Black History
- 13 days in Ferguson. Ronald Johnson. 977.8 JOH
- 1619: Jamestown and the forging of American democracy. James Horn. 975.542 HOR
- Abolition geography: essays towards liberation. Ruth Wilson Gilmore. 364.6 GIL
- An abolitionist’s handbook: 12 steps to changing yourself and the world. Patrisse Cullors. 364.6 KHA
- African American quotations. Richard Newman. 810.8089 AFR
- African founders: how enslaved people expanded American ideals. David Hackett Fischer. 973.0496 FIS
- Africatown: America’s last slave ship and the community it created. Nick Tabor. 305.896 TAB
- Afropessimism. Frank B. Wilderson III. 378.12 WIL
- After Jackie: fifteen pioneers who helped change the face of baseball. Jeffrey S. Copeland. 796.357 COP
- Against all tides: the untold story of the USS Kitty Hawk race riot. Marv Truhe. 959.7043 TRU
- All day: a year of love and survival teaching incarcerated kids at Rikers Island. Liza Jessie Peterson. 365.666 PET
- Allow me to retort: a Black guy’s guide to the Constitution. Elie Mystal. 342.73 MYS
- America, goddam: violence, black women, and the struggle for justice. Treva B. Lindsey. 362.8808 LIN
- America on fire: the untold history of police violence and Black rebellion since the 1960s. Elizabeth Hinton. 305.8 HIN
- American founders: how people of African descent established freedom in the New World. Christina Proenza-Coles. 973.0496 PRO
- American patriots: the story of Blacks in the military from the Revolution to Desert Storm. Gail Buckley. 355.008 BUC
- American uprising: the untold story of America’s largest slave revolt. Daniel Rasmussen. 973.0496 RAS
- AphroChic: celebrating the legacy of the Black family home. Bryan Mason, Jeanine Hays. 747.08 MAS
- The art and history of Black memorabilia. Larry Vincent Buster. 790.132 BUS
- At mama’s knee: mothers and race in black and white. April Ryan. 305.896 RYA
- The audacity of hope. Barack Obama. 320.973 OBA, Large Type 320.973 OBA, Spanish Lang. 320.973 OBA, CD 320.973 OBA
- Back in the days: photographs. Jamel Shabazz. 973.927 SHA
- Backlash: what happens when we talk honestly about racism in America. George Yancy. 305.896 YAN
- Bad feminist: essays. Roxane Gay. 814 GAY
- Barracoon: the story of the last “black cargo”. Zora Neale Hurston. Large Type 306.362 HUR
- The Battle of Negro Fort: the rise and fall of a fugitive slave community. Matthew J. Clavin. 973.51 CLA
- Beale Street dynasty: sex, song, and the struggle for the soul of Memphis. Preston 976.819 LAU
- The Beast side: living and dying while black in America. D. Watkins. 305.896 WAT
- Becoming abolitionists: police, protests, and the pursuit of freedom. Derecka Purnell. 363.23 PUR
- Becoming brave: finding the courage to pursue racial justice now. Brenda Salter McNeil. 261.8 MACN
- Benjamin Banneker and us: eleven generations of an American family. Rachel Jamison Webster. 929.2097 WEB
- Beyond glory: Joe Louis vs. Max Schmeling, and a world on the brink. David Margolick. 796.83 MAR
- Big Black: stand at Attica: four days in 1971 changed the course of American history. Frank “Big Black” Smith, Jared Reinmuth. Graphic 365.97 SMI, Ebook
- Bind us apart: how enlightened Americans invented racial segregation. Nicholas Guyatt. 305.8 GUY
- The black agenda: bold solutions for a broken system. 305.896 BLA
- Black ball: Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Spencer Haywood, and the generation that saved the soul of the NBA. Theresa Runstedtler. 796.323 RUN
- The black Calhouns: from Civil War to civil rights, with one African American family. Gail Lumet Buckley. 929.2 BUC
- The Black church: this is our story, this is our song. Henry Louis Gates, Jr. 277.3 GAT
- The Black Civil War soldier: a visual history of conflict and citizenship. Deborah Willis. 973.7415 WIL
- Black Detroit: a people’s history of self-determination. Herb Boyd. 977.434 BOY
- Black ghost of empire: the long death of slavery and the failure of emancipation. Kris Manjapra. 306.362 MAN
- The Black history of the White House. Clarence Lusane. 975.3 LUS
- Black is the body: stories from my grandmother’s time, my mother’s time, and mine. Emily Bernard. 305.488 BERThe black list. Timothy Greenfield-Sanders. 920 GRE
- Black lives matter. Sue Bradford Edwards, Duchess Harris. Y 305.896 EDW
- Black teachers on teaching. Michele Foster. 371.1 FOS
- Blackballed: the black and white politics of race on America’s campuses. Lawrence 378.1982 ROS
- Blind spot. Teju Cole. 779 COL
- Blood at the root: a racial cleansing in America. Patrick Phillips. 305.896 PHI
- The blood of Emmett Till. Timothy B. Tyson. 364.134 TYS
- The bone and sinew of the land: America’s forgotten black pioneers & the struggle for equality. Anna-Lisa Cox. 973.0496 COX
- A bound woman is a dangerous thing: the incarceration of African American women from Harriet Tubman to Sandra Bland. DaMaris B. Hill. 305.488 HIL
- Break the wheel: ending the cycle of police violence. Keith Ellison. 363.232 ELL
- Brothers in arms: the epic story of the 761st Tank Battalion, WWII’s forgotten heroes. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Anthony Walton. 940.5421 ABD
- Brown v. Board of Education: a fight for simple justice. Susan Goldman Rubin. Y 344.079 RUB
- By hands now known: Jim Crow’s legal executioners. Margaret A. Burnham. 342.7308 BUR
- Capitol men: the epic story of Reconstruction through the lives of the first Black congressmen. Philip Dray. 973.8 DRA
- Chamber music: Wu-Tang and America (in 36 pieces). Will Ashon. 782.4216 ASH
- Children of fire: a history of African Americans. Thomas C. Holt. 973.0496 HOL
- Chocolate City: a history of race and democracy in the nation’s capital. Chris Myers Asch, George Derek Musgrove. 305.896 ASC
- Chokehold: policing black men. Paul Butler. 363.23 BUT
- A colony in a nation. Chris Hayes. 364.3496 HAY
- The color of abolition: how a printer, a prophet, and a contessa moved a nation. Linda Hirshman. 973.7114 HIR
- Colorization: one hundred years of Black films in a white world. Wil Haygood. 791.4365 HAY
- The counter-revolution of 1776: slave resistance and the origins of the United States of America. Gerald Horne. 973.31 HOR
- Courage is contagious: and other reasons to be grateful for Michelle Obama. 973.932 COU
- The cross and the lynching tree. James H. Cone. 277.3 CON
- Crossing the line: a fearless team of brothers and the sport that changed their lives forever. Kareem Rosser. 796.353 ROS
- Cry like a man: fighting for freedom from emotional incarceration. Jason Wilson. 248.842 WIL
- Daisy Turner’s kin: an African American family saga. Jane C. Beck. 929.2 BEC
- Dance your dance: 8 steps to unleash your passion and live your dream. Laurieann Gibson. 158.1 GIB
- Dark places of the earth: the voyage of the slave ship Antelope. Jonathan M. Bryant. 342.73 BRY
- The dawn of Detroit: a chronicle of slavery and freedom in the city of the straits. Tiya Miles. 977.434 MIL
- The day freedom died: the Colfax Massacre, the Supreme Court, and the betrayal of Reconstruction. Charles Lane. 976.367 LAN
- Dear church: a love letter from a Black preacher to the Whitest denomination in the U.S. Lenny Duncan. 261.83 DUN
- Def Jam recordings: the first 25 years of the last great record label. 782.4216 DEF
- The defender: how the legendary Black newspaper changed America: from the age of the Pullman porters to the age of Obama. Ethan Michaeli. 071.73 PUL
- Defining moments in Black history: reading between the lies. Dick Gregory. 973.0496 GRE
- Delta epiphany: Robert F. Kennedy in Mississippi. Ellen B. Meacham. 362.5 MEA
- Denmark Vesey’s garden: slavery and memory in the cradle of the Confederacy. Ethan J. Kytle, Blain Roberts. 975.791 KYT
- Devil in the grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the dawn of a new America. Gilbert King. 364.1532 KIN
- The devil you know: a Black power manifesto. Charles M. Blow. 323.1196 BLO
- Devotion: an epic story of heroism, friendship, and sacrifice. Adam Makos. 951.904 MAK
- Disintegration: the splintering of Black America. Eugene Robinson. 305.896 ROB
- Divided we fail: the story of an African American community that ended the era of school desegregation. Sarah Garland. 379.263 GAR
- Double exposure: African American women: photographs from the National Museum of African American History and Culture. Y 779.2 DOU
- The double v: how wars, protest, and Harry Truman desegregated America’s military. Rawn James, Jr. 355.0089 JAM
- Double victory: how African American women broke race and gender barriers to help win World War II. Cheryl Mullenbach. Y 940.5308 MUL
- Down to the crossroads: civil rights, Black power, and the Meredith march against fear. Aram Goudsouzian. 323.1196 GOU
- A dreadful deceit: the myth of race from the colonial era to Obama’s America. Jacqueline Jones. 973.0496 JON
- Driving while Black: African American travel and the road to civil rights. Gretchen Sorin. 323.1196 SOR
- Drop the ball: achieving more by doing less. Tiffany Dufu. 650.1082 DUF
- Ebony and ivy: race, slavery, and the troubled history of America’s universities. Craig Steven Wilder. 378.73 WIL
- Eisenhower vs. Warren: the battle for civil rights and liberties. James F. Simon. 347.7326 SIM
- Elegy for Mary Turner: an illustrated account of a lynching. Rachel Marie-Crane Williams. 364.134 WIL
- Encyclopedia of black comics. Sheena C. Howard. 741.503 HOW
- The end of policing. Alex S. Vitale. 363.209 VIT
- The essential Kerner Commission report. 363.323 UNI
- Excessive use of force: one mother’s continuing struggle against police brutality and misconduct. Loretta P. Prater. 363.232 PRA
- F*ck your diet: and other things my thighs tell me. Chloé Hilliard. 818.6 HIL
