- 3 sections: poems. Vijay Seshadri. 811 SES
- The 100 best African American poems: (*but I cheated). 811.008 ONE
- The 100 best love poems of all time. 811.008 ONE
- 100 essential modern poems. 821.08 ONE
- 100 great poems of love & lust. 808.81 ONE
- 100 great poems of the twentieth century. 808.81 ONE
- 100 love sonnets = cien sonetos de amor. Pablo Neruda. 6 NER
- 101 poems that could save your life. 808.81 ONE
- 187 reasons Mexicanos can’t cross the border: undocuments 1971-2007. Juan Felipe Herrera. 811 HER
- 70 poems. Paul Celan. 831 CEL
- A cappella: Mennonite voices in poetry. 811.008 ACA
- Abide: poems. Jake Adam York. 811.6 YOR
- Acolytes. Nikki Giovanni. 811 GIO
- Across the land and the water: new and selected poems, 1964-2001. W.G. Sebald. 831 SEB
- After every war: twentieth-century women poets. 831 AFT
- Against silence. Frank Bidart. 811 BID
- Aimless love: new and selected poems. Billy Collins. 811 COL
- Alien vs. predator. Michael Robbins. 811 ROB
- Alive at the end of the world: poems. Saeed Jones. 811.6 JON, Ebook
- All the flowers kneeling. Paul Tran. 811.6 TRA
- All the odes. Pablo Neruda. 861 NER
- Almost invisible. Mark Strand. 811 STR
- American amnesiac. Diane Raptosh. 811 RAP
- American melancholy: poems. Joyce Carol Oates. 811 OAT
- American poetry: the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. 811.008 AME
- American wits: an anthology of light verse. 811.008 AME
- The Anchor book of Chinese poetry. 895.1 ANC
- And short the season: poems. Maxine Kumin. 811 KUM
- Angles of ascent: a Norton anthology of contemporary African American poetry. 811.008 ANG
- The apple trees at Olema: new and selected poems. Robert Hass. 811 HAS
- Ardency: a chronicle of the Amistad rebels … Kevin Lowell Young. 811 YOU
- Ariel: the restored edition. Sylvia Plath. 811 PLA
- Ask me: 100 essential poems. William Stafford. 811 STA
- Astonishments: selected poems of Anna Kamienska. 891.85 KAM
- The auroras: new poems. David St. John. 811 SAI
- Averno. Louise Gluck. 811 GLU
- The back chamber. Donald Hall. 811 HAL
- Ballistics: poems. Billy Collins. 811 COL
- Bartlett’s poems for occasions. 808.81 BAR
- Baseball haiku. 895.6 BAS
- Bastards of the Reagan era. Reginald Dwayne Betts. 811.6 BET
- The beauty: poems. Jane Hirshfield. 811 HIR
- Be holding: a poem. Ross Gay. 811.6 GAY
- Behind my eyes. Li-Young Lee. 811 LEE
- The best American poetry. 811.008 BES
- The best of it: new and selected poems. Kay Ryan. 811 RYA
- The best of the best American poetry. 811.008 BES
- Between heaven and Texas. 811 MEI
- Between the heart and the land = Entre el corazon y la tierra: Latina poets in the Midwest. 811.008 BET
- Bewilderment: new poems and translations. David Ferry. 811 FER
- Bicycles: love poems. Nikki Giovanni. 811 GIO
- The big smoke. Adrian Matejka. 811 MAT
- Black aperture: poems. Matt Rasmussen. 811 RAS
- Black cat bone: poems. John Burnside. 821.914 BUR
- Black girl, call home. Jasmine Mans. 811.6 MAN
- \blak\ \al-fe bet\: poems. Mitchell L.H. Douglas. 811 DOU
- Blood dazzler: poems. Patricia Smith. 811 SMI
- Bloodroot: Indiana poems. Norbert Krapf. Ind. Coll. 811 KRA
- Blue horses: poems. Mary Oliver. 811 OLI
- Blue laws: selected & uncollected poems, 1995-2015. Kevin Young. 811 YOU
- Blue lipstick: concrete poems. John Grandits. Y 811 GRA
- The blue tower. Tomaz Salamun. 891.841 SAL
- Bluestone: new and selected poems. James Lasdun. 821.914 LAS
- Bone fires: new and selected poems. Mark Jarman. 811 JAR
- The book of goodbyes: poems. Jillian Weise. 811 WEI
- Book of my nights: poems. Li-Young Lee. 811 LEE
- Brand new ancients. Kate Tempest. 821.92 TEM
- Break, blow, burn. Camille Paglia. 821.009 PAG
- Brenda is in the room & other poems. Craig Morgan Teicher. 811 TEI
- The bride of E. Mary Jo Bang. 811 BAN
- Bright dead things. Ada Limón. 811.6 LIM
- Bright wings: an illustrated anthology of poems about birds. 808.81 BRI
- The broken word: an epic poem of the British Empire in Kenya and the Mau Mau Uprising against it. Adam Foulds. 821 FOU
- Burnt sugar = Caña quemada. 861.008 BUR
- By the numbers. James Richardson. 811 RIC
- The captain asks for a show of hands: poems. Nick Flynn. 811 FLY
- Caribou. Charles Wright. 811 WRI
- Casey at the bat. Ernest Lawrence Thayer. 811 THA
- Caught in the light. Linea Reimer Geiser. Ind. Coll. 811 GEI
- Celebrations: rituals of peace and prayer. Maya Angelou. 811 ANG, CD 811 ANG
- The chameleon couch: poems. Yusef Komunyakaa. 811 KOM
- Chasers of the light: poems from the typewriter series. Tyler Knott Gregson. 811.6 GRE
- Chasing Utopia: a hybrid. Nikki Giovanni. 811 GIO
- Citizen: an American lyric. Claudia Rankine.
