Alcohol & Drug Addiction Recovery
Alcohol & Drug Addiction Recovery
- The 30-day sobriety solution: how to cut back or quit drinking in the privacy of your own home. Jack Canfield, Dave Andrews. 616.861 CAN
- Addiction & recovery for dummies. Paul Ritvo. 616.862 RIT
- Addiction nation: what the opioid crisis reveals about us. Timothy McMahan King. 362.293 KIN
- The addiction solution: treating our dependence on opioids and other drugs. Lloyd I. Sederer. 362.29 SED
- Alcohol, tobacco, and illicit drugs. 362.29 INF
- Alcoholics Anonymous: the story of how many thousands of men and women have recovered from alcoholism. 362.292 ALC
- American cartel: inside the battle to bring down the opioid industry. Scott Higham, Sari Horwitz. 338.4761 HIG
- American epidemic: reporting from the front lines of the opioid crisis. 362.293 AME
- American fix: inside the opioid addiction crisis–and how to end it. Ryan Hampton. 362.293 HAM
- American overdose: the opioid tragedy in three acts. Chris McGreal. 362.29 MACG
- American pain: how a young felon and his ring of doctors unleashed America’s deadliest drug epidemic. John Temple. 362.29 TEM
- The A-Z of drugs. Corinne Naden. 362.29 NAD
- Beyond addiction: how science and kindness help people change. Jeffrey Foote, Carrie Wilkens, Nicole Kosanke. 616.86 FOO, CD 616.86 FOO
- The book of waking up: experiencing the divine love that reorders a life. Seth Haines. 362.29 HAI
- Buzzed: the straight facts about the most used and abused drugs from alcohol to ecstasy. Cynthia Kuhn. 362.29 KUH
- Chasing the scream: the first and last days of the war on drugs. Johann Hari. 363.45 HAR
- Cocaine nation: how the white trade took over the world. Tom Feiling. 362.298 FEI
- Codependent no more: how to stop controlling others and start caring for yourself. Melody Beattie. 155.916 BEA
- The complete ACOA sourcebook: adult children of alcoholics at home, at work, and in love. Janet G. Woititz. 362.292 WOI
- The corner: a year in the life of an inner-city neighborhood. David Simon. 364.177 SIM
- Dopesick: dealers, doctors, and the drug company that addicted America. Beth Macy. 362.29 MACY
- Dreamland: the true tale of America’s opiate epidemic. Sam Quinones. 362.293 QUI
- Drink: the intimate relationship between women and alcohol. Ann Dowsett Johnston. 362.292 JOH
- Drinking in America: our secret history. Susan Cheever. 394.13 CHE
- Drug dependence to treatment. Lorrie Klosterman. 362.29 KLO
- Drugs and society. Joan Axelrod-Contrada. 362.29 AXE
- Drugs and the body. Lorrie Klosterman. 362.29 KLO
- Drunks: an American history. Christopher M. Finan. 362.292 FIN
- Fentanyl, Inc.: how rogue chemists are creating the deadliest wave of the opioid epidemic. Ben Westhoff. 362.29 WES
- Fighting for space: how a group of drug users transformed one city’s struggle with addiction. Travis Lupick. 362.29 LUP
- Forces of habit: drugs and the making of the modern world. David T. Courtwright. 362.29 COU
- Get your loved one sober. Robert J. Meyers, Brenda L. Wolfe. 362.292 MEY
- Getting sober: a practical guide to making it through the first 30 days. Kelly Madigan Erlandson. 362.292 ERL
- Going to pot: why the rush to legalize marijuana is harming America. William J. Bennett, Robert A. White. 362.295 BEN
- Good morning, destroyer of men’s souls: a memoir of women, addiction, and love. Nina Renata Aron. 362.29 ARO
- Grass roots: the rise and fall and rise of marijuana in America. Emily Dufton. 362.295 DUF
- The gravity of joy: a story of being lost and found. Angela Williams Gorrell. 248.86 GOR
- Hallucinogens. 615.788 HAL
- The hard sell: crime and punishment at an opioid startup. Evan Hughes. 338.4761 HUG
