- The able gardener: overcoming barriers of ageand physical limitations. Kathleen Yeomans. 635.087 YEO
- The all-new illustrated guide to gardening: planning,
selection, propagation, organic solutions. 635 ALL - All new square foot gardening: grow more in less space! Mel Bartholomew. 635 BAR
- The American meadow garden: creating a natural alternative to the traditional lawn. John Greenlee. 635.964 GRE
- Annuals for every purpose. Larry Hodgson. 635.931 HOD
- Beginner’s guide to gardening. 635 BEG
- Botany for gardeners. Brian Capon. 580 CAP
- Bulbs in the basement, geraniums on the windowsill: how to grow and overwinter 165 tender plants. Alice & Brian McGowan. 635.932 MACG
- Carefree plants: 200 beautiful, low-maintenance plants anyone can grow. 635.9 CAR
- The complete practical guide to small gardens. Peter McHoy, Stephanie Donaldson. 635.9 MACH
- Covering ground: unexpected ideas for landscaping with colorful, low-maintenance ground covers. Barbara W. Ellis. 635.964 ELL
- Creative vegetable gardening. Joy Larkcom. 635 LAR
- Crops in pots: how to plan, plant, and grow vegetables, fruits, and herbs in easy care containers. Bob Purnell. 635.986 PUR
- Designing the new kitchen garden: an American potager handbook. Jennifer R. Bartley. 635 BAR
- The encyclopedia of planting combinations. Tony Lord. 635.9 LOR
- The ever-blooming flower garden: a blueprint for continuous color. Lee Schneller. 635.9 SCH
- Exotic planting for adventurous gardeners. Christopher Lloyd. 635.9 LLO
- Fallscaping: extending your garden season into autumn. Nancy J. Ondra. 635.953 OND
- The family kitchen garden. Karen Liebreich, Jutta Wagner, Annette Wendland. 635 LIE
- Flower gardening: a practical guide to creating colorful gardens in every yard. Julie Bawden-Davis. 635.9 BAW
- Flower gardening: bring home the secrets of great gardens. 635.9 FLO
- Flowerpots: a seasonal guide to planting, designing and displaying pots. Jim Keeling. 635.986 KEE
- Foliage: astonishing color and texture beyond flowers. Nancy J. Ondra. 635.975 OND
- Fresh food from small spaces: the square-inch gardener’s guide to year-round growing, fermenting, and sprouting. R.J. Ruppenthal. 635.986 RUP
- Front yard gardens: growing more than grass. Liz Primeau. 635.967 PRI
- Thefrugalgardener. Catriona Tudor Erler. 635ERL
- Gaia’s garden: a guide to home-scale permaculture. Toby Hemenway. 631.58 HEM
- The garden in winter. Suzy Bales. 635.953 BAL
- The garden primer. Barbara Damrosch. 635 DAM
- The garden trellis. Ferris Cook. 635.974 COO
- Gardener to gardener seed-starting primer & almanac. 635.048 GAR
- The gardener’s A-Z guide to growing flowers from seed to bloom. Eileen Powell. 635.903 POW
- The gardener’s year: theultimatemonth-by-month gardening handbook. Alan Titchmarsh. 635.9 TIT
- Gardening with ornamental grasses. Roger Grounds. 635.9349 GRO
- Garden design. 712.6 GAR
- Getting started in permaculture: over 50 DIY projects for house & garden using recycled materials. Ross & Jenny Mars. 631.87 MAR
- The Gossler guide to the best hardy shrubs. Roger, Eric, & Marjory Gossler. 635.976 GOS
- Great gardens of America. Tim Richardson. 712.6 RIC
- Great growing at home: the essential guide to gardening basics. Allan A. Swenson. 635 SWE
- The green gardener’s guide. Joe Lamp’l. 635.048 LAM
- The greenhouse gardener. Anne Swithinbank. 635.982 SWI
- Grow great grub: organic food from small spaces. Gayla Trail. 635.048 TRA
- Grow vegetables. Alan Buckingham. 635 BUC
- Growing Chinese vegetables in your own backyard. Geri Harrington. 635 HAR
- Growing your own vegetables: an Encyclopedia of country living guide. Carla Emery. 635 EME