- The failed promise: Reconstruction, Frederick Douglass, and the impeachment of Andrew Johnson. Robert S. Levine. 973.8 LEV
- Family properties: race, real estate, and the exploitation of Black urban America. Beryl Satter. 363.59 SAT
- The family tree: a lynching in Georgia, a legacy of secrets, and my search for the truth. Karen Branan. 364.134 BRA
- The fence: a police cover-up along Boston’s racial divide. Dick Lehr. 363.22 LEH
- The fiery trial: Abraham Lincoln and American slavery. Eric Foner. 973.7092 FON
- Finding my father: how the gospel heals the pain of fatherlessness. Blair Linne. 231.1 LIN
- Five days: the fiery reckoning of an American city. Wes Moore. 363.32 MOO
- A fool’s errand: creating the National Museum of African American History and Culture in the age of Bush, Obama, and Trump. Lonnie G. Bunch III. 069.09 BUN
- For such a time as this: hope and forgiveness after the Charleston Massacre. Sharon Risher. 364.1523 RIS
- The forgotten first: Kenny Washington, Woody Strode, Marion Motley, Bill Willis, and the breaking of the NFL color barrier. Keyshawn Johnson. 796.332 JOH
- Forgotten: the untold story of D-Day’s Black heroes, at home and at war. Linda Hervieux. 940.5412 HER
- Four hundred souls: a community history of African America, 1619-2019. 973.0496 FOU
- Fracture: Barack Obama, the Clintons, and the racial divide. Joy-Ann Reid. 973.932 REI
- Fraternity. Diane Brady. 378.07 BRA
- Freedom flyers: the Tuskegee Airmen of World War II. J. Todd Moye. 940.5449 MOY
- Freedom national: the destruction of slavery in the United States, 1861-1865. James Oakes. 973.714 OAK
- The Freedom Summer murders. Don Mitchell. Y 323.1196 MIT
- From #BlackLivesMatter to Black liberation. Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor. Y 305.896 TAY
- Gateway to freedom: the hidden history of the underground railroad. Eric Foner. 973.7115 FON
- Generations of captivity: a history of African-American slaves. Ira Berlin. 973.0496 BER
- A girl stands at the door: the generation of young women who desegregated America’s schools. Rachel Devlin. 379.263 DEV
- Glory: magical visions of Black beauty. Kahran & Regis Bethencourt. 779.2 BET
- Go ahead in the rain: notes to A Tribe Called Quest. Hanif Abdurraqib. 782.4216 ABD
- Goat Castle: a true story of murder, race, and the gothic South. Karen L. Cox. 364.1523 COX
- Good kids, bad city: a story of race and wrongful conviction in America. Kyle Swenson. 345.7 SWE
- Gotta go gotta flow: life, love, and lust on Chicago’s South Side from the seventies. Patricia Smith. 779 SMI
- Grace will lead us home: the Charleston Church Massacre and the hard, inspiring journey to forgiveness. Jennifer Berry Hawes. 364.1523 HAW
- Gridiron gauntlet: the story of the men who integrated pro football, in their own words. Andy Piascik. 796.332 PIA
- Growing up in slavery. Y 306.362 GRO
- Half American: the epic story of African Americans fighting World War II at home and abroad. Matthew F. Delmont. 940.5403 DEL
- Half past autumn. Gordon Parks. 770.92 PAR
- Hallelujah! the welcome table: a lifetime of memories with recipes. Maya Angelou. 641.597 ANG
- The hammer and the anvil: Frederick Douglass, Abraham Lincoln, and the end of slavery in America. Dwight Jon Zimmerman. Graphic 973.7 ZIM
- The Harlem Hellfighters. Max Brooks. Graphic 940.41 BRO
- Harlem: the four hundred year history from Dutch village to capital of black America. Jonathan Gill. 974.71 GIL
- Hattiesburg: an American city in black and white. William Sturkey. 976.206 STU
- The Hellfighters of Harlem. Bill Harris. 940.41 HAR
- Hellhound on his trail: the stalking of Martin Luther King, Jr., and the international hunt for his assassin. Hampton Sides. 364.1524 SID, CD 364.1524 SID
- Help me to find my people: the African American search for family lost in slavery. Heather Andrea Williams. 306.362 WIL
- Hidden in plain view: the secret story of quilts and the underground railroad. Jacqueline Tobin. 746.46 TOB
- High on the hog: a culinary journey from Africa to America. Jessica B. Harris. 641.5929 HAR
- High-risers: Cabrini-Green and the fate of American public housing. Ben Austen. 353.585 AUS
- Holding up your corner: talking about race in your community. F. Willis Johnson. 200.89 JOH
- Homecoming: overcome fear and trauma to reclaim your whole, authentic self. Thema Bryant. 616.8521 BRY
- Hope for the hurting. Tony Evans. 248.86 EVA
- A house built by slaves: African American visitors to the Lincoln White House. Jonathan W. White. 973.7 WHI
- How to fight racism: courageous Christianity and the journey toward racial justice. Jemar Tisby. 261.8 TIS
- How to make a slave and other essays. Jerald Walker. 305.896 WAL
- How to slowly kill yourself and others in America: essays. Kiese Laymon. 814.54 LAY
- How we can win: race, history and changing the money game that’s rigged. Kimberly Jones. 305.896 JON
- How we fight white supremacy: a field guide to Black resistance. Akiba Solomon, Kenrya Rankin. 323.1196 SOL
- I am not your negro. James Baldwin. 323.1196 BAL
- I can’t date Jesus: love, sex, family, race, and other reasons I’ve put my faith in Beyoncé. Michael Arceneaux. 306.766 ARC
- Illogical: saying yes to a life without limits. Emmanuel Acho. 158.1 ACH
- In search of our roots: how 19 extraordinary African Americans reclaimed their past. Henry Louis Gates, Jr. 929.2 GAT 09
- Indiana slave narratives. Ind. Coll. 306.362 IND
- Insurrection: rebellion, civil rights, and the paradoxical state of Black citizenship. Hawa Allan. 342.062 ALL
- The internal enemy: slavery and war in Virginia, 1772-1832. Alan Taylor. 975.503 TAY
- The interpreter. Alice Kaplan. 940.5403 KAP
- Invisible no more: police violence against black women and women of color. Andrea J. Ritchie. 363.232 RIT
- It’s life as I see it: black cartoonists in Chicago, 1940-1980. 741.5 ITS
- Just us: an American conversation. Claudia Rankine. 305.896 RAN
- Kennedy and King: the president, the pastor, and the battle over civil rights. Steven Levingston. 973.922 LEV
- The last negroes at Harvard: the class of 1963 and the eighteen young men who changed Harvard forever. Kent Garrett, Jeanne Ellsworth. 378.1982 GAR
- The last slave ship: the true story of how Clotilda was found, her descendants, and an extraordinary reckoning. Ben Raines. 306.362 RAI
- Learning from the Germans: race and the memory of evil. Susan Neiman. 305.8 NEI
- Let the people see: the story of Emmett Till. Elliott J. Gorn. 364.134 GOR
- Letters to an incarcerated brother: encouragement, hope, and healing for inmates and their loved ones. Hill Harper. 365.6092 HAR
- Letters to my white male friends. Dax-Devlon Ross. 305.8 ROS
- Life, I swear: intimate stories from Black women on identity, healing, and self-trust. 155.2 LIF
- Lift every voice: the NAACP and the making of the Civil Rights Movement. Patricia Sullivan. 973.0496 SUL
- The little book of big lies: a journey into inner fitness. Tina Lifford. 155.2 LIF
- A little devil in America: notes in praise of Black performance. Hanif Abdurraqib. 791.0899 ABD
- Long time coming: reckoning with race in America. Michael Eric Dyson. 305.8 DYS, CD 305.8 DYS
- The long walk to freedom: runaway slave narratives. 306.362 LON
- The lost education of Horace Tate: uncovering the hidden heroes who fought for justice in schools. Vanessa Siddle Walker. 379.263 WAL
- Loving: interracial intimacy in America and the threat to White supremacy. Sheryll Cashin. 306.84 CAS
- A lynching at Port Jervis: race and reckoning in the Gilded Age. Philip Dray. 364.134 DRA
- Make good the promises: reclaiming Reconstruction and its legacies. 305.896 MAK
- The making of African America: the four great migrations. Ira Berlin. 973.0496 BER
- Making our way home: the Great Migration and the Black American dream. Blair Imani. 973.0496 IMA
- The matter of black lives: writing from the New Yorker. 305.896 MAT
- The meaning of Michelle: 16 writers on the iconic first lady and how her journey inspires our own. 973.932 MEA
- Medical apartheid. Harriet A. Washington. 174.28 HAR
- Message to our folks: the Art Ensemble of Chicago. Paul Steinbeck. 784.4 STE
- Mindful of race: transforming racism from the inside out. Ruth King. 294.35 KIN
- Mine eyes have seen: bearing witness to the civil rights struggle. Bob Adelman. 323.1196 ADE
- Mother to son: letters to a Black boy on identity and hope. Jasmine Holmes. 248.82 HOL
- The movement made us: a father, a son, and the legacy of a freedom ride. David J. Dennis Jr. 323.1196 DEN
- The movement: the African American struggle for civil rights. Thomas C. Holt. 323.1196 HOL
- “Multiplication is for white people”: raising expectations for other people’s children. Lisa Delpit. 379.26 DEL
- “Negro president”: Jefferson and the slave power. Garry Wills. 973.46 WIL
- Never caught: the Washingtons’ relentless pursuit of their runaway slave, Ona Judge. Erica Armstrong Dunbar. 306.362 DUN
- The new abolition: W.E.B. Du Bois and the black social gospel. Gary Dorrien. 323.1196 DOR
- The new Black West: photographs from America’s only touring Black rodeo. Gabriela Hasbun. 791.84 HAS
- New England bound: slavery and colonization in early America. Wendy Warren. 306.362 WAR
- The new Jim Crow: mass incarceration in the age of colorblindness. Michelle Alexander. 364.973 ALE
- New York burning: liberty, slavery, and conspiracy in eighteenth-century Manhattan. Jill Lepore. 974.71 LEP
- Of blood and sweat: Black lives and the making of White power and wealth. Clyde W. Ford. 306.362 FOR
- On account of race: the Supreme Court, white supremacy, and the ravaging of African American voting rights. Lawrence Goldstone. 342.73 GOL
- On Juneteenth. Annette Gordon-Reed. 394.263 GOR, CD 394.263 GOR, Ebook, EAudiobook
- One person, no vote: how not all voters are treated equally. Carol Anderson, Tonya Bolden. Y 324.62 AND
