Jewish Book Month
Jewish Book Month
- 1,000 mitzvahs: how small acts of kindness can heal, inspire, and change your life. Linda Cohen. 296.3677 COH
- Abraham: a journey to the heart of three faiths. Bruce Feiler. 222.11 FEI, CD 222.11 FEI
- After one-hundred-and-twenty: reflecting on death, mourning, and the afterlife in the Jewish tradition. Hillel Halkin. 296.33 HAL
- The Aleppo Codex: a true story of obsession, faith, and the pursuit of an ancient Bible. Matti Friedman. 221.44 FRI
- Anatomy of a genocide: the life and death of a town called Buczacz. Omer Bartov. 947.7 BAR
- Ancient Canaan and Israel: new perspectives. Jonathan M. Golden. 933 GOL
- Auschwitz: a history. Sybille Steinbacher. 940.5318 STE
- The bar and bat mitzvah book: joyful ceremonies and celebrations for today’s families. Linda Burghardt. 296.44 BUR
- Being Jewish: the spiritual and cultural practice of Judaism today. Ari L. Goldman. 296.4 GOL
- Belonging and betrayal: how Jews made the art world modern. Charles Dellheim. 709.4 DEL
- The Berlin mission: the American who resisted Nazi Germany from within. Richard Breitman. 943.004 BRE
- Beyond courage: the untold story of Jewish resistance during the Holocaust. Doreen Rappaport. Y 940.5318 RAP
- The blessing and the curse: the Jewish people and their books in the twentieth century. Adam Kirsch. 809.8892 KIR
- The book of Job: when bad things happened to a good person. Harold S. Kushner. 223.1 KUS
- The book of klezmer: the history, the music, the folklore. Yale Strom. 781.62 STR
- Born to kvetch: Yiddish language and culture in all its moods. Michael Wex. 439.109 WEX
- The broken and the whole: discovering joy after heartbreak: lessons from a life of faith. Charles S. Sherman. 296.76 SHE
- Cain’s field: faith, fratricide, and fear in the Middle East. Matt Rees. 956.94 REE
- The chosen wars: how Judaism became an American religion. Steven R. Weisman. 296.097 WEI
- The city game: triumph, scandal, and a legendary basketball team. Matthew Goodman. 796.323 GOO
- Conscience: the duty to obey and the duty to disobey. Harold M. Schulweis. 296.36 SCH
- The creative Jewish wedding book: a hands-on guide to new & old traditions, ceremonies & celebrations. Gabrielle Kaplan-Mayer. 296.444 KAP
- The crime and the silence: confronting the massacre of Jews in wartime Jedwabne. Anna Bikont. 940.5318 BIK
- Crossing the borders of time: a true story of war, exile, and love reclaimed. Leslie Maitland. 940.5314 MAI, CD 940.5314 MAI
- Deaf republic: poems. Ilya Kaminsky. 811.6 KAM
- Dear zealots: letters from a divided land. Amos Oz. 892.4 OZ
- East west street: on the origins of “genocide” and “crimes against humanity”. Philippe Sands. 341.69 SAN
- Einstein and the rabbi: searching for the soul. Naomi Levy. 296.32 LEV
- The faith club: a Muslim, a Christian, a Jew– three women search for understanding. Ranya Idliby, Suzanne Oliver, Priscilla Warner. 201.5 IDL, Large Type 201.5 IDL
- The family: three journeys into the heart of the twentieth century. David Laskin. 929.2 LAS
- Filled with fire and light: portraits and legends from the Bible, Talmud, and Hasidic world. Elie Wiesel. 296.12 WIE
- For this we left Egypt?: a Passover Haggadah for Jews and those who love them. Dave Barry, Alan Zweibel, Adam Mansbach. 296.4357 BAR
- The gift of rest: rediscovering the beauty of the Sabbath. Joe Lieberman. 296.41 LIE
- The gifts of the Jews: how a tribe of desert nomads changed the way everyone thinks and feels. Thomas Cahill. 909.0492 CAH
