- Adobe Photoshop CS: one-on-one. Deke McClelland. 006.68 MACC
- The Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3 book for digital photographers. Scott Kelby. 006.68 KEL
- Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5. 006.686 ADO
- American photography. Miles Orvell. 770.9 ORV
- The art of digital photography: digital photo design: how to compose winning pictures. Paul Comon. 775 COM
- B & W photo-lab processing and printing. Julien Busselle. 771.4 BUS
- The beginner’s photography guide: the ultimate step-by-step manual for getting the most from your digital camera. Chris Gatcum. 770 GAT
- Camera: a history of photography from daguerreotype to digital. Todd Gustavson. 770.9 GUS
- The complete guide to close-up & macro photography. Paul Harcourt Davies. 778.3 DAV
- Complete guide to high dynamic range digital photography. Ferrell McCollough. 771.3 MACC
- The complete guide to nature photography: professional techniques for capturing digital images of nature and wildlife. Sean Arbabi. 778.936 ARB
- Digital photography. Julie Adair King. 771 KIN
- Digital photography through the year. Tom Ang. 770 ANG
- Digital SLR handbook. John Freeman. 775 FRE
- Digital SLR photography all-in-one for dummies. Robert Correll. 770 COR
- Digital wedding photography for dummies. Amber Murphy. 778.99 MUR
- An essential guide to bird photography. Steve Young. 778.93 YOU
- Expressive photography: the Shutter Sisters’ guide to shooting from the heart. 771 EXP
- Family photo detective: learn how to find genealogy clues in old photos and solve family photo mysteries. Maureen A. Taylor. 929.1 TAY
- Family photography now. Sophie Howarth, Stephen McLaren. 779.2 HOW
- 500 cameras: 170 years of photographic innovation. Todd Gustavson. 771.309 GUS
- Focus on digital portrait photography. Jenni Bidner. 778.92 BID
- The garden photography workshop: tips and techniques for capturing your garden. Andrea Jones. 778.93 JON
- The genius of color photography: from the autochrome to the digital age. Pamela Roberts. 778.6 ROB
- Group f.64: Edward Weston, Ansel Adams, Imogen Cunningham, and the community of artists who revolutionized American photography. Mary Street Alinder. 770.922 ALI
- The hot shoe diaries: big light from small flashes. Joe McNally. 778.72 MACN
- How to photograph absolutely everything. Tom Ang. 775 ANG
- iPhone photography for dummies. Mark Hemmings. 771 HEM
- Kodak guide to digital photography. Rob Sheppard. 775 SHE
- The LIFE guide to digital photography: everything you need to shoot like the pros. Joe McNally. 770 MACN
- Lonely Planet’s best ever photography tips. Richard I’Anson. 771 IAN
- Mamarazzi: every mom’s guide to photographing kids. Stacy Wasmuth. 778.92 WAS
- National Geographic photography field guide: secrets to making great pictures. Peter K. Burian, Robert Caputo. 771 BUR
- The new manual of photography. John Hedgecoe. 771 HED
- Opportunities in photography careers. Bervin Johnson. 770.232 JOH
- Photographer’s market. 770.25 PHO
- Photographing your family: and all the kids and friends and animals who wander through too. Joel Sartore. 778.92 SAR
- Photography for dummies. Russell Hart. 771 HAR
- Photoshop CC. Mike Wooldridge, Brianna Stuart. 006.686 WOO
- Photoshop CC for dummies. Peter Bauer. 006.686 BAU
- Photoshop CS3: for Windows and Macintosh: Visual Quickstart guide. Elaine Weinmann, Peter Lourekas. 006.68 WEI
- The Photoshop Elements 5 book for digital photographers. Scott Kelby. 006.68 KEL
- Photoshop Elements 6 for Windows. Jeff Carlson. 006.68 CAR
- Picture-taking for moms and dads: recipes for great pictures with any camera. Ron Nichols. 778.9 NIC
- Teach yourself visually Photoshop Elements 9. Mike Wooldridge. 006.68 WOO
- Teach yourself visually Photoshop Elements 10. Mike Wooldridge, Brianna Stuart. 006.686 WOO
- The ultimate field guide to photography. 770 ULT
