- ADHD in HD: brains gone wild. Jonathan Chesner. Y 616.8589 CHE
- Adulting: how to become a grown-up in 468 easy(ish) steps. Kelly Williams Brown. 646.7 BRO
- The African svelte: ingenious misspellings that make surprising sense. Daniel Menaker. Y 428.1 MEN
- All my friends are dead. Avery Monsen, Jory John. Y 741.5 MON
- Alphabet juice: the energies, gists, and spirits of letters, words, and combinations thereof. Roy Blount, Jr. 428.1 BLO
- Alphabetter juice, or, The joy of text. Roy Blount, Jr. 428.1 BLO
- Altared: bridezillas, bewilderment, big love, breakups, and what women really think about contemporary weddings. 395.22 ALT
- The amazing mackerel pudding plan: classic diet recipe cards from the 1970s. Wendy McClure. 394.12 MACC
- America again: re-becoming the greatness we never weren’t. Stephen Colbert. 818 COL, CD 818 COL
- America (the book): a citizen’s guide to democracy inaction. Jon Stewart. 817 STE
- American wits: an anthology of light verse. 811.008 AME
- And here’s the kicker: conversations with 21 top humor writers on their craft. Mike Sacks. 808.7 SAC
- Andy Rooney: 60 years of wisdom and wit. Andrew A. Rooney. Large Type 814 ROO
- Ant farm: and other desperate situations. Simon Rich. 818 RIC
- Awkward moments (not found in your average) children’s Bible. Horus Gilgamesh. 220.602 GIL
- Bad baby names! Michael Sherrod. 929.44 SHE
- Before you leap. Kermit the frog. 818 KER
- Being dead is no excuse. Gayden Metcalfe. 395.23 MET
- The best American nonrequired reading. 810.8 BES
- Best friends, occasional enemies: the lighter side of life as a mother and daughter. Lisa Scottoline, Francesca Serritella. 818 SCO
- The best of Kin Hubbard: Abe Martin’s sayings and wisecracks, Abe’s neighbors, his almanack, comic drawings. Ind. Coll. 817 HUB
- The best of the Britcoms: from Fawlty Towers to The office. Garry Berman. 791.456 BER
- Between heaven and mirth: why joy, humor, and laughter are at the heart of the spiritual life. James Martin. 248.4 MAR
- Big appetites: tiny people in a world of big food. Christopher Boffoli. 818 BOF
- The big New Yorker book of dogs. 636.7 BIG
- The book of vice: very naughty things (and how to do them). Peter Sagal. 1798 SAG
- Born to kvetch. Michael Wex. 439.109 WEX
- The braindead megaphone: essays. George Saunders. 814 SAU
- The buzzword dictionary. Y 428.1 BUZ
- Carsick. John Waters. 791.43 WAT, CD 791.43 WAT
- Cartoon America: comic art in the Library of Congress. 741.59 CAR
- Causing a scene: extraordinary pranks in ordinary places with Improv Everywhere. Charlie Todd. 818 TOD
- Chelsea Chelsea bang bang. Chelsea Handler. 792.23 HAN
- Coincidences, chaos, and all that math jazz. Edward B. Burger; Michael Starbird. 510 BUR
- The coloring book: a comedian solves race relations in America. Colin Quinn. 818.6 QUI
- Comedy at the edge. Richard Zoglin. 791.09 ZOG
- The complete guide to uninvited advice on raising children. Alice Beaven. 649.1 BEA
- Confessions of a scary mommy. Jill Smokler. 306.8743 SMO
- Cool, calm & contentious. Merrill Markoe. 814 MAR
- Cruise confidential. Brian David Bruns. 910.45 BRU
- Dads are the original hipsters. Brad Getty. 306.8742 GET
- Dan gets a minivan: life at the intersection of dude and dad. Dan Zevin. 814 ZEV
- Dear mister essay writer guy: advice and confessions on writing, love, and cannibals. Dinty W. Moore. 808.042 MOR
- The Devil’s dictionary. Ambrose Bierce. 817 BIE
- Does this beach make me look fat? Lisa Scottoline, Francesca Serritella. 818 SCO
- Dogfight: the 2012 presidential campaign in verse. Calvin Trillin. 811 TRI
- Don’t lick the minivan, and other things I never thought I’d say to my kids. Leanne Shirtliffe. 814 SHI
- Don’t make a black woman take off her earrings: Madea’s uninhibited commentaries on love and life. Tyler Perry. 818 PER
- Don’t worry, it gets worse: one twentysomething’s (mostly failed) attempts at adulthood. Alida Nugent. 814 NUG
- Drop dead healthy: one man’s humble quest for bodily perfection. A.J. Jacobs. Large Type 613.2 JAC
