Mental Health
- 8 keys to mental health through exercise. Christina G. Hibbert. 616.891 HIB
- 8 keys to practicing mindfulness: practical strategies for emotional health and well-being. Manuela Mischke Reeds. 158.12 MIS
- After the war zone: a practical guide for returning troops and their families. Laurie Slone. 616.8521 SLO
- Against depression. Peter Kramer. 616.8527 KRA
- The age of overwhelm: strategies for the long haul. Laura van Dernoot Lipsky. 155.9042 LIP
- Back from the brink: true stories & practical help for overcoming depression & bipolar disorder. Graeme Cowan. 616.8527 COW
- Back to life: getting past your past with resilience, strength, and optimism. Alicia Salzer. 616.8521 SAL
- Beating the senior blues: how to feel better and enjoy life again. Leslie Eckford. 616.8527 ECK
- Bedlam: an intimate journey into America’s mental health crisis. Kenneth Paul Rosenberg. 362.209 ROS
- The better brain: overcome anxiety, combat depression, and reduce ADHD and stress with nutrition. Bonnie J. Kaplan, Julia J. Rucklidge. 616.8527 KAP
- Better than normal: why what makes you different makes you exceptional. Dale Archer. 155.22 ARC
- Beyond the baby blues: anxiety and depression during and after pregnancy. Rebecca Fox Starr. 618.76 FOX
- Beyond the blues: a guide to understanding and treating prenatal and postpartum depression. Shoshana S. Bennett. 618.76 BEN
- Bipolar and pregnant. Kristin Finn. 616.895 FIN
- The bipolar child. Demitri Papolos. 618.9289 PAP
- Bipolar disorder for dummies. Candida Fink, Joseph Kraynak. 616.895 FIN
- The bipolar handbook: real-life questions with up-to-date answers. Wes Burgess. 616.895 BUR
- The bipolar handbook for children, teens, and families. Wes Burgess. 616.895 BUR
- The book of woe: the DSM and the unmaking of psychiatry. Gary Greenberg. 616.89 GRE
- The boy who was raised as a dog: and other stories from a child psychiatrist’s notebook. Bruce D. Perry, Maia Szalavitz. 618.9289 PER
- Brain food handbook for mental health: what to eat to relieve anxiety, memory loss, and more. Amanda Foote. 616.8 FOO
- College of the overwhelmed: the campus mental health crisis and what to do about it. Richard Kadison. 378.197 KAD
- Comfortably numb: how psychiatry is medicating a nation. Charles Barber. 615.1 BAR
- The complete family guide to schizophrenia. Kim T. Mueser, Susan Gingerich. 616.898 MUE
- The concise guide to bipolar disorder. Francis Mark Mondimore. 616.895 MON
- Coping with schizophrenia: a guide for patients, families and caregivers. Steven Jones. 616.898 JON
- Courage after fire: coping strategies for troops returning from Iraq and Afghanistan and their families. Keith Armstrong. 616.8521 ARM
- Crazy: a father’s search through America’s mental health madness. Pete Earley. 362.209 EAR
- Creatures of a day: and other tales of psychotherapy. Irvin D. Yalom. 616.891 YAL
- Darkness is my only companion: a Christian response to mental illness. Kathryn Greene-McCreight. 259.4 GRE
- A deeper shade of blue: a woman’s guide to recognizing and treating depression in her childbearing years. Ruta Nonacs. 616.8527 NON
- Depression and your child: a guide for parents and caregivers. Deborah Serani. 618.9285 SER
- Depression in later life: an essential guide. Deborah Serani. 616.8527 SER
- Digging out: helping your loved one manage clutter, hoarding & compulsive acquiring. Michael A. Tompkins, Tamara L. Hartl. 616.8522 TOM
