Dealing with Hard Times
Dealing with Hard Times
- Adversity quotient: turning obstacles into opportunities. Paul G. Stoltz. 158.1 STO
- America’s cheapest family gets you right on the money: your guide to living better, spending less and cashing in on your dreams. Steve and Annette Economides. 332.024 ECO
- Bankruptcy for small business. Wendell Schollander, Wes Schollander. 346.078 SCH
- Thebookofcalamities:fivequestionsaboutsuffer-ing and its meaning. Peter Trachtenberg. 128.4 TRA
- Bulletproof your job: 4 simple strategies to ride out the rough times and come out on top at work. Stephen Viscusi. 650.1 VIS
- The busy family’s guide to money. Sandra Block, Kathy Chu, John Waggoner. 332.024 BLO
- Career bounce-back!: the ‘Professionals in Transition’ guide to recovery & reemployment. J. Damian Birkel. 650.14 BIR
- Chapter 13 bankruptcy: repay your debts. Stephen Elias, Robin Leonard. 346.078 ELI
- Chicken soup for the soul–: stories for a better world. 158.12 CHI
- Chicken soup for the soul: tough times, tough people: 101 stories about overcoming the economic crisis and other challenges. 158.1 CHI
- The cliff walk: a memoir of a job lost and a life found. Don J. Snyder. 331.13 SNY
- CreditBooster ultimate guide to a better credit score: unlock the mysteries of your credit report and improve your score. 332.743 CRE
- Downsized but not defeated: the family guide to living on less. Hope Stanley Quinn. 640.42 QUI
- Everyday greatness: inspiration for a meaningful life. Steven R. Covey. 170.44 COV, Spanish Lang. 170.44 COV
- Everything happens for a reason: finding the true meaning of the events in our lives. Mira Kirshenbaum. 158 KIR
- Fight for your money: how to stop getting ripped off and save a fortune. David Bach. 332.024 BAC
- Fight foreclosure!: how to cope with a mortgage you can’t pay, negotiate with your bank, and save your home. David M. Petrovich. 332.722 PET
- Fired, laid off or forced out!: a complete guide to severance, benefits, and your rights when you’re starting over. Richard C. Busse. 344.012 BUS
- The frugal gardener: how to have more garden for less money. Catriona Tudor Erler. 635 ERL
- Frugal luxuries: simple pleasures to enhance your life and comfort your soul. Tracey McBride. 640.42 MACB
- Thefrugalwoman’sguidetoarichlife. 640.41FRU
- The gifts of suffering: finding insight, compassion, and renewal. Polly Young-Eisendrath. 155.93 YOU
- The great eight: how to be happy (even when you have every reason to be miserable). Scott Hamilton. 158.1 HAM
- Great failures of the extremely successful: mistakes, adversity, failure and other steppingstones to success. Steve Young. 158.1 YOU
- The hard times guide to retirement security: practical strategies for money, work, and living. Mark Miller. 332.024 MIL
- Health care on less than you think: the New York Times guide to getting affordable coverage. Fred Brock. 368.382 BRO
- Help yourself: finding hope, courage, and happiness. Dave Pelzer. 158.1 PEL
- Here’s the bright side: of failure, fear, cancer, di-vorce and other bum raps. Betty Rollin. 155.93 ROL
- The homeowner’s guide to foreclosure: how to protect your home and your rights. James I. Wiedemer. 332.722 WIE
- “Honey I’ve shrunk the bills!” Jack Weber. 640.73 WEB
- Hope dies last: keeping the faith in difficult times. Studs Terkel. 361.2 TER
- Hope through heartsongs. Mattie J.T. Stepanek. 811 STE, Audio 811 STE
- How did I get here?: finding your way to renewed hope and happiness when life and love take unexpected turns. Barbara De Angelis. 158.1 DEA, Spanish Lang. 158.1 DEA
- How full is your bucket?: positive strategies for work and life. Tom Rath, Donald Clifton. 158.2 RAT
- How to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Stephen Elias, Albin Renauer, Robin Leonard. 346.078 ELI
- How to file your own bankruptcy (or how to avoid it). Edward A. Haman. 346.078 HAM
- How to get credit after filing bankruptcy: the complete guide to getting and keeping your credit under control. Mitch Wakem. 332.743 WAK
