Ph: 574-533-9531 (Goshen, Indiana)

Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday – 10 am to 8 pm | Tuesday – 1 pm to 8 pm | Friday- 10 am to 6 pm | Saturday – 10 am to 4 pm

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Friends of GPL

Join us!

Be a Friend of GPL

Friends of GPL is a group of dedicated volunteers. Our fundraising assists with special projects not in the library’s regular budget. 

Funds are raised through regular book sales held several times a year.  We sell donated and discarded books, music, artwork, and magazines.  There are 25 cent books and magazines available for purchase in the library’s lobby year-round. 

There is also a table and/or carts with higher priced items in the lobby throughout the year. Items on these carts/table are changed frequently – you never know what treasure you will find!

Book sales are the third Thursday of announced months from 10:00 am – 7:30 pm in the library’s auditorium on the lower level. Watch the website for book sale announcements.

We sell donated and discarded books, music, artwork, and magazines. There are available for purchase in the library’s lobby year-round for as low as 25 cents and priced as marked.

For more information, please email

We sell more than books!


Regular Friends Business Meeting

Open to the public. Persons interested in joining the Friends organization are welcome to attend.

New members are always welcome! We encourage you to be a part of our volunteer base. Membership forms are available at the library or print here.

Regular Friends business meetings are the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 10:00 a.m. (enter through the back door) in Meeting Room A/B.