- Voter Information Portal: Indiana Secretary of State
- Elkhart Truth: Elections
- IPBS: Election 2012
- WSBT: Campaign 2012
- NPR: Election 2012
- Project Vote Smart
- League of Women Voters
- After America: get ready for Armageddon. Mark Steyn. 973.932 STE
- Age of greed: the triumph of finance and the decline of America, 1970 to the present. Jeffrey G. Madrick. 330.973 MAD
- The age of Reagan: a history, 1974-2008. Sean Wilentz. 973.927 WIL
- The age of the unthinkable: why the new world disorder constantly surprises us and what we can do about it. Joshua Cooper Ramo. 973.931 RAM
- The amateur: Barack Obama in the White House. Edward Klein. 973.932 KLE
- America again: re-becoming the greatness we never weren’t. Stephen Colbert. 818 COL
- America against the world: how we are different and why we are disliked. Andrew Kohut, Bruce Stokes. 973.931 KOH
- America at night: the true story of two rogue CIA operatives, homeland security failures, dirty money, and a plot to steal the 2004 U.S. presidential election – by the former intelligence agent who foiled the plan. Larry J. Kolb. 973.931 KOL
- America by heart: reflections on family, faith, and flag. Sarah Palin. 973.932 PAL
- America: our next chapter: tough questions, straight answers. Chuck Hagel. 973.93 HAG
- The American Bible: how our words unite, divide, and define a nation. Stephen Prothero. 973 PRO
- American conspiracies: lies, lies, and more dirty lies that the government tells us. Jesse Ventura. 973 VEN
- American fascists: the Christian Right and the war on America. Chris Hedges. 322.1 HED
- The American future: a history. Simon Schama. 973 SCH
- American theocracy: the peril and politics of radical religion, oil, and borrowed money in the 21st century. Kevin Phillips. 973.931 PHI, Large Type, CD
- The American way of war: guided missiles, misguided men, and a republic in peril. Eugene Jarecki. 973.931 JAR
- Ameritopia: the unmaking of America. Mark R. Levin. 320.01 LEV
- And the pursuit of happiness. Maira Kalman. Graphic 320.973 KAL
- Arguing with idiots: how to stop small minds and big government. 973.93 BEC, CD 973.93 BEC
- Arsenal of democracy: the politics of national security–from World War II to the War on Terrorism. Julian E. Zelizer. 355.033 ZEL
- As Texas goes–: how the Lone Star State hijacked the American agenda. Gail Collins. 320.6 COL
- The assault on reason. Al Gore. 973.931 GOR, Large Type 973.931 GOR, Spanish Lang. 973.931
- At the edge of the precipice: Henry Clay and the compromise that saved the Union. Robert V. Remini. 973.64 REM
- The audacity of hope: thoughts on reclaiming the American dream. Barack Obama. 320.973 OBA, Large Type, Spanish Lang., CD, Spanish Lang. CD
- The audacity to win: the inside story and lessons of Barack Obama’s historic victory. David Plouffe. 324.973 PLO
- Back to work: why we need smart government for a strong economy. Bill Clinton. 338.973 CLI
- Bad money: reckless finance, failed politics, and the global crisis of American capitalism. Kevin Phillips. 330.973 PHI, CD 330.973 PHI
- Baptism by fire: eight presidents who took office in times of crisis. Mark K. Updegrove. 973.099 UPD
- The battle for America, 2008: the story of an extraordinary election. Dan Balz, Haynes Johnson. 973.932 BAL
- The battle over health care: what Obama’s reform means for America’s future. Rosemary Gibson, Janardan Prasad Singh. 368.42 GIB
- The benefit and the burden: tax reform– why we need it and what it will take. Bruce Bartlett. 336.205 BAR
- Better, stronger, faster: the myth of American decline—and the rise of a new economy. Daniel Gross. 330.973 GRO
- The big con: the true story of how Washington got hoodwinked and hijacked by crackpot economics. Jonathan Chait. 330.973 CHA
- Big girls don’t cry: the election that changed everything for American women. Rebecca Traister. 324.973 TRA