- One person, no vote: how voter suppression is destroying our democracy. Carol Anderson. 324.62 AND
- Open season: legalized genocide of colored people. Ben Crump. 364.3496 CRU
- The original Black elite: Daniel Murray and the story of a forgotten era. Elizabeth Dowling Taylor. 973.0496 TAY
- The other side of prospect: a story of violence, injustice, and the American city. Nicholas Dawidoff. 364.974 DAW
- Our Black sons matter: mothers talk about fears, sorrows, and hopes. 305.242 OUR
- Our time is now: power, purpose, and the fight for a fair America. Stacey Abrams. 324.62 ABR
- Our town: a heartland lynching, a haunted town, and the hidden history of white America. Cynthia Carr. 977.269 CAR, Ind. Coll. 977.269 CAR
- Parable of the brown girl: the sacred lives of girls of color. Khristi Lauren Adams. 259.23 ADA
- A peculiar indifference: the neglected toll of violence on black America. Elliott Currie. 305.8 CUR
- Permission to dream. Chris Gardner, Mim Eichler Rivas. 158.1 GAR
- Please don’t sit on my bed in your outside clothes: essays. Phoebe Robinson. 814.6 ROB
- Police brutality and white supremacy: the fight against American traditions. Etan Thomas. 363.209 THO
- Policing the Black man: arrest, prosecution, and imprisonment. 364.3496 POL
- The Port Chicago 50: disaster, mutiny, and the fight for civil rights. Steve Sheinkin. Y 940.5453 SHE
- The problem of slavery in the age of emancipation. David Brion Davis. 306.362 DAV
- Promises kept: raising Black boys to succeed in school and in life. Joe Brewster, Michèle Stephenson. 371.829 BRE
- The purpose of power: how we come together when we fall apart. Alicia Garza. 303.484 GAR
- Pushout: the criminalization of Black girls in schools. Monique W. Morris. Y 371.829 MOR
- The race beat: the press, the civil rights struggle, and the awakening of a nation. Gene Roberts, Hank Klibanoff. 070.449 ROB
- Race for profit: how banks and the real estate industry undermined Black homeownership. Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor. 363.51 TAY
- The rage of innocence: how America criminalizes Black youth. Kristin Henning. 364.36 HEN
- Raise a fist, take a knee: race and the illusion of progress in modern sports. John Feinstein. 796.089 FEI
- Reawakened: activate your congregation to spark lasting change. Glen Guyton. 250 GUY
- Redaction. Titus Kaphar, Reginald Dwayne Betts. 704.949 KAP
- The religious instruction of the negroes in the United States. Charles Colcock Jones. 268.089 JON
- Requiem for the massacre: a Black history on the conflict, hope, and fallout of the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre. RJ Young. 305.8009 YOU
- The rest I will kill: William Tillman and the unforgettable story of how a free black man refused to become a slave. Brian McGinty. 973.741 MACG
- Revolution in our time: the Black Panther Party’s promise to the people. Kekla Magoon. Y 322.42 MAG
- Riding Jane Crow: African American women on the American railroad. Miriam Thaggert. 305.896 THA
- Righteous troublemakers: untold stories of the social justice movement in America. Al Sharpton. 323.092 SHA
- Rise and grind: outperform, outwork, and outhustle your way to a more successful and rewarding life. Daymond John. 650.1 JOH
- Rise up: confronting a country at the crossroads. Al Sharpton. 973.933 SHA
- The rivalry: Bill Russell, Wilt Chamberlain, and the golden age of basketball. John Taylor. 796.323 TAY
- Road to freedom: photographs of the Civil Rights Movement, 1956-1968. Julian Cox. 323.1196 COX
- Rough crossings: Britain, the slaves, and the American Revolution. Simon Schama. 973.31 SCH, CD
- Running while Black: finding freedom in a sport that wasn’t built for us. Alison Mariella Désir. 796.42 DES
- Say it loud!: on race, law, history, and culture. Randall Kennedy. 342.7308 KEN
- Searching for black Confederates: the Civil War’s most persistent myth. Kevin M. Levin. 973.742 LEV
- The second: race and guns in a fatally unequal America. Carol Anderson. 344.0533 AND
- Separate and unequal: the Kerner Commission and the unraveling of American liberalism. Steven M. Gillon. 305.896 GIL
- Separate: the story of Plessy v. Ferguson, and America’s journey from slavery to segregation. Steve Luxenberg. 342.0873 LUX
- Shook one: anxiety playing tricks on me. Charlamagne Tha God. 153.8 THA
- Slavery by another name. Douglas A. Blackmon. 973.0496 BLA
- The slaves’ war: the Civil War in the words of former slaves. Andrew Ward. 973.711 WAR
- Smoketown: the untold story of the other great Black Renaissance. Mark Whitaker. 305.896 WHI
- So you want to talk about race. Ijeoma Oluo. 305.8 OLU
- Soar!: build your vision from the ground up. T.D. Jakes. 261.85 JAK
- Some of my best friends are Black: the strange story of integration in America. Tanner Colby. 305.896 COL
- Something must be done about Prince Edward County: a family, a Virginia town, a civil rights battle. Kristen Green. 379.263 GRE
- Soul care in African American practice. Barbara L. Peacock. 277.3083 PEA
- Soul of a nation: art in the age of Black power. 700.89 SOU
- The soul of baseball. Joe Posnanski. 796.357 POS
- Souls of Black folk: a graphic interpretation. W.E.B. Du Bois. Graphic 973 DUB
- Speak: find your voice, trust your gut, and get from where you are to where you want to be. Tunde Oyeneyin. 158.1 OYE
- Spies of Mississippi: the true story of the spy network that tried to destroy the civil rights movement. Rick Bowers. Y 323.1196 BOW
- State of emergency: how we win in the country we built. Tamika D. Mallory. 305.896 MAL
- Stay woke: a people’s guide to making all Black lives matter. Tehama Lopez Bunyasi, Candis Watts Smith. 323.1196 LOP
- Stolen justice: the struggle for African American voting rights. Lawrence Goldstone. Y 324.62 GOL
- Sundown towns: a hidden dimension of American racism. James W. Loewen. 305.8 LOE
- Surviving Southampton: African American women and resistance in Nat Turner’s community. Vanessa M. Holden. 306.362 HOL
- Suspicion nation: the inside story of the Trayvon Martin injustice and why we continue to repeat it. Lisa Bloom. 363.23 BLO
- Sweet Home Cafe cookbook: a celebration of African American cooking. Albert G. Lukas, Jessica B. Harris. 641.5929 LUK
- Sweet taste of liberty: a true story of slavery and restitution in America. W. Caleb McDaniel. 306.362 MACD
- Sweetie pie’s cookbook: soulful Southern recipes, from my family to yours. Robbie “Miss Robbie” Montgomery. 641.592 MON
- Tears we cannot stop: a sermon to white America. Michael Eric Dyson. 305.896 DYS
- Then they came for mine: healing from the trauma of racial violence. Tracey Michae’l Lewis-Giggetts. 155.24 LEW
- The thin light of freedom: the Civil War and emancipation in the heart of America. Edward L. Ayers. 973.73 AYE
- Things that make white people uncomfortable. Michael Bennett, Dave Zirin. 305.896 BEN
- The third reconstruction: Moral Mondays, fusion politics, and the rise of a new justice movement. William J. Barber II. 277.3083 BAR
- This far by faith: stories from the African American religious experience. Juan Williams. 200.97 WIL
- This is the fire: what I say to my friends about racism. Don Lemon. 305.896 LEM, CD 305.896 LEM
- This stops today: Eric Garner’s mother seeks justice after losing her son. Gwen Carr. 363.232 CAR
- This will be my undoing: living at the Intersection of black, female, and feminist in (white) America. Morgan Jerkins. 305.488 JER, EAudiobook
- Through darkness to light: photographs along the Underground Railroad. Jeanine Michna-Bales. 973.7115 MIC
- Thunder at the gates: the Black Civil War regiments that redeemed America. Douglas R. Egerton. 973.741 EGE
- A time to break silence: the essential works of Martin Luther King, Jr. for students. Y 323.092 KIN
- To a young jazz musician: letters from the road. Wynton Marsalis. 781.65 MAR
- Triumph: the untold story of Jesse Owens and Hitler’s Olympics. Jeremy Schaap. 796.48 SCH
- Troubled refuge: struggling for freedom in the Civil War. Chandra Manning. 973.711 MAN
- Truevine: two brothers, a kidnapping, and a mother’s quest: a true story of the Jim Crow South. Beth Macy. 791.3 MAC, Large Type 791.3 MAC
- Turn away thy son: Little Rock, the crisis that shocked the nation. Elizabeth Jacoway. 379.263 JAC
- Turning 15 on the road to freedom: my story of the 1965 Selma Voting Rights March. Lynda Blackmon Lowery. Y 323.1196 LOW
- Twice as hard: navigating Black stereotypes and creating space for success. Opeyemi Sofoluke, Raphael Sofoluke. 650.1089 SOF
- Twice forgotten: African Americans and the Korean War, an oral history. David P. Cline. 951.9042 CLI
- Unapologetic: a Black, queer, and feminist mandate for our movement. Charlene A. Carruthers. 305.4889 CAR, Ebook, Eaudiobook
- Uncomfortable conversations with a black man. Emmanuel Acho. 305.8 ACH, Large Type 305.8 ACH, Eaudiobook
- Uncommon marriage: learning about lasting love and overcoming life’s obstacles together. Tony & Lauren Dungy. 248.4 DUN
- Under the skin: the hidden toll of racism on American lives and the health of a nation. Linda Villarosa. 362.1089 VIL
- Unexampled courage: the blinding of Sgt. Isaac Woodard and the awakening of President Harry S. Truman and Judge J. Waties Waring. Richard Gergel. 323.1196 GER
- The unlevel playing field: a documentary history of the African American experience in sport. 796.089 UNL
- Unseen: unpublished black history from the New York Times Photo Archives. 973.0496 UNS
- Urban apologetics: restoring Black dignity with the gospel. 239.9 URB
- Vanguard: how Black women broke barriers, won the vote, and insisted on equality for all. Martha S. Jones. 323.34 JON
- Waging a good war: a military history of the civil rights movement, 1954-1968. Thomas E. Ricks. 323.1196 RIC
