Card & Letter Writing
Card & Letter Writing
- The adventures of the woman homesteader: the life and letters of Elinore Pruitt Stewart. 978.703 STE
- Against wind and tide: letters and journals, 1947-1986. Anne Morrow Lindbergh. B Lindbergh
- All the best, George Bush: my life in letters and other writings. B Bush
- Always, Rachel: the letters of Rachel Carson and Dorothy Freeman, 1952-1964. B CARSON
- The angel letters: lessons that dying can teach us about living. Norman J. Fried. 155.937 FRI
- Arthur Conan Doyle: a life in letters. B Doyle
- As always, Julia: the letters of Julia Child and Avis DeVoto: food, friendship, and the making of a masterpiece. 641.5092 ASA
- The autobiography of Medgar Evers: a hero’s life and legacy revealed through his writings, letters, and speeches. B Evers
- Behind the lines: powerful and revealing American and foreign war letters–and one man’s search to find them. 355.0092 BEH
- The best letters for all occasions. Rosalie Maggio. 808.6 MAG
- Birthday letters. Ted Hughes. 821 HUG
- Blind rage: letters to Helen Keller. Georgina Kleege. 818 KLE
- Business notes: writing personal notes that build professional relationships. Florence Isaacs. 651.75 ISA
- The Colton letters: Civil War Period 1861-1865. 973.71 COL
- The complete guide to card making: 100 techniques with 25 original projects and a template gallery. Sarah Beaman. 745.5941 BEA
- Crash into me: a survivor’s search for justice. Liz Seccuro. 364.1532 SEC
- Creative card making for scrapbookers: 226 ideas and techniques for handcrafted cards. 745.5941 CRE
- Cronkite’s war: his World War II letters home. Walter Cronkite IV. B Cronkite
- Dear author: letters of hope. Y 028.5 DEA
- Dear Chandler, dear Scarlett: a grandfather’s thoughts on faith, family, and the things that matter most. Mike Huckabee. 248.4 HUC
- Dear exile: the true story of two friends separated (for a year) by an ocean. Hilary Liftin and Kate Montgomery. 916.762 LIF
- Dear friend & gardener: letters on life and gardening. Beth Chatto, Christopher Lloyd. 635.9 CHA
- Dear genius: the letters of Ursula Nordstrom. 070.509 NOR
- Dear Megan: letters on life, love, and fragile X. Mary Beth Busby, Megan Massey. 618.92 BUS
- Dear Mr. President: letters to the Oval Office from the files of the National Archives. 973.099 DEA
- Dear Mrs. Kennedy: a world shares its grief: letters, November 1963. Jay Mulvaney, Paul De Angelis. 973.922 DEA
- Decca: the letters of Jessica Mitford. B Mitford
- “Does God still love me?”: letters from the street. Sr. Mary Rose McGeady. 362.74 MACG
- 15 journeys: Warsaw to London. Jasia Reichardt. B Reichardt
- The 50 greatest love letters of all time. 808.86 FIF
- Foreign correspondence. Geraldine Brooks. B Brooks
- Galileo’s daughter: a historical memoir of science, faith, and love. Dava Sobel. B Galileo
- Good mail day: a primer for making eye-popping postal art. Jennie Hinchcliff, Carolee Gilligan Wheeler. Y 709.04 HIN
- Grace under fire: letters of faith in times of war. 355.0092 GRA
- Graham Greene: a life in letters. B Greene
- Great personal letters for busy people: 300 ready-to-use letters for every occasion. Dianna Booher. 808.6 BOO