- The cold war: poems. Kathleen Ossip. 811 OSS
- Collected poems. Countee Cullen. 811.52 CUL
- Collected poems. Jack Gilbert. 811 GIL
- Collected poems. Robert Hayden. 811 HAY
- Collected poems. Lynda Hull. 811 HUL
- Collected poems. Denise Levertov. 811 LEV
- Collected poems. Robert Lowell. 811 LOW
- Collected poems. Ron Padgett. 811 PAD
- The collected poems. Sylvia Plath. 811 PLA
- Collected poems. Sonia Sanchez. 811 SAN
- Collected poems. Mark Strand. 811 STR
- Collected poems, 1943-2004. Richard Wilbur. 811 WIL
- Collected poems, 1947-1997. Allen Ginsberg. 811 GIN
- The collected poems, 1956-1998. Zbigniew Herbert. 891.85 HER
- The collected poems of Ai. 811 AI
- The collected poems of C.P. Cavafy. 889.1 CAV
- The collected poems of Lucille Clifton, 1965-2012. 811 CLI
- The collected poems of Ted Berrigan. 811 BER
- Come, thief: poems. Jane Hirshfield. 811 HIR
- Comic poems. 808.81 COM
- The common man. Maurice Manning. 811 MAN
- Compass of affection: poems, new and selected. Scott Cairns. 811 CAI
- Complete poems and selected letters. Hart Crane. 811 CRA
- Conflict resolution for holy beings: poems. Joy Harjo. 811.54 HAR
- The continual condition: poems. Charles Bukowski. 811 BUK
- A country of strangers: new and selected poems. D. Nurkse. 811.54 NUR
- Crave radiance: new and selected poems 1990-2010. Elizabeth Alexander. 811 ALE
- Customs: poems. Solmaz Sharif. 811.6 SHA
- Cycles of life: poems and stories. Jason Potsander. 811.6 POT
- Dancing with joy: 99 poems. 808.81 DAN
- Darkness sticks to everything: collected and new poems. Tom Hennen. 811 HEN
- The dead Emcee scrolls. Saul Williams. 811 WIL
- Dear father: breaking the cycle of pain. J. Ivy. Y 811.6 IVY
- Death poems: classic, contemporary, witty, serious, tear-jerking, wise, profound, angry, funny, spiritual, atheistic, uncertain, personal, political, mythic, earthy, and only occasionally morbid. 808.819 DEA
- Deep lane: poems. Mark Doty. 811 DOT
- The deleted world. Tomas Transtromer. 839.71 TRA
- Destroyer and preserver. Matthew Rohrer. 811 ROH
- Devotions. Bruce Smith. 811 SMI
- Digest. Gregory Pardlo. 811.6 PAR
- Directing Herbert White: poems. James Franco. 811.6 FRA
- Dizzy in your eyes: poems about love. Pat Mora. Y 811 MOR
- Do not awaken them with hammers. Lidija Dimkovska. 891.819 DIM
- Dog songs: thirty-five dog songs and one essay. Mary Oliver. 811 OLI, Large Type 811 OLI
- Dogfight: the 2012 presidential campaign in verse. Calvin Trillin. 811 TRI
- Dome of the hidden pavilion: new poems. James Tate. 811 TAT
- Double shadow. Carl Phillips. 811 PHI
- Dreaming the end of war. Benjamin Alire Saenz. 811 SAE
- Drought-adapted vine. Donald Revell. 811.54 REV
- Duende: poems, 1966-now. Quincy Troupe. 811.54 TRO
- Easy: poems. Marie Ponsot. 811 PON
- Edna St. Vincent Millay. Y 811 MIL
- Electric arches. Eve L. Ewing. 811.6 EWI
- Elegy for a broken machine: poems. Patrick Phillips. 811.6 PHI
- Elegy owed. Bob Hicok. 811 HIC
- Elegy: poems. Mary Jo Bang. 811 BAN
- Empty room with light. Ann Hostetler. Ind. Coll. 811 HOS
- Engine empire. Cathy Park Hong. 811 HON
- The essential June Jordan. 811.54 JOR
- Essential pleasures: a new anthology of poems to read aloud. 808.81 ESS
- The eternal city: poems. Kathleen Graber. 811 GRA
- Eternal enemies. Adam Zagajewski. 891.851 ZAG
- Eventually one dreams the real thing. Marianne Boruch. 811.54 BOR
- Every riven thing. Christian Wiman. 811 WIM
- Evidence. Mary Oliver. 811 OLI
- The exchange: poetry. Sophie Cabot Black. 811 BLA
- Face. Sherman Alexie. 811 ALE
- Failure: poems. Philip Schultz. 811 SCH
- Faithful and virtuous night. Louise Glück. 811 GLU
- The fall of Arthur. J.R.R. Tolkien. 821 TOL
- Falling awake. Alice Oswald. 821.914 OSW
- Falling hard: 100 love poems by teenagers. Y 811.008 FAL
- Fanny says: poems. Nickole Brown. 811.6 BRO
- Fatherhood: poems about fathers. 808.819 FAT
- Fidelity. Grace Paley. 811 PAL
- Field o’ my dreams: the poetry of Gene Stratton-Porter. 811 STR, Ind. Coll. 811 STR
- Finding my elegy: new and selected poems 1960-2010. Ursula K. Le Guin. 811 LEG
- The fire bird. Gene Stratton-Porter. Ind. Coll. 811 STR
- Fire to fire: new and selected poems. Mark Doty. 811 DOT
- First hand. Linda Bierds. 811 BIE
- Flies. Michael Dickman. 811 DIC
- Flying at night. Ted Kooser. 811 KOO
- For my remembering. Mildred Raynolds Trivers. Ind. Coll. 811 TRI
- For the Confederate dead. Kevin Young. 811 YOU
- Freedom Hill: a poem. L.S. Asekoff. 811 ASE
- From the New World: Poems 1976-2014. Jorie Graham. 811 GRA