- The God upgrade: finding your 21st-century spirituality in Judaism’s 5,000-year-old tradition. Jamie S. Korngold. 296.311 KOR
- God’s gold: the quest for the lost temple treasures of Jerusalem. Sean Kingsley. 933 KIN
- The grammar of God: a journey into the words and worlds of the Bible. Aviya Kushner. 220.4 KUS, EAudiobook
- The great escape: nine Jews who fled Hitler and changed the world. Kati Marton. 940.5318 MAR, CD 940.5318 MAR
- The guarded gate: bigotry, eugenics, and the law that kept two generations of Jews, Italians, and other European immigrants out of America. Daniel Okrent. 342.082 OKR
- Hanukkah in America: a history. Dianne Ashton. 296.435 ASH
- Have a little faith: a true story. Mitch Albom. 296.7 ALB, Large Type 296.7 ALB, CD 296.7 ALB
- Here I am: using Jewish spiritual wisdom to become more present, centered, and available for life. Leonard Felder. 296.7 FEL
- Here all along: finding meaning, spirituality, and a deeper connection to life–in Judaism (after finally choosing to look there). Sarah Hurwitz. 296 HUR
- Hillel: if not now, when? Joseph Telushkin. 296.12 TEL
- A history of Judaism. Martin Goodman. 296.09 GOO
- The Holocaust by bullets: a priest’s journey to uncover the truth behind the murder of 1.5 million Jews. Patrick Desbois. 940.5318 DES
- Holy moly carry me: poems. Erika Meitne. 811.6 MEI
- IBM and the Holocaust: the strategic alliance between Nazi Germany and America’s most powerful corporation. Edwin Black. 940.531 BLA
- The illuminated Kaddish: interpretations of the Mourner’s Prayer. Hyla Shifra Bolsta. 296.454 BOL
- I’m God, you’re not: observations on organized religion & other disguises of the ego. Lawrence Kushner. 296.7 KUS
- Israel is real. Rich Cohen. 956.94 COH
- The Israelis: ordinary people in an extraordinary land. Donna Rosenthal. 956.94 ROS
- Jew-ish: reinvented recipes from a modern mensch. Jake Cohen. 641.5676 COH
- The Jewish annotated New Testament. 225.52 JEW
- The Jewish approach to God: a brief introduction for Christians. Neil Gillman. 296.311 GIL
- Jewish comedy: a serious history. Jeremy Dauber. 809.7 DAU
- The Jewish Gospels: the story of the Jewish Christ. Daniel Boyarin. 296.396 BOY
- Jewish megatrends: charting the course of the American Jewish future. 296.097 JEW
- The Jewish wedding now. Anita Diamant. 296.444 DIA
- Judaism for dummies. Ted Falcon, David Blatner. 296 FAL
- Judaism’s ten best ideas. Arthur Green. 296.3 GRE
- Just say nu: Yiddish for every occasion (when English just won’t do). Michael Wex. 439.181 WEX
- King Solomon’s table: a culinary exploration of Jewish cooking from around the world. Joan Nathan. 641.5676 NAT
- Kosher style: more than 100 Jewish recipes for the modern cook. Amy Rosen. 641.5676 ROS
- Last days in Babylon: the history of a family, the story of a nation. Marina Benjamin. 956.747 BEN
- Lee Evans arranges a treasury of Jewish songs for solo piano. 786.21 LEE
- The light of days: the untold story of women resistance fighters in Hitler’s ghettos. Judy Batalion. 940.5318 BAT
- The lost: a search for six of six million. Daniel Mendelsohn. 940.5318 MEN
- The misunderstood Jew: the Church and the scandal of the Jewish Jesus. Amy-Jill Levine. 261.26 LEV
- Morality: restoring the common good in divided times. Jonathan Sacks. 170.44 SAC
- My grandfather’s blessings: stories of strength, refuge, and belonging. Rachel Naomi Remen. 291.442 REM
- My Jewish year: 18 holidays, one wondering Jew. Abigail Pogrebin. 296.43 POG
- The new American Judaism: how Jews practice their religion today. Jack Wertheimer. 296.097 WER
