Olympic Games
- America‘s dream team: the quest for Olympic gold. Chuck Daly. 796.323 DAL
- The ancient Olympic games. Judith Swaddling. 796.48 SWA
- The art of snowboarding: kickers, carving, halfpipes, and more. Jim Smith. 796.939 SMI
- Athens to Athens: the official history of the Olympic Games and the IOC, 1894-2004. David Miller. 796.48 MIL
- Athens to Atlanta: 100 years of glory. 796.48 ATH
- Barcelona Albertville 1992: the official publication of the U.S. Olympic Committee. 796.48 BAR
- A basic guide to archery. 799.32 BAS
- A basic guide to decathlon. Frank Zarnowski. 796.42 ZAR
- A basic guide to equestrian. 798.2 BAS
- A basic guide to skiing and snowboarding. 796.93 BAS
- Berlin Games: how the Nazis stole the Olympic dream. Guy Walters. 796.48 WAL
- The big fight: my life in and out of the ring. Sugar Ray Leonard. B Leonard
- The big red machine: the rise and fall of Soviet Olympic champions. Yuri Brokhin. 796.48 BRO
- Black mercuries: African American athletes, race, and the modern Olympic games. David K. Wiggins, Kevin B. Witherspoon, Mark Dyreson. 796.48 WIG
- The boys in the boat: nine Americans and their epic quest for gold at the 1936 Olympics. Daniel James Brown. 797.123 BRO
- The boys of winter: the untold story of a coach, a dream, and the 1980 U.S. Olympic hockey team. Wayne Coffey. 796.962 COF
- Bravey: chasing dreams, befriending pain, and other big ideas. Alexi Pappas. B Pappas
- But now I see: my journey from blindness to Olympic gold. Steven Holcomb. Y 796.952 HOL
- By the sword: a history of gladiators, musketeers, samurai, swashbucklers, and Olympic champions. Richard Cohen. 796.86 COH
- Chalked up: inside elite gymnastics’ merciless coaching, overzealous parents, eating disorders, and elusive Olympic dreams. Jennifer Sey. B Sey
- Chronicle of the Olympics, 1896-1996. 796.48 CHR
- The complete book of the Olympics. David Wallechinsky, Jaime Loucky. 796.48 WAL
- Dear Black girls: how to be true to you. A’ja Wilson. 305.23 WIL
- Dream team: how Michael, Magic, Larry, Charles, and the greatest team of all time conquered the world and changed the game of basketball forever. Jack McCallum. 796.323 MACC, CD 796.323 MACC
- Eric Liddell. Catherine Swift. B Liddell
- Far beyond gold: running from fear to faith. Sydney McLaughlin-Levrone. B McLaughlin
- Figure skating: a celebration. Beverley Smith. 796.91 SMI
- Figure skating: a history. James R. Hines. 796.912 HIN
- Frozen in time: the enduring legacy of the 1961 U.S. figure skating team. Nikki Nichols. 796.912 NIC
- Frozen in time: the greatest moments at the Winter Olympics. Bud Greenspan. 796.98 GRE
- Full circle: an autobiography. Dan Jansen. 796.91 JAN
- Games of the XXIIIrd Olympiad Los Angeles 1984 commemorative book. 796.48 GAM
- Go for the goal: a champion’s guide to winning in soccer and life. Mia Hamm. 796.334 HAM
- Godspeed: a memoir. Casey Legler. B Legler
- Gold in the water: the true story of ordinary men and their extraordinary dream of Olympic glory. P.H. Mullen. 797.21 MUL
- Golden boy: the fame, money, and mystery of Oscar de la Hoya. Tim Kawakami. B Dela Hoya
- Grace & glory: a century of women in the Olympics. Jane Leder. 796.48 LED
- Grace, gold, & glory: my leap of faith. Gabrielle Douglas. B Douglas
