Gone but not forgotten: Deaths in 2004
Gone but not forgotten: Deaths in 2004
Joan Aiken 9/4/1924-1/4/2004
- The Cockatrice boys. Sci. Fic AIK
- Died on a rainy Sunday. Y Fic AIK
- Eliza’s daughter. Fic AIK
- Emma Watson: the Watsons completed. Fic AIK
- Foul matter. Fic AIK
- The haunting of Lamb house. Fic AIK
- If I were you. Fic AIK
- Jane Fairfax: Jane Austen’s Emma, through another’s eyes. Fic AIK
- Mansfield revisited. Fic AIK
John Toland 6/29/1912-1/4/2004
- But not in shame; the six months after Pearl Harbor. 940.54 TOL
- Captured by history: one man’s vision of our tumultuous century. B Toland
- The Dillinger days. 364.1 TOL
- Gods of war. Fic TOL
- Hitler: the pictorial documentary of his life. B Hitler
- In mortal combat: Korea, 1950-1953. 951.904 TOL
- Infamy: Pearl Harbor and its aftermath. 940.54 TOL
- The last 100 days. 940.54 TOL
- No man’s land: 1918, the last year of the Great War. 940.3 TOL
- Occupation. Fic TOL
- The rising sun; the decline and fall of the Japanese Empire,1936-1945. 940.53 TOL
Tug McGraw 8/30/1944-1/5/2004
- Screwball. Tug McGraw, Joseph Durso. 796.357 MACG
Francesco Scavullo 1/16/1921-1/6/2004
- Scavullo women. 646.704 SCA
Alexandra Ripley 1/8/1934-1/10/2004
- Charleston. Fic RIP
- From fields of gold. Fic RIP
- A love divine. Fic RIP
- On leaving Charleston. Fic RIP
- Scarlett: the sequel to Margaret Mitchell’s Gone with the wind. Fic RIP, Audio Fic RIP, VIDEO Drama S
- The time returns. Fic RIP
Olivia Goldsmith 19??-1/15/2004
- Bad boy. Fic GOL, Large Type Fic GOL
- The bestseller. Fic GOL
- Dumping Billy. Fic GOL
- Fashionably late. Fic GOL
- The first wives club. Fic GOL
- Flavor of the month. Fic GOL
- Marrying Mom. Fic GOL, Large Type Fic GOL
- Pen pals. Fic GOL, Large Type Fic GOL
- Switcheroo. Fic GOL, Large Type Fic GOL
Bob Keeshan 6/27/1927-1/23/2004
- Family fun activity book. 790.1 KEE
- Good morning, Captain: 50 wonderful years with Bob Keeshan, TV’s Captain Kangaroo. 791.457 KEE
Jack Paar 5/1/1918-1/27/2004
- P.S. Jack Paar. B Paar, Audio B Paar
Janet Frame 8/28/1924-1/29/2004
- The Carpathians. Fic FRA
M. M. Kaye 8/21/1908-1/29/2004
- Death in Berlin. Mystery KAY, Large Type Fic KAY
- Death in Cyprus. Mystery KAY, Large Type Fic KAY
- Death in Kashmir. Mystery KAY, Large Type Fic KAY
- Death in Kenya. Mystery KAY, Large Type Fic KAY
- Death in the Andamans. Mystery KAY, Large Type Fic KAY
- Death in Zanzibar. Mystery KAY, Large Type Fic KAY
- The far pavilions. Fic KAY, VIDEO Drama
- Shadow of the moon. Fic KAY, Audio Fic KAY
- The sun in the morning: the autobiography of M.M. Kaye. B Kaye Large Type
- Trade wind. Fic KAY
Daniel Boorstin 10/1/1914-2/28/2004
- The Americans: the democratic experience. 973 BOO
- The creators. 909 BOO
- The discoverers. 909 BOO
- The landmark history of the American people. J 973 BOO
Jerome Lawrence 7/14/1915-2/29/2004
- Auntie Mame; a new play. 822 LAW
John Sack 3/24/1930-3/27/2004
- M. 959.7 SAC
Peter Ustinov 4/16/1921-3/28/2004
- The old man and Mr. Smith: a fable. Fic UST
- Romanoff and Juliet: a comedy in three acts. 822 UST
Alistair Cooke 11/20/1908-3/29/2004
- America observed: the newspaper years of Alistair Cooke. 973.92 COO
- The Americans: fifty talks on our life and times. Large Type 917.3 COO
- Fun & games with Alistair Cooke: on sport and other amusements. 796 COO
- Masterpieces: a decade of Masterpiece theatre. 791.457 COO
- Memories of the great & the good. 920 COO
Frances Schreuder ?-3/30/2004
- At mother’s request: a true story of money, murder, and betrayal. Jonathan Coleman. 364.1523 COL
- Nutcracker: money, madness, murder: a family album. Shana Alexander. 364.1523 ALE
Estee Lauder 7/1/1906-4/24/2004
- Estee Lauder: beyond the magic: an unauthorized biography. Lee Israel. B Lauder
Alan King 12/25/1927-5/9/2004
- Help! I’m a prisoner in a Chinese bakery. 817 KIN
Syd Hoff 1913-5/12/2004
- Danny and the dinosaur. E HOF First Grade
- Sammy the seal. E HOF First Grade
Tony Randall 2/26/1920-5/17/2004
- Which reminds me. 792.092 RAN
William Manchester 4/1/1922-6/1/2004
- American Caesar, Douglas MacArthur, 1880-1964. B MacArthur
- The city of anger: a novel. Fic MAN
- The glory and the dream: a narrative history of America, 1932-1972. 973.9 MAN
- Goodbye, darkness: a memoir of the Pacific War. 940.54 MAN
- The last lion, Winston Spencer Churchill alone, 1932-1940. B Churchill
- One brief shining moment: remembering Kennedy. Large Type B Kennedy
Ronald Reagan 2/6/1911-6/5/2004
- The acting president. 973.927 SCH
- An American life. B Reagan, Audio B Reagan