- The new joys of Yiddish. Leo Rosten. 492.49 ROS
- Nine essential things I’ve learned about life. Harold S. Kushner. 296.7 KUS
- Not in God’s name: confronting religious violence. Jonathan Sacks. 201.76 SAC
- On the way out, turn off the light: poems. Marge Piercy. 811.54 PIE
- Our Haggadah: uniting traditions for interfaith families. Cokie & Steve Roberts. 296.4537 ROB
- Overcoming life’s disappointments. Harold S. Kushner. 296.3118 KUS
- The people and the books: 18 classics of Jewish literature. Adam Kirsch. 809.8 KIR
- Pesach for the rest of us: making the Passover seder your own. Marge Piercy. 296.4537 PIE
- Pitching my tent: on marriage, motherhood, friendship, and other leaps of faith. Anita Diamant. 296.7 DIA
- The Pope’s Jews: the Vatican’s secret plan to save Jews from the Nazis. Gordon Thomas. 940.5318 THO
- The prophets: who they were, what they are. Norman Podhoretz. 224 POD
- Putting God on the guest list: how to reclaim the spiritual meaning of your child’s bar or bat mitzvah. Jeffrey K. Salkin. 296.4 SAL
- Quiches, kugels, and couscous: my search for Jewish cooking in France. Joan Nathan. 641.567 NAT
- Raising interfaith children: spiritual orphans or spiritual heirs? Donna E. Schaper. 291.441 SCH
- The ravine: a family, a photograph, a Holocaust massacre revealed. Wendy Lower. 940.5318 LOW
- Rescue Board: the untold story of America’s efforts to save the Jews of Europe. Rebecca Erbelding. 940.5318 ERB
- Rutka’s notebook: a voice from the Holocaust. Rutka Laskier. 940.5318 LAS
- The Sabbath world: glimpses of a different order of time. Judith Shulevitz. 296.41 SHU
- Sacred seasons: a sourcebook for the Jewish holidays. Ronald H. Isaacs. 296.43 ISA
- Schlepping through the Alps: my search for Austria’s Jewish past with its last wandering shepherd. Sam Apple. 914.36 APP
- Secrets of a Jewish mother: real advice, real stories, real love. Jill Zarin, Lisa Wexler, Gloria Kamen. 306.8743 ZAR
- Sons and soldiers: the untold story of the Jews who escaped the Nazis and returned with the U.S. Army to fight Hitler. Bruce Henderson. 940.5308 HEN
- Squirrel Hill: the Tree of Life Synagogue shooting and the soul of a neighborhood. Mark Oppenheimer. 364.1523 OPP
- Stars of David: prominent Jews talk about being Jewish. Abigail Pogrebin. 296.092 POG
- Stone and dung, oil and spit: Jewish daily life in the time of Jesus. Jodi Magness. 933.05 MAG
- The story of Hebrew. Lewis Glinert. 492.409 GLI
- The story of the Jews: finding the words: 1000 BC-1492 AD. Simon Schama. 909.0492 SCH
- Suzanne’s children: a daring rescue in Nazi Paris. Anne Nelson. 940.5318 NEL
- The Talmud: a biography: banned, censored and burned, the book they couldn’t suppress. Harry Freedman. 296.12 FRE
- Telling and remembering: a century of American Jewish poetry. 811.008 TEL
- Thunder in the soul: to be known by God. Abraham Joshua Heschel. 296.7 HES
- Torah and commentary: the five books of Moses: translation, rabbinic and contemporary commentary. Sol Scharfstein. 222.107 SCH
- The unmaking of Israel. Gershom Gorenberg. 956.9405 GER
- Village of secrets: defying the Nazis in Vichy France. Caroline Moorehead. 944.595 MOO
- The voice, the Word, the books: the sacred scripture of the Jews, Christians, and Muslims. F.E. Peters. 208.2 PET
- What we knew: terror, mass murder and everyday life in Nazi Germany: an oral history. Eric A. Johnson, Karl-Heinz Reuband. 943.086 JOH
- When General Grant expelled the Jews. Jonathan D. Sarna. 973.708 SAR
- Why be Jewish?: a testament. Edgar M. Bronfman. 296 BRO