- Helping families recover from addiction: coping, growing, and healing through 12-step practices and Ignatian spirituality. Jean Heaton. 261.8322 HEA
- Her best-kept secret: why women drink–and how they can regain control. Gabrielle Glaser. 362.292 GLA
- How to stop screwing up: 12 steps to a real life and a pretty good time. Martha Woodroof. 158.1 WOO
- Inside rehab: the surprising truth about addiction treatment: and how to get help that works. Anne M. Fletcher. 362.29 FLE
- It will never happen to me: growing up with addiction as youngsters, adolescents, adults. Claudia Black. 362.292 BLA, Spanish Lang. 362.292 BLA
- The least of us: true tales of America and hope in the time of fentanyl and meth. Sam Quinones. 362.293 QUI
- Light up the night: America’s overdose crisis and the drug users fighting for survival. Travis Lupick. 362.29 LUP
- The little red book for women. 362.292 LIT
- Love first: a family’s guide to intervention. Jeff Jay, Debra Jay. 362.2928 JAY
- Loving our addicted daughters back to life: a guidebook for parents. Linda Dahl. 362.29 DAH
- LSD and other hallucinogens. Suzanna Drew-Edwards. 362.294 DRE
- Methamphetamine. Randi Mehling. 616.864 MEH
- Methland: the death and life of an American small town. Nick Reding. 362.299 RED
- Mommy doesn’t drink here anymore: getting through the first year of sobriety. Rachael Brownell. 362.292 BRO
- Narcotics Anonymous. 362.293 NAR
- Not my child: a progressive and proactive approach for healing addicted teenagers and their families. Frank Lawlis. 616.86 LAW
- Opium: how an ancient flower shaped and poisoned our world. John H. Halpern, David Blistein. 362.293 HAL
- Out of the wreck I rise: a literary companion to recovery. Neil Steinberg, Sara Bader. 362.292 STE
- Overcoming opioid addiction: the authoritative medical guide for patients, families, doctors, and therapists. Adam Bisaga. 362.292 BIS
- Perfect daughters: adult daughters of alcoholics. Robert J. Ackerman. 362.292 ACK
- Raising Lazarus: hope, justice, and the future of America’s overdose crisis. Beth Macy. 362.293 MAC
- Raising the bottom: making mindful choices in a drinking culture. Lisa Boucher. 362.292 BOU
- Recover to live: kick any habit, manage any addiction: your self-treatment guide to alcohol, drugs, eating disorders, gambling, hoarding, smoking, sex and porn. Christopher Kennedy Lawford. 362.29 LAW
- The recovering: intoxication and its aftermath. Leslie Jamison. 616.86 JAM
- Recovering joy: a mindful life after addiction. Kevin Griffin. 294.3444 GRI
- Rewire: change your brain to break bad habits, overcome addictions, conquer self-destructive behavior. Richard O’Connor. 616.8582 OCO
- Safe medicine for sober people: how to avoid relapsing on pain, sleep, cold or any other medication. Jeffrey Weisberg, Gene Hawes. 362.29 HAW
- 7 tools to beat addiction. Stanton Peele. 616.86 PEE
- Sober siblings: how to help your alcoholic brother or sister–and not lose yourself. Patricia Olsen, Petros Levounis. 362.292 OLS
- Stop smoking now: a self-help guide using cognitive behavioural techniques. David F. Marks. 362.2968 MAR
- Tell your children: the truth about marijuana, mental illness, and violence. Alex Berenson. 362.295 BER, Large Type 362.295 BER
- Thinking simply about addiction: a handbook for recovery. Richard S. Sandor. 362.29 SAN
- This is Ohio: the overdose crisis and the front lines of a new America. Jack Shuler. 362.293 SHU
- Unbroken brain: a revolutionary new way of understanding addiction. Maia Szalavitz. 362.29 SZA
- Undoing drugs: the untold story of harm reduction and the future of addiction. Maia Szalavitz. 362.29 SZA
- Undrunk: a skeptic’s guide to AA. A.J. Adams. 362.292 ADA
- The urge: our history of addiction. Carl Erik Fisher. 616.8584 FIS
- What’s wrong with my kid?: when drugs or alcohol might be a problem and what to do about it. George E. Leary, Jr. 649.48 LEA
