Music & Musicians
- 18 and life on Skid Row. Sebastian Bach. 782.4216 BAC
- 21-hit wonder: flopping my way to the top of the charts. Sam Hollander. 782.4216 HOL
- 27: a history of the 27 club through the lives of Brian Jones, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison, Kurt Cobain, and Amy Winehouse. Howard Sounes. 781.66 SOU
- 33 revolutions per minute: a history of protest songs, from Billie Holiday to Green Day. Dorian Lynskey. 781.592 LYN
- 1973: rock at the crossroads. Andrew Grant Jackson. 781.66 JAC
- Absolutely on music: conversations. Haruki Murakami. 784.2092 MUR
- AC/DC. Murray Engleheart. 782.4216 ENG
- The adventures of Grandmaster Flash: my life, my beats. Grandmaster Flash. 782.4216 GRA
- Alice Cooper, golf monster. Alice Cooper. B Cooper
- All of me. Anne Murray. B Murray
- Along the roaring river. Hao Jiang Tian. B Tian
- Always a song: singers, songwriters, sinners & saints: my story of the folk music revival. Ellen Harper. 782.4216 HAR
- Americana music: voices, visionaries, & pioneers of an honest sound. Lee David Zimmerman. 781.64 ZIM
- Americanaland: where country & western met rock ‘n roll. 781.64 MIL
- Amy, my daughter. Mitch Winehouse. B Winehouse
- Anchored in love: an intimate portrait of June Carter Cash. John Carter Cash. B Cash
- And in the end: the last days of the Beatles. Ken McNab. 782.4216 MACN
- The art of noise: conversations with great songwriters. Daniel Rachel. 782.4216 RAC
- Baby girl: better known as Aaliyah. Kathy Iandoli. B Aaliyah
- Babylon‘s burning: from punk to grunge. Clinton 781.66 HEY
- Barbra. Christopher Andersen. B Streisand
- Beast: John Bonham and the rise of Led Zeppelin. C.M. Kushins. B Bonham
- Beastie Boys book. Michael Diamond, Adam Horovitz. 782.4216 MIK
- The beautiful ones. Prince. B Prince
- Becoming Beyonce: the untold story. J. Randy Taraborrelli. B Beyoncé
- Beethoven’s skull: dark, strange, and fascinating tales from the world of classical music and beyond. Tim Rayborn. 780.92 RAY
- Before you judge me: the triumph and tragedy of Michael Jackson’s last days. Tavis Smiley, David Ritz. B Jackson
- Bessie Smith: a poet’s biography of a blues legend. Jackie Kay. B Smith
- Between a heart and a rock place: a memoir. Pat Benatar. B Benatar
- Between heaven & the real world: my story. Steven Curtis Chapman. 782.4216 CHA, EAudiobook
- Billie Eilish. Billie Eilish. B Eilish
- Billie Holiday: the musician and the myth. John Szwed. B Holiday
- Blind but now I see: the biography of music legend Doc Watson. Kent Gustavson. B Watson
- The blues: the authentic narrative of my music and culture. Chris Thomas King. 781.643 KIN
- Bob Dylan in America. Sean Wilentz. B Dylan
- Bob Marley. Chris Salewicz. B Marley
- Bowie: a biography. Marc Spitz. B Bowie
- Bowie: stardust, rayguns & moonage daydreams. Steve Horton, Michael Allred. Graphic 782.4216 HOR
- Boys in the trees: a memoir. Carly Simon. B Simon
- Boyz n the Void: a mixtape to my brother. G’Ra Asim. 782.4216 ASI
- Brian May’s red special: the story of the home-made guitar that rocked Queen and the world. Brian May. 787.87 MAY
- Broken horses: a memoir. Brandi Carlile. B Carlile, EAudiobook
- Broken on the back row. Sandi Patti. B Patti
- Brother Robert: growing up with Robert Johnson. Annye C. Anderson. 782.4216 AND
- Bruce. Peter Ames Carlin. B Springsteen
- Bruce Springsteen: American poet and prophet. Donald L. Deardorff II. 782.4216 DEA
- Buck Owens. Eileen Sisk. B Owens
- Burning down the Haus: punk rock, revolution, and the fall of the Berlin Wall. Tim Mohr. 306.484 MOH
- The butterfly effect: how Kendrick Lamar ignited the soul of Black America. Marcus J. Moore. 782.4216 MOO
- By faith, not by sight: the inspirational story of a blind prodigy, a life-threatening illness, & an unexpected gift. Scott MacIntyre. B MacIntyre
- California dreamin’. Pénélope Bagieu. Graphic B Elliot
- Can I say: living large, cheating death, and drums, drums, drums. Travis Barker. B Barker
- Can’t buy me love: the Beatles, Britain, and America. Jonathan Gould. 782.4216 GOU
- Chamber music: Wu-Tang and America (in 36 pieces). Will Ashon. 782.4216 ASH
- Change of seasons: a memoir. John Oates. 782.4216 OAT
- Changes: an oral history of Tupac Shakur. Sheldon Pearce. B Shakur
- Charlie’s good tonight: the life, the times, and the Rolling Stones: the authorized biography of Charlie Watts. Paul Sexton. B Watts
- Children of the stone: the power of music in a hard land. Sandy Tolan. 780.9569 TOL
- Chinaberry sidewalks. Rodney Crowell. B Crowell
