Constitution Day (Sept. 17)
- Active liberty: interpreting our democratic Constitution. Stephen Breyer. 342.73 BRE
- America‘s constitution: a biography. Akhil Reed Amar. 342.73 AMA
- The constitution in exile: how the federal government has seized power by rewriting the supreme law of the land. Andrew P. Napolitano. 342.73 NAP
- The Constitution of the United States of America: with Benjamin Franklin’s address to the delegates upon the signing of the Constitution. Y 342.73 FIN
- In defense of liberty: the story of America’s Bill of Rights. Russell Freedman. Y 342.73 FRE
- James Madison and the struggle for the Bill of Rights. Richard Labunski. 342.73 LAB
- Not a suicide pact: the constitution in a time of national emergency. Richard A. Posner. 342.73 POS
- On two wings: humble faith and common sense at the American founding. Michael Novak. 200.97 NOV
- Our Constitution. Donald A. Ritchie. 342.73 RIT
- A patriot’s handbook: songs, poems, stories, and speeches celebrating the land we love. 810.8035 PAT
- A people’s history of the Supreme Court: the men and women whose cases and decisions have shaped our Constitution. Peter Irons. 347.7326 IRO
- Speaking freely: trials of the First Amendment. Floyd Abrams. 342.0853 ABR
- The summer of 1787: the men who invented the Constitution. David O. Stewart. 342.73 STE
- To begin the world anew: the genius and ambiguities of the American founders. Bernard Bailyn. 973.3 BAI
- To establish justice: citizenship and The Constitution. Patricia McKissack, Arlene Zarembka. Y 342.73 MACK
- The United States Supreme Court. 347.7326 UNI
- War powers: how the imperial presidency hijacked the Constitution. Peter Irons. 342.73 IRO
- The words we live by: your annotated guide to the Constitution. Linda R. Monk. 342.73 MON
- The American Revolution for kids: a history with 21 activities. Janis Herbert. J 973.3 HER
- The Bill of Rights: the first ten amendments of the Constitution. David L. Hudson, Jr. J 342.73 HUD
- The founders: the 39 stories behind the U.S. Constitution. Dennis Brindell Fradin. J 973.3 FRA
- The Fourteenth Amendment: equal protection under the law. David L. Hudson, Jr. J 342.73 HUD
- The importance of being an active citizen. Anne Beier. J 323.65 BEI
- Right to bear arms. Geraldine Woods. J 342.73 WOO
- Founding brothers. DVD 973.409
- Constitucion de los Estados Unidos de America. Spanish Lang. 342.73 CON