- The disappearing girl: learning the language of teenage depression. Lisa Machoian. 616.8527 MACH
- Does everyone have ADHD?: a teen’s guide to diagnosis and treatment. Christine Petersen. Y 616.8589 PET
- The eating disorder sourcebook. Carolyn Costin. 616.8526 COS
- Emotional first aid: practical strategies for treating failure, rejection, guilt, and other everyday psychological injuries. Guy Winch. 158.1 WIN
- Escape anxiety: 8 steps to freedom through meditative therapies. Suzanne Jessee. 152.46 JES
- The essential family guide to borderline personality disorder: new tools and techniques to stop walking on eggshells. Randi Kreger. 616.8585 KRE
- The essential guide to psychiatric drugs. Jack M. Gorman. 615.788 GOR
- The evil hours: a biography of post-traumatic stress disorder. David J. Morris. 616.8521 MOR
- The explosive child: a new approach for understanding and parenting easily frustrated, chronically inflexible children. Ross W. Greene. 649.153 GRE
- Falling into the fire: a psychiatrist’s encounters with the mind in crisis. Christine Montross. 616.89 MON
- The family guide to mental health care. Lloyd I. Sederer. 616.89 SED, Large Type 616.89 SED
- The fear cure: cultivating courage as medicine for the body, mind, and soul. Lissa Rankin. 152.46 RAN
- Feeling good: the new mood therapy. David D. Burns. 158.1 BUR
- Fifty signs of mental illness. James Whitney Hicks. 616.89 HIC
- Flashback: posttraumatic stress disorder, suicide, and the lessons of war. Penny Coleman. 616.8521 COL
- Freeing your child from anxiety: practical strategies to overcome fears, worries, and phobias and be prepared for life–from toddlers to teens. Tamar E. Chansky. 618.9285 CHA
- Get out of your mind & into your life: the new acceptance & commitment therapy. Steven C. Hayes. 616.8914 HAY
- Good anxiety: harnessing the power of the most misunderstood emotion. Wendy Suzuki. 152.46 SUZ
- Healing invisible wounds. Richard F. Mollica. 616.8521 MOL
- Healing: our path from mental illness to mental health. Thomas Insel. 362.2 INS
- Healing the angry brain: how understanding the way your brain works can help you control anger & aggression. Ronald Potter-Efron. 152.47 POT
- Healing your hungry heart: recovering from your eating disorder. Joanna Poppink. Large Type 616.8526 POP
- Helping your anxious child. 649.15 HEL
- Hi, anxiety: life with a bad case of nerves. Kat Kinsman. Large Type 616.8527 KIN
- Home from the war: learning from Vietnam veterans: with a new preface on the War in Iraq. Robert Jay Lifton. 959.704 LIF
- Hope and healing for kids who cut: learning to understand and help those who self-injure. Marv Penner. Y 616.8582 PEN
- How to help someone with depression: a practical toolkit. Emma Cotterill. 616.8527 COT
- How to navigate life: the new science of finding your way in school, career, and beyond. Belle Liang, Timothy Klein. 370.15 LIA
- I don’t want to be crazy. Samantha Schutz. Y 616.8522 SCH
- If your adolescent has an anxiety disorder. Edna B. Foa, Linda Wasmer Andrews. 618.9285 FOA
- If your adolescent has an eating disorder. B. Timothy Walsh, V.L. Cameron. 618.9285 WAL
- If your adolescent has depression or bipolar disorder. Dwight L. Evans. 618.9285 EVA
- If your adolescent has schizophrenia. Raquel E. Gur, Ann Braden Johnson. 618.9289 GUR
- Infectious madness: the surprising science of how we “catch” mental illness. Harriet A. Washington. 616.89 WAS
