- The American soul: rediscovering the wisdom of the founders. Jacob Needleman. 973 NEE
- Art of the inner meal: eating as a spiritual path. Donald Altman. 291.44 ALT
- The artist’s way: a spiritual path to higher creativity. Julia Cameron. Y 153.35 CAM
- The book of secrets: unlocking the hidden dimensions of your life. Deepak Chopra. 158.1 CHO, Spanish Lang. 158.1 CHO
- Buddha in your backpack: everyday Buddhism for teens. Franz Metcalf. Y 294.3 MET
- The Catholic home: celebrations and traditions for holidays, feast days, and every day. Meredith Gould. 263.9 GOU
- Chickensoupforthesoul:storiesforabetterworld. 158.12CHI
- Christ plays in ten thousand places: a conversation in spiritual theology. Eugene H. Peterson. 230 PET
- Communion with God. Neale Donald Walsch. 291.44 WAL
- The dark night of the soul: a psychiatrist explores the connection betweendarknessandspiritualgrowth. Gerald G. May. 248.2MAY
- The diamond in your pocket: discovering your true radiance. Gangaji. 204.4 GAN
- Eat this book: a conversation in the art of spiritual reading. Eugene H. Peterson. 220.071 PET
- Everyday grace: having hope, finding forgiveness, and making miracles. Marianne Williamson. 299.93 WIL, CD 299.93 WIL
- Experiencing God: knowing and doing the will of God. Henry T. Blackaby & Claude V. King. 231 BLA
- Fire in the heart: a spiritual guide for teens. Deepak Chopra. Y 204 CHO
- Girl meets God: on the path to a spiritual life. Lauren F. Winner. 248.246 WIN
- God at the Ritz: attraction to infinity. Lorenzo Albacete. 200 ALB
- The God factor: inside the spiritual lives of public people. Cathleen Falsani. 200.92 FAL
- The God gene: how faith is hardwired into our genes. Dean Hamer. 200.19 HAM
- God moves mountains one pebble at a time: the healing journey of Naomi Stoltzfus. B Stoltzfus
- ThegospelaccordingtoOprah. Marcia Z. Nelson. 791.45 NEL
- Guardians of the gate: spiritual mentoring for women. Ann Platz. 253.53 PLA
- Healing dreams: exploring the dreams that can transform your life. Marc Ian Barasch. 154.63 BAR
- Healthy aging: a lifelong guide to your physical and spiritual well-being. Andrew Weil. 613.0438 WEI
- He-motions: even strong men struggle. T.D. Jakes. 248.842 JAK
- A hidden wholeness: the journey toward an undivided life. Parker J. Palmer. 158.1 PAL
- Home with God: in a life that never ends: a wondrous message of love in a final conversation with God. Neale Donald Walsch. 202.3 WAL
- If God is love: rediscovering grace in an ungracious world. Philip Gulley and James Mulholland. 248.4 GUL
- Invisible acts of power: personal choices that create miracles. Caroline Myss. 205.677 MYS
- John Paul the great: remembering a spiritual father. Peggy Noonan. B John Paul II
- A legacy of faith: things I learned from my father. Ruth Graham. B Graham
- Legacy of the heart: the spiritual advantages of a painful childhood. Wayne Muller. 155.924 MUL
- Life essentials: for knowing God better, experiencing God deeper, loving God more. Tony Evans. 248.4 EVA
- A man’s guide to the spiritual disciplines: 12 habits to strengthen your walk with Christ. Patrick Morley. 248.842 MOR
- Mark of voodoo: awakening to my African spiritual heritage. Sharon Caulder. 299.675 CAU
- Mealtime habits of the Messiah: 40 encounters with Jesus. Conrad Gempf. 232.9 GEM
- A month of Sundays: searching for the spirit and my sister. Julie Mars. B Mars
- Moving on: creating your house of belonging with simple abundance. Sarah Ban Breathnach. 158.1 BAN
- A new earth: awakening to your life’s purpose. Eckhart Tolle. 204.4 TOL
- The new revelations: a conversation with God. Neale Donald Walsch. 291.44 WAL
- On grief and grieving: finding the meaning of grief through the five stages of loss. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross. 155.937 KUB
- Outrageous mercy: rediscover the radical nature of Christianity. Wm. P. Farley. 230 FAR
- Plan B: further thoughts on faith. Anne Lamott. B Lamott, Large Type B Lamott
- Real kids, real faith: practices for nurturing children’s spiritual lives. Karen Marie Yust. 248.845 YUS
- Relax, you’re already perfect: 10 spiritual lessons– to remember. Bruce D. Schneider. 291.44 SCH
- Seasons of refreshing: the hunger for spiritual renewal. Jerry Hunt. 269 HUN
- Seeking enlightenment– hat by hat: a skeptic’s path to religion. Nevada Barr. 248.2 BAR, Large Type 248.2 BAR
- Setting your heart on fire: seven invitations to liberate your life. Raphael Cushnir. 177.7 CUS
- Shine: a physical, emotional, and spiritual journey to finding love. Star Jones Reynolds. 646.7 JON
- Six steps to spiritual revival. Pat Robertson. 243 ROB
- The soul of a butterfly: reflections on life’s journey. Muhammad Ali. B Ali, Large Type B Ali
- Soul signs: an elemental guide to your spiritual destiny. Rosemary Altea. 131 ALT
- Spiritually incorrect: finding God in all the wrong places. Dan Wakefield. 248.4 WAK
- Spiritual progress: becoming the Christian you want to be. Thomas D. Williams. 248.4 WIL
- Stillness speaks. Eckhart Tolle. 204.4 TOL
- Stretch and pray: a daily discipline for physical and spiritual wellness. Murray D. Finck. 613.718 FIN
- Sylvia Browne’s lessons for life. 131 BRO
- There is a God, there is no God: a companion for the journey of unknowing. John Kirvan. 248.4 KIR
- There must be more than this: finding more life, love, and meaning by overcoming your soft addictions. Judith Wright. 158.1 WRI
- A thousand names for joy: living in harmony with the way things are. Byron Katie. 170.44 KAT
- Through the narrow gate. Karen Armstrong. B Armstrong
- Tomorrow’s God: our greatest spiritual challenge. Neale Donald Walsch. 202.112 WAL
- The trauma zone: trusting God for emotional healing. R. Dandridge Collins. 248.86 COL
- The unmistakable touch of grace. Cheryl Richardson. Large Type 204.4 RIC
- Waking the dead: the glory of a heart fully alive. John Eldredge. 248.4 ELD
- Walk on: the spiritual journey of U2. Steve Stockman. Y 781.66 STO
- Walking a literary labyrinth: a spirituality of reading. Nancy M. Malone. 028.9 MAL
- Walking in your destiny. Juanita Bynum. 248.4 BYN
- Watching the tree: a Chinese daughter reflects on happiness, tradition, and spiritual wisdom. Adeline Yen Mah. B Mah
- We are the ones we have been waiting for: inner light in a time of darkness: meditations. Alice Walker. 814 WAL
- Wise choices: a spiritual guide to making life’s decisions. Margaret Silf. 153.83 SIL
- Worker in the light: unlock your five senses and liberate your limitless potential. George Noory. 158.12 NOO
- He’sgotthewholeworldinHishands. Kadir Nelson. Pic NEL
- This little light of mine. E.B. Lewis. Pic LEW