- 1000 home details: a complete book of inspiring ideas to improve home decoration. 747 ONE
- AARP guide to revitalizing your home: beautiful living for the second half of life: reimagine, redesign, remodel. Rosemary Bakker. 728 BAK
- An affair with a house. Bunny Williams. 747 WIL
- African style. Stephane Guibourge. 747.29 GUI
- The bathroom book: the ultimate design resource for the home’s most essential space. 747.78 BAT
- Baths. 747.78 BAT
- Beach house style: designing spaces that bring the beach to you. 747 BEA
- Beautiful homes (Better Homes & Gardens). 747 BEA
- Bedrooms: creating the stylish, comfortable room of your dreams. Chris Casson Madden. 747.77 MAD
- Better Homes and Gardens decorating. 747 BET
- Better homes and gardens flea market decorating. 747 BET
- Better homes and gardens new decorating book. 747 NEW
- Better Homes and Gardens new remodeling book: your complete guide to planning a dream project. 643.7 BET
- The big-ass book of home décor. Mark Montano. 745.5 MON
- The big book of lofts. Antonio Corcuera, Aitana Lleonart. 747.88 COR
- Big city junk. Mary Randolph Carter. 747 CAR
- Books make a home: elegant ideas for storing and displaying books. Damian Thompson. 747.9 THO
- Bright bazaar: embracing color for make-you-smile style. Will Taylor. 747.94 TAY
- Bringing Tuscany home: sensuous style from the heart of Italy. Frances Mayes. 747.0945 MAY
- Calm working spaces. Lorrie Mack. 747.79 MAC
- Catification: designing a happy and stylish home for your cat (and you!). Jackson Galaxy, Kate Benjamin. 636.808 GAL
- A century of interior design, 1900-2000: a timetable of the design, the designers, the products, and the profession. Stanley Abercrombie. 747.2 ABE
- Chris Casson Madden’s new American living rooms. 747.75 MAD
- Christopher Lowell’s seven layers of design: fearless, fabulous decorating. 747 LOW
- Christopher Lowell’s you can do it!: small spaces: decorating to make every inch count. 747.1 LOW
- Classic garden style: planters, furniture, accessories and ornaments. Ines Heugel. 717 HEU
- Classic interior design: using period finishes in today’s home. Henrietta Spencer-Churchill. 747 SPE
- The complete decorating and home improvement book: ideas and techniques for decorating your home – a complete step-by-step guide. Mike Lawrence. 643.7 LAW
- The complete illustrated guide to feng shui. Lillian Too. 133.3337 TOO
- The complete photo guide to window treatments. 747.5 COM
- Country French florals & interiors. Charles Faudree. 745.92 FAU
- Country Living American style: decorate, create, celebrate. 747.0973 COU
- Dazzling design. Amanda Nisbet. 747 NIS
- Decorating details: projects and ideas for a more comfortable, more beautiful home (Martha Stewart living). 747 DEC
- Decorating for the first time. Eileen Cannon Paulin. 747 PAU
- Decorating furniture: stencil, paint and block print projects. Sheila McGraw. 745.7 MACG
- Decorating porches and decks: stylish projects for the outdoor room. Suzanne J.E. Tourtillott. 747.79 TOU
- Decorating without fear: a step-by-step guide to creating the home you love. Sharon Hanby-Robie. 747 HAN
- The decorator’s problem solver: 100 creative answers to your most common decorating dilemmas. Sacha Cohen. 643.7 COH
- Design and detail in the home. David Linley. 747.22 LIN
- The design cookbook: recipes for a stylish home. Kelly Edwards. 747 EDW
- Design rules: the insider’s guide to becoming your own decorator. Elaine Griffin. 747.7 GRI
- Details: a stylist’s secrets to creating inspired interiors. Lili Diallo. 747 DIA
- DIY ideas: projects and tips for every room. 747 DIY