- The inflamed mind: a radical new approach to depression. Edward Bullmore. 616.8527 BUL
- The insanity offense: how America’s failure to treat the seriously mentally ill endangers its citizens. E. Fuller Torrey. 362.2042 TOR
- The invisible front: love and loss in an era of endless war. Yochi Dreazen. 355.0092 DRE
- Invisible men: men’s inner lives and the consequences of silence. Michael E. Addis. 155.332 ADD
- Is it me or my meds?: living with antidepressants. David A. Karp. 616.8527 KAR
- Jesus wept: when faith and depression meet. Barbara Cawthorne Crafton. 248.862 CRA
- Letters to a young therapist: stories of hope and healing. Mary Pipher. 616.8914 PIP
- Managing your depression: what you can do to feel better. Susan J. Noonan. 616.8527 NOO
- Manufacturing depression: the secret history of a modern disease. Gary Greenberg. 362.25 GRE
- Mental illness. 616.89 MEN
- The mindful way through depression: freeing yourself from chronic unhappiness. 616.8527 MIN
- Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for dummies. Patrizia Collard. 616.8914 COL
- Momma and the meaning of life: tales of psychotherapy. Irvin D. Yalom. 616.891 YAL
- Move the body, heal the mind: overcome anxiety, depression, and dementia and improve focus, creativity, and sleep. Jennifer J. Heisz, 612.044 HEI
- My age of anxiety: fear, hope, dread, and the search for peace of mind. Scott Stossel. 616.8522 STO, CD 616.8522 STO
- Nerve: adventures in the science of fear. Eva Holland. 152.46 HOL
- Neurotribes: the legacy of autism and the future of neurodiversity. Steve Silberman. 616.8588 SIL, CD 616.8588 SIL
- Out of the cave: stepping into the light when depression darkens what you see. Chris Hodges. 248.8619 HOD
- The parents’ guide to psychological first aid: helping children and adolescents cope with predictable life crises. 649.1 PARMy kind of sad: what it’s like to be young and depressed. Kate Scowen. Y 616.8527 SCO
- Perfect girls, starving daughters: the frightening new normalcy of hating your body. Courtney E. Martin. 616.8526 MAR
- The post-traumatic stress disorder sourcebook: a guide to healing, recovery, and growth. Glenn R. Schiraldi. 616.8521 SCH
- Pregnancy blues. Shaila Kulkarni Misri. 618.76 MIS
- The price of silence: a mom’s perspective on mental illness. Liza Long. 362.2083 LON
- Psychiatric tales: eleven graphic stories about mental illness. Darryl Cunningham. Graphic 616.89 CUN
- The red tree. Shaun Tan. Y 152.4 TAN
- Saving normal: an insider’s revolts against out-of-control psychiatric diagnosis, DSM-5, big pharma, and the medicalization of ordinary life. Allen Frances. 616.89 FRA
- Seeking serenity: the 10 new rules for health and happiness in the age of anxiety. Amanda Enayati. 155.9042 ENA, Large Type 155.9042 ENA
- The seven beliefs: a step-by-step guide to help Latinas recognize and overcome depression. Belisa Lozano-Vranich. 616.8527 LOZ, Spanish Lang. 616.8527 LOZ
- Sex, drugs and Asperger’s syndrome (ASD): a user guide to adulthood. Luke Jackson. 616.8588 JAC
- Should you medicate your child’s mind?: a child psychiatrist makes sense of whether to give kids psychiatric medication. Elizabeth J. Roberts. 618.9289 ROB
- Shrinks: the untold story of psychiatry. Jeffrey A. Lieberman. 616.891 LIE
- Snakes in suits: when psychopaths go to work. Paul Babiak, Robert D. Hare. 658.314 BAB
- So sad today: personal essays. Melissa Broder. 814.6 BRO
- The sociopath next door: the ruthless versus the rest of us. Martha Stout. 616.8582 STO