- The adventures of Grandmaster Flash: my life, my beats. Grandmaster Flash. 782.4216 GRA
- Alice Cooper, golf monster: a rock ‘n’ roller’s 12 steps to becoming a golf addict. Alice Cooper. B Cooper
- All is grace: a ragamuffin memoir. Brennan Manning. B Manning
- America anonymous: eight addicts in search of a life. Benoit Denizet-Lewis. 616.86 DEN
- As needed for pain: a memoir of addiction. Dan Peres. 362.293 PER
- Beautiful boy: a father’s journey through his son’s addiction. David Sheff. 362.299 SHE, Spanish Lang. 362.299 SHE, CD 362.299 SHE
- Between breaths: a memoir of panic and addiction. Elizabeth Vargas. 362.292 VAR
- The big fight: my life in and out of the ring. Sugar Ray Leonard. B Leonard
- Blackout: remembering the things I drank to forget. Sarah Hepola. 362.292 HEP
- Breaking night: a memoir of forgiveness, survival, and my journey from homeless to Harvard. Liz Murray. B Murray
- Broken: my story of addiction and redemption. William Cope Moyers. 362.298 MOY
- By some miracle I made it out of there: a memoir. Tom Sizemore. B Sizemore
- Carry on, warrior: thoughts on life unarmed. Glennon Doyle Melton. B Melton
- Cat daddy: what the world’s most incorrigible cat taught me about life, love, and coming clean. Jackson Galaxy. 636.8 GAL
- The Chris Farley show: a biography in three acts. Tom Farley, Jr. B Farley
- Comeback: a mother and daughter’s journey through hell and back. Claire Fontaine, Mia Fontaine. 306.874 FON
- Coming clean: a story of faith. Seth Haines. 248.862 HAI
- A common struggle: a personal journey through the past and future of mental illness and addiction. Patrick J. Kennedy, Stephen Fried. B Kennedy
- The cook up: a crack rock memoir. D. Watkins. 364.177 WAT
- Corrections in ink: a memoir. Keri Blakinger. B Blakinger
- Cracked: putting broken lives together again: a doctor’s story. Drew Pinsky. 362.29 PIN
- Crux: a cross-border memoir. Jean Guerrero. 362.29 GUE
- The death of my father the pope: a memoir. Obed Silva. 362.2923 SIL
- Doc: a memoir. Dwight Gooden. B Gooden
- The dope: the real history of the Mexican drug trade. Benjamin T. Smith. 364.1336 SMI
- Double double: a dual memoir of addiction. Martha Grimes, Ken Grimes. B Grimes
- Down these mean streets. Piri Thomas. B Thomas, Spanish Lang. B Thomas
- Dreaming: hard luck and good times in America. Carolyn See. B See
- Drinking: a love story. Caroline Knapp. 362.292 KNA
- A drinking life: a memoir. Pete Hamill. B Hamill
- Dry. Augusten Burroughs. B Burroughs, EAudiobook
- Elizabeth. J. Randy Taraborrelli. B Taylor, Large Type B Taylor
- Every love story is a ghost story: a life of David Foster Wallace. D.T. Max. B Wallace
- Everything is horrible and wonderful: a tragicomic memoir of genius, heroin, love, and loss. Stephanie Wittels Wachs. 362.293 WIT
- Fall to pieces: a memoir of drugs, rock ‘n’ roll, and mental illness. Mary Forsberg Weiland. 362.29 WEI
- Fiction ruined my family. Jeanne Darst. B Darst
- From Harvard to hell…and back: a Doctor’s journey through addiction to recovery. Sylvester “Skip” Sviokla III. 362.29 SVI
- The gilded razor: a memoir. Sam Lansky. B Lansky
- Girl walks out of a bar. Lisa F. Smith. B Smith
- Guts: the endless follies and tiny triumphs of a giant disaster. Kristen Johnston. B Johnston
- Halfway: a memoir. Tom Macher. 362.292 MAC
- The heart and other monsters: a memoir. Rose Andersen. 362.293 AND
- Here’s the story: surviving Marcia Brady and finding my true voice. Maureen McCormick. B McCormick
- How to murder your life: a memoir. Cat Marnell. 362.299 MAR
- I dreamed I was a very clean tramp: an autobiography. Richard Hell. B Hell
- If only you people could follow directions: a memoir. Jessica Hendry Nelson. 362.33 NEL