- Dude, where’s my country? Michael Moore. 973.931 MOO, Spanish Lang. 973.931 MOO
- Dump ’em: how to break up with anyone from your best friend to your hairdresser. Jodyne L. Speyer. 158.2 SPE
- Earth (the book): a visitor’s guide to the human race. Jon Stewart. 817 EAR, CD 817 STE
- The everybody ensemble: donkeys, essays, and other pandemoniums. Amy Leach. 814.6 LEA
- Familyhood. Paul Reiser. 306.8742 REI
- F in exams: the very best totally wrong test answers. Richard Benson. 371.26 BEN
- Fat is the new 30: the Sweet Potato Queens’ guide to coping with (the crappy parts of) life. Jill Conner Browne. 818 BRO
- The 50 funniest American writers: an anthology of humor from Mark Twain to the Onion. 817.008 FIF
- For this we left Egypt?: a Passover Haggadah for Jews and those who love them. Dave Barry, Alan Zweibel, Adam Mansbach. 296.4537 BAR
- Free-range chickens. Simon Rich. 818 RIC
- Fun is good: how to create joy & passion in your workplace & career. Mike Veeck. 658.314 VEE
- Funny on purpose: the definitive guide to an unpredictable career in comedy. Joe Randazzo. 808.7 RAN
- A funny thing happened on the way to the White House. 973.099 FUN, Large Type 973.099 FUN
- The funny thing is–. Ellen Degeneres. 818 DEG
- The gargantuan book of insult, offense, and effrontery: sharp retorts, ripostes, caustic quips, and impolite put-downs. Louis A. Safian. 808.882 SAF
- Grammar snobs are great big meanies. June Casagrande. 428 CAS
- The guinea pig diaries. A.J. Jacobs. 814 JAC, CD 814 JAC
- Gulp: adventures on the alimentary canal. Mary Roach. 612.3 ROA, CD 612.3 ROA
- Gutted: down to the studs in my house, my marriage, my entire life. Lawrence LaRose. 646.78 LAR
- Ha!: the science of when we laugh and why. Scott Weems. 152.43 WEE
- Half empty. David Rakoff. 814 RAK
- Happy-go-lucky. David Sedaris. 814 SED, Playaway 814 SED, EAudiobook
- Hark!: a vagrant. Kate Beaton. Graphic 909.08 BEA
- Has anyone seen my pants? Sarah Colonna. 818.6 COL
- Have a nice guilt trip. Lisa Scottoline, Francesca Serritella. 818 SCO
- Heidegger and a hippo walk through those pearly gates: using philosophy (and jokes!) to explain life, death, the afterlife, and everything in between. Thomas Cathcart, Daniel Klein. 129 CAT
- Helping me help myself: one skeptic, ten self-help gurus, and a year on the brink of the comfort zone. Beth Lisick. 158.1 LIS
- Hide & seek: how I laughed at depression, conquered my fears and found happiness: a neurotic’s hilarious journey. Wendy Aron. 616.8527 ARO
- Holidays in Heck. P.J. O’Rourke. 814 ORO
- Hoosier wit & wisdom. John S. Blue. Ind. Coll. 817.008 BLU
- The horse in my garage and other stories. Patrick F. McManus. 818 MACM
- Hot dog taste test: a
cook book. Lisa Hanawalt. Graphic 818 HAN
- How did you get this number: essays. Sloane Crosley. 814 CRO
- How to avoid making art: (or anything else you enjoy). Julia Cameron. 153.35 CAM
- How to really stink at golf. Jeff Foxworthy. 818 FOX
- How to sharpen pencils: a practical and theoretical treatise on the artisanal craft of pencil sharpening, for writers, artists, contractors, flange turners, anglesmiths, and civil servants, with illustrations showing current practice. David Rees. 818 REE
- The humor code: a global search for what makes things funny. Peter McGraw, Joel Warner. 152.43 MACG
- Humor, seriously: why humor is a secret weapon in business and life and how anyone can harness it. Even you. Jennifer Aaker, Naomi Bagdonas. 152.43 AAK
- Humorists: from Hogarth to Noel Coward. Paul Johnson. 809.7 JOH
- I am a pole (and so can you!) Stephen Colbert. 818 COL, CD 818 COL
- I am America (and so can you!) Stephen Colbert. 818 IAM, CD 818 IAM
- I could pee on this: and other poems by cats. Francesco Marciuliano. 811 MAR
- I drink for a reason. David Cross. 818 CRO
- I feel bad about my neck. Nora Ephron. 814 EPH, CD 814 EPH
- I hate everyone– starting with me. Joan Rivers. 814 RIV
- The I hate to cook book. Peg Bracken. 641.5 BRA
- I hope I screw this up: how falling in love with your fears can change the world. Kyle Cease. 152.46 CEA
- I know I am, but what are you? Samantha Bee. 814 BEE, CD 814 BEE