- Gabriel: a poem. Edward Hirsch. 811 HIR
- The game of boxes: poems. Catherine Barnett. 811 BAR
- A ghost in the throat. Doireann Ní Ghríofa. 828.9207 NÍG
- The ghost soldiers: poems. James Tate. 811 TAT
- Gigantic cinema: a weather anthology. 808.803 GIG
- Given: new poems. Wendell Berry. 811 BER
- The glass constellation: new and collected poems. Arthur Sze. 811.54 SZE
- God particles. Thomas Lux. 811 LUX
- Golden ax. Rio Cortez. 811.6 COR
- The golden road: poems. Rachel Hadas. 811 HAD
- Good poems: American places. 811.008 GOO
- The gorgeous nothings. Emily Dickinson. 811 DIC
- Gotta go gotta flow: life, love, and lust on Chicago’s South Side from the seventies. Patricia Smith. 779 SMI
- Great poets of World War I: poetry from the Great War. Jon Stallworthy. 821.08 STA
- Greek lyric poetry: a new translation. 884 GRE
- Gulf music. Robert Pinsky. 811 PIN
- Hagar before the occupation, Hagar after the occupation: poems. Amal al-Jubouri. 892.71 JUB
- Haiku. 895.6 HAI
- Haiku for the single girl. Beth Griffenhagen. 811 GRI
- Haiku in English: the first hundred years. 808.81 HAI
- Hallelujah: the poetry of classic hymns. 264.23 HAL
- Hard times require furious dancing: new poems. Alice Walker. 811 WAL
- Having been an accomplice. Laura Cronk. 811 CRO
- Headwaters: poems. Ellen Bryant Voigt. 811 VOI
- Heart to heart: new poems inspired by twentieth-century American art. 811.008 HEA
- Heartsongs. Mattie J.T. Stepanek. 811 STE
- Her words: diverse voices in contemporary Appalachian women’s poetry. 811.009 HER
- Holding company. Major Jackson. 811 JAC
- Holy luck: poems. Eugene H. Peterson. 811 PET
- Horoscopes for the dead: poems. Billy Collins. 811 COL
- Horse latitudes. Paul Muldoon. 821 MUL
- The house on Boulevard St.: new and selected poems. David Kirby. 811 KIR
- How I discovered poetry. Marilyn Nelson. Y 811 NEL
- Hum. Jamaal May. 811.6 MAY
- Human chain. Seamus Heaney. 821 HEA
- Human dark with sugar. Brenda Shaughnessy. 811 SHA
- The hunchback of Neiman Marcus: a novel about marriage, motherhood, and mayhem. Sonya Sones. 811 SON
- The hungry ear: poems of food & drink. 808.819 HUN
- The hunting of the snark: an agony in eight fits. Lewis Carroll. Graphic 821 CAR
- I am the beggar of the world: landays from contemporary Afghanistan. 891.593 IAM
- I could chew on this: and other poems by Dogs. Francesco Marciuliano. 811 MAR
- I could pee on this: and other poems by cats. Francesco Marciuliano. 811 MAR
- I just hope it’s lethal: poems of sadness, madness, and joy. Y 811 IJU
- I must be living twice: new & selected poems, 1975-2014. Eileen Myles. 811.54 MYL
- I was the jukebox. Sandra Beasley. 811 BEA
- I’m too young to be seventy. Judith Viorst. 811 VIO
- In beauty bright. Gerald Stern. 811 STE
- In the kingdom of the ditch: poems. Todd Davis. 811 DAV
- Incarnadine: poems. Mary Szybist. 811 SZY
- Index of women. Amy Gerstler. 811.54 GER
- Inventions of farewell: a book of elegies. 821.008 INV
- Invisible light: poems about God. 821.008 INV
- Invisible presence: a walk through Indiana in photographs and poems. Norbert Krapf. Ind. Coll. 811 KRA
- An invitation to poetry: a new Favorite Poem Project anthology. 808.81 INV
- The Iovis trilogy: colors in the mechanism of concealment. Anne Waldman. 811 WAL
- Iraqi poetry today. 892.7 IRA
- Ireland’s love poems. 821.008 IRE
- Isn’t it romantic: 100 love poems by younger American poets. 811.008 ISN
- It seems like a mighty long time: poems. Angela Jackson. 811.54 JAC
- It’s probably nothing, or, How I learned to stop worrying and love my implants. Micki Myers. 811 MYE
- I’ve heard the vultures singing: field notes on poetry, illness, and nature. Lucia Perillo. 814 PER
- Jelly roll: a blues. Kevin Young. 811 YOU
- Jimmy’s blues and other poems. James Baldwin. 811 BAL
- Joie de vivre: selected poems, 1992-2012. Lisa Jarnot. 811 JAR
- Journey. Kathleen Norris. 811 NOR
- Joyce: poems and a play. James Joyce. 821 JOY
- Jump soul: new and selected poems. Charlie Smith. 811.54 SMI
- June fourth elegies. Liu Xiaobo. 895.11 LIU
- Just saying. Rae Armantrout. 811 ARM
- Kindest regards: new and selected poems. Ted Kooser. 811 KOO
- The kingdom of ordinary time. Marie Howe. 811 HOW
- The kitchen sink: new and selected poems, 1972-2007. Albert Goldbarth. 811 GOL
- Landscape with rowers: poetry from the Netherlands. 839.31 LAN
- Language for a new century: contemporary poetry from the Middle East, Asia, and beyond. 808.81 LAN
- Later poems: selected and new, 1971-2012. Adrienne Rich. 811 RIC