- Spontaneous happiness. Andrew Weil. 613 WEI
- Start here: master the lifelong habit of wellbeing. Eric Langshur, Nate Klemp. 158 LAN
- Surviving schizophrenia: a manual for families, patients, and providers. E. Fuller Torrey. 616.898 TOR
- Talk is not enough : how psychotherapy really works. Willard Gaylin. 616.8914 GAY
- The 10 best-ever depression management techniques: understanding how your brain makes you depressed & what you can do to change it. Margaret Wehrenberg. 616.8527 WEH
- Thin. Lauren Greenfield. Y 616.8526 GRE
- This beautiful truth: how God’s goodness breaks into our darkness. Sarah Clarkson. 248.86 CLA
- Together: the healing power of human connection in a sometimes lonely world. Vivek H. Murthy. 158.2 MUR
- The trauma zone: trusting God for emotional healing. R. Dandridge Collins. 248.86 COL
- Treating and preventing adolescent mental health disorders. 616.89 TRE
- The unspeakable mind: stories of trauma and healing from the frontlines of PTSD science. Shaili Jain. 616.8521 JAI
- The untold war: inside the hearts, minds, and souls of our soldiers. Nancy Sherman. 355 SHE
- Upside: the new science of post-traumatic growth. Jim Rendon. 155.9042 REN
- The veteran’s PTSD handbook: how to file and collect on claims for post-traumatic stress disorder. John D. Roche. 616.8521 ROC
- Voices of bipolar disorder: the healing companion: stories for courage, comfort and strength. 616.895 VOI
- Wait: a love letter to those in despair. Cuong Lu. 155.93 LU
- Walking wounded: uncut stories from Iraq. Olivier Morel. Graphic 616.8521 MOR
- We’ve got issues: children and parents in the age of medication. Judith Warner. 618.9289 WAR
- When dad hurts mom: helping your children heal the wounds of witnessing abuse. Lundy Bancroft. 362.8292 BAN
- When life goes dark: finding hope in the midst of depression. Richard Winter. 248.862 WIN
- When nothing matters anymore: a survival guide for depressed teens. Bev Cobain. Y 616.8527 COB
- When the labels don’t fit: a new approach to raising a challenging child. Barbara Probst. 649.153 PRO
- When your loved one has dementia: a simple guide for caregivers. 616.83 WHE
- While the city slept: a love lost to violence and a young man’s descent into madness. Eli Sanders. 364.1523 SAN
- Winter blues: seasonal affective disorder: what it is and how to overcome it. Norman E. Rosenthal. 616.8527 ROS
- The wisdom of psychopaths: what saints, spies, and serial killers can teach us about success. Kevin Dutton. 155.232 DUT
- You will get through this night. Daniel Howell. 158 HOW
- The Zen of therapy: uncovering a hidden kindness in life. Mark Epstein. 294.336 EPS
- Against medical advice: a true story. James Patterson, Hal Friedman. 616.83 PAT
- All of me: how I learned to live with the many personalities sharing my body. Kim Noble. 616.8523 NOB
- Being me with OCD: how I learned to obsess less and live my life. Alison Dotson. 616.8522 DOT
- Between heaven and Ground Zero. Leslie D. Haskin. B Haskins
- Beyond blue: surviving depression & anxiety and making the most of bad genes. Therese J. Borchard. 616.8527 BOR, Large Type 616.8527 BOR
- Brain on fire: my month of madness. Susannah Cahalan. 616.832 CAH
- Brave girl eating: a family’s struggle with anorexia. Harriet Brown. 616.8526 BRO
- Broken (in the best possible way). Jenny Lawson. B Lawson, CD B Lawson, Ebook, EAudiobook