- The great eight: how to be happy (even when you have every reason to be miserable). Scott Hamilton. 158.1 HAM
- The greatest: Muhammad Ali. Walter Dean Myers. Y 927.96 MYE, JB Ali
- Hitler’s games: the 1936 Olympics. Duff Hart-Davis. 796.48 HAR
- The hockey book. 796.962 HOC
- Hockey plays and strategies. Ryan Walter, Mike Johnston. 796.962 WAL
- How to watch the Olympics: the essential guide to the rules, statistics, heroes, and zeroes of every sport. David Goldblatt. 796.48 GOL
- I may be wrong but I doubt it. Charles Barkley. B Barkley
- Ice hockey made simple: a spectator’s guide. P.J. Harari. 796.962 HAR
- Igniting the flame: America’s first olympic team. Jim Reisler. 796.48 REI
- In the water they can’t see you cry: a memoir. Amanda Beard. B Beard
- Jerry West: the life and legend of a basketball icon. Roland Lazenby. B West
- A journey: the autobiography of Apolo Anton Ohno. Apolo Anton Ohno. Y 796.91 OHN
- Just don’t fall: how I grew up, conquered illness, and made it down the mountain. Josh Sundquist. 796.93 SUN
- Kara Goucher’s running for women: from first steps to marathons. Kara Goucher. 613.7172 GOU
- A kind of grace: the autobiography of the world’s greatest female athlete. Jackie Joyner-Kersee. B Joyner-Kersee
- King of the world: Muhammad Ali and the rise of an American hero. David Remnick. B Ali
- Letters to a young gymnast. Nadia Comaneci. 796.44 COM
- Little girls in pretty boxes: the making and breaking of elite gymnasts and figure skaters. Joan Ryan. 796.44 RYA
- Living the dream. Dot Richardson. B Richardson
- Living the dream: my life and basketball. Hakeem Olajuwon. 796.323 OLA
- Los Angeles 1984. 796.48 LOS
- Mark Spitz: the extraordinary life of an Olympic champion. Richard J. Foster. B Spitz
- Mary Lou: creating an olympic champion. Mary Lou Retton. Bela Karolyi. 796.41 RET
- Muhammad Ali: his life and times. Thomas Hauser. B Ali
- My life. Earvin “Magic” Johnson. B Johnson
- My Sergei: a love story. Ekaterina Gordeeva. 796.322 GOR, VIDEO 796.912
- My wide world. Jim McKay. 796.48 MACK
- Nazi games: the Olympics of 1936. David Clay Large. 796.48 LAR
- The Nazi Olympics: Berlin 1936. Susan D. Bachrach. 796.48 BAC
- No limits: the will to succeed. Michael Phelps. B Phelps, CD B Phelps
- The Olympic games. 796.48 OLY
- The Olympic games: the first thousand years. M. I. Finley, H. W. Pleket. 796.48 FIN
- The Olympics: a history of the games. William Oscar Johnson. 796.48 JOH
- The Olympics for beginners. Brandon Toropov. 796.48 TOR
- Olympics 1976: Montreal, Innsbruck. 796.48 FUL
- The 100 greatest Olympians and Paralympians. Nick Callow. 796.48 CAL
- One life. Megan Rapinoe. B Rapinoe
- A passion for victory: the story of the Olympics in ancient and early modern times. Benson Bobrick. Y 796.48 BOB
- The perfect mile: three athletes, one goal, and less than four minutes to achieve it. Neal Bascomb. 796.42 BAS
- P3: pipes, parks, and powder. Todd Richards. 796.939 RIC
- The ride of my life. Mat Hoffman. Y 796.6 HOF
- Rome 1960: the Olympics that changed the world. David Maraniss. 796.48 MAR
- Running for dummies. Florence Griffith Joyner, John Hanc. 796.42 GRI
- Running tide. Joan Benoit. 796.426 BEN
- The second mark: courage, corruption, and the battle for Olympic gold. Joy Goodwin. 796.91 GOO