- Do it yourself. 643.7 DO
- Do it yourself kitchens: stunning spaces on a shoestring budget. 643.3 DO
- The Domain book of intuitive home design: how to decorate using your personality type. Judy George. 747 GEO
- Downsizing your home with style: living well in a smaller space. Lauri Ward. 747.1 WAR
- Eco house book. Terence Conran. 720.47 CON
- Elderdesign: designing and furnishing a home for your later years. Rosemary Bakker. 729 BAK
- English country house interiors. Jeremy Musson. 747.88 MUS
- Essential children’s rooms: the back to basics guide to home design, decoration & furnishing. Terence Conran. 747.77 CON
- Family spaces. Candice Olson. 747.79 OLS
- Feng shui for dummies. David Daniel Kennedy. 133.3337 KEN
- Feng shui made easy: designing your life with the ancient art of placement. William Spear. 133.3337 SPE
- Fireplace styles: form, function, and design. Alison de Castella. 749.62 DEC
- Flea market chic: the thrifty way to create a stylish home. Liz Bauwens, Alexandra Campbell. 747.1 BAU
- Flea market finds: before & after: home decorating with makeover miracles. 747.9 FLE
- Framing techniques & decorating ideas. 749.7 FRA
- From a house to a home: simple ideas and projects to enrich everyday family life. Jemima Mills. 640 MIL
- Furniture & interiors of the 1940s. Anne Bony. 747.09 BON
- Garden house: bringing the outside in. Victoria Wise. 747.98 WIS
- Garden style projects. 747 GAR
- Good design can change your life: beautiful rooms, inspiring stories. Ty Pennington. 747 PEN
- A good house is never done. John Wheatman. 747 WHE
- Green interior design. Lori Dennis. 747 DEN
- HandyMa’am: home improvement, decorating & maintenance tips & projects for you and your family. Beverly DeJulio. 643.7 DEJ
- Happy home outside: everyday magic for outdoor life. Charlotte Hedeman Guéniau. 747 HED
- Hardware style: 100 creative decorating ideas using materials from every aisle of the home center store. Marthe Le Van. 745.5 LEV
- The healthy house book. Gina Lazenby. 747 LAZ
- Hollywood style. Diane Dorrans Saeks. 747.097 KNI
- Home. Ellen DeGeneres. 747 DEG
- Home and garden style: creating a unified look inside and out. John Brookes, Eluned Price. 645 BRO
- Home cheap home: a room-by-room guide to great decorating: 500 ideas. 747 BUD
- A home for the soul: a guide for dwelling with spirit and imagination. Anthony Lawlor. 747 LAW
- Home rules: transform the place you live into a place you’ll love. Nate Berkus. 747 BER
- Home therapy: fast, easy, affordable makeovers. Lauri Ward. 747 WAR
- The house always wins: America’s most trusted home columnist’s guide to creating your (almost) perfect dream house. Marni Jameson. 747 JAM
- House beautiful decorating school. Tessa Evelegh. 747 EVE
- House beautiful kitchens: creating a beautiful kitchen of your own. Lisa Cregan. 747.797 CRE
- House beautiful: lighting: inspiring ideas for lighting effects, from simple to spectacular. 747.92 HOU
- House beautiful quick changes: fresh looks for every room. 747 HOU
- House Beautiful sensational storage solutions. 648.8 CLA
- The house in good taste. Elsie de Wolfe. 747 DEW
- House of havoc: how to make–and keep–a beautiful home despite cheap spouses, messy kids, and other difficult roommates. Marni Jameson. 747.1 JAM
- Houses: inside and out. Mariette Himes Gomez. 747 GOM
- How to live in small spaces: design, furnishing, decoration, detail for the smaller home. Terence Conran. 747.1 CON
- I brake for yard sales and flea markets, thrift shops, auctions, and the occasional dumpster. Lara Spencer. 381.19 SPE
- Influential styles: from Baroque to Bauhaus– inspiration for today’s interiors. Judith Miller. 747.09 MIL