- I like you: hospitality under the influence. Amy Sedaris. 793.2 SED
- I love you, nice to meet you: a guy and a girl give the lowdown on coupling up. Lori Gottlieb. 306.73 GOT
- I remember nothing: and other reflections. Nora Ephron. 814 EPH, Large Type 814 EPH
- I see you made an effort: compliments, indignities, and survival stories from the edge of 50. Annabelle Gurwitch. 814 GUR
- I shudder: and other reactions to life, death, and New Jersey. Paul Rudnick. 818 RUD
- I still have it … I just can’t remember where I put it. Rita Rudner. 818 RUD
- I suck at girls. Justin Halpern. 814 HAL
- I totally meant to do that. Jane Borden. 814 BOR
- I was told there’d be cake: essays. Sloane Crosley. 814 CRO, CD 814 CRO
- I’d listen to my parents if they’d just shut up: what to say and not say when parenting teens. Anthony E. Wolf. 649.125 WOL
- The idiot girl and the flaming tantrum of death. Laurie Notaro. 814 NOT
- I’ll mature when I’m dead: Dave Barry’s amazing tales of adulthood. Dave Barry. 814 BAR
- I’m dying up here: heartbreak and high times in standup comedy’s golden era. William Knoedelseder. 792.23 KNO
- I’m too young to be seventy. Judith Viorst. 811 VIO
- I’m with fatty: losing fifty pounds in fifty miserable weeks. Edward Ugel. 616.398 UGE
- The incredible shrinking critic: 75 pounds and counting. Jami Bernard. 616.398 BER
- Is it just me?: or is it nuts out there? Whoopi Goldberg. 395 GOL
- It ended badly: thirteen of the worst breakups in history. Jennifer Wright. 306.89 WRI
- It looked different on the model: epic tales of impending shame and infamy. Laurie Notaro. 814 NOT
- It’s Happy Bunny: life, get one. Jim Benton. Y 818 BEN
- The joy factor. Jep Hostetler. 248.4 HOS
- Just play ball. Joe Garagiola. 796.357 GAR
- Kerplunk! Patrick F. McManus. 814 MACM, CD
- Lamentations of the father. Ian Frazier. 818 FRA
- Larry’s kidney: being the true story of how I found myself in China with my black sheep cousin and his mail-order bride, skirting the law to get him a transplant– and save his life. Daniel Asa Rose. 616.614 ROS
- Late show fun facts. David Letterman. 791.457 LET
- Latin for all occasions = Lingua Latina occasionibus omnibus. Henry Beard. 478 BEA
- Laugh lines: short comic plays. 812.008 LAU
- Laugh your way to a better marriage: unlocking the secrets to life, love, and marriage. Mark Gungor. 248.844 GUN
- Laugh your way to grace: reclaiming the spiritual power of humor. Susan Sparks. 202.2 SPA
- Let me off at the top!: my classy life & other musings. Ron Burgundy. 817 BUR
- Let’s be less stupid: an attempt to maintain my mental faculties. Patricia Marx. 818.54 MAR
- Let’s explore diabetes with owls. David Sedaris. 814 SED, CD 814 SED
- The liberal redneck manifesto: draggin’ Dixie outta the dark. Trae Crowder, Corey Ryan Forrester, Drew Morgan. 818.6 CRO
- Lies that Chelsea Handler told me. 818 LIE
- Life happens. Connie Schultz. 814 SCH
- Life’s too short to fold fitted sheets: your ultimate guide to domestic liberation. Lisa Quinn. 640 QUI
- A load of hooey: a collection of new short humor fiction. Bob Odenkirk. 818 ODE
- The lost art of William Steig: cats, dogs, men, women, ninnies, & clowns. Jeanne Steig. 741.569 STE
- Lost on planet China. J. Maarten Troost. 915.1 TRO
- Make ’em laugh. Laurence Maslon. 792.23 MAS
- The mammoth book of jokes. 808.87 MAM
- Man down: proof beyond a reasonable doubt that women are better cops, drivers, gamblers, spies, world leaders, beer tasters, hedge fund managers, and just about everything else. Dan Abrams. 817 ABR
- Man made: a stupid quest for masculinity. Joel Stein. 818 STE
- Man repeller: seeking love, finding overalls: essays. Leandra Medine. 814 MED
- Marriage: illustrated with crappy pictures. Amber Dusick. 818.6 DUS
- Mason-Dixon knitting. Kay Gardiner. 746.432 GAR
- Meet me at emotional baggage claim. Lisa Scottoline, Francesca Serritella. 818 SCO
- The Mental floss history of the United States: the (almost) complete and (entirely) entertaining story of America. Erik Sass. 973 SAS
