Human Rights
- The Abu Ghraib investigations: the official reports of the independent panel and Pentagon on the shocking prisoner abuse in Iraq. 956.7044 ABU
- Abu Ghraib: reflections in the looking glass. Michael E. Cannon. 956.7044 CAN
- Amandla! a revolution in four part harmony. DVD 780.89
- The blindfold’s eyes: my journey from torture to truth. Dianna Ortiz with Patricia Davis. B Ortiz
- The burning Tigris: the Armenian genocide and America’s response. Peter Balakian. 956.6 BAL
- Chain of command: the road from 9/11 to Abu Ghraib. Seymour M. Hersh. 973.931 HER
- The courage to stand alone: letters from prison and other writings. Wei Jingsheng. 323.0951 WEI
- Crossing borders. Rigoberta Menchu. B Menchu
- Guatemala: a cry from the heart. V. David Schwantes. 972.81 SCH
- A human being died that night: a South African story of forgiveness. Pumla Gobodo-Madikizela. 968.06 GOB
- Inside the wire: a military intelligence soldier’s eyewitness account of life at Guantanamo. Erik Saar & Viveca Novak. 973.931 SAA
- King Leopold’s ghost. Adam Hochschild. 967.5 HOC
- Mayada: daughter of Iraq: one woman’s survival under Saddam Hussein. Jean Sasson. 956.704 SAS
- Memoirs. Andrei Sakharov. B Sakharov
- Mountains beyond mountains [the quest of Dr. Paul Farmer, a man who would cure the world]. Tracy Kidder. 610.92 KID, Audio 610.92 KID
- Our endangered values: America’s moral crisis. Jimmy Carter. 306.097 CAR
- Speak truth to power: human rights defenders who are changing our world. Kerry Kennedy. 323.092 KEN
- Strangers in the house: coming of age in occupied Palestine. Raja Shehadeh. B Shehadeh
- Torture and truth: America, Abu Ghraib and the war on terror. Mark Danner. 956.7044 DAN
- Troublemaker: one man’s crusade against China’s cruelty. Harry Wu with George Vecsey. 365.45 WU
- Unfinished conquest: the Guatemalan tragedy. Victor Perera. 972.81 PER
- As a child: safeguarding children’s rights. Elizabeth Dale Schetina. J 323.352 SCH
- Blessings of liberty: safeguarding civil rights. William C. Lowe. J 323 LOW
- Buyer beware: safeguarding consumer rights. Binah Taylor. J 381.34 TAY
- Equal access: safeguarding disability rights. Gregory J. Walters. J 362.4 WAL
- Equality now: safeguarding women’s rights. Shirley Ann Wagner. J 323.34 WAG
- Journey for peace: the story of Rigoberta Menchu. Marlene Targ Brill. JB Menchu
- On the job: safeguarding workers’ rights. Michael R. Bradley. J 323.46 BRA