- Chopin’s piano: in search of the instrument that transformed music. Paul Kildea. 786.21 KIL
- Citizen Cash: the political life and times of Johnny Cash. Michael Stewart Foley. B Cash, CD B Cash
- Clapton. Eric Clapton. B Clapton, CD B Clapton
- Classical destinations. Matt Wills. 780.94 WIL
- Coal miner’s daughter. Loretta Lynn. B Lynn
- The collected works of Jim Morrison: poetry, journals, transcripts, and lyrics. 782.4216 MOR
- Coltrane. Ben Ratliff. 781.65 RAT
- Coming home to myself. Wynonna Judd. B Judd
- Composed: a memoir. Rosanne Cash. B Cash
- Contact high: a visual history of hip-hop. Vikki Tobak. 782.4216 TOB
- Country music: an illustrated history. Dayton Duncan. 782.4216 DUN
- Crazy enough: a memoir. Storm Large. B Large
- Crossroads: the life and afterlife of blues legend Robert Johnson. Tom Graves. B Johnson
- Cruel to be kind: the life and music of Nick Lowe. Will Birch. 782.4216 BIR
- Cyndi Lauper: a memoir. Cyndi Lauper. B Lauper
- Dancing with myself. Billy Idol. B Idol
- Dangerous melodies: classical music in America from the Great War through the Cold War. Jonathan Rosenberg. 780.97 ROS
- Dare to dream: life as One Direction. Y 782.4216 DAR
- David Bowie: starman. Paul Trynka. B Bowie
- Dear father: breaking the cycle of pain. J. Ivy. Y 811.6 IVY
- Debussy: a painter in sound. Stephen Walsh. 780.92 WAL
- Decoded. Jay-Z. 782.4216 JAY
- Decoding “Despacito”: an oral history of Latin music. Leila Cobo. 782.4216 COB
- Diary of a player: how my musical heroes made a guitar man out of me. Brad Paisley. B Paisley
- Didn’t we almost have it all: in defense of Whitney Houston. Gerrick Kennedy. B Houston
- Disgraceland: musicians getting away with murder and behaving very badly. Jake Brennan. 782.4216 BRE
- Does the noise in my head bother you?: a Rock ‘N’ Roll memoir. Steven Tyler. B Tyler, CD B Tyler
- Dolly Parton, songteller: my life in lyrics. Dolly Parton. 782.4216 PAR, Ebook, EAudiobook
- Duke: a life of Duke Ellington. Terry Teachout. B Ellington
- Dvořák’s prophecy: and the vexed fate of Black classical music. Joseph Horowitz. 780.973 HOR
- Dylan goes electric!: Newport, Seeger, Dylan, and the night that split the Sixties. Elijah Wald. 781.66 WAL
- Dylan: the biography. Dennis McDougal. B Dylan
- Elvis by the Presleys. B Presley
- The Elvis encyclopedia. Adam Victor. 782.4216 VIC
- Eminent hipsters. Donald Fagen. 4216 FAG
- The encyclopedia of dead rock stars. Jeremy Simmonds. 782.4216 SMI
- Eruption: conversations with Eddie Van Halen. Brad Tolinski, Chris Gill. 782.4216 TOL
- Everybody had an ocean: music and mayhem in 1960s Los Angeles. William McKeen. 781.66 MACK
- Everybody’s doin’ it: sex, music, and dance in New York, 1840-1917. Dale Cockrell. 781.6409 COC
- Everyone loves you when you’re dead: journeys into fame and madness. Neil Strauss. 781.66 STR
- Fab: an intimate life of Paul McCartney. Howard Sounes. B McCartney
- Face it. Debbie Harry. 782.4216 HAR
- Fifty sides of the Beach Boys. Mark Dillon. 782.4216 DIL
- Finishing the hat: collected lyrics (1954-1981) with attendant comments, principles, heresies, grudges, whines and anecdotes. Stephen Sondheim. 14 SON
- The first collection of criticism by a living female rock critic. Jessica Hopper. 781.6609 HOP
- Fleetwood Mac on Fleetwood Mac: interviews and encounters. 782.4216 FLE
- Fleetwood Mac: the definitive history. Mike Evans. 782.4216 EVA
- Florence! Foster!! Jenkins!!!: the life of the world’s worst opera singer. Darryl W. Bullock. B Jenkins
- Folk music: a Bob Dylan biography in seven songs. Greil Marcus. 782.4216 MAR
- Forever and ever, amen: a memoir of music, faith, and braving the storms of life. Randy Travis. B Travis, CD B Travis
- Forever words: the unknown poems. Johnny Cash. 782.4216 CAS
- Fortunate son: my life, my music. John Fogerty. B Fogerty
- Frank: the voice. James Kaplan. B Sinatra
- Freddie Mercury: a kind of magic. Mark Blake. 782.4216 BLA
- Freddie Mercury, the great pretender: a life in pictures. Sean O’Hagan. 782.4216 OHA
- From cradle to stage: stories from the mothers who rocked and raised rock stars. Virginia Hanlon Grohl. 782.4216 GRO
- George Harrison: behind the locked door. Graeme Thomson. B Harrison
- George Harrison: living in the material world. Olivia Harrison. B Harrison, DVD B Harrison
- Get happy: the life of Judy Garland. Gerald Clarke. B Garland
- The girl in the back: a female drummer’s life with Bowie, Blondie, and the ’70s rock scene. Laura Davis-Chanin. 786.9092 DAV
- Glow: the autobiography of Rick James. B James