- Understanding exposure: how to shoot great photographs with a film or digital camera. Bryan Peterson. 771 PET
- The unforgettable photograph: 228 ideas, tips, and secrets for taking the best pictures of your life. George Lange. 770.1 LAN
- Wedding photography unveiled: inspiration and insight from 20 top photographers. Jacqueline Tobin. 778.9 TOB
- The complete photo guide to framing & displaying artwork: 500 full-color how-to photos. Vivian Carli Kistler. 749.7 KIS
- The crafter’s guide to taking great photos: the best techniques for showcasing your handmade creations. Heidi Adnum. 778.97 ADN
- The decorated page: journals, scrapbooks & albums made simply beautiful. Gwen Diehn. 745.54 DIE
- Easy scrapbooking: use your home computer to create stylish layouts for weddings, holidays, and other occasions. Patty Hoffman Brahe. 771.46 BRA
- Holiday scrapbooking: 200 page designs. Vanessa Ann. 771.46 HOL
- Ideas and techniques. 771.46 IDE
- The joy of scrapbooking. Kerry Arquette, Andrea Zocchi, Darlene D’Agostino. 771.46 ARQ
- Memory makers creative photo cropping for scrapbooks: steps for turning your photos into works of art. 771.46 MEM
- Photocraft: cool things to do with the pictures you love. Caroline Herter. 745.59 HER
- Scrapbooking baby’s cherished moments: 200 page designs. Rebecca Carter. 771.46 CAR
- Scrapbooking your vacations: 200 page designs. Susan Ure. 771.46 URE
- The ultimate scrapbooking book. Rebecca Carter. 771.46 CAR
- Above hallowed ground: a photographic record of September 11, 2001. 973.931 ABO
- Adirondack wilderness. Nathan Farb. 508.747 FAR
- Advanced style. Ari Seth Cohen. 746.92 COH
- The Africa book: a journey through every country in the continent. 916 AFR
- African journey. Pete Turner. 779 TUR
- Aftermath: World Trade Center archive. Joel Meyerowitz. 973.931 MEY
- Albion and Noble County. Mark R. Hunter, Emily Hunter. Ind. Coll. 977.276 HUN
- The alligator book. C.C. Lockwood. 597.98 LOC
- America from space. Thomas B. Allen. 917.3 ALL
- America in space: NASA’s first fifty years. 629.409 AME
- America 24/7: 24 hours, 7 days, extraordinary images of one American week. 973.931 AME
- American country churches. William Morgan. 726.5 MOR
- American farmer: the heart of our country. Paul Mobley. 630.92 MOB
- American photography: a century of images. Vicki Goldberg, Robert Silberman. 779 GOL
- American teacher: heroes in the classroom. Katrina Fried. 371.1 FRI
- An Amish garden: a year in the life of an Amish garden. Laura Anne Lapp. 635 LAP
- Amish life: living plainly and serving God. Darryl D. Jones. 289.7 JON
- Animal portraits. Walter Schels. 779.32 SCH
- The Appalachian Trail: celebrating America’s hiking trail. Brian B. King. 917.4 KIN
- Archipelago: portraits of life in the world’s most remote island sanctuary. David Liittschwager, Susan Middleton. 578.77 LII
- At home in Australia. Peter Conrad. 994 CON
- At work. Annie Leibovitz. 770.92 LEI
- Audrey 100: a rare and intimate photo collection selected by Audrey Hepburn’s family. Ellen Fontana. 779 FON
- Augustus F. Sherman: Ellis Island portraits, 1905-1920. 779 SHE
- Australia: a visual journey across the island continent. 919.4 AUS
- Balanchine: celebrating a life in dance. Costas. 792.8 COS
- The ballet book: learning and appreciating the secrets of dance. 792.8 BAL
- Barn quilts and the American Quilt Trail movement. Suzi Parron. 745.723 PAR
- Beginnings. Anne Geddes. 779.25 GED
- Best of the Midwest: rediscovering America’s heartland. Dan Kaercher. 917.7 KAE
- Beyond: visions of the interplanetary probes. Michael Benson. 523.2 BEN
- Bibliostyle: how we live at home with books. Nina Freudenberger. 747.9 FRE
- Big appetites: tiny people in a world of big food. Christopher Boffoli. 818 BOF
- Birds of Central Park. Cal Vornberger. 598.097 VOR
- Birds of paradise: revealing the world’s most extraordinary birds. Tim Laman, Edwin Scholes. 598.865 LAM