- Innovative interiors. Vinny Lee. 747 LEE
- Interior materials & surfaces: the complete guide. Helen Bowers. 698 BOW
- Jane Cumberbatch’s pure style living. 747 CUM
- Jeffrey Bilhuber’s design basics: expert solutions for designing the house of your dreams. 747 BIL
- Joan Kohn’s it’s your bed and bath: hundreds of beautiful design ideas. 747.77 KOH
- Junk beautiful: room by room makeovers with junkmarket style. Sue Whitney, Ki Nassauer. 747.9 WHI
- The kitchen book: the essential resource for creating the room of your dreams. 643.3 KIT
- Let’s get comfortable: how to furnish and decorate a welcoming home. Mitchell Gold, Bob Williams. 747 GOL
- Life on Mar’s: creating casual luxury. Mar Jennings. 747 JEN
- Light your home. Elizabeth Wilhide. 747.92 WIL
- Lillian Too’s smart feng shui for the home: 188 brilliant ways to work with what you’ve got. Lillian Too. 133.3337 TOO
- Linda Barker’s home-made style: 100 great decorating ideas. 745.5 BAR
- The little book of big decorating ideas: 287 clever tips, tricks, and solutions. Katy McColl. 747 MACC
- Living spaces: a complete home decorating sourcebook. Marcia Margolius. 747 MAR
- Mary Emmerling’s quick decorating. 747 EMM
- Mary Engelbreit’s home sweet home: a journey through Mary’s dream home. 747 ENG
- Mary Gilliatt’s great renovations and restorations: a new life for older homes. 643.7 GIL
- Mary Gilliatt’s home comforts with style: a decorating guide for today’s living. 747 GIL
- Mary Gilliatt’s interior design course. 747 GIL
- Meditations on design: reinventing your home with style and simplicity. John Wheatman. 747 WHE
- Modern: masters of the 20th century interior. Jonathan Glancey. 747.2 GLA
- Money-wise makeovers: modest remodels and affordable room redos that add value and improve the quality of your life. Jean Nayar. 643.7 NAY
- More splash than cash window treatments: over 250 ideas, inspirations, and techniques for beautiful windows. Donna Babylon, Victoria Waller. 646.21 BAB
- My name isn’t Martha, but I can renovate my home: the real person’s guide to creating a beautiful home. Sharon Hanby-Robie. 643.7 HAN
- My passion for design: a private tour. Barbra Streisand. 747.7 STR
- Nell Hill’s style at home. Mary Carol Garrity. 747 GAR
- Nest for two: creating a harmonious home. Allison Serrell. 747.1 SER
- New cottage style. 747 NEW
- New country: ideas and practical projects for contemporary country style. Nick Ronald. 747 RON
- New kitchen idea book. Joanne Kellar Bouknight. 643.3 BOU
- 100 ways to happy chic your life. Jonathan Adler. 747 ADL
- 1001 ideas for windows. Anne Justin. 747.3 JUS
- Opportunities in interior design and decorating careers. David Stearns. 747.023 STE
- The outdoor living room. Martha Baker. 717 BAK
- P. Allen Smith’s bringing the garden indoors: containers, crafts, and bouquets for every room. 747.98 SMI
- Paige by Paige: a year of trading spaces. Paige Davis. 791.45 DAV
- Past & present: 24 favorite moments in decorative arts history and 24 modern DIY projects inspired by them. Amy Azzarito. 745 AZZ
- The perfect home: celebrity designer collections. Joseph Carroll. 747.092 CAR
- The perfectly imperfect home: how to decorate & live well. Deborah Needleman. 747 NEE
- Picture this! Jo Rigg. 747.3 RIG
- Plan your kitchen: hundreds of design combinations at-a-glance. 643.3 PLA
- The plant recipe book: 100 living arrangements for any home in any season. Baylor Chapman. 635.965 CHA
- Pottery Barn home. 747 POT
- Real-life decor: 100 easy DIY projects to brighten your home on a budget. Jean Nayar. 747 NAY