- The big short: inside the doomsday machine. Michael Lewis. 330.973 LEW
- The big sort: why the clustering of like-minded America is tearing us apart. Bill Bishop. 307.2 BIS
- Billionaires’ ball: gluttony and hubris in an age of epic inequality. Linda McQuaig, Neil Brooks. 339.22 MACQ
- Boss Rove: inside Karl Rove’s secret kingdom of power. Craig Unger. 324.273 UNG
- The breakthrough: politics and race in the age of Obama. Gwen Ifill. 328.73 IFI
- Broke: the plan to restore our trust, truth and treasure. Glenn Beck, Kevin Balfe. 336.73 BEC, CD 336.73 BEC
- Broken government: how Republican rule destroyed the legislative, executive, and judicial branches. John W. Dean. 973.931 DEA
- Campaigning for president. Jordan M. Wright. 324.973 WRI
- Catastrophe: how Obama, Congress, and the special interests are transforming … a slump into a crash, freedom into socialism, and a disaster into a catastrophe … and how to fight back. Dick Morris, Eileen McGann. 973.932 MOR
- Citizen you: doing your part to change the world. Jonathan M. Tisch. 361.2 TIS
- Class warfare: inside the fight to fix America’s schools. Steven Brill. 371.01 BRI
- Clean energy common sense: an American call to action on global climate change. Frances Beinecke. 333.79 BEI
- The climate fix: what scientists and politicians won’t tell you about global warming. Roger Pielke, Jr. 363.7387 PIE
- The climate war: true believers, power brokers, and the fight to save the Earth. Eric Pooley. 363.7387 POO
- Comeback America: turning the country around and restoring fiscal responsibility. David M. Walker. 330.973 WAL
- The conscience of a liberal. Paul Krugman. 339.22 KRU
- Constitution cafe: Jefferson’s brew for a true revolution. Christopher Phillips. Y 342.029 PHI
- Consuming Mexican labor: from the Bracero Program to NAFTA. Ronald L. Mize, Alicia C.S. Swords. 331.627 MIZ
- Conversations with power: what great presidents and prime ministers can teach us about leadership. Brian Michael Till. 303.34 TIL
- Cowards: what politicians, radicals, and the media refuse to say. Glenn Beck, Kevin Balfe. 320.5209 BEC
- Crazies to the left of me, wimps to the right: how one side lost its mind and the other lost its nerve. Bernard Goldberg. 320.52 GOL
- The crisis of Zionism. Peter Beinart. 320.54 BEI
- Critical: what we can do about the health-care crisis. Tom Daschle. 362.1 DAS
- The dark side: the inside story of how the war on terror turned into a war on American ideals. Jane Mayer. 973.931 MAY, CD 973.931 MAY
- Day of reckoning: how hubris, ideology, and greed are tearing America apart. Patrick J. Buchanan. 973.931 BUC
- A deadly misunderstanding: a congressman’s quest to bridge the Muslim-Christian divide. Mark D. Siljander. 261.27 SIL
- The death of Josseline: immigration stories from the Arizona borderlands. Margaret Regan. 325.73 REG
- Debating same-sex marriage. John Corvino, Maggie Gallagher. 306.848 COR
- Declare yourself: speak. connect. act. vote: more than 50 celebrated Americans tell you why. Y 323.042 DEC
- Democracy’s edge: choosing to save our country by bringing democracy to life. Frances Moore Lappe. 320.973 LAP
- Denied, detained, deported: stories from the dark side of American immigration. Ann Bausum. Y 325.73 BAU
- Do the right thing: inside the movement that’s bringing common sense back to America. Mike Huckabee. 320.52 HUC
- Don’t think of an elephant!: know your values and frame the debate: the essential guide for progressives. George Lakoff. 320.513 LAK
- Drift: the unmooring of American military power. Rachel Maddow. 306.27 MAD, CD 355.033 MAD
- The end of America: letter of warning to a young patriot. Naomi Wolf. 323.49 WOL
- The enemy at home: the cultural left and its responsibility for 9/11. Dinesh D’Souza. 973.931 DSO
- Engaging the Muslim world. Juan Cole. 327.73 COL