- Go ahead in the rain: notes to A Tribe Called Quest. Hanif Abdurraqib. 782.4216 ABD
- God save the queens: the essential history of women in hip-hop. Kathy Iandoli. 782.4216 IAN
- Gold dust woman: the biography of Stevie Nicks. Stephen Davis. 782.4216 DAV, EAudiobook
- Good booty: love and sex, black & white, body and soul in American music. Ann Powers. 781.6409 POW
- Good things happen slowly: a life in and out of jazz. Fred Hersch. 786.2165 HER
- Goodbye 20th century: a biography of Sonic Youth. David Browne. 782.4216 BRO
- The Grand Ole Opry. Colin Escott. 781.642 ESC
- The grand tour: the life and music of George Jones. Rich Kienzle. B Jones
- The great animal orchestra: finding the origins of music in the world’s wild places. Bernie Krause. 780 KRA
- Grown-up anger: the connected mysteries of Bob Dylan, Woody Guthrie, and the Calumet massacre of 1913. Daniel Wolff. 782.4216 WOL
- The Hag: the life, times, and music of Merle Haggard. Marc Eliot. B Haggard
- Handel in London: a genius and his craft. Jane Glover. 780.92 GLO
- Heat wave: the life and career of Ethel Waters. Donald Bogle. B Waters
- Hello, gorgeous: becoming Barbra Streisand. William J. Mann. B Streisand
- Her country: how the women of country music became the success they were never supposed to be. Marissa R. Moss. 781.642 MOS
- The high desert. James Spooner. Graphic 306.1 SPO
- High school. Sara Quin, Tegan Quin. 782.4216 QUI
- Hindsight: & all the things I can’t see in front of me. Justin Timberlake. B Timberlake
- Hip-hop (and other things): a collection of questions asked, answered, illustrated. Shea Serrano. 782.4216 SER
- The history of rock ‘n’ roll in ten songs. Greil Marcus. 782.4216 MAR
- Home. Julie Andrews. B Andrews, Large Type B Andrews
- Homeward bound: the life of Paul Simon. Peter Ames Carlin. B Simon
- Honky tonk girl: my life in lyrics. Loretta Lynn. 782.4216 LYN
- Horror stories: a memoir. Liz Phair. 782.4216 PHA
- How to make it in the new music business: practical tips on building a loyal following and making a living as a musician. Ari Herstand. 780.23 HER
- I ain’t studdin’ ya: my American blues story. Bobby Rush. 781.642 RUS
- I am Ozzy. Ozzy Osbourne. B Osbourne
- I dreamed I was a very clean tramp: an autobiography. Richard Hell. B Hell
- I got a name: the Jim Croce story. Ingrid Croce, Jimmy Rock. B Croce
- I got this: how I changed my ways and lost what weighed me down. Jennifer Hudson. B Hudson
- Ice: a memoir of gangster life and redemption–from South Central to Hollywood. Ice-T. B Ice-T
- Iggy Pop: open up and bleed. Paul Trynka. B Pop
- I’ll sleep when I’m dead: the dirty life and times of Warren Zevon. Crystal Zevon. B Zevon
- The indispensable composers: a personal guide. Anthony Tommasini. 780.92 TOM
- Is this the real life?: the untold story of Queen. Mark Blake. 782.4216 BLA
- Isn’t her grace amazing!: the women who changed gospel music. Cheryl Wills. 782.254 WIL
- It’s a long story: my life. Willie Nelson. B Nelson
- It’s all about Him. Denise Jackson. B Jackson
- It’s all in your head: get out of your way. Russ. 158.1 RUS
- It’s so easy: and other lies. Duff McKagan. B McKagan
- JAMerica: the history of the jam band and festival scene from the Grateful Dead to Phish, from H.O.R.D.E. to Bonnaroo, and beyond. Peter Conners. 64 CON
- Janis: her life and music. Holly George-Warren. 782.4216 GEO
- Jazz A-B-Z. Wynton Marsalis. Y 811 MAR
- Jerry Lee Lewis: his own story. Rick Bragg. B Lewis
- Jersey boys: the story of Frankie Valli & the Four Seasons. David Cote. 782.14 COT
- Jimmy Page: the definitive biography. Chris Salewicz. 781.6609 SAL
- The John Lennon letters. B Lennon
- John Lennon: the life. Philip Norman. B Lennon
- Johnny Cash. B Cash
- Johnny Cash. Reinhard Kleist. Graphic B Cash
- Johnny Cash: the life. Robert Hilburn. B Cash
- Johnny Cash: the life and legacy of the Man in Black. Alan Light. 782.4216 LIG
- Johnny’s cash & Charley’s pride: lasting legends and untold adventures in country music. Peter Cooper. 781.641 COO
- Journey of a thousand miles. Lang Lang. B Lang
- Just kids. Patti Smith. B Smith
- Kansas City lightning: the rise and times of Charlie Parker. Stanley Crouch. B Parker
- The key is love: my mother’s wisdom, a daughter’s gratitude. Marie Osmond. B Osmond
- Kill ’em and leave: searching for James Brown and the American soul. James McBride. 782.4216 MACB
- King of the blues: the rise and reign of B.B. King. Daniel de Visé. B King
- Kraftwerk: future music from Germany. Uwe Schütte. 782.4216 SCH
- Kurt Cobain: the last session. Jesse Frohman. 4216 FRO