- Mere anarchy. Woody Allen. 818 ALL
- Milk eggs vodka: grocery lists lost and found. Bill Keaggy. 818 KEA
- Modern romance. Aziz Ansari. 646.77 ANS
- Moranifesto. Caitlin Moran. 824 MOR
- More information than you require. John Hodgman. 818 HOD
- Mother, can you not?: and you thought your mom was nuts … Kate Siegel. 818.6 SIE
- Murder-bears, moonshine, and mayhem: strange stories from the Bible to leave you amused, bemused, and (hopefully) informed. Luke T. Harrington. 220.6 HAR
- My custom van. Michael Ian Black. 818 BLA
- My heart is an idiot. Davy Rothbart. 814 ROT
- My nest isn’t empty, it just has more closet space: the amazing adventures of an ordinary woman. Lisa Scottoline, Francesca Scottoline Serritella. 814 SCO, CD 814 SCO
- Not cool: the hipster elite and their war on you. Greg Gutfeld. 818 GUT
- (Not that you asked). Steve Almond. 814 ALM
- Nothing’s sacred. Lewis Black. 817 BLA
- Now that’s funny!: the art and craft of writing comedy. Peter Desberg, Jeffrey Davis. 808.2 DES
- The official Dick Van Dyke show book: the definitive history of television’s most enduring comedy. Vince Waldron. 791.457 WAL
- 101 places not to see before you die. Catherine Price. 910 PRI
- 101 Spanish riddles: understanding Spanish language and culture through humor. Rafael Falcon. 868.02 ONE, Ind. Coll. 868.02 ONE
- The Onion book of known knowledge: a definitive encyclopaedia of existing information in 27 excruciating volumes. 031.0207 ONI, CD 031.0207 ONI
- Our dumb world: the Onion’s atlas of the Planet Earth. 910.207 OUR, CD 910.207 OUR
- Overstated: a coast-to-coast roast of the 50 states. Colin Quinn. 306 QUI, Large Type 306 QUI
- Parenting: illustrated with crappy pictures. Amber Dusick. 306.874 DUS
- Peace kills. P.J. O’Rourke. 817 ORO
- Plato and a platypus walk into a bar–: understanding philosophy through jokes. Thomas Cathcart, Daniel Klein. 102 CAT, CD 102 CAT
- Playboy’s Silverstein around the world. Shel Silverstein. 741.5 SIL
- Politics is a joke!: how TV comedians are remaking political life. S. Robert Lichter, Jody C. Baumgartner, Jonathan S. Morris. 973.93 LIC
- Pop sonnets: Shakespearean spins on your favorite songs. Erik Didriksen. 822.33 DID
- The potty mouth at the table. Laurie Notaro. 814 NOT
- President Me: the America that’s in my head. Adam Carolla. 818 CAR
- Project President: bad hair and Botox on the road to the White House. Ben Shapiro. 324.973 SHA
- Quite enough of Calvin Trillin: forty years of funny stuff. Calvin Trillin. 814 TRI
- Reasons my kid is crying. Greg Pembroke. 818 PEM
- Reduced Shakespeare: the complete reader’s guide for the attention-impaired (abridged). Reed Martin; Austin Tichenor. 822.33 MAR
- The revenge of anguished English. Richard Lederer. 428 LED
- The risks of sunbathing topless. 910.4 RIS
- Rome, Inc.: the rise and fall of the first multinational corporation. Stanley Bing. 937 BIN
- Ruby Ann’s down home trailer park guide to livin’ real good. Ruby Ann Boxcar. 643.2 BOX
- Rules for others to live by: comments and self-contradictions. Richard Greenberg. 814.54 GRE
- Satiristas!: comedians, contrarians, raconteurs & vulgarians. Paul Provenza, Dan Dion. 792.23 PRO
- Science…for her! Megan Amram. 818 AMR
- Selp-helf. Miranda Sings. 818 SIN
- Sergio Aragones: five decades of his finest works. Graphic 741.5 ARA
- 777 great clean jokes: a sparkling collection of unsullied humor. Jennifer Hahn. 817 HAH
- The sex lives of cannibals: adrift in the Equatorial Pacific. J. Maarten Troost. 919.68 TRO
- Sh*t my dad says. Justin Halpern. 818 HAL
- Shakespeare insult generator: mix and match more than 150,000 insults in the bard’s own words. Barry Kraft. Y 822.33 KRA
- Shorter, faster, funnier: comic plays and monologues. 812 SHO
- Shrill: notes from a loud woman. Lindy West. 818.6 WES
- Sicker in the head: more conversations about life and comedy. Judd Apatow. 792.76 APA
- Sir John Hargrave’s mischief maker’s manual. John Hargrave. Y 818 HAR
- A slip of the keyboard: collected nonfiction. Terry Pratchett. 824 PRA