- Boats. Sunny Reynolds. 797.1 REY
- Boo: the life of the world’s cutest dog. J. H. Lee. 636.76 LEE
- Books make a home: elegant ideas for storing and displaying books. Damian Thompson. 747.9 THO
- Bookshelf. Alex Johnson. 684.162 JOH
- Bookstores: a celebration of independent booksellers. Horst A. Friedrichs, Stuart Husband. 381.45 HUS
- Broken spears: a Maasai journey. Elizabeth L. Gilbert. 967.62 GIL
- Brown County. Rick Hofstetter, Jane Ammeson. Ind. Coll. 977.225 HOF
- Butterfly. Thomas Marent. 595.789 MAR
- A camera, two kids and a camel: my journey in photographs. Annie Griffiths Belt. 779 BEL
- Capturing Camelot: Stanley Tretick’s iconic images of the Kennedys. Kitty Kelley. 973.922 KEL
- Car: the definitive visual history of the automobile. 629.222 CAR
- Carmel. Terri Horvath. Ind. Coll. 977.256 HOR
- Cats 24/7: 24 hours, 7 days, extraordinary photographs of wonderful cats. 636.8 CAT
- Chicago‘s Loop: then and now. Janice A. Knox, Heather Olivia Belcher. 977.311 KNO
- China. Yann Layma. 951.06 LAY
- China, its most scenic places: a photographic journey through 50 of its most unspoiled villages and towns. 915.1 CHI
- City in time: Chicago. Ray Furse. 977.311 FUR
- Comeback 2.0: up close and personal. Lance Armstrong. 796.62 ARM
- Comic genius: portraits of funny people. Matt Hoyle. 792.23 HOY
- The common good: an Indiana heritage built with taxes, tithes, and tuition. John Bower, Lynn Bower. Ind. Coll. 977.2 BOW
- The conquest of Everest: original photographs from the legendary first ascent. George Lowe, Huw Lewis-Jones. 796.522 LOW
- Cover. Peter Mendelsund. 741.64 MEN
- Crawfordsville. William P. Helling. Ind. Coll. 977.248 HEL
- Cyclepedia: a century of iconic bicycle design. Michael Embacher. 629.2272 EMB
- Dads are the original hipsters. Brad Getty. 306.8742 GET
- Dakotas: where the West begins. John Thompson. 917.83 THO
- David Plowden: the American barn. David Plowden. 728.92 PLO
- The day in its color: Charles Cushman’s photographic journey through a vanishing America. Eric Sandweiss. 779 SAN
- A day in the life of Africa: photographed by the world’s leading photojournalists on one day. 960 DAY
- A day in the life of the American woman: how we see ourselves. Sharon J. Wohlmuth, Carol Saline, Dawn Sheggeby. 305.4 WOH
- Delaware County. Norma Lasley. Ind. Coll. 977.265 LAS
- Delphi. Anita L. Werling, Bonnie J. Maxwell. Ind. Coll. 977.294 WER
- Dixie Highway in Indiana. Russell S. Rein, Jan Shupert-Arick. Ind. Coll. 977.2 REI
- The dogist: photographic encounters with 1,000 dogs. Elias Weiss Friedman. 779.32 FRI
- Dogs 24/7: 24 hours, 7 days, extraordinary photographs of wonderful dogs. 636.7 DOG
- Doors. Bob Wilcox. 721.822 WIL
- Double exposure: African American women: photographs from the National Museum of African American History and Culture. Y 779.2 DOU
- Down in the garden. Anne Geddes. 779 GED
- Dreams of Duneland: a pictorial history of the Indiana Dunes Region. Kenneth J. Schoon. Ind. Coll. 977.298 SCH
- Driving to Stony Lonesome: Jack Welpott’s Indiana photographs, 1936-1959. Ind. Coll. 770.92 WEL
- The Dust Bowl: an illustrated history. Dayton Duncan. 978.032 DUN
- The Dust Bowl through the lens: how photography revealed and helped remedy a national disaster. Martin W. Sandler. 973.917 SAN
- Earth from above: 366 days. Yann Arthus-Bertrand. 779.36 ART, DVD 778.35
- Earthsong. Angelika Jung-Huttl. 551 JUN
- The elegance of the cat: an illustrated history. Tamsin Pickeral. 636.8 PIC
- Emotions in black and white: photography. Robert Morris. Ind. Coll. 779 MOR
- Enriching the Hoosier farm family: a photo history of Indiana’s early county extension agents. Frederick Whitford, Neal Harmeyer, David M. Hovde. Ind. Coll. 630.7 WHI
- Etched in stone: enduring words from our nation’s monuments. Ryan Coonerty. 917.3 COO
