Parenting & Child Development
- Ask supernanny. Jo Frost. 649.123 FRO
- The attachment connection. Ruth P. Newton. 155.44 NEW
- The baby whisperer solves all your problems. Tracy Hogg. 649.122 HOG
- The Babytalk insider’s guide to your baby’s first year. Stephanie Wood. 649.122 BAB
- Being with babies. Beverly Kovach, Denise Da Ros-Voseles. J 649.122 KOV Parenting
- The big book of parenting solutions. Michele Borba. 649.1 BOR
- Bipolar and pregnant: how to manage and succeed in planning and parenting while living with manic depression. Kristin K. Finn. 616.895 FIN
- A child is born. Lennart Nilsson. 612.63 NIL
- Childhood unbound: saving our kids’ best selves–confident parenting in a world of change. Ron Taffel. 649.1 TEF
- The complete single mother. Andrea Engber, Leah Klungness. 306.856 ENG
- Confident baby care. Jo Frost. 649.122 FRO
- The daddy guide. Kevin Nelson. 649.1 NEL
- The explosive child. Ross Greene. 649.153 GRE
- Free-range kids: giving our children the freedom we had without going nuts with worry. Lenore Skenazy. 649.1 SKE
- Generation text: raising well-adjusted kids in an age of instant everything. Michael Osit. 649.7 OSI
- Grand theft childhood: the surprising truth about violent video games and what parents can do. Lawrence Kutner, Cheryl K. Olson. 794.8 KUT
- Great kids: helping your baby and child develop the ten essential qualities for a happy, healthy life. Stanley I. Greenspan. 155.4 GRE
- The happiest toddler on the block. Harvey Karp. 649.122 KAR, DVD 649.122
- Have a new kid by Friday. Kevin Leman. 649.64 LEM
- Helping baby sleep. Anni Gethin, Beth Macgregor. J 649.122 GET Parenting
- How to raise kids you want to keep. Jerry R. Day. 649.64 DAY
- I want it now: navigating childhood in a materialistic world. Donna Bee-Gates. 649.7 BEE
- It’s a boy!. Michael Thompson. 649.132 THO
- It’s twins! Susan M. Heim. 649.144 HEI
- Just tell me what to say: sensible tips and scripts for perplexed parents. Betsy Brown Braun. 649.1 BRA
- The Kazdin method for parenting the defiant child. Alan E. Kazdin. 649.64 KAZ
- Listening to fear. Steven Marans. 155.41 MAR
- Mastering anger and aggression: the Brazelton Way. T. Berry Brazelton. 649.64 BRA
- Mommy calls: Dr. Tanya answers parents’ top 101 questions about babies and toddlers. Tanya Remer Altmann. J 618.92 REM Parenting
- The mystery of the child. Martin E. Marty. 261.835 MAR
- Nanny 911. Deborah Carroll. 649.1 CAR
- A nation of wimps: the high cost of invasive parenting. Hara Estroff Marano. 306.874 MAR
- Negotiation generation: take back your parental authority, without punishment. Lynne Reeves Griffin. 649.64 GRI
- The new mom’s manual. Mary Jeanne Menna. 649.122 MEN
- The no-cry discipline solution. Elizabeth Pantley. 649.64 PAN
- The no-cry nap solution. Elizabeth Pantley. 649.122 PAN
- No more meltdowns. Jed Baker. 649.64 BAK
- No: why kids–of all ages–need to hear it and ways parents can say it. David Walsh. 649.7 WAL
- Nurture the nature: understanding and supporting your child’s unique core personality. Michael Gurian. 649.1 GUR
- NurtureShock: new thinking about children. Po Bronson, Ashley Merryman. 305.231 BRO
- Oh, baby!: 7 ways a baby will change your life in the first year. Bettie B. Youngs. 649.1024 YOU
- On becoming babywise: giving your infant the gift of nighttime sleep. Gary Ezzo. 649.122 EZZ
- Parenting with love and logic: teaching children responsibility. Foster Cline, Jim Fay. 649.1 CLI
- Parenting with pride, Latino style. Carmen Inoa Vazquez. 649.1 VAZ, Spanish Lang. 649.1 VAZ