- The hanging garden. Sue Fisher. 635.967 FIS
- Hardscaping:howtousestructures,pathways,patios&ornamentsinyourgarden. Keith Davitt. 717DAV
- Homescaping: designing your landscape to match your home. Anne Halpin. 712.6 HAL
- How to grow practically everything. Zia Allaway, Lia Leendertz. 635 ALL
- Incredible vegetables from self-watering containers. Edward C. Smith. 635.986 SMI
- Indoor gardening the organic way: how to create a natural and sustaining environment for your houseplants. Julie Bawden-Davis. 635.965 BAW
- IPM for gardeners: a guide to integrated pest management. Raymond A. Cloyd. 632.9 CLO
- Joey Green’s gardening magic. 635.048 GRE
- Kitchen garden: month by month. Alan Buckingham. 635 BUC
- 1001 gardens you must see before you die. 712 ONE
- Organic gardening for dummies. Ann Whitman, Suzanne DeJohn. 635.048 WHI
- Our life in gardens. Joe Eck. 635 ECK
- P. Allen Smith’s bringing the garden indoors. 747.98 SMI
- P.AllenSmith’scolorsforthegarden. 635.968SMI
- The patio garden: month-by-month. Michael Jefferson-Brown. 635.967 JEF
- The perennial care manual: a plant-by-plant guide. Nancy J. Ondra. 635.932 OND
- The perennial gardener’s design primer. Stephanie Cohen; Nancy J. Ondra. 635.932 COH
- Perennial vegetables: from artichoke to Zuiki taro, a gardener’s guide to over 100 delicious, easy-to-grow edibles. Eric Toensmeier. 635 TOE
- Plant-driven design: creating gardens that honor plants, place, and spirit. Scott Ogden. 712 OGD
- Pots in the garden: expert design and planting techniques. Ray Rogers. 635.965 ROG
- Rain gardens. Nigel Dunnett. 635.95 DUN
- Rodale’s ultimate encyclopedia of organic gardening. 635.048 ROD
- Rodale’s vegetable garden problem solver. Fern Marshall Bradley. 635.049 BRA
- The romantic herb garden. Caroline Holmes. 635.7 HOL
- Secrets from the Jerry Baker test gardens. Jerry Baker. 635 BAK
- Small plot, high yield gardening: grow like a pro, save money, and eat well from your front (or back or side) yard 100% organic produce garden. Sal Gilbertie. 635 GIL
- The spare-time gardener: tips and tricks for those on the go. Barbara Hill Freeman. 635 FRE
- Starter vegetable gardens: 24 no-fail plans for small organic gardens. Barbara Pleasant. 635 PLE
- Success with organic fruit. Yvonne Cuthbertson. 634.04 CUT
- Success with organic vegetables. Yvonne Cuthbertson. 635.048 CUT
- Talking dirt: the dirt diva’s down-to-earth guide to organic gardening. Annie Spiegelman. 635.048 SPI
- Tendingyourgarden:ayear-roundguidetogarden maintenance. Gordon & Mary Hayward. 635.9 HAY
- 37 houseplants even you can’t kill. Mary Kate Hogan. 635.965 HOG
- Time-saving gardener: tips and essential tasks season by season. Carolyn Hutchinson. 635 HUT
- The truth about garden remedies: what works, what doesn’t & why. Jeff Gillman. 632.9 GIL
- Understanding perennials: a new look at an old favorite. William Cullina. 635.932 CUL
- The vegetable gardener’s bible. Edward C. Smith. 635 SMI
- The veggie gardener’s answer book. Barbara W. Ellis. 635 ELL
- The victory garden companion. Michael Weishan, Laurie Donnelly. 635 WEI
- Water gardens in a weekend. Peter Robinson. 635.9674 ROB
- The way we garden now: 41 pick-and-choose projects for planting your paradise large or small. Katherine Whiteside. 635 WHI
- The weather-resilient garden. Charles W.G. Smith. 635.9 SMI
- The welcoming garden: designing your own front garden. Gordon Hayward. 712.6 HAY
- The well-designed mixed garden: building beds and borders with trees, shrubs, perennials, annuals, and bulbs. Tracy DiSabato-Aust. 712 DIS