- Evansville. Joseph Engler. Ind. Coll. 977.233 ENG
- Eyewitness to World War II: unforgettable stories and photographs from history’s greatest conflict. 940.5373 EYE
- Eyes of the storm: hurricanes Katrina and Rita: the photographic story. 363.3492 EYE
- Faces of World War I. Max Arthur. 940.4 ART
- Fair culture: images from Indiana fairs. Harold Lee Miller. Ind. Coll. 630.74 MIL
- Fairmount. Cathy Duling Shouse. Ind. Coll. 977.269 SHO
- The family of black America. 779 FAM
- Far out: a space-time chronicle. Michael Benson. 778.335 BEN
- Field guide to classic farm tractors. Robert N. Pripps. 631.3 PRI
- Fierce beauty: preserving the world of wild cats. Bhagavan “Doc” Antle, Tim Flach, Barry Bland. 599.75 FLA
- 50 cars to drive. Dennis Adler. 629.222 ADL
- Fort Wayne. Randolph L. Harter. Ind. Coll. 977.274 HAR
- Franklin. Jim Hillman, John Murphy. Ind. Coll. 977.251 HIL
- Frog. Thomas Marent. 597.8 MAR
- Frozen planet: a world beyond imagination. Alastair Fothergill, Vanessa Berlowitz. 577.0911 FOT
- Game worn: treasures of baseball’s greatest heroes and moments. Stephen Wong, Dave Grob. 796.357 WON
- The garden. Freeman Patterson. 712 PAT
- The gardener’s garden. 712.6 GAR
- Gardens: private & personal: A Garden Club of America book. Nancy D’Oench. 712.6 DOE
- Gay in America. Scott Pasfield. Y 306.76 PAS
- George Harrison: living in the material world. Olivia Harrison. B Harrison
- Ghosts caught on film 3: photographs of the supernatural. Gordon Rutter. Y 133.92 RUT
- Ghosts in the wilderness: abandoned America. Tony and Eva Worobiec. 978 WOR
- Giraffe reflections. Dale Peterson. 599.638 PET
- Girls standing on lawns. Maira Kalman, Daniel Handler. Y 779.2 KAL
- The glory of the tree: an illustrated history. Noel Kingsbury. 582.16 KIN
- Gotta go gotta flow: life, love, and lust on Chicago’s South Side from the seventies. Patricia Smith. 779 SMI
- Graphique de la rue: the signs of Paris. Louise Fili. 914.436 FIL
- Great gardens of America. Tim Richardson. 712.6 RIC
- Great Lakes shipping ports and cargoes: a photo gallery. Patrick D. Lapinski. 386.2 LAP
- Great migrations: official companion to the National Geographic Channel global television event. K.M. Kostyal. 591.568 KOS
- Great Plains: America’s lingering wild. Michael Forsberg. 917.8 FOR
- The Great War: a photographic narrative. Mark Holborn, Hilary Roberts. 940.3 HOL
- Grizzly seasons: life with the brown bears of Kamchatka. Charlie Russell, Maureen Enns. 599.784 RUS
- Hancock County. Joseph Skvarenina. Ind. Coll. 977.258 SKV
- Havana in my heart: 75 years of Cuban photography. 972.91 HAV
- Heavenly vaults: from Romanesque to Gothic in European architecture. David Stephenson. 721.43 STE
- Hellas: photographs of modern Greece. William Abranowicz. 914.95 ABR
- Hendricks County. Gail M. Tharp, Phyllis West Parsons. Ind. Coll. 977.253 THA
- Historic photos of Indiana. Scott M. Bushnell. Ind. Coll. 977.2 BUS
- History as they saw it: iconic moments from the past in color. Wolfgang Wild, Jordan Lloyd. 779.99 WIL
- History of the world in photographs. 909 HIS
- Homage to the Himalayas. Olivier Follmi. 954.96 FOL
- Horses: photographs. Michael Eastman. 636.1 EAS
- Human body close-up. John Clancy. 611 CLA
- Humans of New York. Brandon Stanton. 974.71 STA
- Hungry planet: what the world eats. Peter Menzel. 641.3 MEN
- I & dog. The Monks of New Skete. 636.7 MON
- I still do: loving and living with Alzheimer’s. Judith Fox. 362.1968 FOX
- Identical: portraits of twins. Martin Schoeller. 779.2 SCH
- Impounded: Dorothea Lange and the censored images of Japanese American internment. Dorothea Lange. 940.5317 LAN
- In focus: National Geographic greatest portraits. 779 INF
- In search of Norman Rockwell’s America. Kevin Rivoli. 759.13 RIV
- India: land of celebration. Rupinder Khullar. 954 KHU
- Indiana. Ind. Coll. 917.72 IND
- Indiana barns. Marsha Williamson Mohr. Ind. Coll. 728.922 MOH
