desmond. 339.46 DES
2016. Black flags: the rise of ISIS. Joby Warrick. 956.9104 WAR
2015. The sixth extinction: an unnatural history. Elizabeth Kolbert. 576.84 KOL, CD 576.84 KOL
2014. Toms River: a story of science and salvation. Dan Fagin. 363.728 FAG
2013. Devil in the grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the dawn of a new America. Gilbert King. 364.1532 KIN
2012. The swerve: how the world became modern. Stephen Greenblatt. 940.21 GRE
2011. The emperor of all maladies: a biography of cancer. Siddhartha Mukherjee. 616.994 MUK, Spanish Lang. 616.994 MUK, CD 616.994 MUK
2010. The dead hand: the untold story of the Cold War arms race and its dangerous legacy. David E. Hoffman. 327.73 HOF
2009. Slavery by another name: the re-enslavement of Black people in America from the Civil War to World War II. Douglas A. Blackmon. 973.0496 BLA
2008. The years of extermination: Nazi Germany and the Jews, 1939-1945. Saul Friedlander. 940.5318 FRI
2007. The looming tower: Al Qaeda and the road to 9/11. Lawrence Wright. 973.931 WRI
2006. Imperial reckoning: the untold story of Britain’s Gulag in Kenya. Caroline Elkins. 967.62 ELK
2005. Ghost Ghost wars: the secret history of the CIA, Afghanistan, and bin Laden, from the Soviet invasion to September 10, 2001. Steve Coll. 958.104 COL
2004. Gulag: a history. Anne Applebaum. 947.084 APP
2003. A problem from hell: America and the age of genocide. Samantha Power. 304.663 POW
2002. Carry me home: Birmingham, Alabama: the climactic battle of the civil rights revolution. Diane McWhorter. 976.1 MACW
2001. Hirohito and the making of modern Japan. Herbert P. Bix. B Hirohito
2000. Embracing defeat: Japan in the wake of World War II. John Dower. 952 DOW
1999. Annals of the former world. John McPhee. 557.3 MACP
1998. Guns, germs, and steel: the fates of human societies. Jared Diamond. 303.4 DIA, Audio, DVD
1997. Ashes to ashes: America’s hundred-year cigarette war, the public health, and the unabashed triumph of Philip Morris. Richard Kluger. 338.173 KLU
1995. The beak of the finch. Jonathan Weiner. Audio 598.88 WEI
1993. Lincoln at Gettysburg. Garry Wills. 973.7 WIL
1989. A bright shining lie: John Paul Vann and America in Vietnam. Neil Sheehan. 959.704 SHE
1981. “The good war”: an oral history of World War Two. Studs Terkel. 940.54 TER
1978. The dragons of Eden: speculations on the evolution of human intelligence. Carl Sagan. 153 SAG
1975. Pilgrim at Tinker Creek. Annie Dillard. 508.97 DIL, CD 508.7 DIL
1973. Fire in the lake; the Vietnamese and the Americans in Vietnam. Frances FitzGerald. 959.704 FIT
1972. Stilwell and the American experience in China, 1911-45. Barbara W. Tuchman. B Stilwell
1971. The rising sun; the decline and fall of the Japanese Empire,1936-1945. John Toland. 940.5352 TOL
1968. Rousseau and Revolution: a history of civilization in France, England, and Germany from 1756, and in the remainder of Europe from 1715, to 1789. Will and Ariel Durant. 901 DUR
1966. Wandering through winter; a naturalist’s record of a 20,000-mile journey through the North American winter. Edwin Way Teale. 574.9 TEA
1963. The guns of August. Barbara Wertheim Tuchman. 940.42 TUC
2024. Liliana’s invincible summer: a sister’s search for justice. Cristina Rivera Garza. 362.88 RIV, Spanish 362.88 RIV