- Failing America’s faithful: how today’s churches are mixing God with politics and losing their way. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend. 261.7 TOW
- FairTax: the truth: answering the critics. Neal Boortz, John Linder. 336.2 BOO
- Faith and politics: how the “moral values” debate divides America and how to move forward together. John Danforth. 322.1 DAN
- Fellow citizens: the Penguin book of U.S. presidential addresses. 973.099 FEL
- 50+: igniting a revolution to reinvent America. Bill Novelli. 305.244 NOV, Large Type 305.244 NOV
- Fightclubpolitics:howpartisanshipispoisoningthe House ofRepresentatives. Juliet Eilperin. 328.369EIL
- Fixing the moral deficit: a balanced way to balance the budget. Ronald J. Sider. 261.85 SID
- The flipside of feminism: what conservative women know–and men can’t say. Suzanne Venker, Phyllis Schlafly. 305.42 VEN
- 40 more years: how the Democrats will rule the next generation. James Carville. 324.273 CAR
- The forty years war: the rise and fall of the Neocons, from Nixon to Obama. Len Colodny, Tony Shachtman. 320.52 COL
- Founding faith: providence, politics, and the birth of religious freedom in America. Steven Waldman. 323.442 WAL
- Freedom from oil: how the next president can end the United States’ oil addiction. David Sandalow. 333.82 SAN
- Freefall: America, free markets, and the sinking of the world economy. Joseph E. Stiglitz. 330.973 STI
- A funny thing happened on the way to the White House: humor, blunders, and other oddities from the presidential campaign trail. 973.099 FUN, Large Type 973.099
- Game change: Obama and the Clintons, McCain and Palin, and the race of a lifetime. John Heilemann, Mark Halperin. 973.932 HEI
- Getting a grip: clarity, creativity, and courage in a world gone mad. Frances Moore Lappe. 361.2 LAP
- Getting America right: the true conservative values our nation needs today. Edwin J. Feulner, Doug Wilson. 320.52 FEU
- God and government: an insider’s view on the boundaries between faith & politics. Charles Colson. 261.7 COL
- God in the White House: a history: how faith shaped the presidency from John F. Kennedy to George W. Bush. Randall Balmer. 973.099 BAL
- God’s own party: the making of the Christian right. Daniel K. Williams. 322.1 WIL
- God’s politics: why the right gets it wrong and the left doesn’t get it. Jim Wallis. 261.7 WAL, Large Type 261.7 WAL
- Going nucular: language, politics, and culture in confrontational times. Geoffrey Nunberg. 420.9 NUN
- The good fight: why liberals–and only liberals–can win the War on Terror and make America great again. Peter Beinart. 320.513 BEI
- Grand Old Party: a history of the Republicans. Lewis L. Gould. 324.273 GOU
- The great derangement: a terrifying true story of war, politics, and religion at the twilight of the American empire. Matt Taibbi. 973.931 TAI
- The great destroyer: Barack Obama’s war on the republic. David Limbaugh. 973.932 LIM
- The great divergence: America’s growing inequality crisis and what we can do about it. Timothy Noah. 339.22 NOA
- Great powers: America and the world after Bush. Thomas P.M. Barnett. 973.93 BAR
- Griftopia: bubble machines, vampire squids, and the long con that is breaking America. Matt Taibbi. 973.932 TAI
- Guilty: liberal “victims” and their assault on America. Ann Coulter. 320.513 COU
- The healing of America: a global quest for better, cheaper, and fairer health care. T.R. Reid. 362.1 REI
- Healing the heart of democracy: the courage to create a politics worthy of the human spirit. Parker J. Palmer. 320.01 PAL
- The heart of power: health and politics in the Oval Office. David Blumenthal, James A. Morone. 362.1 BLU
- The hockey stick and the climate wars: dispatches from the front lines. Michael E. Mann. 363.7387 MAN
- The holy vote: the politics of faith in America. Ray Suarez. 322.1 SUA
- Hope: a collection of Obama posters and prints. Hal Elliott Wert. Y 324.973 WER