- Play & learn. Susan Elisabeth Davis, Nancy Wilson Hall. J 649.5 DAV Parenting
- Practical wisdom for parents: demystifying the preschool years. Nancy Schulman. 649.123 SCH
- The preschooler problem solver. Carol Baicker-McKee. J 649.123 BAI Parenting
- Priority parenting: reclaiming your home for heaven’s sake. Steve Ganger. 248.845 GAN
- Raising respectful children in a disrespectful world. Jill Rigby. 649.7 RIG
- Raising young children well. 649.122 RAI
- Revolutionary parenting: what the research shows really works. George Barna. 248.845 BAR
- The science of parenting. Margot Sunderland. 649.1 SUN
- Screamfree parenting. Hal Edward Runkel. 649.64 RUN
- The self-esteem trap. Polly Young-Eisendrath. 649.7 YOU
- Simplicity parenting. Kim John Payne. J 649.1 PAY Parenting
- Single parenting that works. Kevin Leman. 649.1024 LEM
- Sleeping with your baby: a parent’s guide to cosleeping. James J. McKenna. 649.122 MACK
- Sleepless in America: is your child misbehaving or missing sleep? Mary Sheedy Kurcinka. 618.9284 KUR
- Smart parenting during and after divorce. Peter J. Favaro. 306.89 FAV
- The SMART parenting revolution. Dawna Markova. 649.1 MAR
- So sexy so soon: the new sexualized childhood, and what parents can do to protect their kids. Diane E. Levin, Jean Kilbourne. 649.7 LEV
- Solo dad survival guide. Reginald Davis. 649.1 DAV
- Starting kids off right. Stephen Nowicki. J 649.7 NOW Parenting
- Taming the spirited child. Michael H. Popkin. 649.64 POP
- There when he needs you: how to be an available, involved, and emotionally connected father to your son. Neil I. Bernstein. 649.108 BER
- Too small to ignore. Wess Stafford. 259.22 STA
- Unconditional parenting: moving from rewards and punishments to love and reason. Alfie Kohn. 649.1 KOH, DVD 649.1
- The unhappy child. Kenneth Condrell. 649.1 CON
- Vicki Lansky’s practical parenting tips: over 1,500 helpful hints for the first five years. J 649.1 LAN
- The way of boys. Anthony Rao. 649.132 RAO
- What every 21st-century parent needs to know. Debra W. Haffner. 649.1 HAF
- Woman first, family always: real-life wisdom from a mother of ten. Kathryn Sansone. 306.8743 SAN
- Your baby’s first year: a guide for teenage parents. Jeanne Warren Lindsay. 649.122 LIN, Spanish Lang. 649.122 LIN
- American baby
- The Exceptional parent
- Mothering
- Padres e hijos
- Parenting: early years
- Parenting: school years
- Parents
- The happiest toddler on the block. DVD 649.122
- 1-2-3 magic: managing difficult behavior in children 2-12. DVD 649.64, VIDEO Spanish Lang.
- CAPS: Child and Parent Services, 1000 W. Hively, Elkhart IN 46517, (574) 295-2277
- Como criar a los varones: consejos practicos y aliento para aquellos que estan formando a la proxima generacion de hombres. James Dobson. Spanish Lang. 248.845 DOB
- Criando a su nino, con orgullo latino: como ayudarle a su hijo a valorar su cultura y a triunfar en el mundo de hoy. Carmen Inoa Vazquez. Spanish Lang. 649.1 VAZ
- Donde estan las instrucciones para criar a los hijos? Isabel Gomez-Bassols. Spanish Lang. 649.1 GOM
- Guia para mamas primerizas. Spanish Lang. 649.122 GUI
- Manual para padres. Gail Reichlin. Spanish Lang. 649.1 REI
- Sopa de pollo para el alma de los padres: relatos sobre el amor, el aprendizaje y la paternidad. Spanish Lang. 649.1 SOP
- Un manual para padres cristianos: 50 estrategias para todas las etapas de la vida de tu hijo. Scott Turansky, Joanne Miller. Spanish Lang. 248.845 TUR