- I’d rather laugh: how to be happy even when life has other plans for you. Linda Richman. 152.43 RIC, Audio 152.43 RIC
- The impossible will take a little while: a citizen’s guide to hope in a time of fear. 361.2 IMP
- In control: no more snapping at your family, sulking at work, steaming in the grocery line, seething in meetings, stuffing your frustration. Redford Williams. 152.4 WIL
- In good times and bad: strengthening your relationship when the going gets tough and the money gets tight. M. Gary Neuman, Melisa Neuman. 646.78 NEU
- Is there anything I can do?: helping a friend when times are tough. Sol Gordon. 158.25 GOR
- It’s not over until you win!: how to become the person you always wanted to be–no matter what the obstacle. Les Brown. 158.1 BRO
- J.K. Lasser’s the new bankruptcy law and you. Nathalie Martin. 346.078 MAR
- Killing sacred cows: overcoming the financial myths that are destroying your prosperity. Garrett B. Gunderson. 332.024 GUN
- Life could be sweeter: 101 great ideas from around the world for living a more rewarding life. William Sinunu. 158.2 SIN
- Living through job loss: coping with the emotional effects of job loss and rebuilding your future. Ann Kaiser Stearns. 331.137 STE
- The mom & pop store: how the unsung heroes of the American economy are surviving and thriving. Robert Spector. 381.14 SPE
- More than money: true stories of people who learnedlife’sultimatelesson. Neil Cavuto. 170.44CAV
- Mortgages 101: quick answers to over 250 critical questions about your home loan. David Reed. 332.722 REE
- Moving on: creating your house of belonging with simpleabundance. Sarah Ban Breathnach. 158.1BAN
- Never say never: ten lessons to turn you can’t into yes I can. Phyllis George. 158.1 GEO
- The new health insurance solution: how to get cheaper, better coverage without a traditional employer plan. Paul Zane Pilzer. 368.382 PIL
- The not so big life: making room for what really matters. Sarah Susanka. 158.1 SUS
- Parental unemployment. Ellen Wijnberg. 331.137 WIJ
- Party central: a month-by-month guide to entertaining on the cheap: festive and frugal ideas for every occasion. 793.2 PAR
- Pay it down: from debt to wealth on $10 a day. Jean Chatzky. 332.024 CHA
- Personal bankruptcy laws for dummies. James P. Caher, John M. Caher. 346.078 CAH
- Poems to comfort: thoughts to encourage. 811.008 POE
- Points of light: a celebration of the American spirit of giving. Robert Goodwin. 361.37 GOO
- Real life: preparing for the 7 most challenging days of your life. Phil McGraw. 158 MACG
- The right words at the right time. 170.44 RIG
- The road to wealth: a comprehensive guide to your money: everything you need to know in good and bad times. Suze Orman. 332.024 ORM
- Scam-proof your life: 377 smart ways to protect you & your family from ripoffs, bogus deals & other consumer headaches. Sid Kirchheimer. 364.163 KIR
- Simple abundance: a daybook of comfort and joy. Sarah Ban Breathnach. 158.12 BAN
- Solve your money troubles: get debt collectors off your back & regain financial freedom. Robin Leonard. 346.077 LEO
- Steering by starlight: find your right life no matter what. Martha Beck. 158.1 BEC
- Surviving unemployment: a family handbook for weathering hard times. Cathy Beyer. 331.137 BEY
- Suze Orman’s 2009 action plan. 332.024 ORM
- This year I will–: how to finally change a habit, keep a resolution, or make a dream come true. M.J. Ryan. 158.1 RYA
- TheTightwadGazetteIII:promotingthriftasavia-ble alternative lifestyle. Amy Dacyczyn. 332.024 DAC
- Tough transitions: navigating your way through difficult times. Elizabeth Harper Neeld. 158.1 NEE
- The unemployment survival guide. Jim Stringham, David R. Workman. 650.1 STR
- Un-jobbing: the adult liberation handbook. Michael Fogler. 332.024 FOG
- What color is your parachute?: a practical manual for job-hunters and career-changers. Richard N. Bolles. 650.14 BOL 2009