- Last chance Texaco: chronicles of an American troubadour. Rickie Lee Jones. B Jones
- Lennon: the man, the myth, the music–the definitive life. Tim Riley. B Lennon
- The Leonard Bernstein letters. B Bernstein, CD B Bernstein
- Leonard Cohen on Leonard Cohen: interviews and encounters. 4216 COH
- Let love rule. Lenny Kravitz. B Kravitz
- Let’s go (so we can get back): a memoir of recording and discording with Wilco, etc. Jeff Tweedy. 782.4216 TWE
- Life. Keith Richards. B Richards, CD B Richards
- Life is a gift: the zen of Bennett. Tony Bennett. Large Type B Bennett
- A light that never goes out: the enduring saga of the Smiths. Tony Fletcher. 781.66 FLE
- Lightning striking: ten transformative moments in rock and roll. Lenny Kaye. 781.66 KAY
- Listen up!: recording music with Bob Dylan, Neil Young, U2, R.E.M., the Tragically Hip, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Tom Waits. Mark Howard. 782.4216 HOW
- Listening for America: inside the great American songbook from Gershwin to Sondheim. Rob Kapilow. 782.4216 KAP
- A little bit wicked: life, love, and faith in stages. Kristin Chenoweth. B Chenoweth, CD B Chenoweth
- Long walk home: reflections on Bruce Springsteen. 782.4216 LON
- Love becomes a funeral pyre: a biography of The Doors. Mick Wall. 782.4216 WAL
- Lowside of the road: a life of Tom Waits. Barney Hoskyns. B Waits
- Luck or something like it. Kenny Rogers. B Rogers
- Mad world: an oral history of new wave artists and songs that defined the 1980s. Lori Majewski, Jonathan Bernstein. 66 MAJ
- Madonna: like an icon. Lucy O’Brien. B Madonna
- Major labels: a history of popular music in seven genres. Kelefa Sanneh. 781.64 SAN
- A man called destruction: the life and music of Alex Chilton, from Box Tops to Big Star to backdoor man. Holly George-Warren. 782.4216 GEO
- Man of constant sorrow. Ralph Stanley. B Stanley, CD B Stanley
- Man on the run: Paul McCartney in the 1970s. Tom Doyle. B McCartney
- The marathon don’t stop: the life and times of Nipsey Hussle. Rob Kenner. B Hussle
- Maybe we’ll make it: a memoir. Margo Price. B Price, EAudiobook
- Me. Elton John. B John, CD B John
- Me. Ricky Martin. B Martin, Spanish Lang. B Martin
- Me and sister Bobbie: true tales of the family band. Willie Nelson, Bobbie Nelson. 782.4216 NEL
- Me, the mob, and the music. Tommy James. 782.4216 JAM
- The meaning of Mariah Carey. Mariah Carey. B Carey
- Memories before & after The sound of music: an autobiography. Agathe von Trapp. B Trapp
- Message to our folks: the Art Ensemble of Chicago. Paul Steinbeck. 784.4 STE
- Michael Jackson. J. Randy Taraborrelli. B Jackson
- Mick: the wild life and mad genius of Jagger. Christopher Andersen. B Jagger
- Might as well laugh about it now. Marie Osmond. B Osmond
- MJ: the genius of Michael Jackson. Steve Knopper. B Jackson
- Mo’ meta blues: the world according to Questlove. Ahmir “Questlove” Thompson. B Questlove
- Moon River and me. Andy Williams. B Williams
- More myself: a journey. Alicia Keys. 782.4216 KEY, Ebook
- Morning glory on the vine: early songs & drawings. Joni Mitchell. 782.4216 MIT
- Mosaic. Amy Grant. B Grant, CD B Grant
- Moscow nights: the Van Cliburn story–how one man and his piano transformed the Cold War. Nigel Cliff. 786.2092 CLI
- Most dope: the extraordinary life of Mac Miller. Paul Cantor. B Miller, Mac
- Mother American night: my life in crazy times. John Perry Barlow. 782.4216 BAR
- The motherlode: 100+ women who made hip-hop. Clover Hope. 782.4216 HOP
- Motown: the sound of young America. Adam White. 781.644 WHI
- The movie musical! Jeanine Basinger. 791.436 BAS
- Music: a subversive history. Ted Gioia. 780.9 GIO
- The music advantage: how music helps your child develop, learn, and thrive. Anita Collins. 372.87 COL
- Music from the true vine: Mike Seeger’s life & musical journey. Bill C. Malone. B Seeger
- The music never stops: what putting on 10,000 shows has taught me about life, liberty, and the pursuit of magic. Peter Shapiro. 781.6409 SHA
- The musical human: a history of life on Earth. Michael Spitzer. 780.9 SPIMusicals: The definitive illustrated story. 782.14 MUS
- Musical revolutions: how the sounds of the Western world changed. Stuart Isacoff. 780.9 ISA
- The musician’s career guide: turning your talent into sustained success. Ulysses Owens Jr. 780.23 OWE
- My cross to bear. Gregg Allman. B Allman
- My first guitar: tales of true love and lost chords. Julia Crowe. 787.87 CRO
- My love story. Tina Turner. B Turner
- My nine lives: a memoir of many careers in music. Leon Fleisher. B Fleisher
