Disabilities Awareness
Disabilities Awareness
- The 100 greatest Olympians and Paralympians. Nick Callow. 796.48 CAL
- About us: essays from the disability series of the New York Times. 362.409 ABO
- The accessible home: designing for all ages and abilities. Deborah Pierce. 728.087 PIE
- Accessible vacations: an insider’s guide to 12 US cities. Simon J. Hayhoe. 917.304 HAY
- Aspertools: the practical guide for understanding and embracing Asperger’s, autism spectrum disorders, and neurodiversity. Harold S. Reitman. 616.8688 REI
- The autism answer book: more than 300 of the top questions parents ask. William Stillman. 618.9289 STI
- The autism playbook for teens: imagination-based mindfulness activities to calm yourself, build independence & connect with others. Irene McHenry, Carol Moog. Y 616.8588 MACH
- Autism spectrum disorders: what every parent needs to know. 616.8588 AUT
- Barrier-free travel. Candy Harrington. 910.87 HAR
- Barron’s SAT strategies for students with learning disabilities. Toni R. Welkes. 378.166 WEL
- Be the hands and feet: living out God’s love for all his children. Nick Vujicic. 248.5 VUJ
- The boys in the bunkhouse: servitude and salvation in the heartland. Dan Barry. 362.3 BAR
- Braille for the sighted. Jane Schneider, Kathy Kifer. 411 SCH
- Building a joyful life with your child who has special needs. Nancy J. Whiteman. 649.151 WHI
- Children with hearing loss: developing listening and talking, birth to six. Elizabeth Cole, Carol Flexer. 617.89 COL
- Children with high-functioning autism: a parent’s guide. Claire E. Hughes-Lynch. 616.8588 HUG
- Choosing Naia. Mitchell Zuckoff. 618.9285 ZUK
- The complete IEP guide: how to advocate for your special ed child. Lawrence M. Siegel. 371.9 SIE
- The complete learning disabilities directory. R 371.9025 COM
- Coping with vision loss: understanding the psychological, social, and spiritual effects. Cheri Colby Langdell, Tim Langdell. 362.41 LAN
- Count us in: growing up with Down syndrome. Jason Kingsley, Mitchell Levitz. 362.1968 KIN
- Creative, successful, dyslexic: 23 high achievers share their stories. Margaret Rooke. Y 616.8553 ROO
- Dancing with Max: a mother and son who broke free. Emily Colson. 248.863 COL
- Dear Megan: letters on life, love, and fragile X. Mary Beth Busby, Megan Massey. Y 618.92 BUS
- Demystifying disability: what to know, what to say, and how to be an ally. Emily Ladau. 305.908 LAD
- Different learners: identifying, preventing, and treating your child’s learning problems. Jane M. Healy. 371.9 HEA
- A disability history of the United States. Kim E. Nielsen. 362.409 NIE
- Disability visibility: first-person stories from the twenty-first century. 305.908 DIS
- The disabled woman’s guide to pregnancy and birth. Judith Rogers. 618.2 ROG
- A dog’s gift: the inspirational story of veterans and children healed by man’s best friend. Bob Drury. 362.404 DRU
- The dyslexia empowerment plan: a blueprint for renewing your child’s confidence and love of learning. Ben Foss. 616.8553 FOS
- The elephant in the playroom. 306.874 ELE
- Enabling acts: the hidden story of how the Americans with Disabilities Act gave the largest US minority its rights. Lennard J. Davis. 342.087 DAV
- Eyes wide open: overcoming obstacles and recognizing opportunities in a world that can’t see clearly. Isaac Lidsky. 650.1087 LID
- Facing learning disabilities in the adult years. Joan Shapiro, Rebecca Rich. 371.904 SHA
- A family’s guide to Tourette syndrome. 616.83 FAM
- Far from the tree: how children and their parents learn to accept one another…our differences unite us. Andrew Solomon; adapted by Laurie Calkhoven. Y 306.874 CAL