- The smartest book in the world: a lexicon of literacy, a rancorous reportage, a concise curriculum of cool. Greg Proops. 818.6 PRO
- Solutions and other problems. Allie Brosh. 792.7028 BRO, Ebook
- Somebody is going to die if Lilly Beth doesn’t catch that bouquet. Gayden Metcalfe. 395.22 MET
- Something that may shock and discredit you. Daniel Mallory Ortberg. 814.6 ORT
- Sprinkle glitter on my grave: observations, rants, and other uplifting thoughts about life. Jill Kargman. 818.6 KAR
- Squirrel seeks chipmunk: a modest bestiary. David Sedaris. 814 SED, CD 814 SED
- Stop me if you’ve heard this: {a history and philosophy of jokes}. Jim Holt. 809.7 HOL
- Stuff on my cat. Mario Garza. Y 636.8 GAR
- Subpar parks: America’s most extraordinary national parks and their least impressed visitors. Amber Share. 917.304 SHA
- Suck on this year: LYFAO @ 140 characters or less. Denis Leary. 818 LEA
- The Sweet Potato Queens’ guide to raising children for fun and profit. Jill Conner Browne. 818 BRO
- Tacky: love letters to the worst culture we have to offer. Rax King. 814.6 KIN
- Tales from the dad side: misadventures in fatherhood. Steve Doocy. 306.8742 DOO
- 10 1/2 things no commencement speaker has ever said. Charles Wheelan. 170.44 WHE
- The ten, make that nine, habits of very organized people. Make that ten: the tweets of Steve Martin. 818 MAR
- Texts from Jane Eyre: and other conversations with your favorite literary characters. Mallory Ortberg. 818.6 ORT
- Thank you notes 2. Jimmy Fallon. 818 FAL
- That is all. John Hodgman. 814 HOD
- Things I learned about my dad (in therapy): essays. 306.8742 THI
- The thinking drinker’s guide to alcohol: a cocktail of amusing anecdotes and opinion on the art of imbibing. Ben McFarland, Tom Sandham. 394.13 MACF
- This is a book by Demetri Martin called This is a book by Demetri Martin. 818 MAR
- This book is for you: I hope you find it mildly uplifting. Worry Lines. 152.4 WOR
- This is how: proven aid in overcoming shyness, molestation, fatness, spinsterhood, grief, disease, lushery, decrepitude & more. For young and old alike. Augusten Burroughs. 814 BUR
- This is the part where you pretend to add value: a Dilbert book. Scott Adams. 741.5 ADA
- Threadbared: decades of don’ts from the sewing and crafting world. Mary Watkins. 746.02 WAT
- 3 x Carlin: an orgy of George. George Carlin. 818 CAR
- Totally MAD: 60 years of humor, satire, stupidity, and stupidity. Y 741.59 TOT
- Tragically I was an only twin: the complete Peter Cook. 791.092 COO
- The truth (with jokes). Al Franken. 973.931 FRA, CD 973.931 FRA
- Uganda be kidding me. Chelsea Handler. 818 HAN
- The uncollected David Rakoff. 814 RAK
- The undisputed guide to pro basketball history. 796.323 UND
- Unexpectedly eighty: and other adaptations. Judith Viorst. 811 VIO
- Vagabonding with kids. AK Turner. 814.6 TUR
- Wacky laws, weird decisions & strange statutes. 348.73 WAC
- Wait for me: and other poems about the irritations and consolations of a long marriage. Judith 811 VIO
- Way off the road: discovering the peculiar charms of small town America. Bill Geist. 917.304 GEI
- We had a little real estate problem: the unheralded story of Native Americans in comedy. Kliph Nesteroff. 792.7028 NES
- We learn nothing: essays and cartoons. Tim Kreider. 814 KRE
- Weddiculous: an unfiltered guide to being a bride. Jamie Lee. 395.22 LEE
- Welcome to the United States of Anxiety: observations from a reforming neurotic. Jen Lancaster. 152.46 LAN
- Whateverland: learning to live here. Alexis Stewart, Jennifer Koppelman Hutt. 646.7008 STE
- When will Jesus bring the pork chops? George Carlin. 818 CAR
- When you are engulfed in flames. David Sedaris. 814 SED, CD 814 SED
- Who let the dogs in? Molly Ivins. 973.92 IVI
- Who’s your caddy? Rick Reilly. 796.352 REI, CD
- Why my third husband will be a dog. Lisa Scottoline. 814 SCO
- Why we suck. Denis Leary. 817 LEA
- Works well with others: an outsider’s guide to shaking hands, shutting up, handling jerks, and other crucial skills in business that no one ever teaches you. Ross McCammon. 395.52 MACC