- My own devices: true stories from the road on music, science, and senseless love. Dessa. 782.4216 DES
- My song: a memoir. Harry Belafonte. B Belafonte
- My way: an autobiography. Paul Anka. B Anka
- A natural history of the piano: the instrument, the music, the musicians–from Mozart to modern jazz, and everything in between. Stuart Isacoff. 786.209 ISA
- A natural woman: a memoir. Carole King. B King
- Neil Young. Daniel Durchholz. 782.4216 DUR
- Neon angel. Cherie Currie. B Currie
- Never broken: songs are only half the story. Jewel. B Jewel
- The nightingale’s sonata: the musical odyssey of Lea Luboshutz. Thomas Wolf. 780.92 WOL
- No simple highway: a cultural history of the Grateful Dead. Peter Richardson. 782.4216 RIC
- No walls and the recurring dream: a memoir. Ani DiFranco. 782.4216 DIF
- Nobody ever asked me about the girls: women, music, and fame. Lisa Robinson. 781.64 ROB
- Nonbinary: a memoir. Genesis P-Orridge. 782.4216 POR
- Nothin’ but a good time: the uncensored history of the ’80s hard rock explosion. 782.4216 NOT
- On the road & off the record with Leonard Bernstein: my years with the exasperating genius. Charlie Harmon. 780.92 HAR
- One day it’ll all make sense: a memoir. Common. B Common
- The one: the life and music of James Brown. R.J. Smith. B Brown
- One way out: the inside history of the Allman Brothers Band. Alan Paul. 782.4216 PAU
- Open book. Jessica Simpson. B Simpson, Ebook, EAudiobook
- The original guitar hero and the power of music: the legendary Lonnie Johnson, music, and civil rights. Dean Alger. 4216 ALG
- Otis Redding: an unfinished life. Jonathan Gould. 782.4216 GOU
- Outlaw: Waylon, Willie, Kris, and the renegades of Nashville. Michael Streissguth. 642 STR
- Over the top and back: the autobiography. Tom Jones. B Jones
- Party like a rockstar: the crazy, coincidental, hard-luck, + harmonious life of a songwriter. J.T. Harding. B Harding, J.T.
- Pat Boone’s America– 50 years. B Boone
- Paul McCartney. Peter Ames Carlin. B McCartney
- Paul McCartney: the life. Philip Norman. B McCartney
- Pearl Jam twenty. 782.4216 PEA
- Peggy Seeger: a life of music, love, and politics. Jean R. Freedman. 782.4216 FRE
- A personal stand. Trace Adkins. B Adkins
- Peter, Paul, and Mary: fifty years in music and life. 782.4216 PET
- Petty: the biography. Warren Zanes. B Petty
- Phish. Parke Puterbaugh. 782.4216 PUT
- Photograph. Ringo. 782.4216 STA
- Play it loud: an epic history of the style, sound, and revolution of the electric guitar. Brad Tolinski, Alan di Perna. 787.87 TOL
- Playing changes: jazz for the new century. Nate Chinen. 781.65 CHI
- Please please tell me now: the Duran Duran story. Stephen Davis. 782.4216 DAV
- Pops: a life of Louis Armstrong. Terry Teachout. B Armstrong
- Prince: inside the music and the masks. Ronin Ro. 781.66 RO
- Princess Noire: the tumultuous reign of Nina Simone. Nadine Cohodas. B Simone
- The prodigal comes home: my story of failure and God’s story of redemption. Michael English. B English
- Promise that you will sing about me: the power and poetry of Kendrick Lamar. Miles Marshall Lewis. 782.4216 LEW
- The protest singer: an intimate portrait of Pete Seeger. Alec Wilkinson. B Seeger
- Queen of bebop: the musical lives of Sarah Vaughan. Elaine M. Hayes. 782.4216 HAY
- Rap Capital: an Atlanta story. Joe Coscarelli. 782.4216 COS
- Raw: my journey into the Wu-Tang. Lamont “U-God” Hawkins. B U-God
- Ready for a brand new beat: how “Dancing in the Street” became the anthem for a changing America. Mark Kurlansky. 1196 KUR
- The Red Hot Chili Peppers: an oral, visual history. 782.4216 RED
- Remembering Whitney: my story of love, loss, and the night the music stopped. Cissy Houston. B Houston
- Respect: the life of Aretha Franklin. David Ritz. B Franklin
- Revenge of the she-punks: a feminist music history from Poly Styrene to Pussy Riot. Vivien Goldman. 781.66 GOL
- Rock & roll jihad. Salman Ahmad. B Ahmad
- Rock-and-roll woman: the 50 fiercest female rockers. Meredith Ochs. 782.4216 OCH
- Rock chronicles: every legend, every line-up, every look. 781.66 ROC
- Rock concert: an oral history as told by the artists, backstage insiders, and fans who were there. Marc Myers. 781.66 MYE
- Rock en español. Ernesto Lechner. 781.66 LEC
- Rock on film: the movies that rocked the big screen. Fred Goodman. 791.4365 GOO
- Rod: the autobiography. Rod Stewart. B Stewart, CD B Stewart
- Ronnie: the autobiography. Ronnie Wood. B Wood
- Room full of mirrors: a biography of Jimi Hendrix. Charles R. Cross. B Hendrix