- Why the Jews rejected Jesus: the turning point in Western history. David Klinghoffer. 296.396 KLI
- Why we watched: Europe, America, and the Holocaust. Theodore S. Hamerow. 940.5318 HAM
- Witness: lessons from Elie Wiesel’s classroom. Ariel Burger. 170 BUR
- X troop: the secret Jewish commandos of World War Two. Leah Garrett. 940.5486 GAR
- Your guide to the Jewish holidays: from shofar to seder. Matt Axelrod. 296.43 AXE
- 15 journeys: Warsaw to London. Jasia Reichardt. B Reichardt
- Ace of spades: a memoir. David Matthews. B Matthews
- All who go do not return: a memoir. Shulem Deen. 296.833 DEE
- Anne Frank: the biography. Melissa Muller. B Frank
- The arrogant years: one girl’s search for her lost youth, from Cairo to Brooklyn. Lucette Lagnado. B Lagnado
- A bag of marbles. Kris. Y 741.5 KRI
- The boy: a Holocaust story. Dan Porat. 940.5318 POR
- A century of wisdom: lessons from the life of Alice Herz-Sommer, the world’s oldest living Holocaust survivor. Caroline Stoessinger. B Herz-Sommer
- Chasing portraits: a great-granddaughter’s quest for her lost art legacy. Elizabeth Rynecki. 700.92 RYN
- Childhood. Jona Oberski. 839.31 OBE
- Cut me loose: sin and salvation after my ultra-Orthodox girlhood. Leah Vincent. B Vincent
- Devil in the details: scenes from an obsessive girlhood. Jennifer Traig. 616.8522 TRA
- The dream: a memoir. Harry Bernstein. B Bernstein
- Dream homes: from Cairo to Katrina, an exile’s journey. Joyce Zonana. B Zonana
- Eva’s story: a survivor’s tale by the stepsister of Anne Frank. Eva Schloss. 940.5318 SCH
- An exclusive love. Johanna Adorján. B Adorjan
- The girls of Room 28: friendship, hope, and survival in Theresienstadt. Hannelore Brenner. 940.5318 BRE
- Golda. Elinor Burkett. B Meir
- The golden willow: the story of a lifetime of love. Harry Bernstein. B Bernstein
- Good living street: portrait of a patron family, Vienna 1900. Tim Bonyhady. B Gallia
- The hare with amber eyes: a family’s century of art and loss. Edmund de Waal. 909.0492 DEW
- The hidden life of Otto Frank. Carol Ann Lee. B Frank
- Hunting the truth: memoirs of Beate and Serge Klarsfeld. Beate & Serge Klarsfeld. 940.5318 KLA
- Hustling Hitler: the Jewish vaudevillian who fooled the Führer. Walter Shapiro. 940.548 SHA
- I love Gootie: my grandmother’s story. Max Apple. B Apple
- I will bear witness: a diary of the Nazi years. Victor Klemperer. B Klemperer
- I will plant you a lilac tree: a memoir of a Schindler’s list survivor. Laura Hillman. Y 940.531 HIL
- In the darkroom. Susan Faludi. B Faludi, EAudiobook
- The invisible wall: a love story that broke barriers. Harry Bernstein. B Bernstein
- Jujitsu rabbi and the godless blonde: a true story. Rebecca Dana. B Dana
- Little failure: a memoir. Gary Shteyngart. B Shteyngart, EAudiobook
- A lucky child: a memoir of surviving Auschwitz as a young boy. Thomas Buergenthal. 940.5318 BUE
- My country, my life: fighting for Israel, searching for peace. Ehud Barak. B Barak
- My Russian grandmother and her American vacuum cleaner: a memoir. Meir Shalev. B Shalev
- The Nazi officer’s wife: how one Jewish woman survived the Holocaust. Edith Hahn Beer. 940.5318 BEE
- Nuestra América: my family in the vertigo of translation. Claudio Lomnitz. 980.0049 LOM
- The Pope’s maestro. Gilbert Levine. B Levine
- Precious objects: a story of diamonds, family and a way of life. Alicia Oltuski. 338.278 OLT
- Rebbe: the life and teachings of Menachem M. Schneerson, the most influential rabbi in modern history. Joseph Telushkin. 296.833 TEL
