Genealogy Resources
- AARP genealogy online tech to connect. Matthew L. Helm, April Leigh Helm. Large Type 929.1 HEL
- Centennial farms of Indiana. Ind. Coll. 630.9 CEN
- The complete book of heraldry: an international history of heraldry and its contemporary uses. Stephen Slater. 929.6 SLA
- The complete idiot’s guide to genealogy. Christine Rose and Kay Germain Ingalls. 929.1 ROS
- Crafting your own heritage album. Bev Kirschner Braun. 771.46 BRA
- Crash course in genealogy. David R. Dowell. 929.1 DOW
- Digitizing your family history: easy methods for preserving your heirloom documents, photos, home movies and more in a digital format. Rhonda R. McClure. 929.1 MACC
- DNA USA: a genetic portrait of America. Bryan Sykes. 599.935 SYK
- Dutch genealogical research. Charles M. Franklin. 929.1 FRA
- Faces of America: how 12 extraordinary people discovered their pasts. Henry Louis Gates, Jr. 920 GAT
- Family history 101: a beginner’s guide to finding your ancestors. Marcia D. Yannizze Melnyk. 929.1 MEL
- Family photo detective: learn how to find genealogy clues in old photos and solve family photo mysteries. Maureen A. Taylor. 929.1 TAY
- The Family Tree guidebook to Europe: your essential guide to trace your genealogy in Europe. Allison Dolan. 929.1072 DOL
- The family tree problem solver: tried-and-true tactics for tracing elusive ancestors. Marsha Hoffman Rising. 929.1 RIS
- Finding Indiana ancestors: a guide to historical research. Ind. Coll. 929.107 FIN
- Finding Oprah’s roots: finding your own. Henry Louis Gates, Jr. 929.2 GAT
- Finding your roots: the official companion to the PBS series. Henry Louis Gates Jr. 929.1072 GAT
- First steps in genealogy: a beginner’s guide to researching your family history. Desmond Walls Allen. 929.1 ALL
- The genealogist’s companion and sourcebook. Emily Anne Croom. 929.1 CRO
- The genealogist’s question & answer book. Marcia Yannizze Melnyk. 929.1 MEL
- Genealogy. George G. Morgan. 929.1 MOR
- The genealogy handbook: the complete guide to tracing your family tree. Ellen Galford. 929.1 GAL
- Genealogy 101: how to trace your family’s history and heritage. Barbara Renick. 929.1 REN
- Genealogy online for dummies. Matthew L. Helm, April Leigh Helm. 929.1 HEL, Large Type 929.1 HEL
- Help me to find my people: the African American search for family lost in slavery. Heather Andrea Williams. 306.362 WIL
- How to archive family keepsakes: learn how to preserve family photos, memorabilia & genealogy records. Denise May Levenick. 929.1 MAY
- In search of our roots: how 19 extraordinary African Americans reclaimed their past. Henry Louis Gates, Jr. 929.2 GAT
- In search of your British & Irish roots: a complete guide to tracing your English, Welsh, Scottish & Irish ancestors. Angus Baxter. 929.1 BAX
- In search of your European roots: a complete guide to tracing your ancestors in every country in Europe. Angus Baxter. 929.1 BAX
- In search of your German roots: a complete guide to tracing your ancestors in the Germanic areas of Europe. Angus Baxter. 929.1 BAX
- Kinship: it’s all relative. Jackie Smith Arnold. 306.83 ARN
- Mayflower increasings. Susan E. Roser. 929.3 ROS
- My history is America’s history: 15 things you can do to save America’s stories. 929.1 MYH
- The organized family historian: how to file, manage, and protect your genealogical research and heirlooms. Ann Carter Fleming. 929.1 FLE
- Pennsylvania genealogical research. George K. Schweitzer. 929.1 SCH
- The researcher’s guide to American genealogy. Val D. Greenwood. 929.1 GRE
- Scottish clans & tartans. Neil Grant. 929.2 GRA
- Scrapbooking your family history. Laura Best. 771.46 BES
- Shaking the family tree: blue bloods, black sheep, and other obsessions of an accidental genealogist. Buzzy Jackson. 929.1072 JAC
- Social networking for genealogists. Drew Smith. 929.1 SMI
- Touching tomorrow: how to interview your loved ones to capture a lifetime of memories on video or audio. Mary Lo Verde. 929.1 LOV