- Lay back the darkness. Edward Hirsch. 811 HIR
- Leavings. Wendell Berry. 811 BER
- Left-handed: poems. Jonathan Galassi. 811 GAL
- Letter composed during a lull in the fighting: poems. Kevin Powers. 811 POW
- Life on Mars: poems. Tracy K. Smith. 811 SMI
- Light-gathering poems. 808.81 LIG
- Lighthead. Terrance Hayes. 811 HAY
- Like thunder: poets respond to violence in America. 811.008 LIK
- Lit from inside: 40 years of poetry from Alice James Books. 811.008 LIT
- Little big bully. Heid E. Erdrich. 811.54 ERD
- Little stones at my window = Piedritas en la ventana. Mario Benedetti. Spanish Lang. 861 BEN
- A liturgy for stones. David Wright. 811 WRI
- The living fire: new and selected poems, 1975-2010. Edward Hirsch. 811 HIR
- Living things. Anne Porter. 811 POR
- Looking for the Gulf Motel. Richard Blanco. 811 BLA
- Love, an index. Rebecca Lindenberg. 811 LIN
- Love and other poems. Alex Dimitrov. 811.6 DIM
- Love haiku. 895.61 LOV
- Love poetry out loud. 821.008 LOV
- A love story beginning in Spanish. Judith Ortiz Cofer. 811 ORT
- The loving detail of the living & the dead: poems. Eleni Sikelianos. 811 SIK
- Loving through heartsongs. Mattie J.T. Stepanek. 811 STE
- The lunatic: poems. Charles Simic. 811 SIM
- Mahabharata: a modern retelling. Carole Satyamurti. 294.5923 SAT
- Man and camel. Mark Strand. 811 STR
- Mars being red. Marvin Bell. 811 BEL
- Master of disguises. Charles Simic. 811 SIM
- Messenger: new and selected poems, 1976-2006. Ellen Bryant Voigt. 811 VOI
- Metaphysical dog. Frank Bidart. 811 BID
- The mill grinds fine. Helen Wade Alderfer. Ind. Coll. 811 ALD
- Modernist Women Poets: an anthology. 811.008 MOD
- Monologue of a dog. Wislawa Szymborska. 891.85 SZY
- The moon before morning. W.S. Merwin. 811 MER
- Morning haiku. Sonia Sanchez. 811 SAN
- Mother: a cradle to hold me. Maya Angelou. 811 ANG
- Mother poems. Hope Anita Smith. Y 811 SMI
- Motherhood: poems about mothers. 808.81 MOT
- Motherland, fatherland, homelandsexuals. Patricia Lockwood. 811.6 LOC
- Music of a distant drum: classical Arabic, Persian, Turkish, and Hebrew poems. 808.81 MUS
- Mutiny. Phillip B. Williams. 811.6 WIL
- My brother’s book. Maurice Sendak. 811 SEN
- My darling from the lions. Rachel Long. 821.92 LON
- My people. Langston Hughes. Y 811 HUG
- Native guard. Natasha Trethewey. 811 TRE
- The new African poetry. 896.1008 NEW
- New and selected poems. David Lehman. 811 LEH
- New and selected poems: 1962/2012. Charles Simic. 811 SIM
- The new Bread Loaf anthology of contemporary American poetry. 811.008 NEW
- New collected poems. Wendell Berry. 811 BER
- The new testament. Jericho Brown. 811.6 BRO
- News of the world: poems. Philip Levine. 811 LEV
- The news: poems. Jeffrey Brown. 811.6 BRO
- Night of the republic. Alan Shapiro. 811 SHA
- No matter the wreckage: poems. Sarah Kay. 811 KAY
- The Norton anthology of modern and contemporary poetry. 821.008 NOR
- Not here. Hieu Minh Nguyen. 811.6 NGU
- Notes on the assemblage. Juan Felipe Herrera. 811 HER
- O, what a luxury: verses lyrical, vulgar, pathetic & profound. Garrison Keillor. 811 KEI, CD 811 KEI
- October mourning: a song for Matthew Shepard. Leslea Newman. Y 811 NEW
- Odes. Sharon Olds. 811 OLD
- Of indigo and saffron: new and selected poems. Michael McClure. 811 MACC
- The ogre’s wife: poems. Ron Koertge. 811.54 KOE
- Old Glory: American war poems from the Revolutionary War to the war on terrorism. 811.008 OLD
- Old heart: poems. Stanley Plumly. 811 PLU
- On retirement: 75 poems. 808.81 ONR
- On the cross. Dallas Wiebe. 811 WIE
- On the spectrum of possible deaths. Lucia Perillo. 811 PER
- Once in the West. Christian Wiman. 811 WIM
- Once: poems. Meghan O’Rourke. 811 ORO
- One secret thing. Sharon Olds. 811 OLD
- One with others: a little book of her days. C.D. Wright. 811 WRI
- The open door: one hundred poems, one hundred years of Poetry magazine. 811.008 OPE
- The ordering of love: the new and collected poems of Madeleine L’Engle. 811 LEN
- Other: British and Irish poetry since 1970. 821.008 OTH
- Our lady of the ruins. Traci Brimhall. 811 BRI
- The outernationale. Peter Gizzi. 811 GIZ
- The outlaw bible of American poetry. 811.008 OUT
- The owner of the house: new collected poems, 1940-2001. Louis Simpson. 811 SIM
- The Oxford anthology of African-American poetry. 811.008 OXF
- The Oxford book of sonnets. 821.08 SON
- Paint me like I am: teen poems. Y 811.008 PAI
- The pajamaist. Matthew Zapruder. 811 ZAP
- Parallax: and selected poems. Sinéad Morrissey. 821.914 MOR