- Indiana from the air. Richard Fields & Hank Huffman. Ind. Coll. 917.72 FIE
- Indiana in stereo: three-dimensional views of the heartland. Ind. Coll. 977.2 IND
- Indiana 24/7: 24 hours, 7 days, extraordinary images of one week in Indiana. Ind. Coll. 977.2 SMO
- Indiana University: portraits of the Bloomington campus. Ind. Coll. 378.772 IND
- The Indianapolis 500: a century of excitement. Ralph Kramer. 796.72 KRA
- Indianapolis then & now. Nelson Price. Ind. Coll. 977.252 PRI
- Indiana‘s Catholic religious communities. Jim Hillman, John Murphy. Ind. Coll. 271 HIL
- Indiana‘s covered bridges. Robert Reed. Ind. Coll. 624.218 REE
- Indiana‘s Ohio River Scenic Byway. Leslie Townsend. Ind. Coll. 977.2 TOW
- Inspiration in the garden. Peter Sergel. 712.5 SER
- Invisible presence: a walk through Indiana in photographs and poems. Norbert Krapf. Ind. Coll. 811 KRA
- Island dreams: Mediterranean. Jeremy Horner. 910.918 HOR
- John Deere tractors: a photographic history. Andrew Morland. 629.225 MOR
- John Wayne: the legend and the man: an exclusive look inside Duke’s archive. B Wayne
- Johnny Cash. B Cash
- Journey’s end: relics and ruins of Indiana’s transportation legacy. John Bower. Ind. Coll. 779.962 BOW
- Journeys of a lifetime: 500 of the world’s greatest trips. 910.202 JOU
- The Kentucky Derby: 101 reasons to love America’s favorite horse race. Sheri Seggerman, Mary Tiegreen. 798.4009 SEG
- Kurt Cobain: the last session. Jesse Frohman. 782.4216 FRO
- Labyrinths & mazes. Jurgen Hohmuth. 712 HOH
- Lake Michigan: a photographic portfolio. Ed Wargin. 977.4 WAR
- La Porte Indiana and its environs. Ind. Coll. 977.291 LAP
- Legendary farm tractors: a photographic history. Andrew Morland. 629.225 MOR
- Lens of war: exploring iconic photographs of the Civil War. 973.7 LEN
- Life along the line: a photographic portrait of America’s last great steam railroad. O. Winston Link. 385.09 LIN
- The life and love of cats. Lewis Blackwell. 636.8 BLA
- The life & love of the forest. Lewis Blackwell. 577.3 BLA
- The life & love of trees. Lewis Blackwell. 582.16 BLA
- Ligonier: a photographic essay. Jeff Moerchen. Ind. Coll. 977.276 MOE
- Lil Bub’s lil book: the extraordinary life of the most amazing cat on the planet. Mike Bridavsky. 636.8 BRI
- The Lincoln Highway across Indiana. Jan Shupert-Arick. Ind. Coll. 977.2 SHU
- Lingering spirit: a photographic tribute to Indiana’s fading, forlorn, and forgotten places. John Bower. Ind. Coll. 779.997 BOW, 779.997 BOW
- The majesty of the horse: an illustrated history. Tamsin Pickeral. 636.1 PIC
- March of the penguins. Luc Jacquet. 598.47 JAC
- Medal of Honor: portraits of valor beyond the call of duty. Peter Collier. 355.134 COL
- Memories of World War II: photographs from the archives of The Associated Press. 940.53 MEM
- Michigan 24/7: 24 hours. 7 days. Extraordinary images of one week in Michigan. 977.4 MIC
- Mine eyes have seen: bearing witness to the struggle for Civil Rights. Bob Adelman. 323.1196 ADE
- Miracle: a celebration of new life. Anne Geddes. 779.25 GED
- Moments: the Pulitzer Prize photographs: a visual chronicle of our time. 070.49 MOM
- Monticello. W.C. Madden. Ind. Coll. 977.293 MAD
- Monuments: America’s history in art and memory. Judith Dupre. 720.97 DUP
- The most beautiful country towns of England. Hugh Palmer. 914.2 PAL
- The most beautiful country towns of Provence. Helena Attlee. 914.49 ATT
- The most beautiful libraries in the world. Jacques Bosser. 727.8 BOS
- Motorcars of the classic era. Michael Furman. 629.222 FUR
- Much loved. Mark Nixon. 745.5924 NIX
- National Geographic 125 years: legendary photographs, adventures, and discoveries that changed the world. Mark Collins Jenkins. 910.6 JEN
- National Geographic Image Collection. 779 NAT
- The national parks: America’s best idea: an illustrated history. Dayton Duncan. 333.78 DUN