- Trace your roots with DNA: using genetic tests to explore your family tree. Megan Smolenyak Smolenyak and Ann Turner. 929.1 SMO
- Tracing your family history: the complete guide to locating your ancestors and finding out where you came from. Lise Hull. 929.1 HUL
- Tracing your Irish ancestors: the complete guide. John Grenham. 929.1 GRE
- Tracing your Irish family history. Anthony Adolph. 929.1 ADO
- Tracing your roots: locating your ancestors through landscape and history. Meg Wheeler. 929.1 WHE
- Uncovering your ancestry through family photographs. Maureen A. Taylor. 929.1 TAY
- Unpuzzling your past: the best-selling basic guide to genealogy. Emily Anne Croom. 929.1 CRO
- When your ox is in the ditch: genealogical how-to letters. Vera McDowell. 929.1 MACD
- Who do you think you are?: the essential guide to tracing your family history. Megan Smolenyak. 929.1 SMO
- Who’s your Hoosier ancestor?: genealogy for beginners. Mona Robinson. Ind. Coll. 929.1 ROB
- Writing the family narrative. Lawrence P. Gouldrup. 808.066 GOU
- Your guide to cemetery research. Sharon DeBartolo Carmack. 929.5 CAR
- All the mamas: a true love story for mothers and daughters of all ages. Carol Gandee Shough. Pic SHO
- Do people grow on family trees?: genealogy for kids & other beginners: the official Ellis Island handbook. Ira Wolfman. J 929 WOL
- Homeplace. Anne Shelby. Pic SHE
- Rosy Cole discovers America! Sheila Greenwald. J GRE
- Seven brave women. Betsy Hearne. Pic HEA
- A student’s guide to Mexican American genealogy. George R. Ryskamp and Peggy Ryskamp. J 929 RYS
- Through the eyes of your ancestors. Maureen A. Taylor. J 929 TAY
- Who’s who in my family? Loreen Leedy. E 306.85 LEE
- Always time to die. Elizabeth Lowell. Fic LOW
- Aunt Dimity and the village witch. Nancy Atherton. Mystery ATH
- Family tree. Barbara Delinsky. Fic DEL
- House of dreams. Brenda Joyce. Fic JOY, Large Type Fic JOY
- Legacy. Danielle Steel. Fic STE, CD Fic STE
- Mercury. Hope Larson. Y 741.5 LAR
- Person or persons unknown. Anthea Fraser. Mystery FRA
- Cripe Family Newsletter.
- Elkhart County Indiana searcher: quarterly of Elkhart County Genealogical Society, Elkhart County, Indiana.
- Hochstetler-Hostetler-Hochstedler Family Newsletter.
- The Hoosier genealogist.
- Michiana searcher: quarterly of Elkhart, Indiana Genealogical Society.
- National Genealogical Society quarterly.
- NGS newsmagazine.
- The Studebaker family.
- Yoder Newsletter.
- African American lives. DVD 929.1
- How to trace your native American heritage. VIDEO 929.1
- Roots. DVD Drama R
- Roots, the next generations. DVD Drama R
- Ancestry Library: Genealogical database with extensive coverage of the U.S. and the U.K., including census, vital, church, court, and immigration records, as well as record collections from Canada and other areas. Available only on GPL computers.
- HeritageQuest Online: Genealogical database of over 25,000 family and local histories, the entire U.S. Federal Census, PERSI™, and more. Available on home computers with your GPL card number.
- Amish and Amish Mennonite genealogies. Ind. Coll. R 929.2 GIN
- Cyndi’s list: a comprehensive list of 70,000 genealogy sites on the Internet. R 929.3 HOW
- DAR patriot index. Ind. Coll. R 929.3 DAR
- Directory of family associations. R 929.1 BEN
- The family tree resource book for genealogists. R 929.1 FAM
- Genealogical & local history books in print. R 929.3 HOF
- The genealogist’s address book. R 929.1 BEN
- German-American names. George F. Jones. R 929.4 JON
- Heads of families at the first census of the United States taken in the year 1790. Ind. Coll. R 929.3 UNI
- Land & property research in the United States. R 929.107 HON
- Passenger and immigration lists bibliography, 1538-1900: being a guide to published lists of arrivals in the United States and Canada. Ind. Coll. R 929.3 FIL
- Pioneer families of the Midwest. Ind. Coll. R 929.2 WAL
- The source: a guidebook of American genealogy. R 929.1 SOU
- Amish directory of the Nappanee, Kokomo & Milroy communities. Ind. Coll. R 929.3 MIL