- Partially kept. Martha Ronk. 811 RON
- Partly cloudy: poems of love and longing. Gary Soto. Y 811 SOT
- Partly: new and selected poems, 2001-2015. Rae Armantrout. 811 ARM
- The Penguin anthology of twentieth-century American poetry. 811.008 PEN
- Perhaps a door: new and selected poems. Elaine Jarvis. 811 JAR, Ind. Coll. 811 JAR
- A permeable life: poems and essays. Carrie Newcomer. 811 NEW
- The perseverance. Raymond Antrobus. 821.92 ANT
- Philomath: poems. Devon Walker-Figueroa. 811.6 WAL
- Piano in the vineyard. Jean Janzen. 811 JAN
- Pilgrim bell: poems. Kaveh Akbar. 811.6 AKB
- Pirate haiku: bilge-sucking poems of booty, grog, and wenches for scurvy sea dogs. Michael P. Spradlin. Y 811 SPR
- Playlist for the Apocalypse: poems. Rita Dove. 811 DOV
- A pocketful of voices = Un bolsillo de voces. Spanish Lang. 808.81 POC
- The poem is you: sixty contemporary American poems and how to read them. Stephen Burt. 811.008 BUR
- Poems from Guantanamo: the detainees speak. 892.71 POE
- Poems 1962-2012. Louise Gluck. 811 GLU
- The poems of Marianne Moore. 811 MOO
- The poems of Octavio Paz. 861 PAZ
- Poems of the American West. 811.008 POE
- Poems seven. Alan Dugan. 811 DUG
- Poems that make grown men cry: 100 men on the words that move them. 821.008 POE
- Poems to comfort. 811.008 POE
- Poems to read: a new favorite poem project anthology. 808.81 POE
- The Poetry anthology, 1912-2002. 811.008 POE
- Poetry as insurgent art. Lawrence Ferlinghetti. 811 FER
- Poetry daily: 366 poems from the world’s most popular poetry website. 811.008 POE
- Poetry in medicine: an anthology of poems about doctors, patients, illness, and healing. 808.819 POE
- The poetry of our world: an international anthology of contemporary poetry. 808.81 POE
- The poetry of Petrarch. 851.1 PET
- Poetry of the First World War: an anthology. 808.81 POE
- Poetry of witness: the tradition in English, 1500-2001. 808.819 POE
- The poetry of Yehuda Amichai. 892.41 AMI
- Poetry 180: a turning back to poetry. Y 811.008 POE
- The poets laureate anthology. 811.008 POE
- Poets of World War II. 811.008 POE
- Postcolonial love poem. Natalie Diaz. 811.6 DIA
- Postmodern American poetry: a Norton anthology. 811.008 POS
- The prodigal. Derek Walcott. 811 WAL
- A progressive education. Richard Howard. 811.54 HOW
- Puerta del sol. Francisco Aragon. 811 ARA
- The Pushcart book of poetry. 808.81 PUS
- Quilting the black-eyed pea. Nikki Giovanni. 811 GIO
- The radiation sonnets. Jane Yolen. 811 YOL
- Random House treasury of friendship poems. 808.819 RAN
- Red bird: poems. Mary Oliver. 811 OLI
- Red doc>. Anne Carson. 811 CAR
- Red hot salsa: bilingual poems on being young and Latino in the United States. Y 811.008 RED
- The renunciations: poems. Donika Kelly. 811.6 KEL
- The republic of poetry. Martin Espada. 811 ESP
- The rest of the voyage: poems. Bernard Noel. 841 NOE
- Rilke: new poems. Rainer Maria Rilke. 831 RIL
- Ripe: poems. Todd Davis. 811 DAV
- Rise in the fall. Ana Bozicevic. 811 BOZ
- River inside the river: three lyric sequences. Gregory Orr. 811 ORR
- The Road to Emmaus. Spencer Reece. 811.6 REE
- Roots & wings: poetry from Spain, 1900-1975: a bilingual anthology. 861 ROO
- Rumi: the big red book: the great masterpiece celebrating mystical love and friendship. 891.55 JAL
- S O S: poems 1961-2013. Amiri Baraka. 811.54 BAR
- Save the last dance. Gerald Stern. 811 STE
- Scanning the century: the Penguin book of the twentieth century in poetry. 808.81 SCA
- Scar tissue. Charles Wright. 811 WRI
- Scattered at sea. Amy Gerstler. 811.54 GER
- Searching for Sappho: the lost songs and world of the first woman poet: including new translations of all of Sappho’s surviving poetry. Philip Freeman. 884 FRE
- Seasonal works with letters on fire. Brenda Hillman. 811 HIL
- The second blush. Molly Peacock. 811 PEA
- Second childhood. Fanny Howe. 811.54 HOW
- Selected lyric poetry. Alexander Pushkin. 891.71 PUS
- Selected poems. Thom Gunn. 821 GUN
- Selected poems. Rabindranath Tagore. 891.44 TAG
- Selected poems. William Wordsworth. 821 WOR
- The selected poems of Donald Hall. 811 HAL
- Senegal taxi. Juan Felipe Herrera. 811 HER
- The shadow of Sirius. W.S. Merwin. 811 MER
- Shakespeare well-versed: a rhyming guide to all his plays. James Muirden. 822.33 MUI
- Shallcross. C.D. Wright. 811 WRI
- She walks in beauty: a woman’s journey through poems. 808.81 SHE
- Shedding skins: four Sioux poets. 811 SHE
- Sho. Douglas Kearney. 811.6 KEA
- Show yourself to my soul: a new translation of Gitanjali. Rabindranath Tagore. 891.44 TAG