- The Wall of Respect: public art and Black liberation in 1960s Chicago. 751.73 WAL
- Wandering in strange lands: a daughter of the Great Migration reclaims her roots. Morgan Jerkins. 305.896 JER
- The war before the war: fugitive slaves and the struggle for America’s soul from the Revolution to the Civil War. Andrew Delbanco. 973.7115 DEL
- The warmth of other suns: the epic story of America’s great migration. Isabel Wilkerson. 973.0496 WIL
- We are each other’s harvest: celebrating African American farmers, land, and legacy. Natalie Baszile. 630.896 BAS
- We are not yet equal: understanding our racial divide. Carol Anderson. Y 305.896 AND
- We were eight years in power: an American tragedy. Ta-Nehisi Coates. 973.932 COA
- What the hell do you have to lose?: Trump’s war on civil rights. Juan Williams. 323.1196 WIL
- What truth sounds like: Robert F. Kennedy, James Baldwin, and our unfinished conversation about race in America. Michael Eric Dyson. 305.8 DYS
- Whatever it takes: Geoffrey Canada’s quest to change Harlem and America. Paul Tough. 362.57 TOU
- When evil lived in Laurel: the “White Knights” and the murder of Vernon Dahmer. Curtis Wilkie. 305.8 WIL
- The Whiteness of wealth: how the tax system impoverishes Black Americans–and how we can fix it. Dorothy A. Brown. 343.7304 BRO
- Who will be a witness: igniting activism for God’s justice, love, and deliverance. Drew G. I. Hart. 261.8 HAR
- Who will pay reparations on my soul?: essays. Jesse McCarthy. 305.8 MACC
- Wholeness: winning in life from the inside out. Touré Roberts. 248.4 ROB
- The window seat: notes from a life in motion. Aminatta Forna. 814.6 FOR
- Without mercy: the stunning true story of race, crime, and corruption in the Deep South. David Beasley. 364.66 BEA
- The woman God created you to be: finding success through faith – spiritually, personally and professionally. Kimberla Lawson Roby. 248.843 ROB
- The word: Black writers talk about the transformative power of reading and writing: interviews. 810.8 WOR
- The world record book of racist stories. Amber Ruffin, Lacey Lamar. 818.6 RUF
- You can keep that to yourself: a comprehensive list of what not to say to black people, for well-intentioned people of pallor. Adam Smyer. 817.008 SMY
- You gotta be you: how to embrace this messy life and step into who you really are. Brandon Kyle Goodman. 158.1 GOO
- You look so much better in person: true stories of absurdity and success. Al Roker. 070.43 ROK
- You’ll never believe what happened to Lacey: crazy stories about racism. Amber Ruffin, Lacey Lamar. 305.896 RUF
- 42 faith: the rest of the Jackie Robinson story. Ed Henry. B Robinson
- Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass: the story behind an American friendship. Russell Freedman. Y 973.7092 FRE
- Ali: a life. Jonathan Eig. B Ali
- Alice Walker: a life. Evelyn C. White. B Walker
- All blood runs red: the legendary life of Eugene Bullard– boxer, pilot, soldier, spy. Phil Keith. B Bullard
- American tapestry: the story of the black, white, and multiracial ancestors of Michelle Obama. Rachel L. Swarns. B Obama
- And I haven’t had a bad day since: from the streets of Harlem to the halls of Congress. Charles B. Rangel. B Rangel
- Around the way girl: a memoir. Taraji P. Henson. B Henson
- Arthur Ashe: a life. Raymond Arsenault. B Ashe
- The autobiography of Medgar Evers. B Evers
- The awkward thoughts of W. Kamau Bell: tales of a 6’4″, African American, heterosexual, cisgender, left-leaning, asthmatic, black and proud blerd, mama’s boy, dad, and stand-up comedian. W. Kamau Bell. B Bell
- Bad boy. Walter Dean Myers. Large Type B Myers
- Bad motherfucker: the life and movies of Samuel L. Jackson, the coolest man in Hollywood. Gavin Edwards. B Jackson
- Barack and Michelle: portrait of an American marriage. Christopher Andersen. B Obama
- Be free or die: the amazing story of Robert Smalls’ escape from slavery to Union hero. Cate Lineberry. 973.8092 LIN
- The beautiful ones. Prince. B Prince
- The beautiful struggle: a father, two sons, and an unlikely road to manhood. Ta-Nehisi Coates. B Coates
- Becoming Mr. October. Reggie Jackson. 796.357 JAC
- Becoming Ms. Burton: from prison to recovery to leading the fight for incarcerated women. Susan Burton, Cari Lynn. 364.8 BUR
- Before I forget: love, hope, help, and acceptance in our fight against Alzheimer’s. B. Smith, Dan Gasby. 362.1968 SMI
- Betty Shabazz. Russell J. Rickford. B Shabazz
- Billie Holiday: the musician and the myth. John Szwed. B Holiday
- Billy Williams: my sweet-swinging lifetime with the Cubs. B Williams
- The black and the blue: a cop reveals the crimes, racism, and injustice in America’s law enforcement. Matthew Horace, Ron Harris. 363.2092 HOR
- The Black Bruins: the remarkable lives of UCLA’s Jackie Robinson, Woody Strode, Tom Bradley, Kenny Washington, and Ray Bartlett. James W. Johnson. 796.092 JOH
- Black maestro. Joe Drape. B Winkfield
- Black man in a white coat: a doctor’s reflections on race and medicine. Damon Tweedy. B Tweedy
- Black radical: the life and times of William Monroe Trotter. Kerri K. Greenidge. 323.092 GRE
- Black women will save the world: an anthem. April Ryan. 920.72 RYA
- The bona fide legend of Cool Papa Bell: speed, grace, and the Negro Leagues. Lonnie Wheeler. 796.357 WHE
- Bound for the Promised Land: Harriet Tubman, portrait of an American hero. Kate Larson. B Tubman
- Breathe: a letter to my sons. Imani Perry. B Perry
- The bridge: the life and rise of Barack Obama. David Remnick. B Obama
- Brother, I’m dying. Edwidge Danticat. B Danticat, CD B Danticat
- Brother Robert: growing up with Robert Johnson. Annye C. Anderson. 782.4216 AND
- The butterfly effect: how Kendrick Lamar ignited the soul of Black America. Marcus J. Moore. 782.4216 MOO
- Called to rise: a life in faithful service to the community that made me. David O. Brown. 363.2092 BRO
- Can’t nothing bring me down: chasing myself in the race against time. Ida Keeling. B Keeling, EAudiobook
- Carrie Mae Weems. 770 CAR
- The chiffon trenches: a memoir. André Leon Talley. B Talley
- Civil rights queen: Constance Baker Motley and the struggle for equality. Tomiko Brown-Nagin. B Motley
- Claudette Colvin. Phillip Hoose. Y 323.092 HOO
- Collected essays & memoirs. Albert Murray. 814.54 MUR
- Colored people: a memoir. Henry Louis Gates, Jr. B Gates
- Coltrane. Ben Ratliff. 781.65 RAT
- Conquering the Pacific: an unknown mariner and the final great voyage of the Age of Discovery. Andrés Reséndez. 959.901 RES
- Constructing a nervous system: a memoir. Margo Jefferson. B Jefferson
- The cook up: a crack rock memoir. D. Watkins. 364.177 WAT
- Courage to soar: a body in motion, a life in balance. Simone Biles. Y 796.44 BIL, Ebook, Eaudiobook
- Crossroads: the life and afterlife of blues legend Robert Johnson. Tom Graves. B Johnson
- Cuz: or the life and times of Michael A. Danielle Allen. 305.242 ALL, Large Type 305.242 ALL
- Dancing down the barricades: Sammy Davis Jr. and the long civil rights era: a cultural history. Matthew Frye Jacobson. 792.7028 JAC
- Dapper Dan: made in Harlem: a memoir. Daniel R. Day. 746.92 DAY
- Dear senator: a daughter’s memoir. Essie Mae Washington-Williams. 973.9 WAS
- Death of a King: the real story of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s final year. Tavis Smiley. B King
- Decoded. Jay-Z. 782.4216 JAY
- The deeper the roots: a memoir of hope and home. Michael Tubbs. B Tubbs
- Didn’t we almost have it all: in defense of Whitney Houston. Gerrick Kennedy. B Houston
- Dilla time: the life and afterlife of J Dilla, the hip-hop producer who reinvented rhythm. Dan Charnas. 782.4216 CHA
- Dr. J: the autobiography. Julius Erving. B Erving
- Dressed in dreams: a black girl’s love letter to the power of fashion. Tanisha C. Ford. 391 FOR
- Duke: a life of Duke Ellington. Terry Teachout. B Ellington
- Dvořák’s prophecy: and the vexed fate of Black classical music. Joseph Horowitz. 780.973 HOR
- The echo from Dealey Plaza: the true story of the first African American on the White House Secret Service detail and his quest for justice after the assassination of JFK. Abraham Bolden. 363.2092 BOL
- Elizabeth and Hazel: two women of Little Rock. David Margolick. 379.263 MAR
- Eloquent rage: a Black feminist discovers her superpower. Brittney Cooper. 305.4889 COO
- Extraordinary, ordinary people: a memoir of family. Condoleezza Rice. B Rice
- Fights: one boy’s triumph over violence. Joel Christian Gill. Y 741.5 GIL, Ebook
- Finding fish. Antwone Fisher. B Fisher
- Fire shut up in my bones: a memoir. Charles M. Blow. B Blow
- The firebrand and the First Lady: portrait of a friendship: Pauli Murray, Eleanor Roosevelt, and the struggle for social justice. Patricia Bell-Scott. 920.72 BEL
- 5 Black Women, Inc.: 25 stories that gave birth to a company. Annette Y. Britton. Ind. Coll. B Britton
- Floating in a most peculiar way. Louis Chude-Sokei. B Chude-Sokei
- Fortune: how race broke my family and the world-and how to repair it all. Lisa Sharon Harper. B Harper
- Frederick Douglass. Peter Burchard. B Douglass
- Frederick Douglass: America’s prophet. D.H. Dilbeck. B Douglass
- Frederick Douglass: prophet of freedom. David W. Blight. B Douglass
- Free Cyntoia: my search for redemption in the American prison system. Cyntoia Brown-Long. 365.6092 BRO
- From the hood to the holler: a story of separate worlds, shared dreams, and the fight for America’s future. Charles Booker. B Booker
- Furious cool: Richard Pryor and the world that made him. David Henry, Joe Henry. B Pryor, CD B Pryor
- George Washington Carver: a biography. Gary R. Kremer. B Carver
- Glow: the autobiography of Rick James. Rick James. B James