- The greatest generation speaks: letters and reflections. Tom Brokaw. 940.54 BRO, Large Type 940.54 BRO
- Hi Mom, did you miss me? Joseph Rousch. Ind. Coll. B Roush
- I love you, Ronnie: the letters of Ronald Reagan to Nancy Reagan. B Reagan, Large Type B Reagan
- Immortal summer: a Victorian woman’s travels in the Southwest: the 1897 letters & photographs of Amelia Hollenback. 979 HOL
- The John Lennon letters. B Lennon
- Just send me word: a true story of love and survival in the Gulag. Orlando Figes. 365.45 FIG
- Kurt Vonnegut: letters. 816 VON
- The letter Q: queer writers’ notes to their younger selves. Y 306.76 LET
- Letters and speeches. Theodore Roosevelt. 973.911 ROO
- Letters from a nut. Ted L. Nancy. 816 NAN
- Letters from America. Alexis de Tocqueville. 846 TOC
- Letters from Nuremberg: my father’s narrative of a quest for justice. Christopher J. Dodd. 341.69 DOD
- Letters from the editor: the New Yorker’s Harold Ross. B Ross
- Letters of a nation: a collection of extraordinary American letters. 973 LET
- The letters of John F. Kennedy. B Kennedy
- The letters of Noel Coward. B Coward
- Letters of the Amish division: a sourcebook. John D. Roth. Ind. Coll. 289.7 ROT
- Letters of the century: America, 1900-1999. 973.9 LET
- Letters to a bullied girl: messages of healing and hope. Olivia Gardner with Emily & Sarah Buder. Y 302.34 GAR
- Letters to a teacher. Sam Pickering. 371.1 PIC
- Letters to a young actor: a universal guide to performance. Robert Brustein. 792.028 BRU
- Letters to a young artist. Anna Deavere Smith. Y 700.2 SMI
- Letters to a young brother: MANifest your destiny. Hill Harper. Y 170.84 HAR
- Letters to a young evangelical. Tony Campolo. 248.4 CAM
- Letters to a young gymnast. Nadia Comaneci. 796.44 COM
- Letters to a young mathematician. Ian Stewart. 510 STE
- Letters to a young poet. Rainer Maria Rilke. Y 836 RIL
- Letters to a young scientist. Edward O. Wilson. 570.92 WIL
- Letters to a young teacher. Jonathan Kozol. 371.1 KOZ
- Letters to a young therapist: stories of hope and healing. Mary Pipher. 616.8914 PIP
- Letters to an incarcerated brother: encouragement, hope, and healing for inmates and their loved ones. Hill Harper. 365.6092 HAR
- Letters to Jackie: condolences from a grieving nation. 973.922 LET
- Letters to Jane. Hayden Carruth. B Carruth
- Letters to my daughters. Mary Matalin. 306.8743 MAT
- Letters to my son: reflections on becoming a man. Kent Nerburn. 305.31 NER
- Letters to Sam: a grandfather’s lessons on love, loss, and the gift of life. Daniel Gottlieb. 306.8745 GOT
- Life beyond measure: letters to my great-granddaughter. Sidney Poitier. B Poitier
- A life in letters: Ann Landers’ letters to her only child. B Landers
- The lifespan of a fact. John D’Agata, John Fingal. 808.02 DAG
- A lifetime of secrets: a PostSecret book. 155.2 LIF
- The Monitor chronicles: one sailor’s account: today’s campaign to recover the Civil War wreck. 973.752 MON
- My dear President: letters between presidents and their wives. 973.099 MYD
- No one loved gorillas more: Dian Fossey, letters from the mist. Camilla de la Bedoyere. 599.884 DEL