- Silverchest. Carl Phillips. 811 PHI
- The singing. C.K. Williams. 811 WIL
- Singing at the gates: selected poems. Jimmy Santiago Baca. 811 BAC
- Sixty poems. Charles Simic. 811 SIM
- Skin, Inc.: identity repair poems. Thomas Sayers Ellis. 811 ELL
- Slave moth. Thylias Moss. 811 MOS
- Sleeping it off in Rapid City: poems, new and selected. August Kleinzahler. 811 KLE
- Slow lightning: poems. Eduardo C. Corral. 811 COR
- A small story about the sky. Alberto Ríos. 811.54 RIO
- Smoking the Bible: poems. Chris Abani. 821.914 ABA
- So much synth. Brenda Shaughnessy. 811 SHA
- So recently rent a world: new and selected poems: 1968-2012. Andrei Codrescu. 811 COD
- Soltando Amarras = Casting off. Claribel Alegria. Spanish Lang. 861 ALE
- Some heaven: poems. Todd Davis. 811 DAV
- Sonata mulattica: a life in five movements and a short play. Rita Dove. 811 DOV
- Songs in sepia and black & white. Norbert Krapf. Ind. Coll. 811 KRA
- Songs of love and war: Afghan women’s poetry. Sayd Bahodine Majrouh. 891.593 MAJ
- Songs of unreason. Jim Harrison. 811 HAR
- Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz: selected works. 861.3 JUA
- The soul of Rumi: a new collection of ecstatic poems. 891.5 JAL
- Space, in chains. Laura Kasischke. 811 KAS
- Speculative music: poems. Jeff Dolven. 811 DOL
- Splay anthem. Nathaniel Mackey. 811 MACK
- Splitting an order. Ted Kooser. 811 KOO
- Stag’s leap. Sharon Olds. 811 OLD
- Staying alive: real poems for unreal times. 808.81 STA
- Stealing sugar from the castle: selected poems, 1950 to 2013. Robert Bly. 811 BLY
- Still to mow: poems. Maxine Kumin. 811 KUM
- Stones: poems. Kevin Young. 811 YOU
- The Stray Dog cabaret: a book of Russian poems. 891.71 STR
- Strong is your hold. Galway Kinnell. 811 KIN
- Such color: new and selected poems. Tracy K. Smith. 811 SMI
- Swan: poems and prose poems. Mary Oliver. 811 OLI
- Swoop: poems. Hailey Leithauser. 811 LEI
- Tantalus in love. Alan Shapiro. 811 SHA
- Teahouse of the almighty. Patricia Smith. 811 SMI
- Ten poems to last a lifetime. 808.81 TEN
- That this. Susan Howe. 811 HOW
- They don’t kill you because they’re hungry, they kill you because they’re full. Mark Bibbins. 811.6 BIB
- Things to say to a dead man: poems at the end of a marriage and after. Jane Yolen. 811 YOL
- Thirst. Mary Oliver. 811 OLI
- This blue. Maureen N. McLane. 811.6 MACL
- This day: Sabbath poems collected and new, 1979-2013. Wendell Berry. 811 BER
- This strange land. Shara McCallum. 811 MACC
- A thousand mornings. Mary Oliver. 811 OLI
- A thousand times you lose your treasure. Hoa Nguyen. 811.6 NGU
- Thrall: poems. Natasha Trethewey. 811 TRE
- The Tijuana book of the dead: poems. Luis Alberto Urrea. 811.54 URR
- Till I end my song: a gathering of last poems. 808.81 TIL
- Time and materials: poems, 1997-2005. Robert Hass. 811 HAS
- Time is a mother. Ocean Vuong. 811.6 VUO
- Time you let me in: 25 poets under 25. Y 811.008 TIM
- Tom Thomson in purgatory. Troy Jollimore. 811 JOL
- Tonight no poetry will serve: poems, 2007-2010. Adrienne Rich. 811 RIC
- Toxic flora: poems. Kimiko Hahn. 811 HAH
- Transfer of qualities. Martha Ronk. 814 RON
- Transfer: poems. Naomi Shihab Nye. 811 NYE
- Traveler. Devin Johnston. 811 JOH
- Traveling light: poems. Linda Pastan. 811 PAS
- The trouble with poetry and other poems. Billy Collins. 811 COL
- Troubling the line: trans and genderqueer poetry and poetics. 811.008 TRO
- Twenty poems to nourish your soul. 242 TWE
- Twice alive: an ecology of intimacies. Forrest Gander. 811.54 GAN
- Twin cities. Carol Muske-Dukes. 811 MUS
- Unexpectedly eighty: and other adaptations. Judith Viorst. 811 VIO
- Unincorporated persons in the late Honda dynasty. Tony Hoagland. 811 HOA
- Upgraded to serious. Heather McHugh. 811 MACH
- Useless landscape, or, A guide for boys. D.A. Powell. 811 POW
- Usher. B.H. Fairchild. 811 FAI
- Valentines. Ted Kooser. 811 KOO
- Versed. Rae Armantrout. 811 ARM
- Verses and versions: three centuries of Russian poetry. 891.71 VER
- Vertigo & ghost: poems. Fiona Benson. 821.92 BEN
- Vertigo: poems. Martha Ronk. 811 RON
- Vinegar Hill. Colm Toibin. 821.914 TOI
- Vintage Hughes. Langston Hughes. 811 HUG
- Voices: poetry and art from around the world. 808.81 VOI
- Voyage of the Sable Venus: and other poems. Robin Coste Lewis. 811.6 LEW
- Wait. C.K. Williams. 811 WIL
- Walking papers: poems, 1999-2009. Thomas Lynch. 811 LYN
- War poems. 808.819 WAR
- Warhorses: poems. Yusef Komunyakaa. 811 KOM
- Water lines. Luci Shaw. 811 SHA