- Far from the tree: parents, children and the search for identity. Andrew Solomon. 306.874 SOL
- For the benefit of those who see: dispatches from the world of the blind. Rosemary Mahoney. 371.911 MAH
- Gabe & Izzy: standing up for America’s bullied. Gabrielle Ford. Y 302.343 FOR
- Getting special needs kids ready for the real world. David Funk. 371.92 FUN
- Growing up on the spectrum. Lynn Kern Koegel. 616.8588 KOE
- The guide to good health for teens & adults with Down syndrome. Brian Chicoine, Dennis McGuire. 616.8588 CHI
- Healing our autistic children: a medical plan for restoring your child’s health. Julie Buckley. 616.8588 BUC
- Helping children with Down syndrome communicate better. Libby Kumin. 649.15 KUM
- The hidden link between vision and learning: why millions of learning-disabled children are misdiagnosed. Wendy Beth Rosen. 371.911 ROS
- Home accessibility: 300 tips for making life easier. Shelley Peterman Schwarz. 643.087 SCH
- Homeschooling the child with ADD (or other special needs). Lenore Colacion Hayes. 371.042 HAY
- In a different key: the story of autism. John Donvan, Caren Zucker. 616.8588 DON
- It’s not a perfect world, but I’ll take it: 50 life lesssons for teens like me who are kind of (you know) autistic. Jennifer Rose. Y 616.8588 ROS
- It’s so much work to be your friend. Richard Lavoie. 371.92 LAV
- The K & W guide to colleges for students with learning disabilities or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Marybeth Kravets, Imy F. Wax. 371.904 KRA
- Key learning skills for children with autism spectrum disorders: a blueprint for life. Thomas L. Whitman, Nicole DeWitt. 371.94 WHI
- Kids in the syndrome mix of ADHD, LD, autism spectrum, Tourette’s, anxiety and more!: the one-stop guide for parents, teachers and other professionals. Martin L. Kutscher. 618.9285 KUT
- Learning disabilities, A to Z: a complete guide to learning disabilities from preschool to adulthood. Corinne Smith, Lisa Strick. 371.92 SMI
- Learning from the heart. Daniel Gottlieb. 170 GOT
- The learning tree: overcoming learning disabilities from the ground up. Stanley I. Greenspan, Nancy Thorndike Greenspan. 371.9043 GRE
- Legal rights: the guide for deaf and hard of hearing people. 346.013 LEG
- Letters to Sam. Daniel Gottlieb. 306.8745 GOT
- Life after high school: a guide for students with disabilities and their families. Susan Yellin, Christina Cacioppo Bertsch. 362.4 YEL
- Literacy and your deaf child: what every parent should know. David A. Stewart. 371.912 STE
- Living gently in a violent world: the prophetic wit-ness of weakness. Stanley Hauerwas. 261.8324 HAU
- Love that boy: what two presidents, eight road trips, and my son taught me about a parent’s expectations. Ron Fournier. 616.8588 FOU
- Make them go away: Clint Eastwood, Christopher Reeve & the case against disability rights. Mary Johnson. 342.087 JOH
- Miles from the sideline. Maura Weis. 649.152 WEI
- The mind’s eye. Oliver Sacks. 616.855 SAC
- The mislabeled child. Brock Eide. 371.9 EID
- Negotiating the special education maze: a guide for parents & teachers. 371.91 NEG
- No walls of stone: an anthology of literature by deaf and hard of hearing writers. 810.8 NOW
- Nolo’s guide to social security disability: getting & keeping your benefits. David A. Morton III. 368.42 MOR
- The normal one: life with a difficult or damaged sibling. Jeanne Safer. 158.24 SAF
- Normal sucks: how to live, learn, and thrive outside the lines. Jonathan Mooney. 305.908 MOO