- Nothing left unsaid: creating a healing legacy with final words and letters. Mary Polce-Lynch. 155.937 POL
- 101+ complaint letters that get results. Janet Rubel. 381.3 RUB
- 175 fresh card ideas: designs to make and give throughout the year. Kimber McGray. 745.5941 MACG
- Over 300 successful business letters for all occasions. Alan J. Bond. 651.75 BON
- The poet’s guide to life: the wisdom of Rilke. 836 RIL, CD 836 RIL
- Postcards from Ed: dispatches and salvos from an American iconoclast. B Abbey
- Posterity: letters of great Americans to their children. Dorie McCullough Lawson. 973 LAW
- Reagan: a life in letters. 973.927 REA
- Remember how I love you: love letters from an extraordinary marriage. Jerry Orbach, Elaine Orbach. B Orbach
- Sala’s gift: my mother’s Holocaust story. Ann Kirschner. 940.5318 KIR
- Screenwriting from the soul: letters to an aspiring screenwriter. Richard W. Krevolin. 808.2 KRE
- A secret gift: how one man’s kindness–and a trove of letters–revealed the hidden history of the Great Depression. Ted Gup. B Stone
- The serial killer whisperer: how one man’s tragedy helped unlock the deadliest secrets of the world’s most terrifying killers. Pete Earley. 364.1523 EAR
- Sincerely, Andy Rooney. B Rooney
- Stamp with style. Kathryn Perkins. 745.5941 PER
- Tell my sons: a father’s last letters. Mark M. Weber. B Weber, CD B Weber
- Ten letters: the stories Americans tell their president. Eli Saslow. 973.932 SAS, CD 973.932 SAS
- To a young jazz musician: letters from the road. Wynton Marsalis. 781.65 MAR
- To the letter: a celebration of the lost art of letter writing. Simon Garfield. 808.6 GAR
- An uncommon soldier: the Civil war letters of Sarah Rosetta Wakeman, alias Private Lyons Wakeman, 153 Regiment, New York State Volunteers. 973.781 WAK
- A Venetian affair. Andrea di Robilant. 945.31 DIR
- Vita and Harold: the letters of Vita Sackville-West and Harold Nicolson. B Sackville-West
- War letters: extraordinary correspondence from American wars. 355.0092 WAR
- When no one understands: letters to a teenager on life, loss, and the hard road to adulthood. Brad Sachs. Y 155.5 SAC, Spanish Lang. 155.5 SAC
- While father is away: the Civil War letters of William H. Bradbury. 973.747 BRA
- Will they ever trust us again?: letters from the war zone. Michael Moore. 956.7044 WIL
- Will you marry me?: seven centuries of love. 808.86 WIL
- Wisdom of our fathers: lessons and letters from daughters and sons. 306.8742 WIS
- Women’s letters: America from the Revolutionary War to the present. 920.72 WOM
- Yours ever: people and their letters. Thomas Mallon. 808.6 MAL
- Zimbabwe bound: a woman’s journey through Africa. Larita Killian. 968.91 KIL
- The Baker Street letters. Michael Robertson. Mystery ROB
- The Baker Street translation. Michael Robertson. Mystery ROB
- Be my knife. David Grossman. Fic GRO
- The boy next door. Meggin Cabot. Fic CAB
- Broken verses. Kamila Shamsie. Fic SHA
- The brothers of Baker Street. Michael Robertson. Mystery ROB
- The confidant. Helene Gremillon. Fic GRE
- The color purple. Alice Walker. Fic WAL, Y Fic WAL
- The consequences of love. Sulaiman S.M.Y. Addonia. Fic ADD
- Cursive. Alex Wyndham Baker. Fic BAK