- Watercolor women, opaque men: a novel in verse. Ana Castillo. 811 CAS
- The weary blues. Langston Hughes. 811 HUG
- Weaving sundown in a scarlet light: fifty poems for fifty years. Joy Harjo. 811.54 HAR
- What about this: collected poems of Frank Stanford. 811.54 STA
- What goes on: selected & new poems, 1995-2009. Stephen Dunn. 811 DUN
- What I’ve stolen, what I’ve earned. Sherman Alexie. 811 ALE
- What noise against the cane. Desiree C. Bailey. 811.6 BAI
- Where to begin: a small book about your power to create big change in our world. Cleo Wade. 811.6 WAD
- White apples and the taste of stone: selected poems, 1946-2006. Donald Hall. 811 HAL
- White egrets: poems. Derek Walcott. 811 WAL
- Why I wake early. Mary Oliver. 811 OLI
- Wild hundreds. Nate Marshall. 811.6 MAR
- The wind shifts: new Latino poetry. 811.008 WIN
- The winged energy of delight: selected translations. 808.81 WIN
- The wish book: poems. Alex Lemon. 811.6 LEM
- The woman I kept to myself. Julia Alvarez. 811 ALV
- Women’s poetry: poems and advice. Daisy Fried. 811 FRI
- A worldly country: new poems. John Ashbery. 811 ASH
- “Words for the hour”: a new anthology of American Civil War poetry. 811.008 WOR
- Working the dirt: an anthology of Southern poets. 811.008 WOR
- World enough. Maureen N. McLane. 811.6 MACL
- The world will follow joy: turning madness into flowers: (new poems). Alice Walker. 811 WAL
- Writers writing dying. C.K. Williams. 811 WIL
- The year of goodbyes: a true story of friendship, family and farewells. Debbie Levy. Y 811 LEV
- A year with Rumi: daily readings. 891.5 JAL
- You & yours. Naomi Shihab Nye. 811 NYE
- The best day the worst day: life with Jane Kenyon. Donald Hall. B Kenyon
- A blue hand: the Beats in India. Deborah Baker. B Ginsberg
- The body and the book: writing from a Mennonite life: essays and poems. Julia Kasdorf. B Kasdorf
- Chaucer. Peter Ackroyd. B Chaucer
- Cherry. Mary Karr. B Karr
- Christina Rossetti. Jan Marsh. B Rossetti
- Dog years. Mark Doty. B Doty, Large Type B Doty, CD B Doty
- Dylan Thomas: a new life. Andrew Lycett. B Thomas
- Early morning: remembering my father, William Stafford. Kim Stafford. B Stafford
- For a song and a hundred songs: a poet’s journey through a Chinese prison. Liao Yiwu. B Liao
- For all of us, one today: an inaugural poet’s journey. Richard Blanco. 811 BLA
- The friendship: Wordsworth and Coleridge. Adam Sisman. 821.09 SIS
- Happy: a memoir. Alex Lemon. B Lemon
- John Donne. John Stubbs. B Donne
- Joy: poet, seeker, and the woman who captivated C. S. Lewis. Abigail Santamaria. B Davidman
- The language of life. Bill Moyers. 811.009 MOY
- The life and wisdom of Gwen Frostic. Sheryl James. B Frostic
- Like family. Paula McLain. B McLain
- Local wonders: seasons in the Bohemian Alps. Ted Kooser. 978.2 KOO
- Longfellow. Charles C. Calhoun. B Longfellow
- The last holiday: a memoir. Gil Scott-Heron. B Scott-Heron
- Mennonite in a little black dress: a memoir of going home. Rhoda Janzen. B Janzen, Large Type B Janzen, CD B Janzen
- Messenger: the legacy of Mattie J.T. Stepanek and Heartsongs. Jeni Stepanek. B Stepanek
- Milton: poet, pamphleteer, and patriot. Anna Beer. B Milton
- My wars are laid away in books: the life of Emily Dickinson. Alfred Habegger. B Dickinson
- On Elizabeth Bishop. Colm Tóibín. 811.54 BIS
- The poet slave of Cuba: a biography of Juan Francisco Manzano. Margarita Engle. Y 811 ENG
- The poet’s guide to life: the wisdom of Rilke. 836 RIL, CD 836 RIL
- Raising fences. Michael Datcher. B Datcher
- Savage beauty: the life of Edna St. Vincent Millay. Nancy Milford. B Millay
- The 6.5 practices of moderately successful poets: a self-help memoir. Jeffrey Skinner. 808.1 SKI
- A song flung up to heaven. Maya Angelou. B Angelou, CD B Angelou
- Tennyson: to strive, to seek, to find. John Batchelor. B Tennyson
- The ticking is the bomb: … a memoir. Nick Flynn. B Flynn
- T.S. Eliot. Lyndall Gordon. B Eliot
- The unabridged journals of Sylvia Plath, 1950-1962. B Plath
- The virgin of Bennington. Kathleen Norris. B Norris
- Walking home: a poet’s journey. Simon Armitage. 914.8 ARM
- Walt Whitman’s America: a cultural biography. David S. Reynolds. B Whitman
- What poets are like: up and down with the writing life. Gary Soto. 808.1 SOT
- The wheeling year: a poet’s field book. Ted Kooser. 811 KOO
- Beautiful & pointless: a guide to modern poetry. David Orr. 808.1 ORR
- Breakfast served any time all day: essays on poetry new and selected. Donald Hall. 811.009 HAL