- Roots, radicals and rockers: how skiffle changed the world. Billy Bragg. 781.6409 BRA
- Satan is real: the ballad of the Louvin Brothers. Charlie Louvin. B Louvin
- Save me from myself. Brian “Head” Welch. B Welch, CD B Welch
- Sensing the rhythm: finding my voice in a world without sound. Mandy Harvey, Mark Atteberry. B Harvey
- She begat this: 20 years of The miseducation of Lauryn Hill. Joan Morgan. 782.4216 MOR
- She can really lay it down: 50 rebels, rockers, and musical revolutionaries (who happen to be women). Rachel Frankel. 780.92 FRA
- Shine bright: a very personal history of Black women in pop. Danyel Smith. 782.4216 SMI
- Shock and awe: glam rock and its legacy from the seventies to the twenty-first century. Simon Reynolds. 781.66 REY
- The sick bag song. Nick Cave. 782.4216 CAV
- Sign of life: a story of family, tragedy, music, and healing. Hilary Williams. B Williams
- Simple dreams: a musical memoir. Linda Ronstadt. B Ronstadt
- Sinatra: the chairman. James Kaplan. B Sinatra
- Sinatra: the life. Anthony Summers. B Sinatra
- Since then. David Crosby. B Crosby
- Sing for your life: a story of race, music, and family. Daniel Bergner. 782.109 BER
- Slash. Slash. B Slash
- Slowhand: the life and music of Eric Clapton. Philip Norman. B Clapton
- Smithsonian rock and roll: live and unseen. Bill Bentley. 781.6609 BEN
- Some new kind of kick: a memoir. Kid Congo Powers. B Powers
- A song for everyone: the story of Creedence Clearwater Revival. John Lingan. 782.4216 LIN
- A song for you: my life with Whitney Houston. Robyn Crawford. 782.4216 CRA
- The song poet: a memoir of my father. Kao Kalia Yang. B Yang
- The sound of freedom: Marian Anderson, the Lincoln Memorial, and the concert that awakened America. Raymond Arsenault. B Anderson
- The Sound of music story: how a beguiling young novice, a handsome Austrian captain, and ten singing Von Trapp children inspired the most beloved film of all time. Tom Santopietro. 791.4372 SAN
- Sounds like Titanic: a memoir. Jessica Chiccehitto Hindman. 787.2092 HIN
- Spider from Mars: my life with Bowie. Woody Woodmansey. 782.4216 WOO
- Split decision: life stories. Ice-T. B Ice-T
- Squeeze this!: a cultural history of the accordion in America. Marion Jacobson. 788.865 JAC
- Stay strong: a musician’s journey from Congo. Natalie Hyde. Y 780.92 HYD
- Stevie Nicks: visions, dreams & rumours. Zöe Howe. B Nicks
- Stevie Ray Vaughan: day by day, night after night. Craig Hopkins. B Vaughan
- The Stone Roses: war and peace. Simon Spence. 782.4216 SPE
- The storyteller: tales of life and music. Dave Grohl. B Grohl, Ebook, EAudiobook
- Strange stars: David Bowie, pop music, and the decade sci-fi exploded. Jason Heller. 781.6609 HEL
- Summertime: George Gershwin’s life in music. Richard Crawford. 780.92 CRA
- Sweat the technique: revelations on creativity from the lyrical genius. Rakim. 782.4216 RAK
- T Bone Burnett: a life in pursuit. Lloyd Sachs. 780.92 SAC
- Take a sad song. . . : the emotional currency of “Hey Jude”. James Campion. 782.4216 CAM
- Tammy Wynette. Jimmy McDonough. B Wynette
- Tchaikovsky: the man revealed. John Suchet. 780.92 SUC
- Testimony. Robbie Robertson. 782.4216 ROB
- Thanks a lot Mr. Kibblewhite: my story. Roger Daltrey. B Daltrey
- Thelonious Monk. Robin D. G. Kelley. B Monk
- This is gonna hurt: music, photography, and life through the distorted lens of Nikki Sixx. 782.4216 SIX
- This is the noise that keeps me awake. Garbage. 782.4216 GAR
- This is what it sounds like: what the music you love says about you. Susan Rogers, Ogi Ogas. 781.11 ROG
- This woman’s work: essays on music. 780.82 THI
- Three chords for beauty’s sake: the life of Artie Shaw. Tom Nolan. B Shaw
- Time is tight: my life, note by note. Booker T. Jones. 782.4216 BOO
- To feel the music: a songwriter’s mission to save high-quality audio. Neil Young, Phil Baker. 781.49 YOU
- To Selena, with love. Chris Perez. B Selena, Spanish Lang. B Selena
- Tom Jones: a life in pictures. Chris Roberts. B Jones
- Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers. 782.4216 TOM
- Torment saint: the life of Elliott Smith. William Todd Schultz. 4216 SCH
- Toscanini: musician of conscience. Harvey Sachs. B Toscanini
- Tranny: confessions of punk rock’s most infamous anarchist sellout. Laura Jane Grace. B Grace
- Trouble boys: the true story of the Replacements. Bob Mehr. 782.4216 MEH
- True you: a journey to finding and loving yourself. Janet Jackson. B Jackson
- Tumult!: the incredible life and music of Tina Turner. Donald Brackett. B Turner