- The worst baby name book ever. David Narter. 929.44 NAR
- The worst of sports. Jesse Lamovsky. Y 796.02 LAM
- Your wildest dreams, within reason. Mike Sacks. 814 SAC
- You’re not doing it right: tales of marriage, sex, death, and other humiliations. Michael Ian Black. 818 BLA
- You’re old, I’m old– get used to it!: 20 reasons why growing old is great. Virginia Ironside. 305.26 IRO
- Zombie haiku. Ryan Mecum. Y 811 MEC
- A zombie’s history of the United States: from the massacre at Plymouth Rock to the CIA’s secret war on the undead. Worm Miller. 818 MIL
- Ali in wonderland: and other tall tales. Ali Wentworth. B Wentworth
- All by my selves: Walter, Peanut, Achmed, and me. Jeff Dunham. B Dunham
- The amorous busboy of Decatur Avenue: a child of the fifties looks back. Robert Klein. B Klein
- And nothing but the truthiness: the rise (and further rise) of Stephen Colbert. Lisa Rogak. B Colbert
- Approval junkie: adventures in caring too much. Faith Salie. B Salie
- Apron anxiety: my messy affairs in and out of the kitchen. Alyssa Shelasky. 641.5092 SHE
- Bad habits: confessions of a recovering Catholic. Jenny McCarthy. B McCarthy
- The bassoon king: my life in art, faith, and idiocy. Rainn Wilson. B Wilson
- The bedwetter: stories of courage, redemption, and pee. Sarah Silverman. B Silverman
- Bob Hope: my life in jokes. Bob Hope. B Hope
- Born standing up. Steve Martin. B Martin, CD B Martin
- Bossypants. Tina Fey. B Fey, CD B Fey
- Broken (in the best possible way). Jenny Lawson. B Lawson, CD B Lawson, Ebook, EAudiobook
- The Chris Farley show: a biography in three acts. Tom Farley, Jr. B Farley
- Early bird. Rodney Rothman. 306.38 ROT
- Fat girls and lawn chairs. Cheryl Peck. B Peck
- Fiction ruined my family. Jeanne Darst. B Darst
- Fresh off the boat. Eddie Huang. B Huang
- A funny thing happened on the way to the future: twists and turns and lessons learned. Michael J. Fox. B Fox
- Furiously happy: {a funny book about horrible things}. Jenny Lawson. B Lawson
- Girl walks into a bar–: comedy calamities, dating disasters, and a midlife miracle. Rachel Dratch. B Dratch
- God, if you’re not up there, I’m f*cked: tales of stand-up, Saturday Night Live, and other mind-altering mayhem. Darrell Hammond. B Hammond
- Growing up laughing: my story and the story of funny. Marlo Thomas. B Thomas
- Heads in beds: a reckless memoir of hotels, hustles, and so-called hospitality. Jacob Tomsky. 647.94 TOM, Large Type 647.94 TOM
- Here’s the deal: don’t touch me. Howie Mandel. B Mandel
- Holy hot mess: finding God in the details of this weird and wonderful life. Mary Katherine Backstrom. 270.092 BAC
- How about never– is never good for you?: my life in cartoons. Bob Mankoff. 741.569 MAN
- How do I un-remember this?: unfortunately true stories. Danny Pellegrino. 791.46 PEL, Ebook
- How y’all doing?: misadventures and mischief from a life well lived. Leslie Jordan. B Jordan
- Hypocrite in a pouffy white dress: tales of growing up groovy and clueless. Susan Jane Gilman. B Gilman
- I am the new black. Tracy Morgan. B Morgan
- I didn’t ask to be born (but I’m glad I was). Bill Cosby. Large Type B Cosby
- I had brain surgery, what’s your excuse?: an illustrated memoir. Suzy Becker. B Becker
- I love you, Miss Huddleston: and other inappropriate longings of my Indiana childhood. Philip Gulley. Ind. Coll. B Gulley, Large Type B Gulley
- I regret nothing. Jen Lancaster. B Lancaster
- I shouldn’t even be doing this!: and other things that strike me as funny. Bob Newhart. B Newhart, CD B Newhart
- I was better last night: a memoir. Harvey Fierstein. B Fierstein
- If you ask me: (and of course you won’t). Betty White. B White, Large Type B White
- Illegally yours: a memoir. Rafael Agustin. B Agustin
- I’m down: a memoir. Mishna Wolff. B Wolff
- I’m not the new me. Wendy McClure. B McClure
- Instant mom. Nia Vardalos. B Vardalos
- Is this anything? Jerry Seinfeld. B Seinfeld, EAudiobook
- Jeneration X: one reluctant adult’s attempt to unarrest her arrested development, or why it’s never too late for her dumb ass to learn why Froot Loops are not for dinner. Jen Lancaster. B Lancaster