- If you love me: a mother’s memoir of a daughter’s opioid addiction. Maureen Cavanagh. 362.29 CAV
- I’ll scream later. Marlee Matlin. B Matlin
- I’m just happy to be here: a memoir of renegade mothering. Janelle Hanchett. 362.29 HAN
- In pain: a bioethicist’s personal struggle with opioids. Travis Rieder. 362.293 RIE
- The interventionist. Joani Gammill. 362.29 GAM
- It’s so easy: and other lies. Duff McKagan. B McKagan
- Jadlow: on the rebound. Todd Jadlow, Tom Brew. B Jadlow
- Jeannie out of the bottle. Barbara Eden. B Eden
- Kill the noise: finding meaning above the madness. Ryan Ries. 277.94 RIE
- Leave out the tragic parts: a grandfather’s search for a boy lost to addiction. Dave Kindred. 362.29 KIN
- Life itself: a memoir. Roger Ebert. B Ebert, Large Type B Ebert
- A list of things that didn’t kill me: a memoir. Jason Schmidt. Y 362.1969 SCH
- Lit: a memoir. Mary Karr. B Karr
- LT over the edge: tackling quarterbacks, drugs, and a world beyond football. Lawrence Taylor. 796.332 TAY
- Magnificent desolation: the long journey home from the moon. Buzz Aldrin. B Aldrin
- Mayhem. Sigrid Rausing. 362.29 RAU
- Memoirs of an addicted brain: a neuroscientist examines his former life on drugs. Marc Lewis. 362.29 LEW
- A million little pieces. James Frey. 362.29 FRE, Spanish Lang. 362.29 FRE
- My fair junkie: a memoir of getting dirty and staying clean. Amy Dresner. 362.29 DRE
- My friend Leonard. James Frey. 362.29 FRE
- My life on the line: how the NFL damn near killed me, and ended up saving my life. Ryan O’Callaghan. B O’Callaghan
- My name is Bill: Bill Wilson: his life and the creation of Alcoholics Anonymous. Susan Cheever. B W.
- The night of the gun: a reporter investigates the darkest story of his life, his own. David Carr. B Carr
- Ninety days: a memoir of recovery. Bill Clegg. 362.29 CLE
- Not dead yet: the memoir. Phil Collins. B Collins, CD B Collins
- Nothing good can come from this: essays. Kristi Coulter. 814.5 COU
- Off the rails: one family’s journey through teen addiction. Susan Burrowes. 362.29 BUR
- The only life I could save: a memoir. Katherine Ketcham. 362.29 KET
- Opium fiend: a 21st century slave to a 19th century addiction: a memoir. Steven Martin. 362.293 MAR
- Ordinary girls: a memoir. Jaquira Díaz. B Díaz
- Out came the sun: overcoming the legacy of mental illness, addiction, and suicide in my family. Mariel Hemingway. B Hemingway
- A paper life. Tatum O’Neal. B O’Neal
- Portrait of an addict as a young man: a memoir. Bill Clegg. 362.29 CLE
- Quitter: a memoir of drinking, relapse, and recovery. Erica C. Barnett. 362.292 BAR
- Save me from myself: how I found God, quit Korn, kicked drugs, and lived to tell my story. Brian “Head” Welch. B Welch
- Shards: a young vice cop investigates her darkest case of meth addiction–her own. Allison Moore. 363.2092 MOO
- Sink: a memoir. Joseph Earl Thomas. B Thomas
- The sky isn’t visible from here. Felicia C. Sullivan. B Sullivan
- Smacked: a story of white-collar ambition, addiction, and tragedy. Eilene Zimmerman. 362.29 ZIM
- Sober stick figure: a memoir. Amber Tozer. 362.292 TOZ
- Stay close: a mother’s story of her son’s addiction. Libby Cataldi. 362.29 CAT
- Strung out: one last hit and other lies that nearly killed me: a memoir. Erin Khar. 362.293 KHA
- Symptoms of withdrawal: a memoir of snapshots and redemption. Christopher Kennedy Lawford. B Lawford
- Terry: my daughter’s life-and-death struggle with alcoholism. George McGovern. B McGovern
- Till the end. CC Sabathia. B Sabathia
- Tweak: growing up on methamphetamines. Nic Sheff. Large Type 362.299 SHE
- Under our roof: a son’s battle for recovery, a mother’s battle for her son. Madeleine Dean, Harry Cunnane. 362.293 DEA