- Twilight of the gods: a journey to the end of classic rock. Steven Hyden. 781.6609 HYD
- The ultimate Metallica. Ross Halfin. 782.4216 HAL
- Unbreak my heart: a memoir. Toni Braxton. B Braxton
- Unbreakable: my story, my way: a memoir. Jenni Rivera. B Rivera
- Uncommon measure: a journey through music, performance, and the science of time. Natalie Hodges. 781.43 HOD, Ebook
- Unfaithful music & disappearing ink. Elvis Costello. B Costello
- Unrequited infatuations: odyssey of a rock and roll consigliere: (a cautionary tale). Stevie Van Zandt. B Van Zandt
- Useless magic: lyrics and poetry. Florence Welch. 782.4216 WEL
- U2 by U2. 782.4216 UTW
- The Velvet Underground: an illustrated history of a walk on the wild side. Jim DeRogatis. 782.4216 DER
- Verdi: the man revealed. John Suchet. 782.1092 SUC
- Vibrate higher: a rap story. Talib Kweli. 782.4216 KWE
- The violin maker. John Marchese. 787.2 MAR
- Voices: how a great singer can change your life. Nick Coleman. 782.4216 COL
- Waging heavy peace: a hippie dream. Neil Young. B Young
- The way I am. Eminem. B Eminem
- W.C. Handy. David Robertson. B Handy
- We will survive: true stories of encouragement, inspiration, and the power of song. Gloria Gaynor, Sue Carswell. 158.1 GAY
- Weird Al: the book. Nathan Rabin. B Yankovic
- We’ll be here for the rest of our lives: a swingin’ show-biz saga. Paul Shaffer. B Shaffer
- What happened, Miss Simone?: a biography. Alan Light. B Simone
- What I found in a thousand towns: a traveling musician’s guide to rebuilding America’s communities–one coffee shop, dog run, and open-mike night at a time. Dar Williams. 782.4216 WIL
- What is it all but luminous: notes from an undergound man. Art Garfunkel. 782.4216 GAR
- When giants walked the earth: a biography of Led Zeppelin. Mick Wall. 782.4216 WAL
- When I left home: my story. Buddy Guy. B Guy
- Who I am: a memoir. Pete Townshend. B Townshend
- Wild thing: the short, spellbinding life of Jimi Hendrix. Philip Norman. 787.87 NOR
- Will the circle be unbroken: country music in America. 781.642 WIL
- William S. Burroughs and the cult of rock ‘n’ roll. Casey Rae. 781.66 RAE
- Willie Nelson. Joe Nick Patoski. B Nelson
- Willie Nelson’s letters to America. Willie Nelson. B Nelson
- The woman I was born to be: my story. Susan Boyle. B Boyle
- Wonderful tonight: George Harrison, Eric Clapton, and me. Pattie Boyd. B Boyd
- Woody Guthrie: songs and art, words and wisdom. 782.4216 GUT
- Words without music: a memoir. Philip Glass. 780.92 GLA
- Working on a song: the lyrics of Hadestown. Anaïs Mitchell. 782.14 MIT
- Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!: the story of pop music from Bill Haley to Beyoncé. Bob Stanley. 781.6409 STA
- Your song changed my life: from Jimmy Page to St. Vincent, Smokey Robinson to Hozier, thirty-five beloved artists on their journey and the music that inspired it. Bob Boilen. 780.92 BOI
- All together now. Gill Hornby. Fic HOR
- The bells. Richard Harvell. Fic HAR
- Bix. Scott Chantler. Graphic Fic CHA
- Coming home. Elisabeth Rose. Romance ROS
- The Haters. Jesse Andrews. Y Fic AND
- K-pop confidential. Stephan Lee. Y Fic LEE
- K-pop revolution. Stephan Lee. Y Fic LEE
- Nashville chrome. Rick Bass. Fic BAS
- The subtweet. Vivek Shraya. Fic SHR, Ebook
- Adele: fire and rain, the story. DVD B Adele
- August Rush. DVD Drama A
- Blues story. DVD 781.643
- Bob Dylan 1990-2006: the never ending narrative. DVD 782.4216
- Brian Wilson songwriter 1969-1982. DVD 781.66
- Camp Rock. DVD Children D
- The Carter Family. DVD 781.642
- Dawn of the Dead: the Grateful Dead and the rise and fall of the San Francisco underground. DVD 781.66
- The devil and Daniel Johnston. DVD B Johnston
- Dreamgirls. DVD Drama D
- Foo Fighters back and forth. DVD 782.4216
- George Harrison: living in the material world. DVD B Harrison
- Green Day: how it came to be: those early years in full. DVD 781.66
- Hannah Montana: the movie. DVD Children H
- History of the Eagles: the story of an American band. DVD 781.66
- It might get loud. DVD 787.87
- The Jack5ons: a family dynasty. DVD 781.66
- John Lennon: love is all you need. DVD B Lennon
- Legends of jazz showcase. DVD 781.65
- Les Paul chasing sound! DVD B Paul
- Mariachi high. DVD 976.4
- Neil Young: heart of gold. DVD 782.421
- Neil Young: like a rolling stone. DVD 782.421
- No direction home: Bob Dylan. DVD 782.4216
- Orchestra of exiles. DVD 784.2092
- Pete Seeger: the power of song. DVD B Seeger
- Pink Floyd: the story of Wish You Were Here. DVD 781.66