- Just a guy: notes from a blue collar life. Bill Engvall. B Engvall
- Just one more thing. Peter Falk. B Falk
- Let’s pretend this never happened: (a mostly true memoir). Jenny Lawson. B Lawson, CD B Lawson
- Married to laughter: a love story featuring Anne Meara. Jerry Stiller. B Stiller
- Mennonite in a little black dress: a memoir of going home. Rhoda Janzen. B Janzen, Large Type B Janzen, CD B Janzen
- Mr. funny pants. Michael Showalter. B Showalter
- My fair lazy: one reality television addict’s attempt to discover if not being a dumb ass is the new black, or a culture-up manifesto. Jen Lancaster. B Lancaster
- No land’s man. Aasif Mandvi. B Mandvi
- Pretty in plaid. Jen Lancaster. B Lancaster
- Rickles’ book. Don Rickles. B Rickles
- Self-inflicted wounds: heartwarming tales of epic humiliation. Aisha Tyler. B Tyler
- Seriously– I’m kidding. Ellen DeGeneres. B Degeneres
- The 6.5 practices of moderately successful poets: a self-help memoir. Jeffrey Skinner. 808.1 SKI
- This time together: laughter and reflection. Carol Burnett. B Burnett
- This will be funny later: a memoir. Jenny Pentland. B Pentland
- Too soon to say goodbye. Art Buchwald. B Buchwald, Large Type B Buchwald
- Way below the angels: the pretty clearly troubled but not even close to tragic confessions of a real live Mormon missionary. Craig Harline. 289.3 HAR
- Wishful drinking. Carrie Fisher. B Fisher, CD B Fisher
- The year of living biblically: one man’s humble quest to follow the Bible as literally as possible. A.J. Jacobs. 220 JAC, Large Print 220 JAC, CD 220 JAC
- The adventures of Rabbi Harvey. Steve Sheinkin. Y 741.5 SHE
- The adventures of Superhero Girl. Faith Erin Hicks. Graphic Fic HIC
- The adventures of Unemployed Man. Erich Origen, Gan Golan. Graphic Fic ORI
- Amp’d. Ken Pisani. Fic PIS
- Are these my basoomas I see before me? Louise Rennison. Y Fic REN
- As easy as falling off the face of the earth. Lynne Rae Perkins. Y Fic PER
- The ask. Sam Lipsyte. Fic LIP
- Beat the band. Don Calame. Y Fic CAL
- Beet. Roger Rosenblatt. Fic ROS
- Bigfoot: I not dead. Graham Roumieu. Graphic Fic ROU
- Blood lite II: overbite: an anthology of humorous horror stories. Sci. Fic BLO
- Blood lite III: aftertaste: an anthology of humorous horror stories. Sci. Fic BLO
- Boca mournings. Steven M. Forman. Mystery FOR
- Bond girl. Erin Duffy. Fic DUF
- Breathers: a zombie’s lament. S.G. Browne. Sci. Fic BRO
- Bridget Jones: mad about the boy. Helen Fielding. Fic FIE
- Bridget Jones’s baby: the diaries. Helen Fielding. Fic FIE, CD Fic FIE
- Cloaked in red. Vivian Vande Velde. Y Fic VAN
- Dietland. Sarai Walker. Fic WAL
- A dirty job. Christopher Moore. Fic MOO
- The dog. Joseph O’Neill. Fic ONE
- Dollarapalooza, or, The day peace broke out in Columbus. Gregg Sapp. Fic SAP
- The double jack murders: a Sheriff Bo Tully mystery. Patrick F. McManus. Mystery MACM
- Eggs, beans and crumpets. P.G. Wodehouse. Fic WOD
- The financial lives of the poets. Jess Walter. Fic WAL
- The first annual Grand Prairie Rabbit Festival. Ken Wheaton. Fic WHE
- Fobbit. David Abrams. Fic ABR, CD Fic ABR
- Gator a-go-go. Tim Dorsey. Fic DOR
- How I became a famous novelist. Steve Hely. Fic HEL
- I am a genius of unspeakable evil and I want to be your class president. Josh Lieb. Y Fic LIE
- I am not a cop! Richard Belzer. Mystery BEL
- I am not a psychic! Richard Belzer. Mystery BEL
- Ice chest. J.D. Rhoades. Mystery RHO
- If you were here. Jen Lancaster. Fic LAN
- Is fat Bob dead yet? Stephen Dobyn. Mystery DOB
- It’s a book. Lane Smith. Y Fic SMI, J SMI Parenting
- Killing Monica. Candace Bushnell. Fic BUS, Large Type Fic BUS
- The last adventure of Constance Verity. A. Lee Martinez. Sci. Fic MAR
- Losing it. Emma Rathbone. Fic RAT
- Lost for words. Edward St. Aubyn. Fic SAI
- Lunatics. Dave Barry, Alan Zweibel. Fic BAR
- Magnificent vibration. Rick Springfield. Fic SPR
- Mermaids in paradise. Lydia Millet. Fic MIL
- The mighty Walzer. Howard Jacobson. Fic JAC