- The nature of dogs: photographs. Mary Ludington. 636.7 LUD
- Nelson Mandela: a life in photographs. John D. Battersby. B Mandela
- New Albany. Gregg Seidel. Ind. Coll. 977.219 SEI
- The new Black West: photographs from America’s only touring Black rodeo. Gabriela Hasbun. 791.84 HAS
- New Carlisle. Dana Groves. Ind. Coll. 977.289 GRO
- The NFL’s top 100: counting down the greatest players of all time. James Buckley Jr. 796.332 BUC
- Norman Rockwell: behind the camera. Ron Schick. 759.13 SCH
- North American locomotives: a railroad-by-railroad photohistory. Brian Solomon. 625.26 SOL
- Oaxaca: the spirit of Mexico. Judith Cooper Haden. 972.74 HAD
- Obama: an intimate portrait. Pete Souza. B Obama
- One hundred butterflies. Harold Feinstein. 595.789 FEI
- 100 days in photographs: pivotal events that changed the world. Nick Yapp. 779 YAP
- 101 cataclysms: for the love of cats. Rachael Hale. 636.8 HAL
- 101 salivations: for the love of dogs. Rachael Hale. 636.7 HAL
- One nation: America remembers September 11, 2001: 10 years later. 973.931 ONE
- One people: many journeys. 305 ONE
- 1000 details in landscape architecture: a selection of the world’s most interesting landscaping elements. 712 ONE
- 1000 garden ideas. Stafford Cliff. 712.6 CLI
- Our dogs: a century of images and words from the AKC Gazette. 636.7 OUR
- Our magnificent wilderness: forty of the world’s most beautiful places selected by UNESCO. Claes Grundsten, Peter Hanneberg. 910 GUN
- Our national parks: tours with rangers. John M. Thompson. 917.3 THO
- Our world. Molly Malone Cook. 779 COO
- Over the mountains: an aerial view of geology. Michael Collier. 557 COL
- Panda: an intimate portrait of one of the world’s most elusive animals. Heather Angel. 599.789 ANG
- Passing Gas: and other towns along the American highway. Gary Gladstone. 917.3 GLA
- Pearl Jam twenty. 782.4216 PEA
- Penn and Madison Townships. Debra C. Perkins. Ind. Coll. 977.289 PER
- People we know, horses they love. Jill Rappaport and Wendy Wilkinson. 636.1 RAP
- Peru: circus capital of the world. Kreig A. Adkins. Ind. Coll. 977.284 ADK
- Photograph. Ringo Starr. 782.4216 STA
- Photographing America, 1929-1947. Henri Cartier-Bresson, Walker Evans. 779.9973 CAR
- Picture your life after cancer. 616.994 PIC
- Pilgrimage. Annie Leibovitz. 779 LEI
- Places of grace: the natural landscapes of the American Midwest. Gary Irving. 508.7 IRV
- Planet Arctic: life at the top of the world. Wayne Lynch. 591.709 LYN
- Planet Earth: an illustrated history. 508 PLA
- Postcards from Mars: the first photographer on the Red Planet. Jim Bell. 523.43 BEL
- The president’s photographer: fifty years inside the Oval Office. John Bredar. 973.099 BRE
- The public library: a photographic essay. Robert Dawson. 027.4 PUB
- Pukka: the pup after Merle. Ted Kerasote. 636.7092 KER
- Railroad depots of northern Indiana. David E. Longest. Ind. Coll. 385.314 LON
- Rainforest. Thomas Marent. 578.734 MAR
- Rarely seen: photographs of the extraordinary. Susan Tyler Hitchcock. 779 RAR
- Ready to roll: a celebration of the classic American travel trailer. Arrol Gellner, Douglas Keister. 629.226 GEL
- Reef. 578.77 REE
- Remarkable trees of the world. Thomas Pakenham. 582.16 PAK
- Remembering Jack: intimate and unseen photographs of the Kennedys. Jacques Lowe. 973.922 LOW
- Road to freedom: photographs of the Civil Rights Movement, 1956-1968. Julian Cox. 323.1196 COX
- Roadside America: 365 days. Lucinda Lewis. 629.222 LEW
- Rochester. Shirley Willard. Ind. Coll. 977.287 WIL
- The sacred balance: a visual celebration of our place in nature. David Suzuki, Amanda McConnell. 304.2 SUZ
- Sally Ride: a photobiography of America’s pioneering woman in space. Tam O’Shaughnessy. Y 629.45 OSH
- Secret gardens of London. Caroline Clifton-Mogg. 712.6 CLI
- Seeing trees: discover the extraordinary secrets of everyday trees. Nancy Ross Hugo. 582.16 HUG