- Not always happy: an unusual parenting journey. Kari Wagner-Peck. 362.33 WAG
- Overcoming dyslexia: a major update and revision of the essential program for reading problems at any level, incorporating the latest breakthroughs in science, educational methods, technology, and legal accommodations. Sally Shaywitz, Jonathan Shaywitz. 371.914 SHA
- Parenting an adult with disabilities or special needs. Peggy Lou Morgan. 649.152 MOR
- Parenting children with health issues. Foster W. Cline, Lisa C. Greene. 649.15 CLI
- The perseverance. Raymond Antrobus. 821.92 ANT
- Rebuilt: how becoming part computer made me more human. Michael Chorost. 617.89 CHO
- The sensory child gets organized: proven systems for rigid, anxious, or distracted kids. Carolyn Dalgliesh. 649.153 DAL
- The short bus. Jonathan Mooney. 362.1968 MOO
- Shouting won’t help: why I–and 50 million other Americans–can’t hear you. Katherine Bouton. 617.8 BOU, Large Type 617.8 BOU
- Special needs trusts. Kevin Urbatsch, Michelle Fuller-Urbatsch. 346.052 URB
- Special siblings. Mary McHugh. 362.404 MACH
- A spectrum of light: inspirational interviews with families affected by autism. Francesca Bierens. 362.1968 BIE
- Spinal cord injury and the family: a new guide. Michelle J. Alpert, Saul Wisnia. 617.482 ALP
- Square peg: my story and what it means for raising innovators, visionaries, and out-of-the-box thinkers. L. Todd Rose. Y 371.9 ROS
- There is room at the inn: inns and B&Bs for wheelers and slow walkers. Candy Harrington. 917.306 HAR
- Thinking differently: an inspiring guide for parents of children with learning disabilities. David Flink. 371.9 FLI
- Understanding autism: the essential guide for parents. Katrina Williams, Jacqueline Roberts. 618.9285 WIL
- Understanding cerebral palsy: a guide for parents and professionals. Marion Stanton. 618.9283 STA
- The Virginia State Colony for Epileptics and Feebleminded: poems. Molly McMully Brown. 811.6 BRO
- Volume control: hearing in a deafening world. David Owen. 617.8 OWE
- Wheelchair warrior. Melvin Juette. 796.323 JUE
- Why cant u teach me 2 read?: three students and a mayor put our schools to the test. Beth Fertig. 372.43 FER
- Widening the circle: the power of inclusive classrooms. Mara Sapon-Shevin. 371.9046 SAP
- 1% better: reaching my full potential and how you can too. Chris Nikic, Nik Nikic. 796.4257 NIK
- Against medical advice: a true story. James Patterson, Hal Friedman. 616.83 PAT
- All better now: a memoir. Emily Wing Smith. Y 616.8527 SMI
- Annie Sullivan and the trials of Helen Keller. Joseph Lambert. Y 741.5 LAM
- The anti-romantic child: a story of unexpected joy. Priscilla Gilman. 306.8743 GIL
- Back in the fight: the explosive memoir of a special operator who never gave up. Joseph Kapacziewski. 958.1047 KAP
- Being Heumann: an unrepentant memoir of a disability rights activist. Judith Heumann. 362.409 HEU
- Being seen: one deafblind woman’s fight to end ableism. Elsa Sjunneson. B Sjunneson
- The bite of the mango. Mariatu Kamara. Y 966.4 KAM
- Blind man’s bluff: a memoir. James Tate Hill. B Hill, J.
- Bloom: a memoir. Kelle Hampton. 305.908 HAM
- Boy alone. Karl Taro Greenfeld. 616.8588 GRE
- By faith, not by sight: the inspirational story of a blind prodigy, a life-threatening illness, & an unexpected gift. Scott MacIntyre. B MacIntyre
- Carly’s voice: breaking through autism. Arthur Fleischmann. 616.8588 FLE, CD 616.8588 FLE
- The cat who came back for Christmas: how a cat brought a family the gift of love. Julia Romp. 636.8 ROM
- Centered: autism, basketball, and one athlete’s dreams. Anthony Ianni, Rob Keast. 796.323 IAN