- Dead letters. Gerald Hammond. Mystery HAM
- Dear American Airlines. Jonathan Miles. Fic MIL
- Dear Mrs. Lindbergh. Kathleen Hughes. Fic HUG
- Death of a poison pen. M.C. Beaton. Mystery BEA
- Ella Minnow Pea: a progressively lipogrammatic epistolary fable. Mark Dunn. Y Fic DUN
- A foreign field. Gillian Chan. Y Fic CHA
- Forever Friday. Timothy Lewis. Rel. Fic LEW
- Frances and Bernard. Carlene Bauer. Fic BAU
- From Italy with love: motivated by letters, two women travel to Italian cities and find love. Large Type Fic FRO
- The good luck of right now. Matthew Quick. Fic QUI
- The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. Mary Ann Shaffer, Annie Barrows. Fic SHA, Large Type Fic SHA, Spanish Lang. Fic SHA, CD Fic SHA
- Heart on my sleeve. Ellen Wittlinger. Y Fic WIT
- The house I loved. Tatiana de Rosnay. Fic ROS
- I can’t tell you. Hillary Frank. Y Fic FRA
- Juliet, naked. Nick Hornby. Fic HOR, Large Type Fic HOR
- Ketchup clouds. Annabel Pitcher. Y Fic PIT
- The last little blue envelope. Maureen Johnson. Y Fic JOH
- Last post. Robert Barnard. Mystery BAR
- The lawgiver. Herman Wouk. Fic WOU, CD Fic WOU
- The letters. Luanne Rice, Joseph Monninger. Fic RIC, Large Type Fic RIC
- Letters for Emily. Camron Wright. Fic WRI
- Letters from Carthage. Bill James. Mystery JAM
- Letters from Skye. Jessica Brockmole. Large Type Fic BRO
- Letters from the inside. John Marsden. Y Fic MAR
- Letters from war. Mark Schultz. Fic SCH, CD Fic SCH
- Letters of the heart. Lisa Tawn Bergren, Maureen Pratt, Lyn Cote. Rel. Fic BER
- Letters to Katie: a Middlefield Family novel. Kathleen Fuller. Rel. Fic FUL, CD Fic FUL
- The lost quilter: an Elm Creek quilts novel. Jennifer Chiaverini. Fic CHI
- Love, Stargirl. Jerry Spinelli. Y Fic SPI, Large Type Fic SPI, Y AUDIO CD SPI
- The mailbox. Marybeth Whalen. Rel. Fic WHA
- The milk of birds. Sylvia Whitman. Y Fic WHI
- The mislaid magician, or, Ten years after: being the private correspondence between two prominent families regarding a scandal touching the highest levels of government and the security of the realm. Patricia C. Wrede, Caroline Stevermer. Y Fic WRE
- Moriarty returns a letter. Michael Robertson. Mystery ROB
- My dearest Naomi. Jerry & Tina Eicher. Rel. Fic EIC
- On distant shores. Sarah Sundin. Rel. Fic SUN
- On Sparrow Hill. Maureen Lang. Rel. Fic LAN
- Ordinary heroes. Scott Turow. Fic TUR, Large Type Fic TUR, Spanish Lang. Fic TUR, CD Fic TUR
- The perks of being a wallflower. Stephen Chbosky. Y Fic CHB
- Punkzilla. Adam Rapp. Y Fic RAP
- Reply to a letter from Helga. Bergsveinn Birgisson. Fic BER
- Sam’s letters to Jennifer. James Patterson. Fic PAT, CD Fic PAT
- Seaside letters. Denise Hunter. Rel. Fic HUN
- The secret correspondence. Annette Mahon. Romance MAH
- Sorcery and Cecelia, or, The enchanted chocolate pot: being the correspondence of two young ladies of quality regarding various magical scandals in London and the country. Patricia C. Wrede, Caroline Stevermer. Y Fic WRE
- Things I want my daughters to know. Elizabeth Noble. Fic NOB
- 13 little blue envelopes. Maureen Johnson. Y Fic JOH
- Undercover. Beth Kephart. Y Fic KEP