- Shaq talks back. Shaquille O’Neal. 796.323 ONE
- Shooting from the outside: how a coach and her Olympic team transformed women’s basketball. Tara VanDerveer. 796.323 VAN
- The sixth man: a memoir. Andre Iguodala. B Iguodala
- A skating life. Dorothy Hamill. B Hamill
- Sparring with Smokin’ Joe: Joe Frazier’s epic battles and rivalry with Ali. Glenn Lewis. 796.83 LEW\
- Spectator sports made simple: how to watch, understand, and enjoy baseball, football, basketball, golf, tennis, soccer, bowling, and ice hockey. Dan Bartges. 796 BAR
- Sports immortals: stories of inspiration and achievement. Jim Platt. 796.092 PLA
- The sports rules book. 796 SPO
- Stars on Ice: an intimate look at skating’s greatest tour. Barry Wilner. 796.91 WIL
- Striking back: the 1972 Munich Olympics Massacre and Israel’s deadly response. Aaron J. Klein. 364.135 KLE
- Take it to the mat. Bobby Douglas. 796.812 DOU
- Tales of gold. 796.48 TAL
- Triumph: the untold story of Jesse Owens and Hitler’s Olympics. Jeremy Schaap. 796.48 SCH
- Ultimate skiing. Ron LeMaster. 796.93 LEM
- Venus to the hoop: a gold-medal year in women’s basketball. Sara Corbett. 796.323 COR
- The Winter Olympics: an insider’s guide to the legends, the lore, and the games. Ron C. Judd. 796.98 JUD
- Wonder girl: the magnificent sporting life of Babe Didrikson Zaharias. Don Van Natta Jr. B Zaharias
- Zero regrets: be greater than yesterday. Apolo Ohno. B Ohno
- Bliss, remembered. Frank Deford. Fic DEF
- Born in sin. Evelyn Coleman. Y Fic COL
- The Finnish line. Linda Gerber. Y Fic GER
- A game of lies. Rebecca Cantrell. Mystery CAN
- The games. Ted Kosmatka. Sci. Fic KOS
- Garden of beasts: a novel of Berlin 1936. Jeffery Deaver. Fic DEA
- Gold. Chris Cleave. Fic CLE, Large Type Fic CLE
- The long journey home. Don Coldsmith. Fic COL
- Private games. James Patterson, Mark Sullivan. Fic PAT, Large Type Fic PAT
- Running the rift. Naomi Benaron. Fic BEN
- Rush for the gold: mystery at the Olympics. John Feinstein. Y Fic FEI
- See how they run. James Patterson. Fic PAT
- The skating rink. Roberto Bolaño. Fic BOL
- Swift edge. Laura DiSilverio. Mystery DIS
- Chariots of fire. DVD Drama C
- Cool runnings. DVD Comedy C
- The cutting edge. DVD Drama C
- Dare to dream: the story of the U.S. women’s soccer team. DVD 796.334
- Do you believe in miracles? the story of the 1980 U.S. hockey team. DVD 796.962
- The Eric Liddell story. DVD Children T
- For the glory. DVD Drama F
- High velocity skiing and biathlon stylized movie & Fundamentals of cross-country skiing technique instructional video. DVD 796.932
- The Jesse Owens story. DVD Drama J
- Miracle. DVD Drama M
- The other dream team. DVD 796.323
- Rising from ashes. DVD 796.62
- Snowed under: the Bobblesberg Winter Games. DVD Children B
- Torino 2006 Olympic winter games figure skating. DVD 796.98
- Wilma. DVD Drama W
- X-treme sports & other action adventures. DVD Children X
- Ancient Greece and the Olympics: a nonfiction companion to Hour of the Olympics. Mary Pope Osborne. E 796.48 OSB
- Ancient Olympics. Jackie Gaff. J 796.48 GAF
- Artemis the loyal. Joan Holub, Suzanne Williams. J HOL
- Babe Didrikson Zaharias: the making of a champion. Russell Freedman. JB Zaharias