- Chancer: how one good boy saved another: a memoir. Donnie Kanter Winokur. 362.404 WIN
- Crashing through. Robert Kurson. 362.41 KUR
- Dancing after ten: a graphic memoir. Vivian Chong, Georgia Webber. Graphic B Chong
- Dark harbor. Ved Mehta. 690.83 MEH
- A dog called Hope: the Special Forces wounded warrior and the dog who dared to love him. Jason Morgan. 362.43 MOR
- A dog named Slugger: the true story of the friend who changed my world. Leigh Brill. 636.7092 BRI
- Double take. Kevin Michael Connolly. B Connolly
- Everything is possible: finding the faith and courage to follow your dreams. Jen Bricker. 277.3083 BRI
- Father’s day: a journey into the mind and heart of my extraordinary son. Buzz Bissinger. 306.8742 BIS
- FDR. Jean Edward Smith. B Roosevelt, CD B Roosevelt
- Fighting blind: a Green Beret’s story of extraordinary courage. Ivan Castro, Jim DeFelice. 362.41 CAS
- Forever boy: a mother’s memoir of autism and finding joy. Kate Swenson. 618.9285 SWE, EAudiobook
- From sight to insight: a Mennonite farm boy’s adventures through blindness to living and seeing without visión. Daniel L. Bowman. B Bowman
- Full of heart: my story of survival, strength, and spirit. J.R. Martinez. B Martinez
- Ghost boy: the miraculous escape of a misdiagnosed boy trapped inside his own body. Martin Pistorius. 362.1968 PIS
- The God I love. Joni Eareckson Tada. B Tada
- Hands of my father. Myron Uhlberg. B Uhlberg
- Haatchi & Little B: the inspiring true story of one boy and his dog. Wendy Holden. 636.7 HOL
- Have dog, will travel: a poet’s journey. Stephen Kuusisto. 636.7527 KUU
- Head case: my brain and other wonders. Cole Cohen. Y 616.804 COH
- Her heart can see. Edith L. Blumhofer. B Crosby
- Hope unseen: the story of the U.S. Army’s first blind active-duty officer. Scotty Smiley. B Smiley
- The horse boy: a father’s quest to heal his son. Rupert Isaacson. Large Type 618.9289 ISA, DVD 616.8588
- I have been buried under years of dust: a memoir of autism and hope. Valerie Gilpeer, Emily Grodin. 618.9285 GIL
- I live a life like yours: a memoir. Jan Grue. B Grue
- I’ll scream later. Marlee Matlin. B Matlin
- Imperfect: an improbable life. Jim Abbott. B Abbott
- Joni: an unforgettable story. Joni Eareckson Tada. B Tada
- Joni & Ken: an untold love story. Ken & Joni Eareckson Tada. B Tada
- Just don’t fall. Josh Sundquist. 796.93 SUN
- Laughing at my nightmare. Shane Burcaw. 362.1967 BUR
- Life, animated: a story of sidekicks, heroes, and autism. Ron Suskind. 618.9285 SUS
- Life without limits: inspiration for a ridiculously good life. Nick Vujicic. 248.86 VUJ
- Like any normal day: a story of devotion. Mark Kram, Jr. 362.43 KRA
- Mermaid: a memoir of resilience. Eileen Cronin. B Cronin
- Messenger: the legacy of Mattie J.T. Stepanek and Heartsongs. Jeni Stepanek. B Stepanek
- Miracle in the making. Scott Brown. B Taliaferro
- More alike than different: my life with Down síndrome. David Egan. B Egan
- My body politic: a memoir. Simi Linton. B Linton
- My decision to live. Nader Elguindi. B Elguindi
- My family, a symphony: a memoir of global adoption. Aaron Eske. 362.734 ESK
- No excuses. Kyle Maynard. 796.812 MAY
- Not my boy!: a father, a son, and one family’s journey with autism. Rodney Peete. 616.8588 PEE
- An ocean to cross. Liz Fordred. B Fordred
- Places I’ve taken my body: essays. Molly McCully Brown. 818.603 BRO
- Poster child: a memoir. Emily Rapp. B Rapp
- Raising a rare girl: a memoir. Heather Lanier. 618.92 LAN
- Riding the bus with my sister: a true life journey. Rachel Simon. 305.908 SIM