- Real life decorating. 747 REA
- Real simple. The organized home. 648.8 CRO
- Remodelista: a manual for the considered home. Julie Carlson. 747 CAR
- Restore, recycle, repurpose: {create a beautiful home}. Randy Florke. 747 FLO
- Sabrina Soto home design: a layer-by-layer approach to turning your ideas into the home of your dreams. Sabrina Soto. 747 SOT
- Salvage secrets design & decor: transform your home with reclaimed materials. Joanne Palmisano. 747.1 PAL
- Salvage secrets: transforming reclaimed materials into design concepts. Joanne Palmisano. 747 PAL
- The Salvage Sisters’ guide to finding style in the street and inspiration in the attic. Kathleen Hackett, Mary Ann Young. 745.5 HAC
- Salvage style in your home. Moira & Nicholas Hankinson. 745.5 HAN
- Setting up home: the essential guide to creating a home from scratch. Lorrie Mack. 747 MACK
- The shabby chic home. Rachel Ashwell. 747.1 ASH
- Shabby chic inspiration: and beautiful spaces. Rachel Ashwell. 747 ASH
- Shabby chic: sumptuous settings and other lovely things. Rachel Ashwell. 793.2 ASH
- Shed decor: how to decorate & furnish your favorite garden room. Sally Coulthard. 747.88 COU
- Shelf expression: 70 projects & ideas for creative storage & display. Marthe Le Van. 648.8 LEV
- Small house big style. 747.1 SMA
- Small spaces for modern living: making the most of your indoor space. Caroline Atkins. 747.1 ATK
- Smart home design: ideas, tips & guide for home remodeling. Laura Cerwinske. 728.37 CER
- Speed decorating: a pro stager’s tips and trade secrets for a fabulous home in a week or less. Jill Vegas. 747 VEG
- Starting out with style: design solutions for your new home. 747 STA
- Staying put: remodel your house to get the home you want. Duo Dickinson. 690.8 DIC
- Step-by-step home design & decorating. Clare Steel. 747 STE
- Super suite: the ultimate bedroom makeover guide for girls. Mark Montano. Y 747.77 MON
- Swahili chic: the feng shui of Africa. Bibi Jordan. 747.096 JOR
- Taunton’s home storage idea book. Joanne Kellar Bouknight. 648.8 BOU
- The things that matter. Nate Berkus. 747 BER
- Tile. Jill Herbers. 738.6 HER
- Trading spaces: behind the scenes. 791.45 TRA
- Traditional home. 747 TRA
- Trends very best kitchens and bathrooms. 747.7 TRE
- The ultimate home style guide. Katherine Sorrell. 747 SOR
- Undecorate: the no-rules approach to interior design. Christiane Lemieux. 747 LEM
- The wallpaper book. Genevieve Brunet. 747.3 BRU
- The way we live: an ultimate treasury for global design inspiration. Stafford Cliff. 729 CLI
- The weekend decorator. Gina Moore. 747 MOO
- The well-lived life: one hundred years of House & garden. Dominique Browning. 729 BRO
- William Morris and the arts and crafts home. Pamela Todd. 709.034 TOD
- Window & wall ideas. 747.3 WIN
- Window decor. Susan E. Mickey. 747.3 MIC
- Young house love: 243 ways to paint, craft, update & show your home some love. Sherry & John Petersik. 747 PET
- Choosing colors: an expert choice of the best colors to use in your home. Kevin McCloud. 747.94 MACC
- Color in small spaces: palettes and styles to fit your home. Brenda Grant-Hays, Kimberly A. Mikula. 747.94 GRA
- The color scheme bible: inspirational palettes for designing home interiors. Anna Starmer. 747.94 STA
- Color your life: how to design your home with colors from your heart. Elaine Ryan. 747.94 RYA
- The complete guide to painting & decorating: using paint, stain & wallpaper in home decor. 698.14 COM
- The complete illustrated encyclopedia of paint effects. Sacha Cohen, Maggie Philo. 745.723 COH