- What’s wrong with my plant? (and how do I fix it?): a visual guide to easy diagnosis and organic remedies. David Deardorff. 635.92 DEA
- The winter harvest handbook: year-roundvegetable production using deep-organic techniques and unheated greenhouses. Eliot Coleman. 635.048 COL
- Wonders of the winter landscape. Vincent A. Simeone. 635.976 SIM
- Xeriscaping. Mark Rumary. 635.952 RUM
- The year-round garden. Geoff Stebbings. 635.9 STE
- Container gardening for the Midwest. William Aldrich, Don Williamson. 635.986 CON
- Go native!: gardening with native plants and wildflowers in the lower Midwest. Carolyn Harstad. 635.951 HAR
- Guide to Indiana vegetable gardening. James A. Fizzell. 635.09 FIZ
- Herb gardening for the Midwest. Debra Knapke, Laura Peters. 635.7 KNA
- Indiana gardener’s guide. Jo Ellen Meyers Sharp, Tom Tyler. 635.909 SHA
- Marlyn’s garden: seasoned advice for achieving spectacular results in the Midwest. Marlyn Dicken Sachtjen. 635 SAC
- The midwest gardener’s book of lists. Susan McClure. 635.9 MACC
- Midwest home landscaping. Roger Holmes, Rita Buchanan. 712.6 HOL
- Midwest top 10 garden guide. Bonnie Blodgett. 635.909 BLO
- Month-by-month gardening in Indiana. James A. Fizzell. 635.0977 FIZ
- Perennials for midwestern gardens: proven plants for the heartland. Anthony W. Kahtz. 635.932 KAH
- Possum in the pawpaw tree: a seasonal guide to midwestern gardening. B. Rosie Lerner. 635 LER
- Trees, shrubs, and roses for midwest gardens. Ezra Haggard. 635.97 HAG
- 200 tips for growing flowers in the Midwest. Pamela Wolfe. 635.9 WOL
- Attracting birds, butterflies and other backyard wildlife. David Mizejewski. 639.9 MIZ
- Attractingbirds,butterflies&otherwingedwonders to your backyard. Kris Wetherbee. 598.072 WET
- Bird-by-bird gardening: the ultimate guide to bringing in your favorite birds–year after year. Sally Roth. 598.072 ROT
- The bird-friendly backyard: natural gardening for birds: simple ways to create a bird haven. Julie Zickefoose. 598.072 ZIC
- Bringing nature home: how native plants sustain wildlife in our gardens. Douglas W. Tallamy. 639.92 TAL
- Hummingbird gardens: turning your yard into hummingbird heaven. 598.072 HUM
- Natural landscaping: gardening with nature to create a backyard paradise. Sally Roth. 635.951 ROT
- The nature-friendly garden: creating a backyard haven for plants, wildlife, and people. Marlene A. Condon. 639.92 CON
- The wild garden: everything you need to create a garden. Lucy Huntington. 635.967 HUN
- A contemplation upon flowers: garden plants in myth and literature. Bobby J. Ward. 809.933 WAR
- The glory of gardens: 2,000 years of writings on garden design. 712 GLO
- The Oxford book of garden verse. 821.008 OXF
- Encyclopedia of plants and flowers. R 635.9 ENC
- The Oxford companion to the garden. R 712 OXF
- Basic gardening. DVD 635
- Container gardening from the ground up. VIDEO 635.986
- Flower care. Jerry Baker. DVD 635.9
- Martha’s spring gardening. DVD 635
- Vegetable gardening. DVD 635
- A backyard vegetable garden for kids. Amie Jane Leavitt. J 635 LEA
- I heard it from Alice Zucchini: poems about the garden. Juanita Havill. J 811 HAV
- Strega Nona’s harvest. Tomie dePaola. Pic DEP
- Sunflowers = Girasoles. Gwendolyn Zepeda. Sp. Lang. Pic ZEP
- El calendario del jardinero. Adam Pasco. Spanish Lang. 635.9 PAS
- Eljardínculinario. Andi Clevely. Spanish Lang. 635 CLE
- Jardinería práctica. Sue Phillips. Spanish Lang. 635.9 PHI
- Manual de jardinería en macetas. D.G. Hessayon. Spanish Lang. 635.986 HES
- Las mejores plantas para el jardín. Anne Swithinbank. Spanish Lang. 635 SWI