- The grace of silence. Michele Norris. B Norris
- Grace will lead me home. Robin Givens. B Givens
- Harriet Tubman: a biography. James A. McGowan, William C. Kashatus. B Tubman
- Heavy: an American memoir. Kiese Laymon. B Laymon
- The Hemingses of Monticello: an American family. Annette Gordon-Reed. B Hemings, CD B Hemings
- Higher is waiting. Tyler Perry. 277.3083 PER
- The house at Sugar Beach: in search of a lost African childhood. Helene Cooper. B Cooper
- How we fight for our lives: a memoir. Saeed Jones. B Jones
- I ain’t studdin’ ya: my American blues story. Bobby Rush. 781.643 RUS
- I am the new black. Tracy Morgan. B Morgan
- I can take it from here: a memoir of trauma, prison and self-empowerment. Lisa Forbes. 362.8292 FOR
- I see the promised land. Arthur Flowers, Manu Chitraker, Guglielmo Rossi. Graphic B King
- I will not fear: my story of a lifetime of building faith under fire. Melba Pattillo Beals. 379.263 BEA
- Ice: a memoir of gangster life and redemption–from South Central to Hollywood. Ice-T. B Ice-T
- Ida B. the queen: the extraordinary life and legacy of Ida B. Wells. Michelle Duster, Hannah Giorgis. 323.092 DUS
- An illuminated life: Belle da Costa Greene’s journey from prejudice to privilege. Heidi Ardizzone. B Greene
- I’m still standing: from captive U.S. soldier to free citizen–my journey home. Shoshana Johnson. 956.7044 JOH
- I’m telling the truth, but I’m lying: essays. Bassey Ikpi. 616.895 IKP
- The immortal life of Henrietta Lacks. Rebecca Skloot. 616.0277 SKL, Y 616.0277 SKL, Large Type 616.0277 SKL
- In black and white: the life of Sammy Davis, Jr. Wil Haygood. B Davis
- Infinite hope: how wrongful conviction, solitary confinement, and 12 years on death row failed to kill my soul. Anthony Graves. 345.025 GRA
- Invisible child: poverty, survival, and hope in an American city. Andrea Elliott. 362.7756 ELL
- It worked for me: in life and leadership. Colin Powell. B Powell, CD B Powell
- Jane Crow: the life of Pauli Murray. Rosalind Rosenberg. B Murray
- Joe Louis: hard times man. Randy Roberts. B Louis
- Just as I am: a memoir. Cicely Tyson. B Tyson, CD B Tyson
- Just pursuit: a black prosecutor’s fight for fairness. Laura Coates. 340.092 COA, CD 340.092 COA
- Kansas City lightning: the rise and times of Charlie Parker. Stanley Crouch. B Parker
- King of the blues: the rise and reign of B.B. King. Daniel de Visé. B King
- A knock at midnight: a story of hope, justice, and freedom. Brittany K. Barnett. 340.092 BAR
- Ladysitting: my year with Nana at the end of her century. Lorene Cary. 306.8745 CAR
- The last black unicorn. Tiffany Haddish. B Haddish
- The last hero: a life of Henry Aaron. Howard Bryant. B Aaron
- The last holiday: a memoir. Gil Scott-Heron. B Scott-Heron
- LeBron, Inc.: the making of a billion-dollar athlete. Brian Windhorst. B James
- The legs are the last to go. Diahann Carroll. B Carroll
- Let’s play two: the legend of Mr. Cub, the life of Ernie Banks. Ron Rapoport. B Banks
- The life and the adventures of a haunted convict. Austin Reed. 365.6092 REE
- Life beyond measure: letters to my great-granddaughter. Sidney Poitier. B Poitier
- Life in motion: an unlikely ballerina. Misty Copeland. B Copeland
- The life of Frederick Douglass: a graphic narrative of a slave’s journey from bondage to freedom. David F. Walker. Y 741.5 WAL
- Looking for Lorraine: the radiant and radical life of Lorraine Hansberry. Imani Perry. B Hansberry
- Lorraine Hansberry: the life behind A raisin in the sun. Charles J. Shields. B Hansberry
- Lost & found: finding hope in the detours of life. Sarah Jakes. 289.94 JAK
- Lost prophet: the life and times of Bayard Rustin. John D’Emilio. B Rustin
- Love in black and white. William S. Cohen. B Cohen
- The love prison made and unmade: my story. Ebony Roberts. 365.6092 ROB
- Madam C.J. Walker: the making of an American icon. Erica L. Ball. B Walker
- Major: a black athlete, a white era, and the fight to be the world’s fastest human being. Todd Balf. B Taylor
- Malcolm X: a life of reinvention. Manning Marable. B X
- Manchild in the promised land. Claude Brown. B Brown, CD B Brown
- The marathon don’t stop: the life and times of Nipsey Hussle. Rob Kenner. B Hussle
- March. Book one. John Lewis, Andrew Aydin. Graphic 342.73 LEW
- Men we reaped: a memoir. Jesmyn Ward. B Ward
- Mind and matter: a life in math and football. John Urschel. B Urschel
- Mirror to America: the autobiography of John Hope Franklin. B Franklin
- Mom & me & mom. Maya Angelou. B Angelou, Large Type B Angelou, CD B Angelou
- More than enough: claiming space for who you are (no matter what they say). Elaine Welteroth. 070.92 WEL
- More than pretty: doing the soul work that uncovers your true beauty. Erica Campbell. 248.843 CAM
- Motherhood so white: a memoir of race, gender, and parenting in America. Nefertiti Austin. 305.488 AUS
- My grandfather’s son. Clarence Thomas. B Thomas
- My life, my love, my legacy. Coretta Scott King. B King
- My long trip home: a family memoir. Mark Whitaker. B Whitaker
- My seven Black fathers: a young activist’s memoir of race, family, and the mentors who made him whole. Will Jawando. B Jawando
- My song: a memoir. Harry Belafonte. B Belafonte
- My time will come: a memoir of crime, punishment, hope, and redemption. Ian Manuel. 365.6092 MAN
- My vanishing country: a memoir. Bakari Sellers. 328.7309 SEL
- The new Negro: the life of Alain Locke. Jeffrey C. Stewart. B Locke
- No ashes in the fire: coming of age black & free in America. Darnell L. Moore. B Moore
- No higher honor: a memoir of my years in Washington. Condoleezza Rice. B Rice
- Now let me fly: a portrait of Eugene Bullard. Ronald Wimberly. Graphic B Bullard
- Old in art school: a memoir of starting over. Nell Painter. 700.92 PAI
- On our way to beautiful. Yolanda Young. B Young
- On the other side of freedom: the case for hope. DeRay Mckesson. 323.092 MACK
- One drop: my father’s hidden life– a story of race and family secrets. Bliss Broyard. B Broyard
- The one: the life and music of James Brown. R.J. Smith. B Brown
- Opening day: the story of Jackie Robinson’s first season. Jonathan Eig. B Robinson
- Oprah: a biography. Kitty Kelley. B Winfrey, Spanish Lang. B Winfrey, CD B Winfrey
- Ordinary light: a memoir. Tracy K. Smith. B Smith
- The original guitar hero and the power of music: the legendary Lonnie Johnson, music, and civil rights. Dean Alger. 782.4216 ALG
- The other Wes Moore: one name two fates. Wes Moore. B Moore
- Otis Redding: an unfinished life. Jonathan Gould. 782.4216 GOU
- Panther baby: a life of rebellion and reinvention. Jamal Joseph. B Joseph
- Passing strange: a Gilded Age tale of love and deception across the color line. Martha A. Sandweiss. B King
- A piece of cake. Cupcake Brown. B Brown
- A place to be someone: growing up with Charles Gordone. Shirley Gordon Jackson. Ind Coll B Gordone
- Pops: a life of Louis Armstrong. Terry Teachout. B Armstrong
- The portable nineteenth-century African American women writers. 810.8092 POR
- Postcards from Cookie: a memoir of motherhood, miracles, and a whole lot of mail. Caroline Clark. B Clarke
- Prepared for a purpose: the inspiring true story of how one woman saved an Atlanta school under siege. Antoinette Tuff. B Tuff
- Princess Noire: the tumultuous reign of Nina Simone. Nadine Cohodas. B Simone
- Promise that you will sing about me: the power and poetry of Kendrick Lamar. Miles Marshall Lewis. 782.4216 LEW
- Pulling the chariot of the sun: a memoir of a kidnapping. Shane McCrae. 364.154 MACC
- Punch me up to the gods. Brian Broome. B Broome
- The pursuit of happyness. Chris Gardner. B Gardner, CD B Gardner, DVD Drama P
- Queen of bebop: the musical lives of Sarah Vaughan. Elaine M. Hayes. 782.4216 HAY
- Quiet strength. Tony Dungy. B Dungy, CD B Dungy
- Rabbit: the autobiography of Ms. Pat. Patricia Williams. B Williams
- Raising fences: a black man’s love story. Michael Datcher. B Datcher
- Raw: my journey into the Wu-Tang. Lamont “U-God” Hawkins. B U-God
- The rebellious life of Mrs. Rosa Parks. Jeanne Theoharis. B Parks, Large Type B Parks
- Reclaiming her time: the power of Maxine Waters. Helena Andrews-Dyer, R. Eric Thomas. B Waters
- Reclamation: Sally Hemings, Thomas Jefferson, and a descendant’s search for her family’s lasting legacy. Gayle Jessup White. B White
- Redeeming justice: from defendant to defender, my fight for equity on both sides of a broken system. Jarrett Adams. 340.092 ADA
- Redemption: Martin Luther King Jr.’s last 31 hours. Joseph Rosenbloom. B King
- The redemption of Bobby Love: a story of faith, family, and justice. Bobby & Cheryl Love. 364.1092 LOV
- A redemptive path forward: from incarceration to a life of activism. Antong Lucky. 365.6092 LUC
- Respect: the life of Aretha Franklin. David Ritz. B Franklin
- Rest in power: the enduring life of Trayvon Martin. Sybrina Fulton, Tracy Martin. 305.896 FUL, Y 305.896 FUL
- Romare Bearden in the homeland of his imagination: an artist’s reckoning with the South. Glenda Elizabeth Gilmore. 709.2 GIL
- Room full of mirrors. Charles R. Cross. B Hendrix
- Run. Book one. John Lewis, Andrew Aydin. Graphic 328.73 LEW
- Scenes from my life: a memoir. Michael K. Williams. B Williams
- Secret daughter: a mixed-race daughter and the mother who gave her away. June Cross. B Cross
- Seeing Serena. Gerald Marzorati. B Williams, S.
- The sergeant : the incredible life of Nicholas Said: son of an African general, slave of the Ottomans, free man under the tsars, hero of the Union Army. Dean Calbreath. B Said
- She came to slay: the life and times of Harriet Tubman. Erica Armstrong Dunbar. B Tubman
- The short and tragic life of Robert Peace: a brilliant young man who left Newark for the Ivy League. Jeff Hobbs. B Peace