- Burial transit permits: July 1950-January 1984, Elkhart City, Indiana and August 1950-December 1982 Elkhart County, Indiana. Ind. Coll. R 929.5 BUR
- Cemeteries of Elkhart County, Indiana. Ind. Coll. R 929.5 CEM
- Elkhart County, Indiana index of names of persons and of firms. Ind. Coll. R 920.077 ELK
- Elkhart County, Indiana marriage records, 1830-1849. Ind. Coll. R 929.3 SLE
- Elkhart County, Indiana, marriage records, 25 December 1910-29 December 1920. Ind. Coll. R 929.3 PAR
- Elkhart County, Indiana, will records, 1845-1881. Ind. Coll. R 929.3 SLE
- Family maps of Elkhart County, Indiana: with homesteads, roads, waterways, towns, cemeteries, railroads, and more. Ind. Coll. R 929.3 BOY
- Grace Lawn Cemetery, Elkhart, Elkhart County, Indiana. Ind. Coll. R 929.5 JOH
- Grace Lutheran Church, Elkhart, Elkhart County, Indiana, 1873-1948. Ind. Coll. R 929.3 JOH
- Index to death records: Elkhart County, Indiana: 1882-1920 inclusive. Ind. Coll. R 929.3 IND
- Index to Elkhart County, Indiana delayed birth records filed 1941-1963. Ind. Coll. R 929.3 PAR
- Index to names in the Historical directory, Elkhart County, Indiana, 1892 from the Plat book of Elkhart County, Indiana. Ind. Coll. R 977.281 JOH
- An index to naturalization records in pre-1907 order books of Indiana county courts. Ind. Coll. R 929.3 IND
- Index to the records of the Dale White Funeral Home, Elkhart, IN, 1929-1993. Ind. Coll. R 929.3 SKW
- Index to the records of the Stemm-Lawson-Peterson (January 1954-March 2002) Funeral Home, Elkhart, Elkhart County, Indiana. Ind. Coll. R 929.3 SKW
- Index to the records of the Stemm-Lawson-Peterson (1978-2002) and Carlyse Wagner (1944-1960) Funeral Homes, Bristol, Indiana: includes the records to the Herbert Wise LeRoque-Frost and Werker Funeral Homes. Ind. Coll. R 929.3 SKW
- Index to the records of the Wally [i.e. Walley]-Mills-Zimmerman Funeral Home, Elkhart, Indiana: April 1912-October 1988. Ind. Coll. R 929.3 SKW
- Index to the records of the Walley-Mills-Zimmerman Funeral Home, Elkhart, Indiana. vol. III, October 20, 1999-December 31, 2005. Ind. Coll. R 929.3 SKW
- Index to the records of the Waterman-Westbrook-Clouse Funeral Home, Elkhart, Indiana: 1940-2005, includes maiden name index. Ind. Coll. R 929.3 SKW
- Indiana Amish directory: Elkhart, LaGrange, and Noble counties. Ind. Coll. R 929.3 MIL
- Indiana Civil War veterans: transcription of the death rolls of the Department of Indiana, Grand Army of the Republic, 1882-1948. Ind. Coll. R 973.76 NOR
- Indiana 1830 index census. Ind. Coll. R 929.3 JAC
- Indiana genealogical directory. Ind. Coll. R 929.3 IND
- Marriage records, Elkhart County, Indiana, 1830-1867. Ind. Coll. R 929.3 JOH
- Marriage records, Elkhart county, Indiana, 1867-1889. Ind. Coll. R 929.3 KEI
- Nappanee Amish directory: including the Rochester, Kokomo and Milroy communities. Ind. Coll. R 929.3 BOR
- Oakridge Cemetery, Goshen, Elkhart County, Indiana. Ind. Coll. R 929.5 KEI
- Prairie Street Cemetery, Elkhart, Elkhart County, Indiana. Ind. Coll. 929.5 JOH
- Rice Cemetery, Elkhart, Elkhart County, Indiana. Ind. Coll. R 929.5 KEI
- Sources on Elkhart County History at the Elkhart County Historical Museum, Bristol, Indiana. Ind. Coll. R 929.3 SOU
- Violett Cemetery, Goshen, Elkhart County, Indiana. Ind. Coll. R 929.5 KEI
- West Goshen Cemetery, Goshen, Elkhart County, Indiana. Ind. Coll. R 929.5 KEI
- Ancestors and descendants of Thomas Bays Nelson and Frances Miller. Ind. Coll. R 929.2 MAR
- Anna’s family. Christine Cross Finland. Ind. Coll. R 929.2 FIN
- Bean-Powers ancestry: also including families named Carter, Clark, Dingfelder, Jones, Lindsay, Newell, Olds, Sisson, Stickney, Swank, Taylor, Tilton, etc. Ind. Coll. R 929.2 BEA
- The Berkey book. Ind. Coll. R 929.2 BER
- Book of the Wilders (revised): a further contribution to the history of that branch of the Wilders who immigrated to Massachusetts about 1638 by enlargement, extension and correction of Book of the Wilders: a contribution to the history of the Wilders from 1497, in England, to the emigration of Martha, a widow and her family to Massachusetts Bay in 1638, and so, through her family, down to 1875; with a genealogical table showing, as far as may be, their relationships and connections. Ind. Coll. R 929.2 WIL
