Men’s Resources
- Adam’s return: the five promises of male initiation. Richard Rohr. 248.2 ROH
- All-American: 45 American men on being Muslim. 297.092 ALL
- The book of man: readings on the path to manhood. William J. Bennett. 808.803 BEN
- Boys adrift: the five factors driving the growing epidemic of unmotivated boys and underachieving young men. Leonard Sax. 371.82 SAX
- The broken American male: and how to fix him. Shmuley Boteach. 155.332 BOT
- Brotherman: the odyssey of Black men in America. 810.8 BRO
- Capitol men: the epic story of Reconstruction through the lives of the first Black congressmen. Philip Dray. 973.8 DRA
- Dave Barry’s Complete guide to guys. 818 BAR, CD 818 BAR
- Don’t stand too close to a naked man. Tim Allen. 818 ALL
- Dr. Timothy Johnson’s oncall guide to men’s health. Timothy Johnson. 613.0423 JOH
- 8 men and a duck: an improbable voyage by reed boat to Easter Island. Nick Thorpe. 910.45 THO
- Every man, God’s man: every man’s guide to– courageous faith and daily integrity. Stephen Arterburn, Kenny Luck. 248.842 ART
- Everything he hasn’t told you yet: a new way to get men talking about stuff that matters. Burton Silver, Martin O’Connor. 155.632 SIL
- A fine young man: what parents, mentors, and educators can do to shape adolescent boys into exceptional men. Michael Gurian. 649.125 GUR
- Finishing strong: how a man can go the distance. Steve Farrar. 248.842 FAR
- For the love of men: a new vision for mindful masculinity. Liz Plank. 155.433 PLA
- For women only: what you need to know about the inner lives of men. Shaunti Feldhahn. 248.842 FEL
- The forgotten 500: the untold story of the men who risked all for the greatest rescue mission of World War II. Gregory A. Freeman. 940.5421 FRE
- From boys to men: a woman’s guide to the health of husbands, partners, sons, fathers, and brothers. Emily Senay. 613.0423 SEN
- A guy’s guide to great eating: big-flavored, fat-reduced recipes for men who love to eat. Don Mauer. 641.5638 MAU
- He-motions: even strong men struggle. T.D. Jakes. 248.842 JAK
- High steel: the daring men who built the world’s greatest skyline. Jim Rasenberger. 624.182 RAS
- I used to be a miserable f*ck: an everyman’s guide to a meaningful life. John Kim. 155.332 KIM
- I wish he had come with instructions: the woman’s guide to a man’s brain. Mike Bechtle. 155.332 BEC
- I’m not really here. Tim Allen. 818 ALL
- Invisible men: men’s inner lives and the consequences of silence. Michael E. Addis. 155.332 ADD
- Iron John: a book about men. Robert Bly. 305.31 BLY, Audio 305.31 BLY
- Knitting with balls: a hands-on guide to knitting for the modern man. Michael del Vecchio. 746.432 DEL
- The lunar men: five friends whose curiosity changed the world. Jenny Uglow. 609 UGL
- Making sense of the men in your life: what makes them tick, what ticks you off, and how to live in harmony. Kevin Leman. 158.2 LEM
- Malestrom: manhood swept into the currents of a changing world. Carolyn Custis James. 248.842 JAM
- Man enough: how Jesus redefines manhood. Nate Pyle. 248.842 PYL
- Man made: a stupid quest for masculinity. Joel Stein. 818 STE
- Manning up: how the rise of women has turned men into boys. Kay S. Hymowitz. 155.332 HYM
- A man’s guide to coping with disability. 362.4 MAN
- A man’s guide to the spiritual disciplines: 12 habits to strengthen your walk with Christ. Patrick Morley. 248.842 MOR
- Manspace: a primal guide to marking your territory. Sam Martin. 729 MAR
- Men of tomorrow: geeks, gangsters and the birth of the comic book. Gerard Jones. 741.509 JON
- Men on fire: restoring the forces that forge noble manhood. Stephen Mansfield. 248.842 MAN
- Men’s health power training: build bigger, stronger muscles through performance-based conditioning. Robert dos Remedios. 613.71 DOS
- No more Christian nice guy: why being nice– instead of good– hurts men, women, and children. Paul Coughlin. 248.842 COU
- Nothing like it in the world: the men who built the transcontinental railroad, 1863-1869. Stephen E. Ambrose. 385.09 AMB, CD 385.09 AMB
- Our Black sons matter: mothers talk about fears, sorrows, and hopes. 305.242 OUR