- Pure country. DVD Drama P
- Ray. DVD Drama R, VIDEO Descriptive R
- Rush, beyond the lighted stage. DVD 782.421
- Sing your song, Harry Belafonte. DVD B Belafonte
- A song’s best friend: John Denver remembered. DVD 782.4216
- Soul survivor: the James Brown story. DVD B Brown
- Stevie Nicks: through the looking glass. DVD 781.64
- The Temptations. DVD Drama T
- La vie en rose: the extraordinary life of Edith Piaf. DVD Foreign V
- Vitus. DVD Foreign V
- Walk the line. DVD Drama W
- What ever happened to Pink Floyd? the strange case of Gilmour & Waters. DVD 781.66
- Yes live at Montreux 2003. DVD 781.65
- Young @ Heart. DVD 782.5
- Pete remembers Woody. Pete Seeger. CD P SEEG PRW S-31
- Before John was a jazz giant: a song of John Coltrane. Carole Boston Weatherford. EB Coltrane
- Beyonce. Rosa Waters. JB Knowles
- Blind Boone: piano prodigy. Madge Harrah. JB Boone
- The book of rock stars: 24 musical icons that shine through history. Kathleen Krull. J 781.66 KRU
- Chris Daughtry. Sandra Giddens. JB Daughtry
- Dark fiddler: the life and legend of Nicolo Paganini. Aaron Frisch. JB Paganini
- Dizzy. Jonah Winter. EB Gillespie
- Django. Bonnie Christensen. JB Reinhardt
- Ella Fitzgerald. Andrea D. Pinkney. EB Fitzgerald
- Enrique Iglesias. Jill C. Wheeler. JB Iglesias
- Honky-tonk heroes & hillbilly angels. Holly George-Warren. J 781.64 GEO
- I, Vivaldi. Janice Shefelman. JB Vivaldi
- Jazz. Walter Dean Myers. J 811 MYE, J Book & CD
- Jazz on a Saturday night. Leo Dillon. J Book and CD DIL
- Jennifer Lopez. Valerie Menard. JB Lopez
- Jimi: sounds like a rainbow: a story of the young Jimi Hendrix. Gary Golio. JB Hendrix
- Jonas Brothers. Jayne Keedle. JB Jonas
- Little Stevie Wonder. Quincy Troupe. J 811 TRO
- Maria von Trapp. Candice F. Ransom. JB Trapp
- Mariah Carey. Judy Parker. JB Carey
- Miley mania! Jackie Robb. JB Cyrus
- My name is Celia: the life of Celia Cruz = Me llamo Celia: la vida de Celia Cruz. Monica Brown. Sp. Lang. EB Cruz
- Play, Louis, play!: the true story of a boy and his horn. Muriel Harris Weinstein. JB Armstrong
- Selena Gomez. Kayleen Reusser. JB Gomez
- Skit-scat raggedy cat: Ella Fitzgerald. Roxane Orgill. JB Fitzgerald
- Tito Puente. Mary Olmstead. JB Puente
- The voice that challenged a nation: Marian Anderson and the struggle for equal rights. Russell Freedman. JB Anderson
- What it’s like to be Shakira = Que se siente al ser Shakira. Rebecca Thatcher Murcia. Sp. Lang. JB Shakira
- Who were the Beatles? Geoff Edgers. JB Beatles
- Woody Guthrie. Bonnie Christensen. JB Guthrie
- Yo-Yo Ma. Myra Weatherly. JB Ma
- Cada dia mas fuerte. Thalia. Spanish Lang. B Thalia
- Celia. Celia Cruz. Spanish Lang. B Cruz, Spanish Lang. CD B Cruz
- Con las cuerdas rotas. Soraya Lamilla. Spanish Lang. B Soraya
- Desmitificacion de una diva: la verdad sobre La Lupe. Juan A. Moreno-Velazquez. Spanish Lang. B La Lupe
- Esta es mi vida. Jose Jose. Spanish Lang. B Jose
- Gloria. Gloria Trevi. Spanish Lang. B Trevi
- Jenni Rivera: la diva de la banda. Michael Puente. Spanish Lang. B Rivera
- Jenni Rivera: la incréible vida de una mariposa guerrera. Leila Cobo. Spanish Lang. B Rivera
- Jenni vive. Jenni Rivera. Spanish Lang. B Rivera
- Juanes: 1.577.836.800 segundos. Diego Londoño. Spanish B Juanes
- Juanes: persiguiendo el sol. Juanes. Spanish Lang. 782.4216 JUA
- Julio: la biografía. Óscar García Blesa. Spanish Lang. B Iglesias
- La fórmula “Despacito”: los hits de la música latina contados por sus artistas. Leila Cobo. Spanish Lang. 782.4216 COB
- La música en mi vida: memorias, canciones y sueños cumplidos. Cristela Alonzo. Spanish Lang. B Alonzo
- Lo que no digo cantando. Ricardo Montaner. Spanish Lang. B Montaner
- Micky: un tributo diferente. Martha Figueroa. Spanish Lang. B Luis Miguel
- Miley Cyrus: la vida por delante. Miley Cyrus. Spanish Lang. B Cyrus
- Oro de rey: Luis Miguel, la biografía. Javier León Herrera, Juan Manuel Navarro. Spanish Lang. B Luis Miguel
- Pedro Infante: las leyes del querer. Carlos Monsivais. Spanish Lang. B Infante
- Por amor a la música. Kike Santander. Spanish Lang. B Santander
- Por tu gracia. Heriberto Hermosillo. Spanish Lang. B Hermosillo
- La revolucion Rebelde. Juan Luis Alonso Fresco. Spanish Lang. 791.457 ALO
- Shakira: lo que nadie conoce. Maria Sanchez, Ana Sofia Sierra. Spanish Lang. B Shakira
- Un día nuevo. Jon Secada. Spanish Lang. B Secada
- Yo. Ricky Martin. Spanish Lang. B Martin
- What it’s like to be Shakira = Que se siente al ser Shakira. Rebecca Thatcher Murcia. Sp. Lang. JB Shakira