- Debbie Travis’ painted house: quick and easy painted finishes for walls, floors, and furniture using water-based paints. 698.1 TRA
- Decorating with color and texture. Ann McArdle. 747.94 MACA
- Donna Dewberry’s quick & easy murals. Donna Dewberry. 745.723 DEW
- Inside colour: the secrets of interior style. Lesley Taylor. 747.94 TAY
- Mastering fine decorative paint techniques. Sharon Ross, Elise Kinkead. 747.3 ROS
- New faux finishes. H. John Johnsen. 698.14 JOH
- Paint and color in decoration. Joseph Friedman. 747.94 FRI
- Paint: ideas & decorating techniques. 698.14 PAI
- Paint ideas & projects. 698.1 PAI
- Paint: the big book of natural color. Elizabeth Hilliard, Stafford Cliff. 747.94 HIL
- Painting garden decor with Donna Dewberry. 745.723 DEW
- Priscilla Hauser’s decorative painting workshop. Priscilla Hauser. 745.723 HAU
- The right color. Eve Ashcraft. 747.94 ASH
- Bazaar style: decorating with market and vintage finds. Selina Lake. 747 LAK
- Collections: projects & ideas to display your treasures. 747.9 COL
- The complete photo guide to framing & displaying artwork: 500 full-color how-to photos. Vivian Carli Kistler. 749.7 KIS
- Decorating with family photographs: creative ways to display your treasured memories. Ryne & Teresa Hazen. 747.9 HAZ
- Details: how to design with architectural salvage and antiques. Brian D. Coleman. 747.9 COL
- Extraordinary interiors: decorating with architectural salvage and antiques. Brian D. Coleman. 747.9 COL
- Living with what you love: creating intimate spaces with family photos, cherished heirlooms, and collectibles. Monica Rich Kosann. 747.9 KOS
- A passion for antiques. Barbara Milo Ohrbach. 745.1 OHR
- A passion for collecting: decorating with your favorite objects. Caroline Clifton-Mogg. 747.9 CLI
- The big-ass book of crafts. Mark Montano. 745.5 MON
- Complete home crafts. Miranda Innes. 745.5 INN
- Designer home sewing: step-by-step instructions for 30 easy-to-make projects. Linda Lee. 646.21 LEE
- Mary Engelbreit crafts to decorate your home. 745.5 ENG
- Step-by-step sewing course: essential techniques for making over 150 creative home projects. 646.21 STE
- Groom your room: terrific touches to brighten your bedroom! J 745.5 GRO
- Kids’ rooms. 747.77 KID
- The kidspace idea book. Wendy A. Jordan. 747.7 JOR
- Living with kids: ideas and solutions for family-friendly interiors. Eugenia Santiesteban. 747.77 SAN
- The new smart approach to kids’ rooms. Megan Connelly. 747.77 CON
- Room decorating: make your space unique. Deborah Hufford. J 745.593 HUF
- Rooms your kids will love: 50 fun & fabulous decorating ideas and projects. Paige Gilchrist. 747.77 GIL
- The smart approach to baby rooms. Joanne Still. 747.77 STI
- Stuff for your space. Ellen Warwick. J 745.593 WAR
- Bridesmaids revisited. Dorothy Cannell. Mystery CAN
- Goodbye, Ms. Chips. Dorothy Cannell. Mystery CAN
- The importance of being Ernestine: an Ellie Haskell mystery. Dorothy Cannell. Mystery CAN
- Looks to die for. Janice Kaplan. Mystery KAP, Large Type Fic KAP
- Rococo. Adriana Trigiani. Fic TRI
- Serendipity. Carly Phillips. Romance PHI
- Unwanted inheritance. Glen Ebisch. Mystery EBI
- Better homes and gardens
- Country living
- House beautiful
- Arreglos florales: adornos y souvenirs: centros de mesa, bouquets, cestas y ramos. Angelita. Spanish Lang. 745.92 ANG
- Feng shui: Paso a paso: manual practico para armonizar el hogar habitacion por habitacion. T. Raphael Simons. Spanish Lang. 133.3337 SIM
- La guía completa sobre baldosa de cerámica. Spanish Lang. 693.3 GUI
- La guía completa sobre pisos. Spanish Lang. 690.16 GUI
- Guia esencial de decoracion. Vinny Lee. Spanish Lang. 747 LEE