- Showdown: Thurgood Marshall and the Supreme Court nomination that changed America. Wil Haygood. 347.7326 HAY
- Sing for your life: a story of race, music, and family. Daniel Bergner. 782.109 BER
- Sister of the solid rock: Edna Mae Barnes Martin and the East Side Christian Center. Wilma Rugh Taylor. Ind. Coll. B Martin
- The sixth man: a memoir. Andre Iguodala. B Iguodala
- A slave in the White House: Paul Jennings and the Madisons. Elizabeth Dowling Taylor. B Jennings
- Smokin’ Joe: the life of Joe Frazier. Mark Kram, Jr. B Frazier
- Soldier: the life of Colin Powell. Karen DeYoung. B Powell
- Sometimes I trip on how happy we could be: essays. Nichole Perkins. 814.6 PER
- A song flung up to heaven. Maya Angelou. B Angelou, CD B Angelou
- A song for you: my life with Whitney Houston. Robyn Crawford. 782.4216 CRA
- The soul of a butterfly: reflections on life’s journey. Muhammad Ali. B Ali, Large Type B Ali
- The sound of freedom: Marian Anderson, the Lincoln Memorial, and the concert that awakened America. Raymond Arsenault. B Anderson
- Split decision: life stories. Ice-T & Spike. B Ice-T
- Stand tall: fighting for my life, inside and outside the ring. Dewey Bozella. 365.6092 BOZ
- Stokely: a life. Peniel E. Joseph. B Carmichael
- A stone of hope: a memoir. Jim St. Germain. 364.36 SAI
- Sure, I’ll be your Black friend: notes from the other side of the fist bump. Ben Philippe. 814.6 PHI
- Surviving the white gaze: a memoir. Rebecca Carroll. 305.4889 CAR
- Sweet thunder: the life and times of Sugar Ray Robinson. Wil Haygood. B Robinson
- This is just my face: try not to stare. Gabourey Sidibe. B Sidibe
- This is what America looks like: my journey from refugee to Congresswoman. Ilhan Omar. 973.933 OMA, Eaudiobook
- Through it all: reflections on my life, my family, and my faith. Christine King Farris. B Farris
- Tigerbelle: the Wyomia Tyus story. Wyomia Tyus, Elizabeth Terzakis. B Tyus
- Till the end. CC Sabathia. B Sabathia
- Time is tight: my life, note by note. Booker T. Jones. 782.4216 BOO
- T.O. Terrell Owens. B Owens
- To walk about in freedom: the long emancipation of Priscilla Joyner. Carole Emberton. 306.362 EMB
- Too hot: Kool & the Gang & me. George Brown. 782.4216 BRO
- Tough love: my story of the things worth fighting for. Susan Rice. B Rice
- Tough: my journey to true power. Terry Crews. B Crews, EAudiobook
- Trouble maker for justice: the story of Bayard Rustin, the man behind the March on Washington. Jacqueline Houtman, Walter Naegl, Michael G. Long. 323.092 HOU
- True: the four seasons of Jackie Robinson. Kostya Kennedy. B Robinson
- Truth’s table: black women’s musings on life, love, and liberation. Ekemini Uwan, Christina Edmondson, Michelle Higgins. 277.2008 UWA
- The truths we hold: an American journey. Kamala Harris. 328.7309 HAR, Large Type 328.7309 HAR, CD 328.7309 HAR
- Twelve years a slave. Solomon Northup. B Northup
- Unbreak my heart: a memoir. Toni Braxton. B Braxton
- Undisputed truth. Mike Tyson. B Tyson
- Unforgivable blackness: the rise and fall of Jack Johnson. Geoffrey C. Ward. B Johnson, DVD B Johnson
- Unprotected: a memoir. Billy Porter. B Porter, B., Ebook
- Up from history: the life of Booker T. Washington. Robert J. Norrell. B Washington
- Venus and Serena Williams: a biography. Jacqueline Edmondson. B Williams
- Vibrate higher: a rap story. Talib Kweli. 782.4216 KWE
- Vigilance: the life of William Still, Father of the Underground Railroad. Andrew K. Diemer. 973.7114 DIE
- We’re better than this: my fight for the future of our democracy. Elijah Cummings. 328.73 CUM
- We’re going to need more wine: stories that are funny, complicated, and true. Gabrielle Union. B Union, Ebook
- What doesn’t kill you makes you blacker: a memoir in essays. Damon Young. 973.0496 YOU
- What I know for sure. Tavis Smiley. B Smiley
- When I was white: a memoir. Sarah Valentine. 305.488 VAL
- Where you are is not who you are: a memoir. Ursula M. Burns. 338.7861 BUR
- While the world watched: a Birmingham bombing survivor comes of age during the civil rights movement. Carolyn Maull McKinstry. B McKinstry
- Willie Mays: the life, the legend. James S. Hirsch. B Mays
- The world’s fastest man: the extraordinary life of cyclist Major Taylor, America’s first Black sports hero. Michael Kranish. 796.62 KRA
- Wrapped in rainbows: the life of Zora Neale Hurston. Valerie Boyd. B Hurston
- Writing to save a life: the Louis Till file. John Edgar Wideman. 364.138 WID
- Yes, chef: a memoir. Marcus Samuelsson. 641.5092 SAM
- You got anything stronger?: stories. Gabrielle Union. B Union
- You’ve been chosen: thriving through the unexpected. Cynt Marshall. 338.04 MAR
- 1919. Eve L. Ewing. 811.6 EWI
- African American Poetry: 250 years of struggle & song. 811.008 AFR
- Against heaven: poems. Kemi Alabi. 811.6 ALA
- The age of Phillis. Honorée Fanonne Jeffers. 811.6 JEF
- And we rise: the Civil Rights Movement in poems. Erica Martin. Y 323.1196 MAR
- Angles of ascent: a Norton anthology of contemporary African American poetry. 811.008 ANG
- The annotated African American folktales. 398.208 ANN
- Ardency: a chronicle of the Amistad rebels … Kevin Lowell Young. 811 YOU
- Be holding: a poem. Ross Gay. 811.6 GAY
- Best Barbarian: poems. Roger Reeves. 811.6 REE
- Bestiary: poems. Donika Kelly. 811.6 KEL
- Bicycles: love poems. Nikki Giovanni. 811 GIO
- Bigger than bravery: Black resilience and reclamation in a time of pandemic. 810.8089 BIG
- The billboard. Natalie Y. Moore. 812.6 MOO
- Black girl, call home. Jasmine Mans. 811.6 MAN
- Black love matters: real talk on romance, being seen, and happily ever afters. 813.085 BLA
- \blak\ \al-fe bet\: poems. Mitchell L.H. Douglas. 811 DOU
- The breakbeat poets: new American poetry in the age of hip-hop. 811.008 BRE
- Build yourself a boat. Camonghne Felix. 811.6 FEL
- Celebrations: rituals of peace and prayer. Maya Angelou. 811 ANG, CD 811 ANG
- Chasing Utopia: a hybrid. Nikki Giovanni. 811 GIO
- Citizen: an American lyric. Claudia Rankine. 811.54 RAN
- Collected poems. Countee Cullen. 811.54 CUL
- Collected poems. Robert Hayden. 811 HAY
- Collected poems. Sonia Sanchez. 811 SAN
- Concentrate: poems. Courtney Faye Taylor. 811.6 TAY
- Crowned: magical folk and fairy tales from the diaspora. Kahran & Regis Bethencourt. 779.2 BET
- The cushion in the road: meditation and wandering as the whole world awakens to being in harm’s way. Alice Walker. 814 WAL
- Don’t call us dead: poems. Danez Smith. 811.6 SMI
- Duende: poems, 1966-now. Quincy Troupe. 811.54 TRO
- Electric arches. Eve L. Ewing. 811.6 EWI, Ebook
- The essential June Jordan. 811.54 JOR
- Felon: poems. Reginald Dwayne Betts. 811.6 BET
- Finna: poems. Nate Marshall. 811.6 MAR
- For the Confederate dead. Kevin Young. 811 YOU
- A fortune for your disaster: poems. Hanif Abdurraqib. 811.6 ABD
- A good cry: what we learn from tears and laughter. Nikki Giovanni. 811 GIO
- Hard times require furious dancing: new poems. Alice Walker. 811 WAL
- Homie: poems. Danez Smith. 811.6 SMI
- How to carry water: selected poems of Lucille Clifton. 811 CLI
- Hum. Jamaal May. 6 MAY
- In the language of my captor. Shane McCrae. 811.6 MACC
- Kontemporary Amerikan poetry: poems. John Murillo. 811.6 MUR
- Library of small catastrophes. Alison C. Rollins. 811.6 ROL
- Ma Rainey’s black bottom: a play in two acts. August Wilson. 812 WIL
- Magical negro: poems. Morgan Parker. 811.6 PAR
- Make me rain: poems & prose. Nikki Giovanni. 811 GIO
- Monument: poems: new and selected. Natasha Trethewey. 811 TRE
- Morning haiku. Sonia Sanchez. 811 SAN
- Native guard. Natasha Trethewey. 811 TRE
- The new testament. Jericho Brown. 811.6 BRO
- The 100 best African American poems. 811.008 ONE
- One with others: a little book of her days. C.D. Wright. 811 WRI
- Owed. Joshua Bennett. 811.6 BEN
- The Oxford anthology of African-American poetry. 811.008 OXF
- Playlist for the Apocalypse: poems. Rita Dove. 811 DOV
- Read until you understand: the profound wisdom of Black life and literature. Farah Jasmine Griffin. 810.9896 GRI
- Reading black books: how African American literature can make our faith more whole and just. Claude Atcho. 810.9896 ATC
- The renunciations: poems. Donika Kelly. 811.6 KEL
- S O S: poems 1961-2013. Amiri Baraka. 811.54 BAR
- Say her name. Zetta Elliott. Y 811 ELL
- The selected works of Audre Lorde. 814.54 LOR
- Silverchest. Carl Phillips. 811 PHI
- Sing a Black girl’s song: the unpublished work of Ntozake Shange. 818.5408 SHA
- Slave moth. Thylias Moss. 811 MOS
- Spirited minds: African American books for our sons and our brothers. 016.8108 SPI
- Splay anthem. Nathaniel Mackey. 811 MACK
- Stones: poems. Kevin Young. 811 YOU
- Such color: new and selected poems. Tracy K. Smith. 811 SMI
- Taking the arrow out of the heart: poems. Alice Walker. 811 WAL, CD 811 WAL
- Teahouse of the almighty. Patricia Smith. 811 SMI
- There are more beautiful things than Beyonce. Morgan Parker. 811.6 PAR
- To float in the space between: a life and work in conversation with the life and work of Etheridge Knight. Terrance Hayes. 811.54 KNI
- Un-American. Hafizah Geter. 811.6 GET
- Vintage Hughes. Langston Hughes. 811 HUG
- Voyage of the Sable Venus: and other poems. Robin Coste Lewis. 811.6 LEW
- Wade in the water: poems. Tracy K. Smith. 811 SMI
- Walking Gentry home: a memoir of my foremothers in verse. Alora Young. 811.6 YOU
- We are the ones we have been waiting for: inner light in a time of darkness. Alice Walker. 814 WAL
- The weary blues. Langston Hughes. 811 HUG
- Well-read black girl: finding our stories, discovering ourselves: an anthology. 810.8089 WEL
- We’re on: a June Jordan reader. 818.54 JOR
- What noise against the cane. Desiree C. Bailey. 811.6 BAI
- White girls. Hilton Als. 814 ALS