- The burn journals. Brent Runyon. Y 362.28 RUN, Y AUDIO CD 362.28 RUN
- Buzz: a year of paying attention. Katherine Ellison. 616.8589 ELL
- Crazy enough: a memoir. Storm Large. B Large
- Denial: a memoir of terror. Jessica Stern. 364.1532 STE
- Devil in the details: scenes from an obsessive girlhood. Jennifer Traig. 616.8522 TRA
- Divided minds: twin sisters and their journey through schizophrenia. Pamela Spiro Wagner, Carolyn Spiro. 616.898 WAG
- Down came the rain. Brooke Shields. 618.76 SHI, CD 618.76 SHI
- Eight stories up: an adolescent chooses hope over suicide. DeQuincy Lezine. 362.28 LEZ
- Elena vanishing: a memoir. Elena & Clare B. Dunkle. Y 616.8526 DUN
- Every love story is a ghost story: a life of David Foster Wallace. D.T. Max. B Wallace
- Fall to pieces: a memoir of drugs, rock ‘n’ roll, and mental illness. Mary Forsberg Weiland. 362.29 WEI
- Furiously happy: {a funny book about horrible things}. Jenny Lawson. B Lawson
- Gaining: the truth about life after eating disorders. Aimee Liu. 616.8526 LIU
- Haldol and hyacinths: a bipolar life. Melody Moezzi. 616.895 MOE
- Handbook for an unpredictable life: how I survived Sister Renata and my crazy mother, and still came out smiling (with great hair). Rosie Perez. B Perez
- Here’s the deal: don’t touch me. Howie Mandel. B Mandel
- Here’s the story: surviving Marcia Brady and finding my true voice. Maureen McCormick. B McCormick
- Hide & seek: how I laughed at depression, conquered my fears and found happiness: a neurotic’s hilarious journey. Wendy Aron. 616.8527 ARO
- The hospital suite. John Porcellino. Graphic B Porcellino
- House of happy endings. Leslie Garis. B Garis
- How I made it to eighteen: a mostly true story. Tracy White. Y 741.5 WHI
- Hurry down sunshine. Michael Greenberg. 616.895 GRE
- Hyper: a personal history of ADHD. Timothy Denevi. 616.8589 DEN
- I forgot to remember: a memoir of amnesia. Su Meck. 616.8523 MEC
- In the water they can’t see you cry: a memoir. Amanda Beard. B Beard
- Invisible storm: a soldier’s memoir of politics and PTSD. Jason Kander. B Kander
- Just like someone without mental illness only more so: a memoir. Mark Vonnegut. 616.898 VON
- A legacy of madness: recovering my family from generations of mental illness. Tom Davis. B Davis
- The long journey home: a memoir. Margaret Robison. B Robison
- Losing Tim: how our health and education systems failed my son with schizophrenia. Paul Gionfriddo. 362.26 GIO
- Loud in the house of myself: memoir of a strange girl. Stacy Pershall. 362.1968 PER
- The Mad Bomber of New York: the extraordinary true story of the manhunt that paralyzed a city. Michael M. Greenburg. 363.325 GRE
- Madness: a bipolar life. Marya Hornbacher. 616.895 HOR
- Manic: a memoir. Terri Cheney. 616.895 CHE
- Marbles: mania, depression, Michelangelo, & me: a graphic memoir. Ellen Forney. Graphic B Forney
- Me, myself, and them: a firsthand account of one young person’s experience with schizophrenia. Kurt Snyder. 616.898 SNY, Y 616.898 SNY
- The memory palace. Mira Bartók. 362.2085 BAR
- Mind race: a firsthand account of one teenager’s experience with bipolar disorder. Patrick E. Jamieson. 616.895 JAM
- Monkey mind: a memoir of anxiety. Daniel Smith. 616.8522 SMI
- Monochrome days: a firsthand account of one teenager’s experience with depression. Cait Irwin. 616.8527 IRW
- Mot: a memoir. Sarah Einstein. B Einstein
- The mother knot: a memoir. Kathryn Harrison. 306.8743 HAR