- Disappearing ink: poetry at the end of print culture. Dana Gioia. 809.1 GIO
- Giving their word: conversations with contemporary poets. 811.009 GIV
- A God in the house: poets talk about faith. 811 GOD
- How to read a poem: and fall in love with poetry. Edward Hirsch. 808.1 HIR
- How to read a poem–and start a poetry circle. Molly Peacock. 808.1 PEA
- A journey with two maps: becoming a woman poet. Eavan Boland. 824 BOL
- Madness, rack, and honey: collected lectures. Mary Ruefle. 809.1 RUE
- The making of a poem: a Norton anthology of poetic forms. 808.1 MAK
- Now & then: the Poet’s Choice columns, 1997-2000. Robert Hass. 808.1 HAS
- On poetry. Glyn Maxwell. 808.1 MAX
- Open the door: how to excite young people about poetry. 808.1 OPE
- Ordinary genius: a guide for the poet within. Kim Addonizio. 808.1 ADD
- Poetry aloud here 2: sharing poetry with children. Sylvia M. Vardell. 372.64 VAR
- Poetry as insurgent art. Lawrence Ferlinghetti. 811 FER
- Poetry as spiritual practice: reading, writing, and using poetry in your daily rituals, aspirations, and intentions. 808.1 MACD
- The poetry home repair manual: practical advice for beginning poets. Ted Kooser. 808.1 KOO
- Poetry slam. 811 POE
- Poet’s choice. Edward Hirsch. 808.1 HIR
- A poet’s glossary. Edward Hirsch. 808.1 HIR
- Poet’s market. 808.02 POE
- The road not taken: finding America in the poem everyone loves and almost everyone gets wrong. David Orr. 811 FRO
- Singing school: learning to write (and read) poetry by studying with the masters. Robert Pinsky. 808.1 PIN
- Ten windows: how great poems transform the world. Jane Hirshfield. 808.1 HIR
- Three simple lines: a writer’s pilgrimage into the heart and homeland of haiku. Natalie Goldberg. 809.141 GOL
- The virtues of poetry. James Longenbach. 808.1 LON
- The anthologist. Nicholson Baker. Fic BAK
- Dr. Bird’s advice for sad poets. Evan Roskos. Y Fic ROS
- I regret everything: a love story. Seth Greenland. Fic GRE
- The more I owe you. Michael Sledge. Fic SLE
- At Blackwater Pond. Mary Oliver. CD 811 OLI
- The best-loved poems of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis. CD 808.81 BES
- Billy Collins live. CD 811 COL
- Good poems. Selected by Garrison Keillor. CD 811.008 GOO, Y AUDIO Playaway 811.008 GOO
- Heaven in a wild flower: the British romantic poets. Adam Potkay. CD 821.09 POT
- In Flanders fields and other poems about war. John McCrae, Wilfred Owen. CD 821 MACC
- John Donne. CD 821 DON
- Leaves of grass. Walt Whitman. CD 811 WHI
- Louder, we can’t hear you (yet!): the political poems of Marge Piercy. CD 811 PIE
- Many miles. Mary Oliver. CD 811 OLI
- Now the dead will dance the Mambo: the poems of Martin Espada. CD 811 ESP
- Poetry speaks: hear great poets read their work from Tennyson to Plath. 811.009 POE
- Poetry speaks who I am. Y 811 POE
- The poets’ corner: the one and only poetry book for the whole family. CD 808.81 POE
- 77 love sonnets. Garrison Keillor. CD 811 KEI
- Spoon River anthology. Edgar Lee Masters. Audio 811 MAS
- The spoken word revolution: (slam, hip-hop, & the poetry of a new generation). 811.008 SPO
- A way with words. IV understanding poetry. CD 809.1 DRO
- Words for you: the greatest poems, the finest voices, glorious music. CD U COLL WFY H-02
- The day Carl Sandburg died. DVD B Sandburg
- Emily Dickinson a certain slant of light. DVD B Dickinson
- The language of life. DVD 808.1
- Louder than a bomb. DVD 808.545
- The poetry lounge [self-expression through the spoken word]. DVD 811.008
- Robert Frost: voices & visions. VIDEO 811
- Walt Whitman. VIDEO B Whitman
- The Columbia Granger’s index to poetry in anthologies. R 808.8 GRA
- Litfinder: Poems database available via Inspire
- National Poetry Month – The Academy of American Poets
- National Poetry Month – Resources for Teachers – Scholastic
- Poetry Month – Education World
- Poetry Month – Infoplease
- Poetry Teachers
- ShelSilverstein.com
- Antología general. Pablo Neruda. Spanish Lang. 860 NER
- La colina que ascendemos: un poema inaugural. Amanda Gorman. Spanish Lang. 811.6 GOR
- El cuaderno verde del Che. Spanish Lang. 861.008 CUA
- Historias y poemas de una lucha de clases. Roque Dalton. Spanish Lang. 861 DAL
- Los mas bellos poemas de amor en lengua española. Spanish Lang. 861 MAS
- Quiero ser poeta: ejercicios e instrucciones para escribir poesía. Spanish Lang. 808.1 QUI
- Veinte poemas de amor y una cancion desesperada / Cien sonetos de amor. Pablo Neruda. Spanish Lang. 861 NER
- Antologia noble de la poesia mexicana. Spanish Lang. CD 861.008 ANT