- Serengeti spy: views from a hidden camera on the plains of East Africa. Anup Shah. 591.96 SHA
- Shake cats. Carli Davidson. 636.8 DAV
- Sinatra: an intimate portrait of a very good year. Richard B. Stolley. 782.421 STO
- The snowflake: winter’s secret beauty. Kenneth Libbrecht. 551.57 LIB
- The sound of music companion. Laurence Maslon. 792.609 MAS
- The splendor of France: chateaux, mansions, and country houses. Roberto Schezen. 914.4 SCH
- Sports illustrated football’s greatest. 796.332 SPO
- Steel giants: historic images from the Calumet Regional Archives. Stephen G. McShane, Gary S. Wilk. Ind. Coll. 338.766 MACS
- Steve McCurry: on reading. 779.092 MACC
- Still doing life: 22 lifers, 25 years later. Howard Zehr, Barb Toews. 365.6 ZEH
- Tent life: Haiti. Wyatt Gallery. 972.94 GAL
- There and back: photographs from the edge. Jimmy Chin. 779.092 CHI
- These United States. Jake Rajs. 917.3 RAJ
- Thin. Lauren Greenfield. Y 616.8526 GRE
- This is gonna hurt: music, photography, and life through the distorted lens of Nikki Sixx. 782.4216 SIX
- This is our war: a soldiers’ portfolio: servicemen’s photographs of life in Iraq. 956.7044 THI
- Through the lens: National geographic greatest photographs. 779 THR
- Thunderbird fifty years. Alan H. Tast, David Newhardt. 629.222 TAS
- Tipton County. Janis Thornton. Ind. Coll. 977.255 THO
- Toronto: photographs. Tim Peters. Oversize 971.354 PET
- Tour de France 100: a photographic history of the world’s greatest race. Richard Moore. 796.62 MOO
- The travel book: a journey through every country in the world. 910.202 TRA, Oversize 910.202 TRA
- Tulipa: a photographer’s botanical. Christopher Baker. 635.934 BAK
- The tumultuous fifties: a view from the New York Times photo archives. Douglas Dreishpoon. 779 DRE
- Tuscany: inside the light. Joel Meyerowitz, Maggie Barrett. 914.55 MEY
- UFC encyclopedia. Thomas Gerbasi. 796.815 GER
- Underwater wild: My octopus teacher’s extraordinary world. Craig Foster, Ross Frylinck. 577.78 FOS
- Unembedded: four independent photojournalists on the War in Iraq. Ghaith Abdul-Ahad. 956.7044 ABD
- Unexpected Indiana: a portfolio of natural landscapes. Ron Leonetti. Ind. Coll. 977.2 LEO
- Us little people: Mennonite children. Carl Hiebert. 289.7 HIE
- Vanity Fair, the portraits: a century of iconic images. Graydon Carter. 779.2 CAR
- Vincennes, 1930-1960. Richard Day, Garry Hall, William Hopper. Ind. Coll. 977.239 DAY
- Visions of America: photographing democracy. Joseph Sohm. 779.9973 SOH
- Visions of paradise. 779 VIS
- Viva colores!: a salute to the indomitable people of Guatemala = Un saludo a la indomable gente de Guatemala. Paola Gianturco, David Hill. Spanish Lang. 972.81 GIA
- Vivian Maier: out of the shadows. Richard Cahan, Michael Williams. 779.092 MAI
- Vogue & the Metropolitan Museum of Art Costume Institute: parties, exhibitions, people. Hamish Bowles. 746.92 BOW
- Water colors: the photographs of Michael S. Maurer. 591.77 MAU
- The way we live: an ultimate treasury for global design inspiration. Stafford Cliff. 729 CLI
- We animals. Jo-Anne McArthur. 179.3 MACA
- What dogs do, too. Sharon Beals. 636.7 BEA
- What matters: the world’s preeminent photojournalists and thinkers depict essential issues of our time. 361.1 WHA
- When racing was racing: a century of horse racing. Adam Powley. 798.4 POW
- Whiskey tango foxtrot: a photographer’s chronicle of the Iraq War. Ashley Gilbertson. 956.7044 GIL
- The White House: the president’s home in photographs and history. Vicki Goldberg. 975.3 GOL
- Who shot sports: a photographic history, 1843 to the present. Gail Buckland. 779.979 BUC
- Wild Africa. Alex Bernasconi. 591.96 BER
- Wildlife. Mitsuaki Iwago. 778.9 IWA
- The wildlife photographs. John G. Mitchell. 779.32 MIT
- William Wegman’s Wegmanology. 636.752 WEG