- What is your life’s work?: answer the big question about what really matters–and reawaken the passion for what you do. Bill Jensen. 158.6 JEN
- What now? Ann Patchett. 158.1 PAT
- What should I do with my life? Po Bronson. 158.1 BRO
- Who moved my cheese?: anamazingwaytodeal with change in your work and in your life. Spencer Johnson. 155.24 JOH, CD 155.24 JOH
- Winners never cheat: even in difficult times. Jon M. Huntsman. 174.4 HUN
- The worry cure: seven steps to stop worry from stopping you. Robert L. Leahy. 152.46 LEA
- You can overcome every obstacle–no matter what! Lisa Nichols. 158.1 NIC
- You don’t have to be rich: comfort, happiness, and financial security on your own terms. Jean Chatzky. 332.024 CHA
- As silver refined: learning to embrace life’s disappointments. Kay Arthur. 248.86 ART
- The desert experience: personal reflections on finding God’s presence and promise in hard times. Tommy Barnett. 248.86 DES
- Everythingmustchange:Jesus,globalcrises,and a revolution of hope. Brian D. McLaren. 261.1 MACC
- Finding God’s path through your trials. Elizabeth George. 248.86 GEO
- For these tough times: reaching toward heaven for hope & healing. Max Lucado. 248.86 LUC, Spanish Lang. 248.86 LUC
- God will make a way. Henry Cloud. 248.86 CLO
- God’s love for you: hope and encouragement for life. Billy Graham. 231.6 GRA
- Helping a neighbor in crisis. 253 HEL
- Holding on to hope: a pathway through suffering to the heart of God. Nancy Guthrie. 248.86 GUT
- Jesus and money: a guide for times of financial crisis. Ben Witherington III. 261.85 WIT
- Living with less: the upside of downsizing your life. Mark Tabb. 248.4 TAB
- Mama, get the hammer!: there’s a fly on papa’s head! Barbara Johnson. 248.4 JOH
- Overcoming life’s disappointments. Harold S. Kushner. 296.3118 KUS
- The promise: God’s purpose and plan for when life hurts. Jonathan Morris. 248.86 MOR
- Thesecrettotruehappiness:enjoytoday,embrace tomorrow. Joyce Meyer. 248.4 MEY, CD 248.4 MEY
- The source of my strength. Charles Stanley. 248.86 STA
- Staying up, up, up in a down, down world. Zig Ziglar. 248.4 ZIG, CD 248.4 ZIG
- Tough times never last, but tough people do! Robert H. Schuller. 248.4 SCH, Audio 248.4 SCH
- Twenty poems to nourish your soul. 242 TWE
- What happens to good people when bad things happen. Robert A. Schuller. Large Type 248.86 SCH
- When bad things happen to good people. Harold S. Kushner. 296.311 KUS, Spanish Lang. 296.311 KUS, CD 296.311 KUS, VIDEO 296.311
- When God weeps: why our sufferings matter to the Almighty. Joni Eareckson Tada. 248.86 TAD
- When suffering persists. Frederick W. Schmidt. 231.8 SCH
- Why?: trusting God when you don’t understand. Anne Graham Lotz. 248.86 LOT
- Hope when life hurts most. DVD 248.86
- The promise: how God works all things together for good. Robert J. Morgan. CD 248.4 MOR
- And God cried, too: a kid’s book of healing and hope. Marc Gellman. E 248.86 GEL
- Chicken soup for the kid’s soul: 101 stories of courage, hope, and laughter. J 158.1 CHI
- This place I know: poems of comfort. J 811 THI
- Elkhart County Works Together, 206 S Main St, Suite 1, Goshen IN 46526, 534-0903
- Goshen Freecycle™ Network
- La Casa of Goshen, 202 N. Cottage Avenue, Goshen IN 46528, 533-4450
- The Window, 223 S Main St, Goshen IN 46526, 533-9680
- ¿Cómo llegué acá?: estrategias para renovar la esperanza y la felicidad al enfrentar lo inesperado en la vida y el amor. Barbara De Angelis. Spanish Lang. 158.1 DEA
- Cómo organizar un presupuesto. Brette McWhorter Sember. Spanish Lang. 332.024 SEM
- El don del cambio: una guía espiritual para transformar su vida radicalmente. Marianne Williamson. Spanish Lang. 204 WIL
- Finanzas personales para dummies. Eric Tyson. Spanish Lang. 332.024 TYS
- Grandezaparacadadía:inspiraciónparaeldiario vivir. Steven R. Covey. Spanish Lang. 170.44 COV
- Para estos tiempos difíciles. Max Lucado. Spanish Lang. 248.86 LUC
- Los primeros 30 días: tu guía para enfrentar cualquier cambio. Ariane de Bonvoisin. Spanish Lang. 155.24 BON