- Hot, flat, and crowded: why we need a green revolution–and how it can renew America. Thomas L. Friedman. 333.79 FRI, Large Type 363.7 FRI, CD 363.7 FRI
- How our laws are made. Charles W. Johnson. 328.73 JOH
- How to rig an election: confessions of a Republican operative. Allen Raymond. 364.1324 RAY
- How the left swiftboated America: the liberal media conspiracy to make you think George Bush was the worst president in history. John Gibson. 973.931 GIB
- How we do harm: a doctor breaks ranks about being sick in America. Otis Webb Brawley. 362.109 BRA
- Howard Dean’s prescription for real healthcare reform: how we can achieve affordable medical care for every American and make our jobs safer. Howard Dean. 362.1 DEA
- The idea of America: reflections on the birth of the United States. Gordon S. Wood. 973.3 WOO
- Idiot America: how stupidity became a virtue in the Land of the Free. Charles P. Pierce. 306.09 PIE
- Illegal: life and death in Arizona’s immigration war zone. Terry Greene Sterling. 325.73 STE
- In Justice: inside the scandal that rocked the Bush administration. David Iglesias 973.931 IGL
- Independents day: awakening the American spirit. Lou Dobbs. 973.931 DOB
- Indivisible: restoring faith, family, and freedom before it’s too late. James Robison, Jay W. Richards. 261.7 ROB
- The inheritance: the world Obama confronts and the challenges to American power. David E. Sanger. 327.73 SAN
- Invasion of the party-snatchers: how the holy-rollers and neo-cons destroyed the GOP. Victor Gold. 324.273 GOL
- It’s enough to make you sick: the failure of American health care and a prescription for the cure. Jeffrey M. Lobosky. 362.1 LOB
- It’s the middle class, stupid! James Carville, Stan Greenberg. 320.513 CAR
- The Jesus machine: how James Dobson, Focus on the Family, and evangelical America are winning the culture war. Dan Gilgoff. 261.7 GIL
- Just how stupid are we?: facing the truth about the American voter. Rick Shenkman. 324.973 SHE
- Keeping the republic: saving America by trusting Americans. Mitch Daniels. 973.932 DAN
- Latino Americans and political participation: a reference handbook. 305.868 LAT
- Liberal fascism: the secret history of the American left, from Mussolini to the politics of meaning. Jonah Goldberg. 320.533 GOL
- Liberty and tyranny: a conservative manifesto. Mark R. Levin. 320.52 LEV, CD 320.52 LEV
- Liberty‘s blueprint: how Madison and Hamilton wrote The federalist papers, defined the Constitution, and made democracy safe for the world. Michael I. Meyerson. 342.73 MEY
- Life’s a campaign: what politics has taught me about friendship, rivalry, reputation, and success. Chris Matthews. 324.7 MAT
- The limits of power: the end of American exceptionalism. Andrew J. Bacevich. 973.931 BAC
- Listen up, Mr. President: everything you always wanted your president to know and do. Helen Thomas, Craig Crawford. 973.099 THO
- The longest war: the enduring conflict between America and al-Qaeda. Peter L. Bergen. 973.931 BER
- Making our democracy work: a judge’s view. Stephen Breyer. 347.73 BRE
- Manhunt: the ten-year search for Bin Laden from 9/11 to Abbottabad. Peter L. Bergen. 363.325 BER
- Memo to the President elect: how we can restore America’s reputation and leadership. Madeleine Albright. 327.73 ALB
- Mindful politics: a Buddhist guide to making the world a better place. 294.3372 MIN
- Money well spent?: the truth behind the trillion dollar stimulus, the biggest economic recovery plan in history. Michael Grabell. 330.973 GRA
- A more perfect Constitution: 23 proposals to revitalize our Constitution and make America a fairer country. Larry J. Sabato. 342.73 SAB
- MoveOn’s 50 ways to love your country: how to find your political voice and become a catalyst for change. 323.042 MOV
- Muzzled: the assault on honest debate. Juan Williams. 323.443 WIL
- ThenewAmericanstory. Bill Bradley. 973.931BRA
