- American Diabetes Association complete guide to diabetes: the ultimate home reference from the diabetes experts. 616.462 AME
- Atkins diabetes revolution. Mary C. Vernon. 616.462 VER
- Betterhomesandgardensnewdiabeticcookbook. 641.5631 BET
- Charting a course to wellness. Treena and Graham Kerr. 641.5631 KER
- The complete step-by-step diabetic cookbook. 641.5631 COM
- Conquering diabetes: a cutting-edge, comprehensive program for prevention and treatment. Anne L. Peters. 616.462 PET
- Cooking with the diabetic chef. Chris Smith. 641.5631 SMI
- Delicious ways to control diabetes cookbook. 641.5631 DEL
- Diabesity: the obesity-diabetes epidemic that threatens America–and what we must do to stop it. Francine Ratner Kaufman. 616.462 KAU
- Diabetes for dummies. Alan L. Rubin. 616.462 RUB
- Dr. Bernstein’s diabetes solution: the complete guide to achieving normal blood sugars. Richard K. Bernstein. 616.462 BER
- Don’t be blind to diabetes. VIDEO 616.462
- Easy, delicious diabetic recipes. 641.5631 EAS
- Healthy eating for life to prevent and treat diabetes. 616.462 HEA
- The Joslin guide to diabetes: a program for managing your treatment. Richard S. Beaser; Amy P. Campbell. 616.462 BEA
- 101 foot care tips for people with diabetes. Jessie H. Ahroni. 617.585 AHR
- Taste of Home’s down-home diabetic cookbook. 641.5631 TAS
- Type 2 diabetes: an essential guide for the newly diagnosed. Gretchen Becker. 616.462 BEC
- Type 2 diabetes cookbook. Jackie Mills. 641.5631 MIL
- The type 2 diabetes diet book: the insulin control diet: your fat can make you thin. Calvin Ezrin, Robert Kowalski. 613.25 EZR
- What you can do to prevent diabetes: simple changes to improve your life. Annette Maggi, Jackie Boucher. 616.462 MAG
- Diabetes. VIDEO 616.462
- Talk to the doctor about diabetes. Audio 616.462 FLA
- I’m tougher than diabetes! Alden R. Carter. E 616.4 CAR
- Juvenile diabetes. Johannah Haney. J 616.4 HAN
- Sugar was my best food: diabetes and me. Carol Antoinette Peacock. J 362.1 PEA
- La cocina y la diabetes: entradas, platos principales, postres. Jacques Lafond. Spanish Lang. 641.5631 LAF
- Diabetes mellitus: una guía práctica. Sue K. Milchovick, Barbara Dunn-Long. Spanish Lang. 616.462 MIL
- Diabetes tipo 2: su guía para una vida saludable: consejos, técnicas, y recomendaciones prácticas para vivir bien teniendo diabetes. Spanish Lang. 616.462 DIA
- Mr. Food comida rápida y fácil para personas con diabetes: más de 150 recetas que a todos les encantará. Art Ginsburg. Spanish Lang. 641.5631 GIN
- Remedios naturales para tratar la diabetes: la guía holística completa para conocer la enfermedad y mejorar tu vida. Sarah Brewer. Spanish Lang. 616.462 BRE
- La revolución diabética del Dr. Atkins: el innovador programa para prevenir y controlar la diabetes de tipo 2. Robert C. Atkins. Spanish Lang. 616.462 ATK