- Wild hundreds. Nate Marshall. 811.6 MAR
- Writings. James Weldon Johnson. 818 JOH
- Absalom’s daughters. Suzanne Feldman. Fic FEL
- The African American West: a century of short stories. 808.83 AFR
- Africaville. Jeffrey Colvin. Fic COL
- The after party. A.C. Arthur. Fic ART
- Always true to you in my fashion. Valerie Wilson Wesley. Fic WES
- American spy. Lauren Wilkinson. Fic WIL
- Another Brooklyn. Jacqueline Woodson. Fic WOO
- Aphrodite and the duke. J.J. McAvoy. Romance McAvoy
- As lie is to grin. Simeon Marsalis. Fic MAR
- The awkward black man: stories. Walter Mosley. Fic MOS
- Back channel. Stephen L. Carter. Fic CAR
- Bad men and wicked women. Eric Jerome Dickey. Fic DIC
- The ballad of Black Tom. Victor LaValle. Sci. Fic LAV
- The Banks sisters. Nikki Turner. Fic TUR
- The best of everything. Kimberla Lawson Roby. Fic ROB
- Bet on it. Jodie Slaughter. Romance Slaughter
- Better late than never. Kimberla Lawson Roby. FicROB
- Big girl. Mecca Jamilah Sullivan. Fic SUL
- Big girls do cry. Carl Weber. Fic WEB
- Black cloud rising. David Wright Faladé. Fic WRI
- The black market. Kiki Swinson. Fic SWI
- The blackbirds. Eric Jerome Dickey. Fic DIC
- Bloodroot. Aaron Roy Even. Fic EVE
- Boy, snow, bird. Helen Oyeyemi. Fic OYE
- The boyfriend project. Farrah Rochon. Romance Rochon
- A brief history of seven killings. Marlon James. Fic JAM, EAudiobook
- Bring on the blessings. Beverly Jenkins. Fic JEN
- The buffalo soldier. Chris Bohjalian. Fic BOH
- By the light of my father’s smile. Alice Walker. Fic WAL
- Call your daughter home. Deb Spera. Fic SPE, Large Type Fic SPE
- Can’t stand the heat. Shelly Ellis. Fic ELL
- The care and feeding of ravenously hungry girls. Anissa Gray. Fic GRA, Large Type Fic GRA
- Carolina built. Kianna Alexander. Fic ALE
- Chasing down a dream. Beverly Jenkins. Fic JEN
- The cheating curve. Paula T. Renfroe. Fic REN
- The choir director. Carl Weber. Fic WEB
- The cigar factory: a novel of Charleston. Michele Moore. Fic MOO
- Citizens creek. Lalita Tademy. Fic TAD, CD Fic TAD
- Cold Rock River. J. L. Miles. Fic MIL
- The color purple. Alice Walker. Fic WAL, Y Fic WAL, DVD Drama C
- Dark matter: a century of speculative fiction from the African diaspora. 808.83 DAR
- The darkest child. Delores Phillips. Fic PHI
- Daughter. Asha Bandele. Fic BAN
- Daughter of a daughter of a queen. Sarah Bird. Fic BIR
- Daughters of the stone. Dahlma Llanos-Figueroa. Fic LLA
- Dear drama. Braya Spice. Fic SPI
- Death before dishonor: a 50 Cent and Nikki Turner original. 50 Cent, Nikki Turner. Fic FIF
- Debbie doesn’t do it anymore. Walter Mosley. Fic MOS
- Decadence. Eric Jerome Dickey. Fic DIC
- A deeper love inside: the Porsche Santiaga story. Sister Souljah. Fic SOU
- Delilah’s daughters. Angela Benson. Fic BEN
- Destiny’s surrender. Beverly Jenkins. Large Type Fic JEN
- The destroyer of worlds: a return to Lovecraft country. Matt Ruff. Sci. Fic RUF
- Difficult women. Roxane Gay. Fic GAY
- Don’t cry for me. Daniel Black. Fic BLA, Ebook, EAudiobook
- The dry grass of August. Anna Jean Mayhew. Fic MAY
- A duke by default. Alyssa Cole. Romance Cole
- The evening road. Laird Hunt. Fic HUN
- Everybody’s son. Thrity Umrigar. Fic UMR
- Everywhere you don’t belong. Gabriel Bump. Fic BUM
- Extraordinary union. Alyssa Cole. Romance COL
- The family business. Carl Weber. Fic WEB
- Filthy animals. Brandon Taylor. Fic TAY
- The final revival of Opal & Nev. Dawnie Walton. Fic WAL, Ebook
- Finding Gideon. Eric Jerome Dickey. Fic DIC
- Foolish hearts. Synithia Williams. Romance Williams, EAudiobook
- For your love. Beverly Jenkins. Fic JEN
- Forever a hustler’s wife. Nikki Turner. Fic TUR
- Friday black. Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah. Fic ADJ, Ebook
- A gangster and a gentleman. Kiki Swinson, De’nesha Diamond. Fic SWI
- The general’s cook. Ramin Ganeshram. Fic GAN
- Get it girls: a Harlem girl lost novel. Treasure Blue. Fic BLU
- Getting to happy. Terry McMillan. Fic MACM, CD Fic MACM
- The gilded years. Karin Tanabe. Fic TAN
- The girl who fell from the sky. Heidi W. Durrow. Fic DUR, CD Fic DUR
- The glamorous life 2: all that glitters isn’t gold. Nikki Turner. Fic TUR
- The good lord bird. James McBride. Fic MACB, CD Fic MACB
- Grace. Natashia Deón. Fic DEO
- He had it coming. Camika Spencer. Fic SPE
- Heads of the colored people: stories. Nafissa Thompson-Spires. Fic THO
- Heart of gold. Beverly Jenkins. Fic JEN
- The help. Kathryn Stockett. Fic STO
- Hitting a straight lick with a crooked stick: stories from the Harlem Renaissance. Zora Neale Hurston. Fic HUR, Ebook, EAudiobook
- Hold me in contempt. Wendy Williams. Romance WIL
- Home. Toni Morrison. Fic MOR, CD Fic MOR
- Home across the road. Nancy Peacock. Fic PEA
- The hookup plan. Farrah Rochon. Romance Rochon
- A hope divided. Alyssa Cole. Romance COL
- A house divided. Kimberla Lawson Roby. Fic ROB
- The house girl. Tara Conklin. Fic CON
- House of light. Joyce Carol Thomas. Fic THO
- How are you going to save yourself. JM Holmes. Fic HOL
- How the one-armed sister sweeps her house. Cherie Jones. Fic JON, Ebook
- How to catch a queen. Alyssa Cole. Romance COL
- Hue and cry: stories. James Alan McPherson. Fic MACP
- A hustler’s wife. Nikki Turner. Fic TUR
- I, Alex Cross. James Patterson. Fic PAT
- I almost forgot about you. Terry McMillan. Fic MACM
- If I can’t have you. Mary B. Morrison. Fic MOR
- In every mirror she’s Black. Lọlá Ákínmádé Åkerström. Fic AKI
- In West Mills. De’Shawn Charles Winslow. Fic WIN
- Influence. Carl Weber. Fic WEB
- Inside a silver box. Walter Mosley. Fic MOS
- Internationally known. Kiki Swinson. Fic SWI
- The interruption of everything. Terry McMillan. Fic MACM, CD Fic MACM
- It’s not all downhill from here. Terry McMillan. Fiction McMillan
- Jam on the vine. LaSonda Katrice Barnett. Fic BAR
- John Henry Days. Colson Whitehead. Fic WHI
- John Woman. Walter Mosley. Fic MOS, EAudiobook
- Josephine Baker’s last dance. Sherry Jones. Fic JON
- Jump at the sun. Kim McLarin. Fic MACL
- Juneteenth. Ralph Ellison. Fic ELL
- Justice for none. Gene Hackman. Fic HAC
- The kid. Sapphire. Fic SAP
- A killing in this town. Olympia Vernon. Fic VER
- The kindest lie. Nancy Johnson. Fic JOH
- Kindred. Octavia E. Butler. Sci. Fic BUT
- Kinship concealed: Amish Mennonite — African American family connections. Sharon Cranford, Dwight E. Roth. Fic CRA
- The kitchen house. Kathleen Grissom. Fic GRI
- The last days of Ptolemy Grey. Walter Mosley. Fic MOS, CD Fic MOS
- Last summer on State Street. Toya Wolfe. Fic WOL
- The last thing you surrender. Leonard Pitts, Jr.. Fic PIT
- Lavina. Mary Marcus. Fic MAR
- Lazaretto. Diane McKinney-Whetstone. Fic MACK
- Let’s stay together. J.J. Murray. Romance MUR
- Libertie. Kaitlyn Greenidge. Fic GRE
- Life after death. Sister Souljah. Fic SOU, Ebook
- Life is short but wide. J. California Cooper. Fic COO
- The light always breaks. Angela Jackson-Brown. Fic JAC, CD Fic JAC
- Like trees, walking. Ravi Howard. Fic HOW
- A little bit of karma. ReShonda Tate Billingsley. Fic BIL
- Look for me and I’ll be gone: stories. John Edgar Wideman. Fic WID
- Love and lotus blossoms. Anne Shade. Romance Shade
- The love con. Seressia Glass. Romance Glass
- A lowcountry bride. Preslaysa Williams. Romance Williams
- Luster. Raven Leilani. Fic LEI, Ebook, EAudiobook
- The man in 3B. Carl Weber. Fic WEB, Large Type Fic WEB
- The man in my basement. Walter Mosley. Fic MOS, Large Type Fic MOS
- The man who lived underground. Richard Wright, Fic WRI, CD Fic WRI, Ebook
- The men of Brewster Place. Gloria Naylor. Fic NAY
- A mercy. Toni Morrison. Fic MOR, CD Fic MOR
- The minister primarily. John Oliver Killens. Fic KIL
- Monster in the middle. Tiphanie Yanique. Fic YAN
- More to life. ReShonda Tate Billingsley. Fic BIL
- Most wanted. Kiki Swinson, Nikki Turner. Fic SWI
- Mother of pearl. Melinda Haynes. Fic HAY
- Mudbound. Hillary Jordan. Fic JOR
- Native son. Richard Wright. Fic WRI
- Natural born hustler. Nikki Turner. Fic TUR
- The next phase of life. Charmaine R. Parker. Fic PAR
- Nikki Turner presents A woman’s work: Street Chronicles. Fic NIK
- One night. Eric Jerome Dickey. Fic DIC
- The orphan mother. Robert Hicks. Fic HIC
- Out of the night that covers me. Pat Cunningham Devoto. Fic DEV
- Paradise sky. Joe R. Lansdale. Western LAN
- The perishing. Natashia Deón. Fiction DEÓ
- The personal history of Rachel Dupree. Ann Weisgarber. Fic WEI
- A prince on paper. Alyssa Cole. Romance COL
- A princess in theory. Alyssa Cole. Romance COL
- The professor’s daughter. Emily Raboteau. Fic RAB
- Promise broken. K’wan. Fic KWA
- Property of the state. Kiki Swinson. Fic SWI
- The prophets. Robert Jones, Jr. Fic JON
- Pym. Mat Johnson. Fic JOH
- Queen of exiles. Vanessa Riley. Fiction Riley
- Queen of the conquered. Kacen Callender. Sci. Fic CAL
- Queen sugar. Natalie Baszile. Fic BAS
- Real life. Brandon Taylor. Fic TAY, EAudiobook
- Real men knit. Kwana Jackson. Romance JAC
- Rebel. Beverly Jenkins. Romance Jenkins
- Recipe for love. Shamara Ray. Fic RAY
- Red now and laters. Marcus J. Guillory. Fic GUI
- Red River. Lalita Tademy. Fic TAD
- Resurrecting midnight. Eric Jerome Dickey. Fic DIC
- The returned. Jason Mott. Fic MOT, Large Type Fic MOT
- The revisioners. Margaret Wilkerson Sexton. Fic SEX, CD Fic SEX
- Revival season. Monica West. Fic WES
- Riot baby. Tochi Onyebuchi. Sci. Fic ONY, EAudiobook
- The sacrifice. Joyce Carol Oates. Fic OAT
- Sag Harbor. Colson Whitehead. Fic WHI
- Salvage the bones. Jesmyn Ward. Fic WAR
- Sapphire’s grave. Hilda Gurley-Highgate. Fic GUR
- Saving Ruby King. Catherine Adel West. Fic WES, Eaudiobook
- A second helping. Beverly Jenkins. Fic JEN
- Second time sweeter. Beverly Jenkins. Fic JEN
- See now then. Jamaica Kincaid. Fic KIN