- The new blue media: how Michael Moore, MoveOn.org, Jon Stewart and company are transforming progressive politics. Theodore Hamm. 302.23 HAM
- The new health care system: everything you need to know. David Nather. 368.382 NAT
- The new New Deal: the hidden story of change in the Obama era. Michael Grunwald. 973.932 GRU
- The new Reagan revolution: how Ronald Reagan’s principles can restore America’s greatness. Michael Reagan. 973.927 REA
- The next 25 years: the new Supreme Court and what it means for Americans. Martin Garbus. 347.7326 GAR
- No apology: the case for American greatness. Mitt Romney. 320.6 ROM
- No citizen left behind. Meira Levinson. 370.115 LEV
- Nonbeliever nation: the rise of secular Americans. David Niose. 211.6 NIO
- The oath: the Obama White House and the Supreme Court. Jeffrey Toobin. 347.7326 TOO
- Obamanomics: how Barack Obama is bankrupting you and enriching his Wall Street friends, corporate lobbyists, and union bosses. Timothy P. Carney. 330.973 CAR
- Obamanomics: how bottom-up economic prosperity will replace trickle-down economics. John R. Talbott. 330.973 TAL
- Obama’s challenge: America’s economic crisis and the power of a transformative presidency. Robert Kuttner. 330.973 KUT
- Obama’s wars. Bob Woodward. 973.932 WOO
- The Obamians: the struggle inside the White House to redefine American power. James Mann. 973.932 MAN
- One nation under contract: the outsourcing of American power and the future of foreign policy. Allison Stanger. 327.73 STA
- Party of the people: a history of the Democrats. Jules Witcover. 324.273 WIT
- Patriotic grace: what it is and why we need it now. Peggy Noonan. 324.973 NOO
- The people’s pension: the struggle to defend Social Security since Reagan. Eric Laursen. 368.43 LAU
- The persistence of the color line: racial politics and the Obama presidency. Randall Kennedy. 973.932 KEN
- Pinheads and patriots: where you stand in the age of Obama. Bill O’Reilly. 973.932 ORE
- Pity the billionaire: the hard-times swindle and the unlikely comeback of the right. Thomas Frank. 973.932 FRA
- Political evil: what it is and how to combat it. Alan Wolfe. 320.1 WOL
- The political teachings of Jesus. Tod Lindberg. 232.954 LIN
- The politics of heaven: America in fearful times. Earl Shorris. 973.93 SHO
- Positively American: winning back the middle-class majority one family at a time. Chuck Schumer. 324.273 SCH
- The post-American world: release 2.0. Fareed Zakaria. 303.49 ZAC
- Power and constraint: the accountable presidency after 9/11. Jack Goldsmith. 352.235 GOL
- The predator state: how conservatives abandoned the free market and why liberals should too. James K. Galbraith. 330.973 GAL
- A presidency in peril: the inside story of Obama’s promise, Wall Street’s power, and the struggle to control our economic future. Robert Kuttner. 973.932 KUT
- The price of civilization: reawakening American virtue and prosperity. Jeffrey D. Sachs. 330.973 SAC
- Project President: bad hair and Botox on the road to the White House. Ben Shapiro. 324.973 SHA
- The promise: President Obama, year one. Jonathan Alter. 973.932 ALT
- Red army: the radical network that must be defeated to save America. Aaron Klein, Brenda J. Elliott. 973.932 KLE
- Red ink: inside the high-stakes politics of the federal budget. David Wessel. 336.73 WES
- Red letter Christians: a citizen’s guide to faith & politics. Tony Campolo. 261.1 CAM
- Red state, blue state, rich state, poor state: why Americans vote the way they do. 324.973 RED
- Remedy and reaction: the peculiar American struggle over health care reform. Paul Starr. 362.1 STA
- Renegade: the making of a president. Richard Wolffe. B Obama
- Republic, lost: how money corrupts Congress–and a plan to stop it. Lawrence Lessig. 328.73 LES
- The Republican war on science. Chris Mooney. 509 MOO