2023. Stay true: a memoir. Hua Hsu. B Hsu
2024. King: a life. Jonathan Eig. B King
Master slave husband wife: an epic journey from slavery to freedom. Ilyon Woo. 306.362 WOO, CD 306.362 WOO
2023. G-man: J. Edgar Hoover and the making of the American century. Beverly Gage. 363.2509 GAG
2022. Chasing me to my grave: an artist’s memoir of the Jim Crow South. Winfred Rembert. 759.13 REM, CD 759.13 REM
2021. The dead are arising: the life of Malcolm X. Les Payne, Tamara Payne. B X, Malcolm, Ebook, EAudiobook
2020. Sontag: her life and work. Benjamin Moser. B Sontag
2019. The new Negro: the life of Alain Locke. Jeffrey Stewart. B Locke
2018. Prairie fires: the American dreams of Laura Ingalls Wilder. Caroline Fraser. B Wilder, Ebook
2017. The return: fathers, sons and the land in between. Hisham Matar. B Matar
2016. Barbarian days: a surfing life. William Finnegan. B Finnegan
2015. The Pope and Mussolini: the secret history of Pius XI and the rise of Fascism in Europe. David I. Kertzer. 322.1094 KER
2014. Margaret Fuller: a new American life. Megan Marshall. B Fuller
2013. The Black Count: glory, revolution, betrayal, and the real Count of Monte Cristo. Tom Reiss. B Dumas, CD B Dumas
2012. George F. Kennan: an American life. John Lewis Gaddis. B Kennan
2011. Washington: a life. Ron Chernow. B Washington
2010. The first tycoon: the epic life of Cornelius Vanderbilt. T.J. Stiles. B Vanderbilt
2009. American lion: Andrew Jackson in the White House. Jon Meacham. B Jackson, Large Type B Jackson
2008. Eden’s outcasts: the story of Louisa May Alcott and her father. John Matteson. B Alcott
2007. The most famous man in America: the biography of Henry Ward Beecher. Debby Applegate. B Beecher
2006. American Prometheus: the triumph and tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer. Kai Bird. B Oppenheimer, CD B Oppenheimer
2005. De Kooning: an American master. Mark Stevens and Annalyn Swan. B De Kooning
2004. Khrushchev: the man and his era. William Taubman. B Khrushchev
2003. Master of the Senate. Robert A. Caro. B Johnson, CD B Johnson
2002. John Adams. David McCullough. B Adams, Large Type B Adams, Audio B Adams, DVD Drama J
1999. Lindbergh. A. Scott Berg. B Lindbergh
1998. Personal history. Katharine Graham. B Graham, Audio B Graham
1997. Angela’s ashes: a memoir. Frank McCourt. B McCourt, Large Type B McCourt, CD B McCourt, Audio B McCourt, Spanish Lang. B McCourt
1996. God: a biography. Jack Miles. 231 MIL
1995. Harriet Beecher Stowe. Joan Hedrick. B Stowe
1993. Truman. David McCullough. B Truman
1983. Growing up. Russell Baker. B Baker
1980. The rise of Theodore Roosevelt. Edmund Morris. B Roosevelt
1957. Profiles in courage. John F. Kennedy. 923 KEN, Audio 923 KEN
1954. The Spirit of St. Louis. Charles A. Lindbergh. B Lindbergh
1938. The life of Andrew Jackson. Marquis James. B Jackson
1919. The education of Henry Adams. 818 ADA
2024. No right to an honest living: the struggles of Boston’s black workers in the Civil War era. Jacqueline Jones. 974.4 JON
2023. Freedom’s dominion: a saga of white resistance to federal power. Jefferson Cowie. 323.44 COW
2022. Covered with night: a story of murder and indigenous justice in early America. Nicole Eustace. 364.1523 EUS