- Untied: a memoir of family, fame, and floundering. Meredith Baxter. B Baxter
- Unwasted: my lush sobriety. Sacha Z. Scoblic. 362.292 SCO
- A very fine house: a mother’s story of love, faith, and crystal meth. Barbara Cofer Stoefen. 362.299 STO
- We are the luckiest: the surprising magic of a sober life. Laura McKowen. 362.292 MACK
- What are the odds?: from crack addict to CEO. Mike Lindell. B Lindell
- White out: the secret life of heroin: a memoir. Michael W. Clune. 362.293 CLU
- Wishful drinking. Carrie Fisher. B Fisher, CD B Fisher
- With or without you: a memoir. Domenica Ruta. B Ruta
- You ought to do a story about me: addiction, an unlikely friendship, and the endless quest for redemption. Ted Jackson. B Wallace
- The alcoholic. Jonathan Ames. Graphic Fic AME
- All fall down. Jennifer Weiner. Fic WEI, EAudio
- Cost. Roxana Robinson. Fic ROB
- Crank. Ellen Hopkins. Y Fic HOP
- Crystal lies. Melody Carlson. Rel. Fic CAR
- A drop of the hard stuff: a Matthew Scudder novel. Lawrence Block. Mystery BLO
- Far from you. Tess Sharpe. Y Fic SHA
- Glass. Ellen Hopkins. Y Fic HOP
- The good house. Ann Leary. Fic LEA
- Imperfect birds. Anne Lamott. Fic LAM, Large Type Fic LAM, CD Fic LAM
- Paula Spencer. Roddy Doyle. Fic DOY
- Postcards from the edge. Carrie Fisher. Fic FIS
- A private sorcery. Lisa Gornick. Fic GOR
- Road trip. Melody Carlson. Y Fic CAR
- Rush. Kim Wozencraft. Fic WOZ
- Spin. Catherine McKenzie. Fic MACK
- The taste of salt. Martha Southgate. Fic SOU
- Vicious cycle: an intervention novel. Terri Blackstock. Rel. Fic BLA, Large Type Fic BLA
- Walking on broken glass. Christa Allan. Rel. Fic ALL
- Drug abuse: altered states. VIDEO 613.8
- Finding hope in recovery: families living with addiction. DVD 362.29
- The lost weekend. DVD Drama L
- My name is Bill W. DVD Drama M
- Ray. DVD Drama R, VIDEO Descriptive R
- El rey de los coleaderos = The king of rodeo. DVD Foreign R
- Abusing prescription drugs. Philip Wolny. J 613.8 WOL
- Alcohol and your liver: the incredibly disgusting story. Theresa Anne Booley. J 613.81 BOO
- Avoiding drugs. Patricia J. Murphy. J 362.29 MUR
- Cocaine. Michael A. Sommers. J 613.84 SOM
- Crack and your circulatory system: the incredibly disgusting story. Claudia B. Manley. J 613.84 MAN
- Crystal meth. Jeremy Harrow. J 613.84 HAR
- The dangers of herbal stimulants. Meish Goldish. J 362.29 GOL
- Downers. Jason Porterfield. J 613.8 POR
- Ecstasy. Tamra B. Orr. J 613.84 ORR
- Hallucinogens and your neurons: the incredibly disgusting story. Holly Cefrey. J 613.83 CEF
- Heroin and your veins. Allan Cobb. J 613.83 COB
- Inhalant abuse. Matthew Robinson. J 613.8 ROB
- Marijuana. Jeanne Nagle. J 613.83 NAG
- My dad. Niki Daly. Pic DAL
- OxyContin abuse. Suzanne Slade. J 613.83 SLA
- Speed. Edward Willett. J 613.84 WIL
- Steroids. Doretta Lau. J 613.8 LAU
- Uppers. Corona Brezina. J 613.84 BRE
- El cuaderno de Maya. Isabel Allende. Spanish Lang. Fic ALL
- Cómo mantener sobrio a tu ser querido: guía para ayudar a las personas que sufren adicciones, sin pelear, suplicar ni amenazar. Robert J. Meyers, Brenda L. Wolfe. Spanish Lang. 362.292 MEY
- La cura del alcoholismo y otras adicciones. Chris Prentiss. Spanish Lang. 362.292 PRE
- En mil pedazos. James Frey. Spanish Lang. 362.29 FRE
- Eso no me sucedera: hijos adultos de padres alcoholicos. Claudia Black. Spanish Lang. 362.292 BLA
- Girando en un tacon. Regina Kuri. Spanish Lang. 362.29 KUR
- El hombre quimico. Jose Canseco. Spanish Lang. 796.357 CAN
- Mi hijo precioso: el viaje de un padre a traves de la adiccion de su hijo. David Sheff. Spanish Lang. 362.299 SHE
- Por estas calles bravas. Piri Thomas. Spanish Lang. B Thomas
- Trejo: mi vida de crimen, redención y Hollywood. Danny Trejo. Spanish Lang. B Trejo