- Pandora’s keepers: nine men and the atomic bomb. Brian VanDeMark. 539.7 VAN
- The professor in the cage: why men fight and why we like to watch. Jonathan Gottschall. 155.232 GOT
- Queer eye for the straight guy: the Fab 5’s guide to looking better, cooking better, dressing better, behaving better, and living better. Ted Allen. 646.704 QUE
- Raising Cain: protecting the emotional life of boys. Dan Kindlon, Michael Thompson. 155.432 KIN, DVD 155.432, Audio 155.432 KIN
- Real boys: rescuing our sons from the myths of boyhood. William Pollack. 305.23 POL
- The Red Green book: wit and wisdom of Possum Lodge: plus 100 pages of filler. Steve Smith, Rick Green. 818 SMI
- The resolution for men. Stephen & Alex Kendrick. 248.842 KEN, Spanish Lang. 248.842 KEN
- Rocket men: the epic story of the first men on the moon. Craig Nelson. 629.454 NEL
- Save the males: why men matter, why women should care. Kathleen Parker. 305.31 PAR
- Season of life: a football star, a boy, a journey to manhood. Jeffrey Marx. 796.332 MAR
- The secret lives of men: what men want you to know about love, sex, and relationships. Chris Blazina. 155.632 BLA
- Sex and the single guy: winning your battle for purity. Joseph Knable. 241.66 KNA
- The sexual man. Archibald D. Hart. 155.332 HAR
- Size matters: how height affects the health, happiness, and success of boys– and the men they become. Stephen S. Hall. 155.234 HAL
- The summer of 1787: the men who invented the Constitution. David O. Stewart. 342.73 STE
- The teammates. David Halberstam. 796.357 HAL
- True gentlemen: the broken pledge of America’s fraternities. John Hechinger. 371.85 HEC
- Understanding men’s passages: discovering the new map of men’s lives. Gail Sheehy. 305.31 SHE
- Victims no longer: the classic guide for men recovering from sexual child abuse. Mike Lew. 362.76 LEW
- The way of the wild heart. John Eldredge. 248.842 ELD
- “We are Lincoln men”: Abraham Lincoln and his friends. David Herbert Donald. 973.7 DON
- Why boys don’t talk and why it matters: a parent’s survival guide to connecting with your teen. Susan Morris Shaffer, Linda Perlman Gordon. 306.874 SHA
- Why men hate going to church. David Murrow. 248.842 MUR
- Wild at heart: discovering the secret of a man’s soul. John Eldredge. 248.842 ELD, Spanish Lang. 248.842 ELD
- The wild blue: the men and boys who flew the B-24s over Germany. Stephen E. Ambrose. 940.544 AMB, Audio 940.54 AMB
- The wonder of boys: what parents, mentors, and educators can do to shape boys into exceptional men. Michael Gurian. 649.132 GUR, Audio 649.132 GUR
- The beautiful struggle: a father, two sons, and an unlikely road to manhood. Ta-Nehisi Coates. B Coates
- The boy kings of Texas: a memoir. Domingo Martinez. B Martinez
- The last American man. Elizabeth Gilbert. B Conway
- Manhood for amateurs: the pleasures and regrets of a husband, father, and son. Michael Chabon. B Chabon
- The men we became: my friendship with John F. Kennedy, Jr. Robert T. Littell. B Kennedy
- 19 stars of Indiana: exceptional Hoosier men. Michael S. Maurer. Ind. Coll. 920.71 MAU
- The book of guys: stories. Garrison Keillor. Fic KEI, Large Type Fic KEI
- The hearts of men. Nickolas Butler. Fic BUT
- The men of Brewster Place. Gloria Naylor. Fic NAY
- Akira to Zoltan: twenty-six men who changed the world. Cynthia Chin-Lee. J 920.71 CHI
- Gift horse: a Lakota story. S.D. Nelson. J 970.3 NEL
- Guyku: a year of haiku for boys. Bob Raczka. J 811 RAC
- We can’t help it– we’re men. DVD Comedy W
- Red Green’s duct tape forever. DVD Comedy R
- De hombre salvaje a hombre sabio: reflexiones sobre la espiritualidad masculine. P. Richard Rohr. Spanish Lang. 248.842 ROH
- Hombres diagnosticate. Keith Hopcroft, Alistair Moulds. Spanish Lang. 613.0423 HOP
- La resolucion para hombres. Stephen y Alex Kendrick. Spanish Lang. 248.842 KEN
- Lo suficientemente hombre: cómo desdefiní mi masculinidad. Justin Baldoni. Spanish Lang. 155.332 BAL
- Salvaje de corazon: descubramos el secreto del alma masculine. John Eldredge. Spanish Lang. 248.842 ELD