- Bostock line. Ind. Coll. R 929.2 BOS
- Briner family history: a genealogy of George Michael Breiner and Anna Catharina Loy, married 1756/7 in Pennsylvania. Ind. Coll. R 929.2 MYE
- The Chamberlain-Hascall, Grosh-Ritchie families in direct line, 1598-1991: a journey of new beginnings. Ind. Coll. R 929.2 BEN
- Colver family, 1635-1985. Ind. Coll. R 929.2 SMI
- Descendants of Abraham Risser and Barbara Schowalter. Ind. Coll. R 929.2 SEL
- The descendants of Benedict Miller, 1828-1906 and Rachel Mast, 1827-1906. Ind. Coll. R 929.2 HEE
- Descendants of Benjamin B. Miller and Susanna Hochstetler, Mary E. Miller, Mary Knepp, 1847-2003. Ind. Coll. R 929.2 MIL
- Descendants of Frederick Swartzendruber 1825-1895 and Sarah Yoder 1829-1867. Ind. Coll. R 929.2 GLI
- The descendants of Joseph Moore & Patience Dean, ca. 1780-1850. Ind. Coll. R 929.2 RAR
- The descendants of William Salisbury (1622-1675). Ind. Coll. R 929.2 ARC
- The Ernsberger family: a history of dates and other interesting facts. Ind. Coll. R 929.2 MOR
- The Ezekiel Price family. Ind. Coll. R 929.2 ARC
- Family history of Samantha Frame. Ind. Coll. R 929.2 RIC
- Family record of Daniel J. Schmucker and his descendants, 1987. Ind. Coll. R 929.2 BOR
- The family record of Samuel B. and Lydia (Weirich) Miller. Ind. Coll. R 929.2 HOC
- Five generations of the Cripe family in America: … Jacob Cripe (c1745-c1805): progress report. Ind. Coll. R 929.2 KEI
- Ganger family genealogy. Ind. Coll. R 929.2 GAN
- Genealogy of the Loucks family, beginning with Peter Loucks and Anna Barkey of Harrison Twp-Elk-hart Co-IN and their 12 children to all their known and traceable descendants to date. Ind. Coll. R 929.2 LOU
- The Gump family in America, 1732-1983: Johann Georg Gumpp, 1709-1792, Rosina Mack Gumpp, 1705-1769, and allied families: Barndollar, Herchelroth, Martin, May, Stucki-Stuckey, Weller, Williams, Williard, and others. Ind. Coll. R 929.2 GUM
- A history and genealogy of David Y. Miller: 1809-1898. Ind. Coll. R 929.2 MIL
- Hoover family history. Ind. Coll. R 929.2 HOO
- Jacob Isaac Rohrer family: a genealogical work. Ind. Coll. R 929.2 FER
- Jonathan and Katie (Miller) Eash family record, 1855-1981. Ind. Coll. R 929.2 HOS
- Jonathan P. Smucker, ancestors and descendants. Ind. Coll. R 929.2 SMU
- The Kaser family: a history of dates and other interesting facts. Ind. Coll. R 929.2 MOR
- King family history. Ind. Coll. R 929.2 HAR
- Larimer family. Ind. Coll. R 929.2 WOR
- A memorial history of Peter Bitsche: and a complete family register of his lineal descendants and those related to him by intermarriage, from the year 1767 to 1892 chronologically arranged. Ind. Coll. R 929.2 PEA
- The Oppenheim family history, 1750-1995. Ind. Coll. R 929.2 OPP
- Our ancestors: the descendents of Menno Simon and Mary Alice (Plank) Kenaga. Ind. Coll. R 929.2 MOT
- Our Young family. Ind. Coll. R 929.2 YOU
- The Pepper tree that grows. Bruce William Pepper. Ind. Coll. R 929.2 PEP
- The Phend family: some ancestors and descendants of Jacob and Louisa Fisher Phend. Ind. Coll. R 929.2 WIS
- Pippenger and Pittenger families: a genealogical history of the descendants of William Pippenger of New Jersey and allied families. Ind. Coll. R 929.2 PIP
- Prough genealogy: descendants of Johann Casper Prough. Ind. Coll. R 929.2 PRO
- The Smeltzer story and genealogy. Ind. Coll. R 929.2 SME
- The story of a family, Argus & Myrtle Whitehead. Ind. Coll. R 929.2 EBE
- A story of the family Tomlinson/Tomlonson: the story our daughter asked us to write. Ind. Coll. R 929.2 TOM
- Wagemann family: genealogy and history. Ind. Coll. R 929.2 WAG
- Wogoman. Ind. Coll. R 929.2 MOR
- Work family history. Ind. Coll. R 929.2 WOR
- The Wortingers of America: the descendants of John and Mary Ann Wortinger (1769-1984). Ind. Coll. R 929.2 WOR