- Angels don’t die: my father’s gift of faith. Patti Davis. B Davis
- A different drummer: my thirty years with Ronald Reagan. Michael K. Deaver. B Reagan, Audio B Reagan
- Dutch: a memoir of Ronald Reagan. Edmund Morris. B Reagan, Audio B Reagan
- Governor Reagan: his rise to power. Lou Cannon. B Reagan
- Hand of providence: the strong and quiet faith of Ronald Reagan. Mary Beth Brown. B Reagan
- How Ronald Reagan changed my life. Peter Robinson. 973.927 ROB
- I love you, Ronnie: the letters of Ronald Reagan to Nancy Reagan. Nancy Reagan. B Reagan
- President Reagan: the role of a lifetime. B Reagan
- Reagan: a life in letters. 973.927 REA
- Reagan, in his own voice. CD 815 REA
- Ronald Reagan the many lives. VIDEO B Reagan
- When character was king: the story of Ronald Reagan. Peggy Noonan. 973.927 NOO
Mattie J. T. Stepanek 7/17/1990-6/22/2004
- Celebrate through heartsongs. 811 STE
- Heartsongs. 811 STE
- A heartsongs collection. Audio 811 STE
- Hope through heartsongs. 811 STE, Audio 811 STE
- Journey through heartsongs. 811 STE
- Loving through heartsongs. 811 STE
- Music through heartsongs: songs based on the poems of Mattie J.T. Stepanek. Billy Gilman. CD MA GILM MTH G-54
Marlon Brando 4/23/1924-7/1/2004
- Brando in the camera eye. Sam Shaw. B Brando
- Brando: songs my mother taught me. Marlon Brando with Robert Lindsey. B Brando
- Brando: the unauthorized biography. Charles Higham. B Brando
Jeff Smith 1/22/1939-7/7/2004
- The Frugal Gourmet. 641.552 SMI
- The Frugal gourmet celebrates Christmas. 641.568 SMI
- The Frugal Gourmet cooks American. 641.597 SMI
- The Frugal gourmet cooks three ancient cuisines: China, Greece, and Rome. 641.59 SMI
- The Frugal Gourmet cooks with wine. 641.622 SMI
- The Frugal Gourmet on our immigrant ancestors: recipes you should have gotten from your grandmother. 641.59 SMI
Walter Wager 9/4/1924-7/11/2004
- Blue leader. Large Type Fic WAG
- Kelly’s people. Fic WAG
- The spirit team. Fic WAG
- Tunnel. Fic WAG
Henri Cartier-Bresson 8/22/1908-8/3/2004
- Cartier-Bresson’s France. 914.4 CAR
- Henri Cartier-Bresson, the early work. Peter Galassi. 779 GAL
- The world of Henri Cartier Bresson. 779 CAR
Red Adair 6/18/1915-8/7/2004
- An American hero: the Red Adair story: an authorized biography. Philip Singerman. B Adair
Julia Child 8/15/1912-8/12/2004
- Appetite for life: the biography of Julia Child. Noel Riley Fitch. B Child
- Baking with Julia. Dorie Greenspan. 641.815 GRE
- Cooking with master chefs. 641.5 CHI
- Julia’s kitchen wisdom: essential techniques and recipes from a lifetime of cooking. 641.5 CHI
- The way to cook. 641.5 CHI
Czeslaw Milosz 6/30/1911-8/14/2004
- New and collected poems 1931-2001. 891.85 MIL
Carl Mydans 5/20/1907-8/17/2004
- Carl Mydans, photojournalist. 779 MYD
- War in Korea; the report of a woman combat correspondent. Photos by Carl Mydans and others. 951.9 HIG
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross 7/8/1926-8/24/2004
- Death and dying: a conversation with Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, M.D. VIDEO 155.937
- Life lessons: two experts on death and dying teach us about the mysteries of life and living. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross & David Kessler. 170.44 KUB, Large Type 170.44 KUB
- Living with death and dying. 155.937 KUB
- On children and death. 155.937 KUB
- On death and dying. 155.93 KUB
- Quest: the life of Elisabeth Kubler-Ross. Derek Gill. B Kubler-Ross
- To live until we say good-bye. 155.937 KUB
- The wheel of life: a memoir of living and dying. B Kubler-Ross
- Working it through. 306.9 KUB
Francoise Sagan 6/21/1935-9/24/2004
- Incidental music. Fic SAG
- Salad days. Fic SAG
Janet Leigh 7/6/1927-10/3/2004
- There really was a Hollywood. B Leigh
Gordon Cooper 3/6/1927-10/4/2004
- Leap of faith: an astronaut’s journey into the unknown. Gordon Cooper, with Bruce Henderson. B Cooper
Rodney Dangerfield 11/22/1922-10/5/2004
- It’s not easy bein’ me: a lifetime of no respect but plenty of sex and drugs. B Dangerfield
Christopher Reeve 9/25/1952-10/10/2004
- Nothing is impossible: reflections on a new life. B Reeve, CD B Reeve
- Still me. B Reeve, Audio B Reeve
- Superhero: a biography of Christopher Reeve. Chris Nickson. Audio B Reeve
Pierre Salinger 6/14/1925-10/16/2004
- The dossier. Pierre Salinger, Leonard Gross. Fic SAL
- Mortal games. Pierre Salinger, Leonard Gross. Fic SAL
- With Kennedy. 973.92 SAL
Robert Merrill 6/4/1917-10/23/2004
- Between acts, an irreverent look at opera and other madness. Robert Merrill, with Robert Saffron. B Merrill