- The revenge of geography: what the map tells us about coming conflicts and the battle against fate. Robert D. Kaplan. 320.12 KAP
- The revolution: a manifesto. Ron Paul. 320.973 PAU
- Right star rising: a new politics, 1974-1980. Laura Kalman. 973.925 KAL
- Righteous indignation: excuse me while I save the world! Andrew Breitbart. 302.23 BRE
- The righteous mind: why good people are divided by politics and religion. Jonathan Haidt. 201.61 HAI
- Running alone: presidential leadership–JFK to Bush II: why it has failed and how we can fix it. James MacGregor Burns. 973.92 BUR
- The scandal of evangelical politics: why are Christians missing the chance to really change the world? Ronald J. Sider. 261.7 SID
- Screwed!: how foreign countries are ripping America off and plundering our economy–and how our leaders help them do it. Dick Morris, Eileen McGann. 337.73 MOR
- The second civil war: how extreme partisanship has paralyzed Washington and polarized America. Ronald Brownstein. 973.931 BRO
- The servant economy: where America’s elite is sending the middle class. Jeff Faux. 330.973 FAU
- Showdown: the inside story of how Obama fought back against Boehner, Cantor, and the Tea Party. David Corn. 973.932 COR
- A simple government: twelve things we really need from Washington (and a trillion that we don’t). Mike Huckabee. 320.52 HUC
- Souled out: reclaiming faith and politics after the religious right. E.J. Dionne, Jr. 261.7 DIO
- Steal this vote: dirty elections and the rotten history of democracy in America. Andrew Gumbel. 324.97 GUM
- Suicide of a superpower: will America survive to 2025? Patrick J. Buchanan. 973.932 BUC
- Takeover: the return of the imperial presidency and the subversion of American democracy. Charlie Savage. 973.931 SAV
- Talking to terrorists: why America must engage with its enemies. Mark Perry. 363.32 PER
- That used to be us: how America fell behind in the world it invented and how we can come back. Thomas L. Friedman, Michael Mandelbaum. 973.932 FRI, Large Type 973.932 FRI
- They knew they were right: the rise of the neocons. Jacob Heilbrunn. 320.52 HEI
- Third World America: how our politicians are abandoning the middle class and betraying the American dream. Arianna Huffington. 330.973 HUF
- The time of our lives. Tom Brokaw. 973.932 BRO, CD 973.932 BRO
- A time to fight: reclaiming a fair and just America. Jim Webb. 320.973 WEB
- True enough: learning to live in a post-fact society. Farhad Manjoo. 177.3 MAN
- Truth and consequences: special comments on the Bush administration’s war on American values. Keith Olbermann. 973.931 OLB
- The tyranny of cliches: how liberals cheat in the war of ideas. Jonah Goldberg. 320.513 GOL
- U.S. election system. 324 UNI
- U.S. national debate topic, 2008-2009: alternative energy. 333.794 USN
- Unfriendly fire: how the gay ban undermines the military and weakens America. Nathaniel Frank. 355.0086 FRA
- Unintended consequences: how war in Iraq strengthened America’s enemies. Peter W. Galbraith. 956.7044 GAL
- Unruly Americans and the origins of the Constitution. Woody Holton. 342.73 HOL
- The uprising: an unauthorized tour of the populist revolt scaring Wall Street and Washington. David Sirota. 973.931 SIR
- Uprising: how Wisconsin renewed the politics of protest, from Madison to Wall Street. John Nichols. 331.89 NIC
- The violence of peace: America’s wars in the age of Obama. Stephen L. Carter. 973.932 CAR
- The voting wars: from Florida 2000 to the next election meltdown. Richard L. Hasen. 324.65 HAS
- Waiting for “Superman”: how we can save America’s failing public schools. 379.158 WAI
- War of necessity, war of choice: a memoir of two Iraq Wars. Richard N. Haass. 956.7044 HAA
- The Waxman report: how Congress really works. Henry Waxman. 328.73 WAX
- The way of the world: a story of truth and hope in an age of extremism. Ron Suskind. 973.931 SUS