- Upstate. Kalisha Buckhanon. Y Fic BUC, CD Fic BUC
- Voss: how I come to America and am hero, mostly. David Ives. Y Fic IVE
- The Wednesday letters. Jason F. Wright. Fic WRI
- Why we broke up. Daniel Handler. Y Fic HAN
- With every letter. Sarah Sundin. Rel. Fic SUN, CD Fic SUN
- The woman who knew Gandhi. Keith Heller. Fic HEL
- The year of secret assignments. Jaclyn Moriarty. Y Fic MOR
- As one devil to another: a fiendish correspondence in the tradition of C.S. Lewis’ The screwtape letters. Richard Platt. CD Fic PLA
- Letters to Malcolm: chiefly on prayer. C.S. Lewis. CD 248.32 LEW
- A bottle in the Gaza Sea. DVD Foreign B
- 84 Charing Cross Road. DVD Drama E
- In the good old summertime. DVD Musical I
- The lake house. DVD Drama L
- A letter to three wives. DVD Drama L
- The letter writer. DVD Drama L
- Letters from Iwo Jima. DVD Foreign L
- Letters to God. DVD Drama L
- Letters to Juliet. DVD Comedy L
- The love letter. DVD Drama L
- Love letters. DVD Drama L
- Mary and Max. DVD Comedy M
- Mujhse dosti karoge! DVD Foreign M
- P.S. I love you. DVD Comedy P
- Soldier love story. DVD Drama S
- Across the blue Pacific: a World War II story. Louise Borden. J 940.53 BOR
- All their names were Courage: a novel of the Civil War. Sharon Phillips Denslow. J DEN
- Around the world: who’s been here? Lindsay Barrett George. Pic GEO
- A ceiling of stars. Ann Howard Creel. J CRE
- Changes for Kit!: a winter story, 1934. Valerie Tripp. J TRI
- Cinderella (as if you didn’t already know the story). Barbara Ensor. J ENS
- Clementine’s letter. Sara Pennypacker. J PEN, J AUDIO CD PEN
- Daddy-Long-Legs. Jean Webster. J WEB
- Dear Cinderella. Marian Moore, Mary Jane Kensington. Pic MOO
- Dear Emma. Johanna Hurwitz. J HUR
- Dear friend: Thomas Garrett & William Still, collaborators on the underground railroad. Judith Bentley. J 973.71 BEN
- Dear Max. D.J. Lucas, aka Sally Grindley. J GRI, Sp. Lang. J GRI
- Dear Mrs. LaRue: letters from obedience school. Mark Teague. Pic TEA
- Dear Papa. Anne Ylvisaker. J YLV
- Dear primo: a letter to my cousin. Duncan Tonatiuh. Pic TON
- Dear Whiskers. Ann Whitehead Nagda. J NAG
- Detective LaRue: letters from the investigation. Mark Teague. Pic TEA
- Don’t slurp your soup!: a first guide to letter writing, e-mail etiquette, and other everyday manners. Lynne Gibbs. E 395 GIB
- Drawn by a China moon. Dave & Neta Jackson. J JAC
- Extra credit. Andrew Clements. J CLE
- The gardener. Sarah Stewart. Pic STE, J Book and CD STE, DVD Children S
- Greeting card making: send your personal message. Deborah Hufford. J 745.594 HUF
- Handmade cards for fun! Dana Meachen Rau. J 745.594 RAU
- I wanna new room. Karen Kaufman Orloff. Pic ORL
- If ever I return again. Corinne Demas. J DEM
- LaRue for mayor: letters from the campaign trail. Mark Teague. Pic TEA
- A letter to Mrs. Roosevelt. C. Coco De Young. J DEY
- Letter to the Lake. Susan Marie Swanson. Pic SWA
- Letters from a desperate dog. Eileen Christelow. Pic CHR
- Letters from the heart. Annie Bryant. J BRY
- The letters of Elinore Pruitt Stewart, woman homesteader. JB Stewart
- Letters to Leo. Amy Hest. J HES
- Lily’s garden. Deborah Kogan Ray. Pic RAY