- Rebel Cinderella: from rags to riches to radical, the epic journey of Rose Pastor Stokes. Adam Hochschild. B Stokes
- Sala’s gift: my mother’s Holocaust story. Ann Kirschner. 940.5318 KIR
- The seven good years: a memoir. Etgar Keret. B Keret
- Simon Wiesenthal: the life and legends. Tom Segev. B Wiesenthal
- Somewhere there is still a sun. Michael Gruenbaum. Y 940.5318 GRU
- Treasures from the attic: the extraordinary story of Anne Frank’s family. Mirjam Pressler. B Frank
- Two rings: a story of love and war. Millie Werber, Eve Keller. B Werber, CD B Werber
- Underground in Berlin: a young woman’s extraordinary tale of survival in the heart of Nazi Germany. Marie Jalowicz Simon. 940.5318 SIM
- Unorthodox: the scandalous rejection of my Hasidic roots. Deborah Feldman. B Feldman
- A well-read woman: the life, loves, and legacy of Ruth Rappaport. Kate Stewart. 020.92 STE
- A world erased: a grandson’s search for his family’s Holocaust secrets. Noah Lederman. 940.5318 LED
- The year of goodbyes: a true story of friendship, family and farewells. Debbie Levy. Y 811 LEV
- You say tomato, I say shut up: a love story. Annabelle Gurwitch, Jeff Kahn. 306.81 GUR
- 4 3 2 1. Paul Auster. Fic AUS
- All other nights. Dara Horn. Fic HOR
- All that I am. Anna Funder. Fic FUN
- An American type. Henry Roth. Fic ROT
- And after the fire. Lauren Belfer. Fic BEL
- Apeirogon. Colum McCann. Fic MACC, Ebook
- Away. Amy Bloom. Fic BLO
- Bee season: a novel. Myla Goldberg. Fic GOL, CD Fic GOL, DVD Drama B
- The Berlin Boxing Club. Robert Sharenow. Y Fic SHA
- The betrayers. David Bezmozgis. Fic BEZ
- Blues in the night. Rochelle Krich. Mystery KRI
- The book of Aron. Jim Shepard. Fic SHE
- The book of splendor. Frances Sherwood. Fic SHE
- Breath of Bones: a tale of the golem. Steve Niles, Matt Santoro. Graphic Fic NIL
- The Bright Side Sanctuary for Animals. Becky Mandelbaum. Fic MAN
- By a spider’s thread. Laura Lippman. Mystery LIP
- Carry me. Peter Behrens. Fic BEH
- Certain girls. Jennifer Weiner. Fic WEI
- Cesare: a novel of war-torn Berlin. Jerome Charyn. Fic CHA
- City of secrets. Stewart O’Nan. Fic ONA
- Confinement. Carrie Brown. Fic BRO
- Conspirators. Michael Andre Bernstein. Fic BER
- The convert. Stefan Hertmans. Fic HER
- Crossing California. Adam Langer. Fic LAN
- The darkest hour. Tony Schumacher. Fic SCH
- Dawn. Elie Wiesel. Fic WIE
- Day after night. Anita Diamant. Large Type Fic DIA
- A day of small beginnings. Lisa Pearl Rosenbaum. Fic ROS
- Don’t ever look back. Daniel Friedman. Mystery FRI
- The dovekeepers. Alice Hoffman. Fic HOF
- The Finkler question. Howard Jacobson. Fic JAC
- The first desire. Nancy Reisman. Fic REI
- The free world. David Bezmozgis. Fic BEZ
- Friendly fire: a duet. A. B. Yehoshua. Fic YEH
- The frozen rabbi. Steve Stern. Fic STE
- Golden country. Jennifer Gilmore. Fic GIL
- The golem and the jinni. Helene Wecker. Fic WEC
- Great Neck. Jay Cantor. Fic CAN
- Harvard Square. Andre Aciman. Fic ACI
- Heartwood. Belva Plain. Fic PLA, Large Type Fic PLA, CD Fic PLA
- Hereville: how Mirka got her sword. Barry Deutsch. Y 741.5 DEU
- The hidden palace. Helene Wecker. Fiction WEC, Ebook
- The hilltop. Assaf Gavron. Fic GAV
- Hostage. Elie Wiesel. Fic WIE
- The house at Tyneford. Natasha Solomons. Fic SOL
- House on endless waters. Emuna Elon. Large Type Fic ELO
- How to find your way in the dark. Derek B Miller. Mystery MIL
- I am forbidden. Anouk Markovits. Fic MAR
- The imposter bride. Nancy Richler. Fic RIC
- In paradise. Peter Matthiessen. Fic MAT