- Never have your dog stuffed: and other things I’ve learned. Alan Alda. B Alda, Large Type, CD
- Newtown: an American tragedy. Matthew Lysiak. 371.782 LYS
- Next to nothing: a firsthand account of one teenager’s experience with an eating disorder. Carrie Arnold. 616.8526 ARN, Y 616.8526 ARN
- One Friday in April: a story of suicide and survival. Donald Antrim. 362.28 ANT
- Out came the sun: overcoming the legacy of mental illness, addiction, and suicide in my family. Mariel Hemingway. B Hemingway
- Patient H.M.: a story of memory, madness, and family secrets. Luke Dittrich. 616.8523 DIT
- Playing house: notes of a reluctant mother. Lauren Slater. B Slater
- Rae. Chelsea Rae Swiggett. Y 616.8522 SWI
- River of time: my descent into depression and how I emerged with hope. Naomi Judd. B Judd
- Skinny boy: a young man’s battle and triumph over anorexia. Gary A. Grahl. Y 616.8526 GRA
- The soloist: a lost dream, an unlikely friendship, and the redemptive power of music. Steve Lopez. B Ayers, CD B Ayers, DVD Drama S
- Swing low: a life. Miriam Toews. B Toews
- Sybil exposed: the extraordinary story behind the famous multiple personality case. Debbie Nathan. 616.8582 NAT
- The thought that counts: a firsthand account of one teenager’s experience with obsessive-compulsive disorder. Jared Douglas Kant. 616.8522 KAN, Y 616.8522 KAN
- Unbearable lightness: a story of loss and gain. Portia De Rossi. B De Rossi
- Well enough alone: a cultural history of my hypochondria. Jennifer Traig. 616.8525 TRA
- What you must think of me: a firsthand account of one teenager’s experience with social anxiety disorder. Emily Ford. 616.8522 FOR
- Why I jumped: my true story of postpartum depression, dramatic rescue & return to hope. Tina Zahn. 248.862 ZAH
- Will’s choice: a suicidal teen, a desperate mother, and a chronicle of recovery. Gail Griffith. 362.28 GRI
- Wish I could be there: notes from a phobic life. Allen Shawn. 616.8522 SHA
- Addition. Toni Jordan. Fic JOR
- All that fills us. Autumn Lytle. Rel. Fic LYT
- Be safe I love you. Cara Hoffman. Fic HOF
- Beware that girl. Teresa Toten. Fic TOT
- The cloud of unknowing. Thomas H. Cook. Large Type Fic COO
- Compuls1on. Heidi Ayarbe. Y Fic AYA
- Crazy. Han Nolan. Y Fic NOL
- Cryer’s Cross. Lisa McMann. Y Fic MACM
- Dr. Bird’s advice for sad poets. Evan Roskos. Y Fic ROS
- The drowning girl: a memoir. Caitlin R. Kiernan. Sci. Fic KIE
- Feeling for bones. Bethany Pierce. Rel. Fic PIE
- Fell of dark. Patrick Downes. Y Fic DOW
- Finding Audrey. Sophie Kinsella. Y Fic KIN
- First year healthy. Michael DeForge. Graphic Fic DEF
- The good patient. Kristin Waterfield Duisberg. Fic DUI
- Goth Girl rising. Barry Lyga. Y Fic LYG
- Great falls. Steve Watkins. Y Fic WAT
- The harder they come. T. Coraghessan Boyle. Fic BOY
- Highly illogical behavior. John Corey Whaley. Y Fic WHA
- I will save you. Matt de la Peña. Y Fic PEN
- If I fall, if I die. Michael Christie. Fic CHR
- The impossible knife of memory. Laurie Halse Anderson. Y Fic AND, Y AUDIO CD AND, Ebook
- In the midst of it all. Tiffany L. Warren. Rel. Fic WAR
- It’s kind of a funny story. Ned Vizzini. Y Fic VIZ, DVD Drama I
- Kiss of broken glass. Madeleine Kuderick. Y Fic KUD
- Life in miniature. Linda Schlossberg. Fic SCH
- The lost & found. Katrina Leno. Y Fic LEN
- The map of true places. Brunonia Barry. Fic BAR
- The memory of light. Francisco X. Stork. Y Fic STO
- My demon’s name is Ed. Danah Khalil. Y Fic KHA