- Winona Lake. Al Disbro. Ind. Coll. 977.282 DIS
- Work: the world in photographs. Ferdinand Protzman. 779.93 PRO
- The world of the polar bear. Norbert Rosing. 599.786 ROS
- Writers. Nancy Crampton. 810.9 CRA
- Capturing the light: the birth of photography, a true story of genius and rivalry. Roger Watson, Helen Rappaport. 770.9 WAT
- Clover Adams: a gilded and heartbreaking life. Natalie Dykstra. B Adams
- Dorothea Lange: a life beyond limits. Linda Gordon. B Lange
- Edward S. Curtis: coming to light. Anne Makepeace. 970.1 MAK
- Here I am: the story of Tim Hetherington, war photographer. Alan Huffman. 770.92 HUF
- Jeter unfiltered. Derek Jeter. B Jeter
- The journey is the destination: the journals of Dan Eldon. B Eldon
- Marilyn & me: a photographer’s memories. Lawrence Schiller. 791.43 SCH
- One shot: the World War II photography of John A. Bushemi. Ray E. Boomhower. 940.5426 BOO
- A photographer’s life: 1990-2005. Annie Leibovitz. 779 LEI
- Pope Francis. Father Michael Collins. B Francis
- Restless spirit: the life and work of Dorothea Lange. Elizabeth Partridge. B Lange
- Short nights of the Shadow Catcher: the epic life and immortal photographs of Edward Curtis. Timothy Egan. B Curtis
- Song without words: the photographs & diaries of Countess Sophia Tolstoy. Leah Bendavid-Val. B Tolstaia
- To the ends of the earth: adventures of an expedition photographer. Gordon Wiltsie. 770.92 WIL
- An absence so great. Jane Kirkpatrick. Rel. Fic KIR
- Curveball: the year I lost my grip. Jordan Sonnenblick. Y Fic SON
- Eight girls taking pictures. Whitney Otto. Fic OTT, Large Type Fic OTT
- Mary Coin. Marisa Silver. Fic SIL
- The photographer. Mary Dixie Carter. Fic CAR
- The photographer’s wife. Suzanne Joinson. Fic JOI
- The shadow catcher. Marianne Wiggins. Fic WIG
- Snapshot. Lis Wiehl. Large Type Fic WIE
- Woman with a gun. Phillip Margolin. Fic MAR
- Art Wolfe’s travels to the edge. DVD 910.4
- Attenborough’s life stories. DVD 508
- Chasing ice. DVD 551.525
- The color of war. DVD 940.5483
- Digital cameras & photography for dummies. DVD 771.3
- Earth from above. DVD 778.35
- Manufactured landscapes. DVD 779.45
- The photographers. DVD 770.92
- Photographing kids. DVD 778.9
- Photos that amaze. DVD 778.93
- Vietnam’s unseen war pictures from the other side. DVD 959.704
- African critters. Robert B. Haas. J 591.96 HAA
- Click!: a book about cameras and taking pictures. Gail Gibbons. J 771.3 GIB
- Digital photo magic. Alan Buckingham. J 775 BUC
- George Eastman and the story of photographic film. Joanne Mattern. JB Eastman
- In real life: six women photographers. Leslie Sills. J 770 SIL
- In the belly of an ox: the unexpected photographic adventures of Richard and Cherry Kearton. Rebecca Bond. EB Kearton
- Kennedy through the lens: how photography and television revealed and shaped an extraordinary leader. Martin W. Sandler. JB Kennedy
- Lincoln through the lens: how photography revealed and shaped an extraordinary life. Martin W. Sandler. JB Lincoln
- Louis Daguerre and the story of the daguerreotype. John Bankston. JB Daguerre
- Margaret Bourke-White: her pictures were her life. Susan Goldman Rubin. JB White
- Photo by Brady: a picture of the Civil War. Jennifer Armstrong. J 973.7 ARM
- Photographers. Fran Hodgkins. E 770 HOD
- Scrapbooking for fun! Laura Purdie Salas. J 771.46 SAL
- Guía básica de fotografía digital: cómo hacer buenas fotografías digitales con el ordenador. Tim Daly. Spanish Lang. 775 DAL
- El libro del telefono con camara: secretos para tomar mejores fotos. Aimee Baldridge. Spanish Lang. 775 BAL
- National Geographic guía de fotografía digital: secretos para hacer las mejores fotografias. Rob Sheppard. Spanish Lang. 775 SHE
- Viva colores!: a salute to the indomitable people of Guatemala = Un saludo a la indomable gente de Guatemala. Paola Gianturco, David Hill. Spanish Lang. 972.81 GIA