- We are Americans: undocumented students pursuing the American dream. William Perez. 371.826 PER
- What a party!: my life among Democrats: presidents, candidates, donors, activists, alligators, and other wild animals. Terry McAuliffe. 324.273 MACA
- What do we do now?: a workbook for the president-elect. Stephen Hess. 352.23 HES
- What’s the matter with white people?: why we long for a golden age that never was. Joan Walsh. 973.91 WAL
- When did Jesus become a Republican?Rescuing our country and our values from the right: strategies for a post-Bush America. Mark Ellingsen. 261.7 ELL
- Where they stand: the American presidents in the eyes of voters and historians. Robert W. Merry. 973.099 MER
- White House burning: the founding fathers, our national debt, and why it matters to you. Simon Johnson, James Kwak. 336.34 JOH
- Whores: why and how I came to fight the establishment. Larry Klayman. 973.929 KLA
- Why America failed: the roots of imperial decline. Morris Berman. 973.9 BER
- Why we hate us: American discontent in the new millennium. Dick Meyer. 973.93 MEY
- Why women should rule the world. Dee Dee Myers. 973.929 MYE
- The wrecking crew: how conservatives rule. Thomas Frank. 320.52 FRA
- Your government failed you: breaking the cycle of national security disasters. Richard A. Clarke. 363.32 CLA
- Against all odds: my life of hardship, fast breaks, and second chances. Scott Brown. B Brown
- An American son: a memoir. Marco Rubio. B Rubio, Spanish Lang. B Rubio
- And his lovely wife: a memoir from the woman beside the man. Connie Schultz. B Schultz
- And I haven’t had a bad day since: from the streets of Harlem to the halls of Congress. Charles B. Rangel. B Rangel
- Barack Obama: the story. David Maraniss. B Obama
- The bridge: the life and rise of Barack Obama. David Remnick. B Obama
- Courage and consequence: my life as a conservative in the fight. Karl Rove. B Rove
- Gabby: a story of courage and hope. Gabrielle Giffords, Mark Kelly. B Giffords, Large Type B Giffords, CD B Giffords
- Going rogue: an American life. Sarah Palin. B Palin, Large Type B Palin
- Going rouge: Sarah Palin — an American nightmare. 324.973 GOI
- The good fight: a life in liberal politics. Walter F. Mondale. B Mondale
- Promises to keep: on life and politics. Joe Biden. B Biden
- The real Romney. Michael Kranish, Scott Helman. B Romney
- Richard G. Lugar, statesman of the Senate: crafting foreign policy from Capitol Hill. John T. Shaw. 328.092 SHA
- Taking the hill: from Philly to Baghdad to the United States Congress. Patrick J. Murphy. B Murphy
- A woman in charge: the life of Hillary Rodham Clinton. Carl Bernstein. B Clinton, Large Type B Clinton
- The almanac of American politics, 2012: the senators, the representatives and the governors: their records and election results, their states and districts. Michael Barone, Chuck McCutcheon. R 328.73 BAR 2012
- The presidency A to Z. R 352.23 PRE
- Act of treason. Vince Flynn. Fic FLY
- Cape Disappointment. Earl Emerson. Mystery EME
- Capitol conspiracy. William Bernhardt. Fic BER
- The confirmation. Ralph Reed. Rel. Fic REE
- Dark horse: a political thriller. Ralph Reed. Fic REE
- Dead heat. Joel C. Rosenberg. Fic ROS, Large Type Fic ROS, CD Fic ROS
- First daughter: extreme American makeover. Mitali Perkins. Y Fic PER
- Mounting fears. Stuart Woods. Fic WOO, Large Type Fic WOO
- The next president. Joseph Flynn. Fic FLY
- O: a presidential novel. Anonymous. Fic OAP
- The Overton window. Glenn Beck. Fic BEC
- The race. Richard North Patterson. Fic PAT
- The rake. William F. Buckley, Jr. Fic BUC
- Sneaky Pie for president. Rita Mae Brown, Sneaky Pie Brown. Mystery BRO, Large Type Fic BRO
- Whynotme?:theinsidestoryofthemakingandun-makingoftheFrankenpresidency. Al Franken. FicFRA
- Wide awake. David Levithan. Y Fic LEV
- The debt bomb: a bold plan to stop Washington from bankrupting America. Tom A. Coburn. CD 336.34 COB