- Indignation. Philip Roth. Fic ROT
- The innocents. Francesca Segal. Fic SEG
- Inventing memory: a novel of mothers and daughters. Erica Jong. Fic JON
- The invisible bridge. Julie Orringer. Fic ORR
- Invisible city. Julia Dahl. Mystery DAH
- Irena’s war. James D. Shipman. Fic SHI, Ebook
- Jacob’s folly. Rebecca Miller. Fic MIL
- The Jazz Palace. Mary Morris. Fic MOR
- Judas. Amos Oz. Fic OZ
- Kabbalah: a love story. Lawrence Kushner. Fic KUS
- The kommandant’s girl. Pam Jenoff. Fic JEN
- The last chicken in America: a novel in stories. Ellen Litman. Fic LIT
- The last flight of Poxl West. Daniel Torday. Fic TOR
- The last train to London. Meg Waite Clayton. Fic CLA, EAudiobook
- The lawgiver. Herman Wouk. Fic WOU, CD Fic WOU
- The Lazarus project. Aleksandar Hemon. Fic HEM
- Leaving Berlin. Joseph Kanon. Fic KAN
- The little Russian. Susan Sherman. Fic SHE
- The longest night. Gregg Keizer. Fic KEI
- The lost wife. Alyson Richman. Fic RIC
- Love and treasure. Ayelet Waldman. Fic WAL
- A mad desire to dance. Elie Wiesel. Fic WIE
- The man who never stopped sleeping. Aharon Appelfeld. Fic APE
- The marriage artist. Andrew Winer. Fic WIN
- The Middlesteins. Jami Attenberg. Fic ATT
- Milkweed. Jerry Spinelli. Y Fic SPI, Large Type Fic SPI
- The Ministry of Special Cases. Nathan Englander. Fic ENG
- Much ado about Jessie Kaplan. Paula Marantz Cohen. Fic COH
- The muralist. B.A. Shapiro. Fic SHA
- My awful popularity plan. Seth Rudetsky. Y Fic RUD
- My enemy’s cradle. Sara Young. Fic YOU
- My family for the war. Anne C. Voorhoeve. Y Fic VOO, J VOO
- No one is here except all of us. Ramona Ausubel. Fic AUS
- Norwegian by night. Derek B. Miller. Mystery MIL, CD Fic MIL
- An officer and a spy. Robert Harris. Fic HAR
- Old men at midnight. Chaim Potok. Fic POT
- People of the book. Geraldine Brooks. Fic BRO, Spanish Lang. Fic BRO, CD Fic BRO
- The plot against America. Philip Roth. Fic ROT
- The property. Rutu Modan. Graphic Fic MOD
- The rabbi’s cat. Joann Sfar. Graphic Fic SFA
- Raisins and almonds. Kerry Greenwood. Mystery GRE
- Rashi’s daughters. Maggie Anton. Fic ANT
- Responsible men. Edward Schwarzschild. Fic SCH
- Rich boy. Sharon Pomerantz. Fic POM
- Sadness is a white bird. Moriel Rothman-Zecher. Fic ROT
- The sanctity of hate: a medieval mystery. Priscilla Royal. Mystery ROY
- The Saturday wife. Naomi Ragen. Fic RAG
- The savior. Eugene Drucker. Fic DRU
- The search. Eric Heuvel, Ruud van der Rol, Lies Schippers. Y 741.5 HEU
- The Septembers of Shiraz. Dalia Sofer. Fic SOF
- The seventh gate. Richard Zimler. Mystery ZIM
- The sisters Weiss. Naomi Ragen. Fic RAG
- Someone not really her mother. Harriet Scott Chessman. Fic CHE
- Songs for the butcher’s daughter. Peter Manseau. Fic MAN
- A spectacle of corruption. David Liss. Fic LIS
- Terror town: an Abe Lieberman mystery. Stuart M. Kaminsky. Mystery KAM
- The things we cherished. Pam Jenoff. Fic JEN
- Three daughters. Letty Cottin Pogrebin. Fic POG
- The time of the uprooted. Elie Wiesel. Fic WIE
- To the end of the land. David Grossman. Fic GRO
- The turquoise ring. Grace Tiffany. Fic TIF
- The unthinkable thoughts of Jacob Green. Joshua Braff. Y Fic BRA
- Waking lions. Ayelet Gundar-Goshen. Fic GUN
- The Warsaw anagrams. Richard Zimler. Mystery ZIM
- We are inevitable. Gayle Forman. Y Fic FOR
- What we talk about when we talk about Anne Frank: stories. Nathan Englander. Fic ENG
- The war within these walls. Aline Sax. Y Fic SAX
- The world to come. Dara Horn. Fic HOR
- The Yid. Paul Goldberg. Fic GOL