- Rosemary: the hidden Kennedy daughter. Kate Clifford Larson. B Kennedy
- Schuyler’s monster: a father’s journey with his wordless daughter. Robert Rummel-Hudson. 616.855 RUM
- Sitting pretty: the view from my ordinary resilient disabled body. Rebekah Taussig. 362.4209 TAU
- Somewhere in heaven: the remarkable love story of Dana and Christopher Reeve. Christopher Andersen. B Reeve
- Soul surfer. Bethany Hamilton. 797.32 HAM, DVD Drama S
- A step further: growing closer to God through hurt and hardship. Joni Eareckson Tada. B Tada
- Stephen Hawking: an unfettered mind. Kitty Ferguson. B Hawking
- Strange beauty: a portrait of my son. Eliza Factor. 618.9285 FAC
- Such a pretty girl: a story of struggle, empowerment, and disability pride. Nadina LaSpina. 362.409 LAS
- Thunder dog: the true story of a blind man, his guide dog, and the triumph of trust at Ground Zero. Michael Hingson. 973.931 HIN
- Too late to die young: nearly true tales from a life. Harriet McBryde Johnson. 362.1967 JOH
- Tuesday’s promise: one veteran, one dog, and their bold quest to change lives. Luis Carlos Montalván, Ellis Henican. 362.4 MON
- Until Tuesday: a wounded warrior and the golden retriever who saved him. Luis Carlos Montalvan. 362.4 MON, Spanish Lang. 362.4 MON
- Warm Springs: traces of a childhood at FDR’s polio haven. Susan Richards Shreve. 614.549 SHR
- We should hang out sometime: embarrassingly, a true story. Josh Sundquist. Y 646.77 SUN
- What I thought I knew. Alice Eve Cohen. 306.8743 COH
- What though the odds: Haley Scott’s journey of faith and triumph. Haley Scott DeMaria. B DeMaria
- Who says I can’t?: the astonishing story of a fearless life. Rob Mendez. B Mendez
- The winning spirit: life lessons learned in last place. Zoe Koplowitz. B Koplowitz
- The woman who changed her brain: and other inspiring stories of pioneering brain transformation. Barbara Arrowsmith-Young. 362.3 ARR
- Alchemy and Meggy Swann. Karen Cushman. Y Fic CUS, J CUS
- Amp’d. Ken Pisani. Fic PIS
- Black Fridays. Michael Sears. Mystery SEA
- Blind. Rachel DeWoskin. Y Fic DEW
- Blue skies. Catherine Anderson. Large Type Fic AND
- Carrying Mason. Joyce Magnin. Rel. Fic MOC
- Census. Jesse Ball. Fic BAL
- Courting Greta. Ramsey Hootman. Fic HOO
- Daniel isn’t talking. Marti Leimbach. Fic LEI
- Darkness for light. Emma Viskic. Mystery VIS
- Deaf sentence. David Lodge. Fic LOD
- Deafening. Frances Itani. Fic ITA
- A dog named Christmas. Greg Kincaid. Fic KIN
- Echo. C. L. Kelly. Large Type Fic KEL
- Formerly Shark girl. Kelly Bingham. Y Fic BIN
- Girls like us. Gail Giles. Y Fic GIL
- The heart is a lonely hunter. Carson McCullers. Fic MACC, CD Fic MACC, DVD Drama H
- Helen Keller in love. Rosie Sultan. Fic SUL
- Icy sparks. Gwyn Hyman Rubio. Fic RUB
- The inverted forest. John Dalton. Fic DAL
- The invisible life of Ivan Isaenko. Scott Stambach. Fic STA
- Isolation ward. Joshua Spanogle. Fic SPA
- Just beyond the clouds. Karen Kingsbury. Rel. Fic KIN, CD Fic KIN
- A land more kind than home. Wiley Cash. Fic CAS
- Left neglected. Lisa Genova. Fic GEN
- Lottery. Patricia Wood. Fic WOO
- Love Anthony. Lisa Genova. Fic GEN, Large Type Fic GEN
- Love still stands. Kelly Irvin. Rel. Fic IRV
- The master’s muse. Varley O’Connor. Fic OCO
- Me before you. Jojo Moyes. Fic MOY, Large Type Fic MOY
- Memoirs of an imaginary friend. Matthew Dicks. Fic DIC
- Michael Vey: rise of the Elgen. Richard Paul Evans. Y Fic EVA
- Michael Vey: the prisoner of cell 25. Richard Paul Evans. Y Fic EVA
- The mouse-proof kitchen. Saira Shah. Fic SHA