- Old dogs. Donna Moore. Mystery MOO
- On top of Spoon Mountain. John Nichols. Fic NIC
- Once a crooked man. David McCallum. Mystery MACC
- Paul is undead: the British zombie invasion. Alan Goldsher. Sci. Fic GOL
- Peeps. Mark Masyga, Martin Ohlin. Y Fic MAS
- Peter and the sword of mercy. Dave Barry, Ridley Pearson. Y Fic BAR
- Pontoon: a Lake Wobegon novel. Garrison Keillor. Fic KEI, CD Fic KEI
- The reformed vampire support group. Catherine Jinks. Y Fic JIN
- Sebastian Darke: prince of pirates. Philip Caveney. Y Fic CAV
- Second hand souls. Christopher Moore. Fic MOO
- The serpent of Venice. Christopher Moore. Fic MOO
- Shark skin suite. Tim Dorsey. Mystery DOR
- The sheriff of Yrnameer. Michael Rubens. Sci. Fic RUB
- So punk rock (and other ways to disappoint your mother). Micol Ostow. Y Fic OST
- Soulless. Gail Carriger. Fic CAR
- The stench of Honolulu: a tropical adventure. Jack Handey. Fic HAN
- Ten dead comedians. Fred Van Lente. Fic VAN
- Then we came to the end. Joshua Ferris. Fic FER
- There is no dog. Meg Rosoff. Y Fic ROS
- Thieving weasels. Billy Taylor. Y Fic TAY, Y AUDIO CD TAY
- Too Much Coffee Man omnibus. Shannon Wheeler. Graphic Fic WHE
- Voss: how I come to America and am hero, mostly. David Ives. Y Fic IVE
- A window opens. Elisabeth Egan. Fic EGA
- World War moo: an apocalypse cow novel. Michael Logan. Sci. Fic LOG
- Yappy hour. Diana Orgain. Mystery ORG
- You killed Wesley Payne. Sean Beaudoin. Y Fic BEA
- The best of Bill Cosby. CD S COSB BBC C-14
- Blue moo: 17 jukebox hits from way back never. Sandra Boynton. CD ZM BOYN BM R-42
- Boogers are my beat: more lies, but some actual journalism! Dave Barry. CD 814 BAR
- Church people: the Lutherans of Lake Wobegon. CD Fic KEI
- Don’t make a black woman take off her earrings. Tyler Perry. CD 818 PER
- Dusty and Lefty. Garrison Keillor. CD Fic KEI
- English majors. Garrison Keillor. CD 818 ENG
- The essential “Weird Al” Yankovic. CD MA YANK EWA Y-32
- Even more laughs. CD Fic EVE
- 50 things liberals love to hate. Mike Gallagher. CD 320.513 GAL
- Flight of the Conchords. Flight of the Conchords. CD MA FLIG FC F-15
- A funny thing happened in church today! Ray Stevens. CD MC STEV FTH S-30
- The hatchback of Notre Dame: more Car Talk classics. CD 629.28 CAR
- Hymn to potatoes and other choral masterworks from A Prairie Home Companion. CD S KEIL HP K-05
- Jerry Clower’s greatest hits. CD Fic CLO
- Laughs: Fresh air with Terry Gross. CD 791.4472
- Lies, sissies, and fiascoes: the best of “This American Life”. CD 814 LIE
- Live for your listening pleasure. David Sedaris. CD 814 SED
- Mr. Universe. Jim Gaffigan. CD S GAFF MU G-69
- My trampoline. Peter Himmelman. CD ZM HIMM MT M-01
- New & not bad pretty good jokes. CD 817 NEW
- A night at the Fitz. Garrison Keillor. CD 818 KEI
- Philadelphia Chickens. Sandra Boynton. CD ZM BOYN PC B-22
- The best of the Colbert Report. DVD 817
- Garrison Keillor: the man on the radio in the red shoes. DVD B Keillor
- The greatest movie ever sold. DVD 659.1
- The humor collection. DVD Children H
- Jeff Allen live. DVD 248.4
- Jeff Dunham. Minding the monsters. DVD 792.23
- Jeff Dunham: spark of insanity. DVD 792.23
- Just laugh! the movie. DVD 152.43
- Laughing out loud: America’s funniest comedians. DVD Comedy L
- A piece of my mind. Chonda Pierce. DVD 248.4
- The Smothers Brothers comedy hour. DVD Comedy S
- Thou shalt laugh. DVD Comedy T
- Tim Hawkins insanitized. DVD 792.23
- Victor Borge classic collection. DVD 791.457
- Beastly feasts! Robert L. Forbes. J 811 FOR
- Funtime riddles. Marilyn Helmer. J 793.735 HEL
- The laugh stand. Brian P. Cleary. J 793.73 CLE
- The monster fun joke book. Sean Connolly, Kay Barnham. J 793.735 CON
- Oops! Alan Katz. J 811 KAT
- Tomie dePaola’s front porch tales & North Country whoppers. J 398.209 DEP
- The Willoughbys. Lois Lowry. J LOW
- 10 años con Mafalda. Quino. Spanish Lang. 741.5 QUI
- Mexico: lo que todo ciudadano quisiera (no) saber de su patria. Denise Dresser, Jorge Volpi. Spanish Lang. 972.084 DRE
- Mujeres alteradas. 1. Maitena. Spanish Lang. 741.5 MAI