- The Yiddish policemen’s union. Michael Chabon. Mystery CHA
- Your mouth is lovely. Nancy Richler. Fic RIC
- The encyclopedia of Judaism. R 296.03 ENC
- Elie Wiesel goes home. DVD 940.531
- Escape from Sobibor: true life escape from a Nazi death camp. DVD 940.5472
- God on trial. DVD Drama G
- Goodbye Columbus. DVD Comedy G
- Hester Street. DVD Drama H
- The island on Bird Street. DVD Drama I
- The Jewish Americans. DVD 973.0492
- Judaism. VIDEO 296
- Kingdom of David: the saga of the Israelites. DVD 933
- Loving Leah. DVD Drama L
- One night with the king. DVD Drama O
- Ushpizin. DVD Foreign U
- A child’s Hanukkah. Jewish Wedding Band. CD ZR JEWI CH M-37
- David Stock. CD D STOC LM S-22
- In celebration of Israel including Hatikva. CD Q ISRA ICI N-61
- A Jewish odyssey. CD Q JEWISH JO P-82
- Stuffed. Patricia Volk. Audio 647.95 VOL
- Always remember me: how one family survived World War II. Marisabina Russo. J 940.531 RUS
- Anne Frank. Josephine Poole. EB Frank
- The Anne Frank case: Simon Wiesenthal’s search for the truth. Susan Goldman Rubin. J 940.531 RUB
- Anne Frank: her life in words and pictures: from the archives of the Anne Frank House. Menno Metselaar, Ruud van der Rol. JB Frank
- The cat with the yellow star: coming of age in Terezin. Susan Goldman Rubin. J 940.531 RUB
- The cats in Krasinski Square. Karen Hesse. Pic HES
- Celebrate Hanukkah. Deborah Heiligman. J 296.4 HEI
- Celebrate Passover. Deborah Heiligman. J 296.4 HEI
- Confessions of a closet Catholic. Sarah Darer Littman. J LIT
- A confused Hanukkah: an original story of Chelm. Jon Koons. Pic KOO
- Dybbuk: a version. Barbara Rogasky. J 398.27 ROG
- Grandma Esther remembers: a Jewish-American family story. Ann Morris. E 973.04 MOR
- Hanukkah. Board Book HAN Hanukkah
- Hanukkah at Valley Forge. Stephen Krensky. E 296.4 KRE
- Hanukkah moon. Deborah da Costa. Pic DAC
- Hanukkah, shmanukkah! Esme Raji Codell. J COD
- The harmonica. Tony Johnston. J JOH
- Hidden child. Isaac Millman. JB Millman
- In God’s hands. Lawrence Kushner. E 398.27 KUS
- Jewish Americans. Pam Rosenberg. J 973.04 ROS
- The journey that saved Curious George: the true wartime escape of Margret and H.A. Rey. Louise Borden. JB Rey
- Judaism: signs, symbols, and stories. Cath Senker. J 296 SEN
- Kaddish for Grandpa in Jesus’ name, amen. James Howe; Catherine Stock. Pic HOW
- Lonek’s journey: the true story of a boy’s escape to freedom. Dorit Bader Whiteman. J 940.531 WHI
- Rebecca and the movies. Jacqueline Dembar Greene. J GRE
- Say it with music: the story of Irving Berlin. Nancy Furstinger. JB Berlin
- Shlemiel crooks. Anna Olswanger. Pic OLS
- Sholom’s treasure: how Sholom Aleichem became a writer. Erica Silverman. EB Sholom Aleichem
- Simon says. Molly Levite Griffis. J GRI
- The story of Esther: a Purim tale. Eric A. Kimmel. J 222.9 KIM
- The travels of Benjamin of Tudela: through three continents in the twelfth century. Uri Shulevitz. J SHU
- When the chickens went on strike: a Rosh Hashanah tale. Erica Silverman. Pic SIL
- The white ram: a story of Abraham and Isaac. Mordicai Gerstein. E 296.1 GER
- Who was the woman who wore the hat? Nancy Patz. J 811 PAT
- Anne Frank. Jonatha Brown. Sp. Lang. EB Frank
- Celebra Hanukkah con un cuento de Bubbe. Alma Flor Ada. Sp. Lang. J 394.267 ADA
- Entender el judaismo: origenes, creencias, practicas, textos sagrados, lugares sagrados. Carl S. Ehrlich. Spanish Lang. 296 EHR
- El niño con el pijama de rayas. John Boyne. Spanish Lang. Fic BOY
- Vivir en el maldito tropico. David Unger. Spanish Lang. Fic UNG