- Murder on Lexington Avenue: a Gaslight mystery. Victoria Thompson. Mystery THO
- The prodigal father. Kara Lynn Russell. Rel Fic RUS
- The quality of silence. Rosamund Lupton. Fic LUP
- Racing the devil: a Jared McKean mystery. Jaden Terrell. Mystery TER
- Real. Takehiko Inoue. Y 741.5 INO
- The right kind of fool. Sarah Loudin Thomas. Rel. Fic THO, Ebook
- The running dream. Wendelin Van Draanen. Y Fic VAN
- The sacred lies of Minnow Bly. Stephanie Oakes. Y Fic OAK
- The Sandburg connection: a Sam Blackman mystery. Mark de Castrique. Mystery DEC
- Saving Max. Antoinette van Heugten. Fic HEU
- Shark girl. Kelly Bingham. Y Fic BIN
- The silence of murder. Dandi Daley Mackall. Y Fic MACK
- The speed of dark. Elizabeth Moon. Fic MOO, CD Fic MOO
- A step toward falling. Cammie McGovern. Y Fic MACG
- The story of beautiful girl. Rachel Simon. Fic SIM
- The story of Edgar Sawtelle. David Wroblewski. Fic WRO, Large Type Fic WRO, CD Fic WRO
- Talk talk. T. Coraghessan Boyle. Fic BOY
- A time to dance. Padma Venkatraman. Y Fic VEN
- Unbroken: 13 stories starring disabled teens. Y Fic UNB
- The way things look to me. Roopa Farooki. Fic FAR
- What is visible. Kimberly Elkins. Fic ELK
- When Madeline was young. Jane Hamilton. Fic HAM, CD Fic HAM
- A wild ride up the cupboards. Ann Bauer. Fic BAU
- Accessible temporary events. R 362.4 ACC
- The complete directory for people with disabilities: a comprehensive source book for individuals and professionals. R 362.4 COM
- Directory of resources and services for the deaf and hard of hearing in Indiana. Ind. Coll. R 362.42 DIR
- Learning disabilities sourcebook. R 371.926 LEA
- Autism is a world. DVD 616.8588
- Autism, the musical. DVD 616.8588
- The Brooke Ellison story. DVD Drama B
- The diving bell and the butterfly. DVD Foreign D
- Emmanuel’s gift. DVD 362.43
- Fly away. DVD Drama F
- Front of the class. DVD Drama F
- Guzaarish. DVD Foreign G
- Helen Keller. DVD Children A
- I am Sam. DVD Drama I
- Inside moves. DVD Drama I
- The intouchables. DVD Foreign I
- Johnny Belinda. DVD Drama J
- The keys to the house. DVD Foreign K
- Knots on a counting rope. KIT Children’s R
- The lost prince. DVD Drama L
- A mile in his shoes. DVD Drama M
- Miracle in lane 2. DVD Drama M
- Misunderstood minds. DVD 371.9
- My left foot: the story of Christy Brown. DVD Drama M
- Ocean Heaven. DVD Foreign O, BLU Foreign O
- On the spectrum: coping with Asperger’s & Autism. DVD 616.8588
- Pauline & Paulette. DVD Foreign
- Quill: the life of a guide dog. DVD Foreign Q
- Ray. DVD Drama R, VIDEO Descriptive R
- The sea inside. DVD Foreign S
- The secret life of words. DVD Drama S
- The sessions. DVD Drama S
- Shorty. VIDEO 362.309
- Soul surfer. Bethany Hamilton. DVD Drama S, BLU Drama S
- A time for drunken horses. DVD Foreign T
- William Willard: quiet hero. VIDEO B Willard
- Yellow brick road. DVD 792.087
- Al Capone shines my shoes. Gennifer Choldenko. J CHO, J AUDIO CD CHO
- Alchemy and Meggy Swann. Karen Cushman. J CUS, Y Fic CUS
- Anything but typical. Nora Raleigh Baskin. J BAS
- The crazy man. Pamela Porter. J POR
- The danger box. Blue Balliett. J BAL
- Gentle’s holler. Kerry Madden. J MAD
- Granny Torrelli makes soup. Sharon Creech. J CRE, J AUDIO CD CRE
- Hunger Moon. Sarah Lamstein. J LAM
- Hurt go happy. Ginny Rorby. J ROR
- I even funnier: a middle school story. James Patterson, Chris Grabenstein. J PAT
- The last girls of Pompeii. Kathryn Lasky. J LAS
- The million dollar putt. Dan Gutman. J GUT
- Out of my mind. Sharon M. Draper. J DRA, J AUDIO CD DRA
- Peter Nimble and his fantastic eyes. Jonathan Auxier. J AUX