- Little Wolf’s book of badness. Ian Whybrow. J WHY, Sp. Lang. J WHY
- Little Wolf’s diary of daring deeds. Ian Whybrow. J WHY
- Little Wolf’s haunted hall for small horrors. Ian Whybrow. J WHY
- The long, long letter. Elizabeth Spurr. Pic SPU
- Love, Aubrey. Suzanne LaFleur. J LAF, J AUDIO CD LAF
- Love from your friend, Hannah. Mindy Warshaw Skolsky. J SKO
- Love letters. Arnold Adoff. J 811 ADO
- Love, Ruby Lavender. Deborah Wiles. J WIL
- Mail by the pail. Colin Bergel. Pic BER
- Make your own cool cards: 25 awesome notes & invitations! Peg Blanchette, Terri Thibault. J 745.594 BLA
- My dear Noel: the story of a letter from Beatrix Potter. Jane Johnson. EB Potter
- One true friend. Joyce Hansen. J HAN
- Our tree named Steve. Alan Zweibel. Pic ZWE
- A pen pal for Max. Gloria Rand. Pic RAN
- The personal correspondence of Catherine Clark and Meredith Lyons: Pearl Harbor, 1941. Nancy LeSourd. J LES
- The personal correspondence of Elizabeth Walton and Abigail Matthews: the story of Pocahontas, 1613. Nancy LeSourd. J LES
- The personal correspondence of Emma Edmonds and Mollie Turner: assignment: Civil War spies, 1862. Nancy LeSourd. J LES
- The personal correspondence of Hannah Brown and Sarah Smith: the Underground Railroad, 1858. Nancy LeSourd. J LES
- Plantzilla. Jerdine Nolen. Pic NOL
- Please write back! Jennifer E. Morris. E MOR
- Polly’s pen pal. Stuart J. Murphy. E 530.8 MUR
- P.S. Longer letter later. Paula Danziger, Ann M. Martin. J DAN, J AUDIO CD DAN
- The quiet place. Sarah Stewart. Pic STE
- Regarding the fountain: a tale, in letters, of liars and leaks. Kate Klise. J KLI
- Regarding the sink: where, oh where, did Waters go? Kate Klise. J KLI
- Same, same, but different. Jenny Sue Kostecki-Shaw. Pic KOS
- Same sun here. Silas House, Neela Vaswani. J HOU
- Sea monkey summer. Cheryl Ware. J WAR
- The silver balloon: story and pictures. Susan Bonners. J BON
- Snail mail no more. Paula Danziger, Ann M. Martin. J DAN
- The T.F. letters. Karen Ray. J RAY
- Your friend in fashion, Abby Shapiro. Amy Axelrod. J AXE
- Cartas a un joven novelista. Mario Vargas Llosa. Spanish Lang. 808.3 VAR
- Cuando nadie entiende: cartas a una adolescente sobre la vida, las perdidas y el dificil camino hacia la adultez. Brad Sachs. Spanish Lang. 155.5 SAC
- Escrituras. Frida Kahlo. Spanish Lang. B Kahlo
- Memorias y palabras: cartas a pere Gimferrer, 1966-1997. Octavio Paz. Spanish Lang. 866 PAZ
- El regalo del tiempo: cartas a mis hijos. Jorge Ramos. Spanish Lang. 170.44 RAM, Spanish Lang. CD 170.44 RAM
- Amores virtuales. Marina Castañeda. Spanish Lang. Fic CAS
- Cartas a mi mama. Teresa Cardenas. Spanish Lang. Fic CAR
- La identidad. Milan Kundera. Spanish Lang. Fic KUN
- Atentamente, Ricitos de Oro. Alma Flor Ada. Sp. Lang. Pic ADA
- Con cariño, Amalia. Alma Flor Ada, Gabriel M. Zubizarreta. Sp. Lang. J ADA
- De carta en carta. Ana Maria Machado. Sp. Lang. J MACH
- Lobito aprende a ser malo. Ian Whybrow. Sp. Lang. J WHY
- Querido Max. Sally Grindley. Sp. Lang. J GRI
- Ratoncito Perez, cartero. Alma Flor Ada, F. Isabel Campoy. Sp. Lang. Pic ADA
- El secreto de la Abuela Maria. Carla Caruso. Sp. Lang. Pic CAR