- Energy for future presidents: the science behind the headlines. Richard A. Muller. CD 333.79 MUL
- Homegrown Democrat: a few plain thoughts from the heart of America. Garrison Keillor. CD 320.973 KEI
- Purpose and persuasion: the power of rhetoric in American political history. Ken Masugi. CD 320.014 MAS
- Rules of the game: how government works and why it sometimes doesn’t. Phillip Magness, Paul Weissburg. CD 320.473 MAG
- Schoolhouse rocks the vote. CD ZM SCHO SRV A-11
- America betrayed. DVD 388
- The American ruling class. DVD 305.52
- The billionaires’ tea party. DVD 320.52
- Can Mr. Smith get to Washington anymore? DVD 324.977
- The candidates. DVD 324.973
- Capitalism: a love story. DVD 330.122
- Friends of God: a road trip with Alexandra Pelosi. DVD 261.7
- God in America: how religious liberty shaped America. DVD 200.973
- Hacking democracy. DVD 324.65
- How Democrats & Progressives can win: solutions from George Lakoff. DVD 320.513
- I.O.U.S.A. DVD 330.973
- Journeys with George: a home movie. DVD 973.931
- President Barack Obama: the man and his journey. DVD B Obama
- Recount the story of the 2000 presidential election. DVD 324.9
- Saving marriage. DVD 346.0168
- Sicko. DVD 362.1
- Slacker uprising. DVD 324.7
- So you want to be President? — and more stories to celebrate American history. DVD Children S
- Swing vote. DVD Comedy S
- This land is our land: the fight to reclaim the Commons. DVD 333.2
- The U.S. Congress and you. VIDEO 328.73
- Uncounted: the new math of American elections. DVD 324.66
- Unprecedented: the 2000 presidential election. DVD 324.97
- W. DVD Drama W
- You’re not elected, Charlie Brown. DVD Children Y
- America votes: how our President is elected. Linda Granfield. J 324.6 GRA
- Bad Kitty for president. Nick Bruel. J BRU
- Barack Obama: our forty-fourth President. Catherine Nichols. JB Obama
- Duck for President. Doreen Cronin. Pic CRO, Sp. Lang. J Book and CD CRO, Sp. Lang. Book and Cassette C
- Government at work. Tamra Orr. J 320.4 ORR
- How do we elect our leaders? William David Thomas. J 324.6 THO
- If I ran for president. Catherine Stier. J 324.6 STI
- The importance of being an active citizen. Anne Beier. J 323.65 BEI
- The kid who ran for President. Dan Gutman. J GUT, J AUDIO CD GUT
- Member of Congress. Jacqueline Laks Gorman. J 328.73 GOR
- Mom for mayor. Nancy Edwards. J EDW
- Power to the people: how we elect the president and other officials. Kevin Cunningham. J 324.6 CUN
- The presidency: a true book. Patricia Ryon Quiri. E 352.23 QUI
- President. Jacqueline Laks Gorman. J 352.23 GOR
- The right to vote. Elaine Pascoe. J 324.6 PAS
- Rights and responsibilities: using your freedom. Frances Shuker-Haines. J 320.4 SHU
- Vote! Eileen Christelow. J 324.6 CHR
- The vote: making your voice heard. Linda Scher. J 324 SCH
- What are the parts of government? William David Thomas. J 320.4 THO
- What’s an election? Nancy Kelly Allen. J 324.6 ALL
- El ataque contra la razon. Al Gore. Spanish Lang. 973.931 GOR
- La audacia de la esperanza: reflexiones sobre la reivindicacion del sueño americano. Barack Obama. Spanish Lang. 320.973 OBA, Spanish Lang. CD 320.973 OBA
- El despertar del sueño americano: la tension, el conflicto y la esperanza de los inmigrantes en Estados Unidos. Pilar Marrero. Spanish Lang. 325.73 MAR
- Un dia sin inmigrantes: quince voces, una causa. Gina Montaner. Spanish Lang. 325.73 MON
- Un hijo Americano. Marco Rubio. Spanish Lang. B Rubio
- La ola latina: como los hispanos elegiran al proximo presidente de los Estados Unidos. Jorge Ramos. Spanish Lang. 305.868 RAM
- Tierra de todos: nuestro momento para crear una nacion de iguales. Jorge Ramos. Spanish Lang. 325.73 RAM
- El candidato. Jorge Bucay. Spanish Lang. Fic BUC
- Pato para presidente. Doreen Cronin. Sp. Lang. J Book and CD CRO, Sp. Lang. Book and Cassette C