- Ruby Lu, empress of everything. Lenore Look. J LOO
- Rules. Cynthia Lord. J LOR, Large Type Fic LOR
- Small steps. Louis Sachar. J SAC, Large Type Fic SAC, J AUDIO CD SAC
- So B. It. Sarah Weeks. J WEE
- The view from Saturday. E.L. Konigsburg. J KON Newbery, Large Type Fic KON, Sp. Lang. J KON, J AUDIO CD KON
- Wonderstruck: a novel in words and pictures. Brian Selznick. J SEL
- All about Braille. Laura S. Jeffrey. J 411 JEF
- Author: a true story. Helen Lester. EB Lester
- Ballerina dreams. Lauren Thompson. J 616.836 TH
- Blind Boone. Madge Harrah. JB Boone
- Christopher Reeve. Sunita Apte. JB Reeve
- Dancing Wheels. Patricia McMahon. J 792.8 MACM
- Don’t call me special. Pat Thomas. E Paperback
- The don’t-give-up kid and learning disabilities. Jeanne Gehret. J 371.9 GEH Parenting
- Extraordinary friends. Fred Rogers. E 362.4 ROG
- Helen Keller. David A. Adler. EB Keller
- Helen’s big world: the life of Helen Keller. Doreen Rappaport. JB Keller
- How to talk to an autistic kid. Daniel Stefanski. J 616.8588 STE
- In Jesse’s shoes. Beverly Lewis. J 616.8588 LEW
- Knockin’ on wood. Lynne Barasch. EB Bates
- Little Stevie Wonder. Quincy Troupe. J 811 TRO
- Louis Braille. Madeline Donaldson. JB Braille
- Mom’s best friend. Sally Alexander. J 636.7 ALE
- My brother is different: a parents’ guide to help children cope with an autistic sibling; My brother is different: a sibling’s guide to coping with autism. Barbara J. Morvay. J 618.9285 MOR Parenting
- My friend is blind. Nicola Edwards. J 617.7 EDW
- Rolling along. Jamee Riggio Heelan. E 616.8 HEE
- Russell’s world: a story for kids about autism. Charles A. Amenta III. J 616.8588 AME Parenting
- Succeeding with LD. Jill Lauren. J 371.9 LAU
- Wait until then. Randy Alcorn. J 236.24 ALC Parenting
- Babu’s song. Stephanie Stuve-Bodeen. Pic STU
- Best friend on wheels. Debra Shirley. Pic SHI
- Dad, Jackie, and me. Myron Uhlberg. Pic UHL
- Featherless = Desplumado. Juan Felipe Herrera. Sp. Lang. Pic HER
- Kami and the yaks. Andrea Stenn Stryer. Pic STR
- Keeping up with Roo. Sharlee Glenn. Pic GLE
- Looking after Louis. Lesley Ely. Pic ELY
- Moses goes to the circus. Isaac Millman. Pic MIL
- My pal, Victor = Mi amigo, Victor. Diane Gonzales Bertrand. Sp. Lang. Pic BER
- The stranger and the red rooster = El forastero y el gallo rojo. Victor Villaseñor. Sp. Lang. E VIL
- The treasure on Gold Street = El tesoro de la Calle Oro. Lee Merrill Byrd. Sp. Lang. E BYR
- Abrazar el exito. Adriana Macias. Spanish Lang. 362.4 MACI
- Bebes con sindrome de Down: guia para padres. Spanish Lang. 618.9285 BEB
- Cuando tu hijo tiene dificultades de aprendizaje. Gary Fisher, Rhoda Cummings. Spanish Lang. 371.94 FIS
- El nino autista: deteccion, evolucion y tratamiento. Llucia Viloca. Spanish 618.9289 VIL
- El niño desincronizado: reconociendo y enfrentando el trastorno de procesamiento sensorial. Carol Stock Kranowitz. Spanish Lang. 618.928 KRA
- Hasta Martes: un guerrero herido y el golden retriever que lo salvó. Luis Carlos Montalván. Spanish Lang. 362.4 MON
- Prometo amarme y respetarme todos los días de mi vida. Adriana Macías. Spanish Lang. 152.42 MACI
- Tiene autismo tu bebe?: como detectar las primeras senales de autismo en los ninos. Osnat Teitelbaum, Philip Teitelbaum. Spanish Lang. 616.8588 TEI
- Una vida sin limites: inspiracion para una vida ridiculamente feliz. Nick Vujicic. Spanish Lang. 248.86 VUJ
- La historia de Edgar Sawtelle. David Wroblewski. Spanish Lang. Fic WRO
- Los latidos de Yago. Conchita Miranda. Sp. Lang. Pic MIR
- 95 libras de esperanza. Anna Gavalda. Sp. Lang. J GAV