Cuba: an American history. Ada Ferrer. 972.91 FER
2020. Sweet taste of liberty: a true story of slavery and restitution in America. W. Caleb McDaniel. 306.362 MACD
2019. Frederick Douglass: prophet of freedom. David W. Blight. B Douglass
2018. The Gulf: the making of an American sea. Jack E. Davis. 909.0963 DAV
2017. Blood in the water: the Attica prison uprising of 1971 and its legacy. Heather Ann Thompson. 365.97 THO
2016. Custer’s trials: a life on the frontier of a new America. T.J. Stiles. 973.82 STI
2015. Encounters at the heart of the world: a history of the Mandan people. Elizabeth A. Fenn. 970.3 FEN
2014. The internal enemy: slavery and war in Virginia, 1772-1832. Alan Taylor. 975.503 TAY
2013. Embers of war: the fall of an empire and the making of America’s Vietnam. Fredrik Logevall. 959.7041 LOG
2012. Malcolm X: a life of reinvention. Manning Marable. B X
2011. The fiery trial: Abraham Lincoln and American slavery. Eric Foner. 973.7092 FON
2009. The Hemingses of Monticello: an American family. Annette Gordon-Reed. B Hemings, CD B Hemings
2008. What hath God wrought: the transformation of America, 1815-1848. Daniel Walker Howe. 973.5 HOW
2007. The race beat : the press, the civil rights struggle, and the awakening of a nation. Gene Roberts. 070.449 ROB
2006. Polio: an American story. David M. Oshinsky. 614.549 OSH
2005. Washington’s crossing. David Hackett Fischer. 973.33 FIS
2002. The Metaphysical Club. Louis Menand. 973.8 MEN
2001. Founding brothers: the revolutionary generation. Joseph J. Ellis. 973.409 ELL, Audio 973.409, DVD
2000. Freedom from fear: the American people in depression and war, 1929-1945. David M. Kennedy. 973.91 KEN
1999. Gotham: a history of New York City to 1898. Edwin G. Burrows; Mike Wallace. 974.71 BUR
1995. No ordinary time: Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt: the home front in World War II. Doris Kearns Goodwin. B Roosevelt
1991. A midwife’s tale. Laurel Thatcher Ulrich. B Ballard
1989. Parting the waters: America in the King years, 1954-1963. Taylor Branch. 973.0496 BRA
1951. The Old Northwest; pioneer period, 1815-1840. R. Carlyle Buley. Ind. Coll. 977 BUL
1948. Across the wide Missouri. Bernard Augustine DeVoto. 978 DEV
1943. Paul Revere & the world he lived in. Esther Forbes. B Revere
1931. The coming of the war, 1914. Bernadotte E. Schmitt. 940.3 SCH
2020. A strange loop. Michael R. Jackson. 782.1402 JAC
2019. Fairview: a play. Jackie Sibblies Drury. 812.6 DRU
2018. Cost of living. Martna Majok. 812 MAJ
2017. Sweat. Lynn Nottage. 812 NOT
2016. Hamilton: the revolution. Lin-Manuel Miranda. 782.14 MIR, Y 782.14 MIR, CD 782.14 MIR
2015. Between Riverside and crazy. Stephen Adly Guirgis. 812 GUI
2014. The Flick. Annie Baker. 812 BAK
2013. Disgraced: a play. Ayad Akhtar. 812 AKH
2012. Water by the spoonful. Quiara Alegría Hudes. 812 HUD
2011. Clybourne Park. Bruce Norris. 812 NOR
2010. Next to normal. Tom Kitt, Brian Yorkey. 782.14 KIT
2008. August: Osage County. Tracy Letts. 812 LET
2007. Rabbit Hole. David Lindsay-Abaire. 812 LIN
2001. Proof. David Auburn. 812 AUB, DVD Drama
2000. Dinner with friends. Donald Margulies. 812 MAR
1999. Wit. Margaret Edson. 812 EDS, DVD Drama W