- Not otherwise specified. Hannah Moskowitz. Y Fic MOS
- One glorious ambition: the compassionate crusade of Dorothea Dix. Jane Kirkpatrick. Rel. Fic KIR
- Pointe. Brandy Colbert. Y Fic COL
- Pretty Girl-13. Liz Coley. Y Fic COL
- Riding out the storm. Sis Deans. Y Fic DEA
- Saving Francesca. Melina Marchetta. Large Type Fic MAR
- The shock of the fall. Nathan Filer. Fic FIL
- The silver linings playbook. Matthew Quick. Fic QUI, DVD Drama S
- Sound of mind. Jim Waltzer. Mystery WAL
- Still a work in progress. Jo Knowles. Y Fic KNO
- Suicide notes. Michael Thomas Ford. Y Fic FOR
- Too bright to hear too loud to see. Juliann Garey. Fic GAR
- Total constant order. Crissa-Jean Chappell. Y Fic CHA
- A trick of the light. Lois Metzger. Y Fic MET
- Umbrella. Will Self. Fic SEL
- Wild awake. Hilary T. Smith. Y Fic SMI
- Wintergirls. Laurie Halse Anderson. Y Fic AND, Spanish Lang. Fic AND, Y AUDIO CD AND, Y AUDIO Playaway AND
- Words on bathroom walls. Julia Walton. Y Fic WAL
- The world without us. Robin Stevenson. Y Fic STE
- The complete mental health directory. R 362.2097
- Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders: DSM-5. R 616.89 DIA
- The Gale encyclopedia of mental health. R 616.89
- Mental health: how do Americans cope? R 300.7
- Psychology and mental health. R 150 PSY
- A brief lunacy. Cynthia Thayer. CD Fic THA
- A brilliant madness. DVD B Nash
- Canvas. DVD Drama C
- The depression cure: the 6-step program to beat depression without drugs. Stephen S. Ilardi. CD 616.8527 ILA
- The devil and Daniel Johnston. DVD B Johnston
- Fierce goodbye: living in the shadow of suicide. DVD 248.866
- Helen. DVD Drama H
- In treatment. DVD Drama I
- Lincoln‘s melancholy: how depression challenged a president and fueled his greatness. Joshua Wolf Shenk. CD B Lincoln
- My sister’s keeper. DVD Drama M
- Shadow voices: finding hope in mental illness. DVD 616.89
- Sybil. DVD Drama S
- Depression. Jennifer Rozines Roy. J 616.85 ROY
- Mr. Worry: a story about OCD. Holly L. Niner. Pic NIN
- Sometimes my mommy gets angry. Bebe Moore Campbell. Pic CAM
- The whole story of half a girl. Veera Hiranandani. J HIR
- Delirio. Laura Restrepo. Spanish Lang. Fic RES
- Los fantasmas del espejo: anorexia y bulimia: la moda mortal que puede evitarse. Carlos Cuauhtemoc Sanchez. Spanish Lang. Fic SAN
- Rosas blancas para Claudia. Carlos Puerto / Anorexia y bulimia. Elena Gismero. Spanish Lang. Fic PUE
- Abzurdah. Cielo Latini. Spanish Lang. 616.8526 LAT
- Anorexia. José Francisco González Ramírez. Spanish Lang. 616.8526 GON
- Ayudenme, siento depresion! Joyce Meyer. Spanish Lang. Fic 248.4 MEY
- La demencia. Andrés Pérez Melero. Spanish Lang. 616.83 PER
- Despertando tu amor para recibir a tu bebe: como prevenir la tristeza y la depresion en el embarazo y despues del parto. Maria Asuncion Lara, Teresa Garcia Hubard. Spanish Lang. 618.76 LAR
- Las esquizofrenias: una guía para familiares y pacientes. Catherine Tobin. Spanish Lang. 616.898 TOB
- La guia de buena salud para superar la depresion y disfrutar la vida. Jane L. Delgado. Spanish Lang. 616.8527 DEL
- Hiperactivo, impulsivo, distraído: ¿me conoces?: guía acerca del déficit atencional para padres, maestros y profesionales. José J. Bauermeister. Spanish Lang. 618.9285 BAU
- Las siete creencias. Belisa Lozano-Vranich, Jorge Petit. Spanish Lang. 616.8527 LOZ
- Su luz interior: historia de su hijo. Danielle Steel. Spanish Lang. B Traina