- Babymouse: skater girl. Jennifer L. Holm, Matthew Holm. J 741.5 HOL
- Balance beam and floor exercises. Joanne Mattern. J 796.44 MAT
- Ball sports. Robert Sandelson. J 796.3 SAN
- Baseball. Bill Plunkett. J 796.357 PLU
- Basketball. John Dimeglio. J 796.323 DIM
- Bobbie Rosenfeld: the Olympian who could do everything. Anne Dublin. JB Rosenfeld
- Boitano’s edge: inside the real world of figure skating. Brian Boitano. JB Boitano
- Combat sports. Robert Sandelson. J 796.8 SAN
- David Robinson. Steve Hubbard. JB Robinson
- Elympics. X.J. Kennedy. Pic KEN
- Fire on ice: autobiography of a champion figure skater. Sasha Cohen. JB Cohen
- The first Olympic games: a gruesome Greek myth with a happy ending. Jean Richards. J 292 RIC
- Greg Louganis: diving for gold. Joyce Milton. JB Louganis
- Gymnastics. David Smale. J 796.44 SMA
- Hour of the Olympics. Mary Pope Osborne. J OSB, Sp. Lang. J OSB, J AUDIO CD OSB, J AUDIO Cassette OSB
- Ice sports. Robert Sandelson. J 796.9 SAN
- Ice time: the story of hockey. Michael McKinley. J 796.962 MACK
- Jackie Joyner-Kersee. Neil Cohen. JB Joyner-Kersee
- Jennifer Capriati: rising star. Patricia Lakin. JB Capriati
- Jesse Owens: fastest man alive. Carole Boston Weatherford. JB Owens
- Jim Thorpe: 20th-century jock. Robert Lipsyte. JB Thorpe
- Kristi Yamaguchi. Richard Rambeck. JB Yamaguchi
- Marion Jones: sprinting sensation. Mark Stewart. JB Jones
- Mia Hamm. David & Patricia Armentrout. EB Hamm
- Michael Johnson. Richard Rambeck. JB Johnson
- Michael Phelps: anything is possible! Meish Goldish. JB Phelps
- Michelle Kwan. Richard Rambeck. JB Kwan
- Modern Olympics. Haydn Middleton. J 796.48 MID
- The Mud Flat Olympics. James Stevenson. E STE
- Muhammad Ali, the man who could float like a butterfly and sting like a bee. Ntozake Shange. EB Ali
- Nancy Kerrigan: heart of a champion. Mikki Morrissette. JB Kerrigan
- 1996 U.S. women’s Olympic gymnastics team. Richard Rambeck. J 796.44 RAM
- Oksana Baiul. Richard Rambeck. J 796.91 RAM
- Olympic dreams. Lauraine Snelling. J SNE
- Oscar de la Hoya: boxing’s boy wonder. Robert Taylor. JB De la Hoya
- Parallel bars and horizontal bar. Joanne Mattern. J 796.44 MAT
- Paralympics. Mike Artell. J 796.0456 ART
- A picture book of Jesse Owens. David A. Adler. EB Owens
- The pommel horse and the rings. Joanne Mattern. J 796.44 MAT
- Raising the bar. Gabrielle Douglas. JB Douglas
- Rebecca Lobo. A. Rose McHugh. JB Lobo
- Skiing. Kate Haycock. J 796.93 HAY
- Soccer. David Smale. J 796.334 SMA
- Swimming and diving. David Smale. J 797.2 SMA
- Tennis. Steve Dimeglio. J 796.342 DIM
- Toad rage. Morris Gleitzman. J GLE
- Touch the sky: Alice Coachman, Olympic high jumper. Ann Malaspina. JB Coachman
- Track and field. David Smale. J 796.42 SMA
- Uneven parallel bars. Joanne Mattern. J 796.44 MAT
- U.S. Olympians. Zachary Kent. J 973.04 KEN
- The vault. Joanne Mattern. J 796.44 MAT
- Volleyball. David Smale. J 796.325 SMA
- Way to go, Alex! Robin Pulver. J 616.8588 PUL
- Wilma Rudolph: Olympic runner. Jo Harper. JB Rudolph
- The Winter Olympics. Nick Hunter. J 796.9 HUN
- Babar y los juegos olimpicos de Villa Celeste. Laurent de Brunhoff. Sp. Lang. Pic BRU
- La hora de los Juegos Olimpicos. Mary Pope Osborne. Sp. Lang. J OSB