1998. How I learned to drive. Paula Vogel. 812 VOG
1996. Rent. Jonathan Larson. 782.14 LAR, DVD
1995. The young man from Atlanta. Horton Foote. 812 FOO
1994. Three tall women. Edward Albee. 812 ALB
1993. Angels in America: millennium approaches. Tony Kushner. 812 KUS
1992. The Kentucky cycle. Robert Schenkkan. 812 SCH
1991. Lost in Yonkers. Neil Simon. CD 812 SIM
1990. The piano lesson. August Wilson. 812 WIL, DVD Drama P, VIDEO Drama
1987. Fences. August Wilson. 812 WIL
1985. Sunday in the park with George. Stephen Sondheim, James Lapine. 782.14 SON, DVD Musical S
1981. Crimes of the heart. Beth Henley. 812 HEN
1979. Buried child. Sam Shepard. 812 SHE
1978. The gin game. Donald L. Coburn. 812 COB
1971. The effect of gamma rays on man-in-the-moon marigolds. Paul Zindel. 812 ZIN
1957. Long day’s journey into night. Eugene O’Neill. 812 ONE
1956. The diary of Anne Frank. Frances Goodrich. 822 GOO, DVD Drama D, VIDEO Drama D
1955. Cat on a hot tin roof. Tennessee Williams. 812 WIL, DVD Drama
1950. South Pacific. Richard Rodgers. 782.14 ROD, CD K SOUT SP, DVD Musical S
1949. Death of a salesman. Arthur Miller. 812 MIL, VIDEO Drama
1948. A streetcar named Desire. Tennessee Williams. 812 WIL, DVD Drama
1943. The skin of our teeth. Thornton Wilder. 812 WIL
1938. Our town. Thornton Wilder. 812 WIL, DVD 812
1937. You can’t take it with you. George S. Kaufman; Moss Hart. 812 KAU, VIDEO Comedy
1933. Of thee I sing. George S. Kaufman. 812 KAU
1922. Anna Christie. Eugene O’Neill. 812 ONE
2024. Tripas: poems. Brandon Som.
2023. Then the war: and selected poems, 2007-2020. Carl Phillips. 811 PHI
2022. Frank: sonnets. Diane Suess. 811.6 SEU
2021. Postcolonial love poem. Natalie Diaz. 811.6 DIA
2020. The tradition. Jericho Brown. 811.6 BRO
2019. Be with. Forrest Gander. 811.54 GAN
2018. Half-light: collected poems 1965-2016. Frank Bidart. 811 BID
2017. Olio. Tyehimba Jess. 811.6 JES
2016. Ozone journal. Peter Balakian. 811.54 BAL
2015. Digest. Gregory Pardlo. 811.6 PAR
2014. 3 sections: poems. Vijay Seshadri. 811 SES
2013. Stag’s leap. Sharon Olds. 811 OLD
2012. Life on Mars: poems. Tracy K. Smith. 811 SMI
2011. The best of it: new and selected poems. Kay Ryan. 811 RYA
2010. Versed. Rae Armantrout. 811 ARM
2009. The shadow of Sirius. W.S. Merwin. 811 MER
2008. Time and materials: poems, 1997-2005. Robert Hass. 811 HAS
Failure: poems. Philip Schultz. 811 SCH
2007. Native guard. Natasha Trethewey. 811 TRE
1998. Blizzard of one. Mark Strand. 811 STR
1989. New and collected poems. Richard Wilbur. 811 WIL
1988. Partial accounts. William Meredith. 811 MER
1982. Selected poems. Galway Kinnell. 811 KIN
1979. Now and then: poems, 1976-1978. Robert Penn Warren. 811 WAR
1978. The collected poems of Howard Nemerov. 811 NEM
1975. Turtle Island. Gary Snyder. 811 SNY
1952. Collected poems. Marianne Moore. 811 MOO
1949. Annie Allen. Gwendolyn Brooks. 811 BRO
1946. Lord Weary’s castle. Robert Lowell. 811 LOW
1944. Western star. Stephen Vincent Benet. 811 BEN
1943. A witness tree. Robert Frost. 811 FRO
1937. A further range. Robert Frost. 811 FRO
1924. New Hampshire; a poem with notes and grace notes. Robert Frost. 811 FRO
- Moments: the Pulitzer Prize photographs: a visual chronicle of our time. 070.49 MOM
Page last updated 5/5/20