- Silver sparrow. Tayari Jones. Fic JON
- Sin of a woman. Kimberla Lawson Roby. Fic ROB
- A sinful calling. Kimberla Lawson Roby. Fic ROB
- Single Black female. Tracy Brown. Fic BRO
- Sister mother warrior. Vanessa Riley. Fic RIL
- Some sing, some cry. Ntozake Shange, Ifa Bayeza. Fic SHA
- Someone knows my name. Lawrence Hill. Fic HIL
- Something old, something new. Beverly Jenkins. Fic JEN
- Song yet sung. James McBride. Fic MACB, CD Fic MACB
- Stepping to a new day. Beverly Jenkins. Fic JEN
- Street love: a Triple Crown anthology. Fic STR
- Strivers Row. Kevin Baker. Fic BAK
- The Supremes at Earl’s all-you-can-eat. Edward Kelsey Moore. Fic MOO, Large Type Fic MOO, CD Fic MOO
- The Supremes sing the happy heartache blues. Edward Kelsey Moore. Fic MOO, Large Type Fic MOO
- The taste of salt. Martha Southgate. Fic SOU
- Things past telling. Sheila Williams. Fic WIL
- A thorn in the saddle. Rebekah Weatherspoon. Romance Weatherspoon
- The tragedy of Brady Sims. Ernest J. Gaines. Fic GAI
- Trouble in Rio. Carl Weber. Fic WEB
- True to the game II. Teri Woods. Fic WOO
- True to the game III. Teri Woods. Fic WOO
- The Tubman command. Elizabeth Cobbs. Fic COB
- The Turner house. Angela Flournoy. Fic FLO
- The twelve tribes of Hattie. Ayana Mathis. Fic MAT, CD Fic MAT
- An unconditional freedom. Alyssa Cole. Romance COL
- Up from freedom. Wayne Grady. Fic GRA
- The warmest December. Bernice L. McFadden. Fic MACF
- We are all welcome here. Elizabeth Berg. Fic BER
- We cast a shadow. Maurice Carlos Ruffin. Fic RUF
- Wench. Dolen Perkins-Valdez. Fic PER, Large Type Fic PER
- What the fireflies knew. Kai Harris. Fic HAR
- What we lose. Zinzi Clemmons. Fic CLE, Large Type Fic CLE
- When stars rain down. Angela Jackson-Brown. Fic JAC
- Where it rains in color. Denise Crittendon. Sci. Fic CRI
- Who asked you? Terry McMillan. Large Type Fic MACM
- Wild rain. Beverly Jenkins. Romance Jenkins
- Zora books her happy ever after. Taj McCoy. Romance McCoy
- All her little secrets. Wanda M. Morris. Mystery Morris
- And now she’s gone. Rachel Howzell Hall. Mystery Hall
- And sometimes I wonder about you. Walter Mosley. Mystery MOS
- Anywhere you run. Wanda M. Morris. Mystery Morris
- Black water rising. Attica Locke. Mystery LOC
- The blackbird papers. Ian Smith. Mystery SMI
- Blonde faith. Walter Mosley. Mystery MOS
- The blood red Indian Summer. David Handler. Mystery HAN
- Charcoal Joe. Walter Mosley. Mystery MOS
- Cold bayou. Barbara Hambly. Mystery HAM
- The cutting season. Attica Locke. Mystery LOC
- Dead dead girls. Nekesa Afia. Mystery Afia
- Drinking gourd. Barbara Hambly. Mystery HAM
- Heaven, my home. Attica Locke. Mystery LOC, CD Fic LOC
- Little green: an Easy Rawlins mystery. Walter Mosley. Mystery MOS
- Murder in July. Barbara Hambly. Mystery HAM
- The scribe. Matthew Guinn. Mystery GUI
- Seven for a secret. Lyndsay Faye. Mystery FAY
- The shimmering blond sister. David Handler. Mystery HAN
- The sour cherry surprise. David Handler. Mystery HAN
- Trail of echoes. Rachel Howzell Hall. Mystery HAL
- Trouble is what I do. Walter Mosley. Mystery MOS
- The unquiet grave. Sharyn McCrumb. Mystery MACC
- Abbott. Saladin Ahmed. Graphic Fic AHM
- As the crow flies. Melanie Gillman. Y 741.5 GIL
- Bingo love. Tee Franklin. Graphic Fic FRA, Ebook
- Bitter root. Volume one, Family business. David F. Walker, Chuck Brown, Sanford Greene. Graphic Fic WAL
- Black AF: America’s sweetheart. Kwanza Osajyefo. Graphic Fic OSA
- (H)afrocentric. Juliana “Jewels” Smith. Graphic Fic SMI
- Monster: a graphic novel. Walter Dean Myers, Guy A. Sims. Y 741.5 SIM
- Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur. BFF, 1. Brandon Montclare, Amy Reeder. Y 741.5 MON
- Octavia E. Butler’s Kindred. Damian Duffy, John Jennings. Graphic Fic DUF
- The silence of our friends. Mark Long, Jim Demonakos. Graphic Fic LON
- Your black friend and other strangers. Ben Passmore. Graphic Fic PAS
- The book in room 316. ReShonda Tate Billingsley. Rel. Fic BIL
- Church folk. Michele Andrea Bowen. Rel. Fic BOW
- Fifteen years. Kendra Norman-Bellamy. Rel. Fic NOR
- My soul cries out. Sherri L. Lewis. Rel. Fic LEW
- Sister Betty! God’s calling you, again. Pat G’Orge-Walker. Large Type Fic GOR
- The solace of water. Elizabeth Byler Younts. Fic YOU, CD Fic YOU
- Something good. Vanessa Miller. Rel. Fic MIL
- Walking in tall weeds. Robin W. Pearson. Rel. Fic PEA
- What we found in hallelujah. Vanessa Miller. Rel. Fic MIL
- Yesterday’s promise. Vanessa Miller. Rel. Fic MIL
- All the days past, all the days to come. Mildred D. Taylor. Y Fic TAY
- The astonishing life of Octavian Nothing, traitor to the nation. M. T. Anderson. Y Fic AND
- The awakening of Malcolm X. Ilyasah Shabazz. Y Fic SHA
- Bad witch burning. Jessica Lewis. Y Fic LEW, Ebook
- Black enough: stories of being young & black in America. Y Fic BLA
- The black kids. Christina Hammonds Reed. Y Fic HAM
- The boy in the black suit. Jason Reynolds. Y Fic REY
- Boy21. Matthew Quick. Y Fic QUI
- Brothers in arms (Bluford High). Paul Langan, Ben Alirez. Y Fic LAN
- Calico Girl. Jerdine Nolen. Y Fic NOL
- Chains. Laurie Halse Anderson. Y Fic AND, Y AUDIO CD AND
- Charming as a verb. Ben Philippe. Y Fic PHI
- Confessions of an alleged good girl. Joya Goffney. Y Fic GOF
- The cost of knowing. Brittney Morris. Y Fic MOR
- Crossing Ebenezer Creek. Tonya Bolden. Y Fic BOL
- The crossover. Kwame Alexander. Y Fic ALE
- Dear Justyce. Nic Stone. Y Fic STO, EAudiobook
- Dread nation. Justina Ireland. Y Fic IRE
- Dreamland burning. Jennifer Latham. Y Fic LAT
- Every body looking. Candice Iloh. Y Fic ILO
- Fake ID. L.R. Giles. Y Fic GIL
- Flygirl. Sherri L. Smith. Y Fic SMI
- Forge. Laurie Halse Anderson. Y Fic AND
- Foul trouble. John Feinstein. Y Fic FEI
- George Washington Carver: inventor and naturalist. Sam Wellman. Large Type Fic WEL
- Good fortune. Noni Carter. Y Fic CAR
- The Good Luck Girls. Charlotte Nicole Davis. Y Fic DAV
- He said, she said. Kwame Alexander. Y Fic ALE
- How it went down. Kekla Magoon. Y Fic MAG
- I’m not dying with you tonight. Kimberly Jones, Gilly Segal. Y Fic JON
- Jump into the sky. Shelley Pearsall. Y Fic PEA, J PEA
- Let’s talk about love. Claire Kann. Y Fic KAN
- Light it up. Kekla Magoon. Y Fic MAG
- Love Radio. Ebony LaDelle. Y Fic LAD
- Mirror girls. Kelly McWilliams. Y Fiction McWilliams
- My name is not Friday. Jon Walter. Y Fic WAL
- My week with him. Joya Goffney. Y Fiction Goffney
- Okoye to the people. Ibi Zoboi. Y Fic ZOB
- One of the good ones. Maika Moulite, Maritza Moulite. Y Fic MOU, Ebook, EAudiobook
- Piecing me together. Renée Watson. Y Fic WAT
- Pointe. Brandy Colbert. Y Fic COL
- Punching the air. Ibi Zoboi. Y Fic ZOB, Ebook, Eaudiobook
- Rise to the sun. Leah Johnson. Y Fic JOH, Ebook, EAudiobook
- Rust in the root. Justina Ireland. Y Fic IRE
- See no color. Shannon Gibney. Y Fic GIB
- The sisters of reckoning. Charlotte Nicole Davis. Y Fic DAV
- A sitting in St. James. Rita Williams-Garcia. Y Fic WIL
- Smash it! Francina Simone. Y Fic SIM
- So many beginnings: a Little Women remix. Bethany C. Morrow. Y Fic MOR, Eaudiobook
- A song below water. Bethany C. Morrow. Y Fic MOR, EAudiobook
- Spin. Lamar Giles. Y Fic GIL
- Swing. Kwame Alexander. Y Fic ALE
- True true. Don P. Hooper. Y Fiction Hooper
- Tyler Johnson was here. Jay Coles. Y Fic COL
- Vinyl moon. Mahogany L. Browne. Y Fic BRO, EAudiobook
- The voting booth. Brandy Colbert. Y Fic COL, Ebook, EAudiobook
- When I was the greatest. Jason Reynolds. Y Fic REY
- X. Ilyasah Shabazz. Y Fic SHA
- You should see me in a crown. Leah Johnson. Y Fic JOH, Ebook
- The African Americans: many rivers to cross. DVD 973.0496
- Antwone Fisher. DVD Drama
- ATL. DVD Drama A
- Barack Obama. DVD B Obama
- Been to the mountaintop. DVD 323.2296
- Betty and Coretta. DVD Drama B
- Brother outsider:the life of Bayard Rustin. DVD B Rustin
- Citizen King. VIDEO B King
- Coach Carter. DVD Drama C
- The Cosby show. DVD Comedy C
- Desert bayou. DVD 363.3492
- Dreamgirls. DVD Drama D
- Ella Fitzgerald forever Ella. VIDEO B Fitzgerald
- The Express. DVD Drama E
- Fires in the mirror: Crown Heights, Brooklyn and other identities. VIDEO Drama
- Forgotten genius. DVD B Julian
- 42: the Jackie Robinson story. DVD Drama F, BLU Drama F
- Freedom song. DVD Drama F
- Gettin’ grown. DVD Drama G
- Gifted hands: the Ben Carson story. DVD B Carson
- Glory road. DVD Drama G
- Go tell it on the mountain. DVD Drama
- Good hair. DVD 646.724
- Gospel Hill. DVD Drama G
- The great debaters. DVD Drama G
- I can do bad all by myself. DVD Comedy I
- In remembrance of Martin. DVD B King
- The Jackie Robinson story. DVD Drama J
- Jumping the broom. DVD Comedy J
- King: man of peace in a time of war. DVD B King
- Life support. DVD Drama L
- The lottery. DVD 379.26
- Madea’s big happy family. DVD Comedy M
- A man named Pearl. DVD 712.092
- Meeting David Wilson. DVD 305.896
- More than a game. DVD 796.323
- The Morgan lacrosse story. DVD 796.347
- Murder in Mississippi. DVD Drama M
- Neshoba: the price of freedom. DVD 364.1523
- Passing glory. DVD Drama P, VIDEO Drama P
- President Barack Obama: the man and his journey. DVD B Obama
- Pride. DVD Drama P
- Proud. DVD Drama P
- A raisin in the sun. DVD Drama R
- The Rosa Parks story. DVD 973.0496
- The secret life of bees. DVD Drama S
- Slavery and the making of America. DVD 973.0496
- Stand: what do you stand for? DVD 305.896
- The Temptations. DVD Drama T
- Their eyes were watching God. DVD Drama T
- Thurgood. DVD Drama T
- The Tuskegee airmen. DVD Drama T
- Unchained memories. DVD 973.0496
- The untold story of Emmett Louis Till. DVD 364.1523
- The Vernon Johns story. DVD Drama V
- Whoopi Goldberg. DVD B Goldberg
- With all deliberate speed. DVD 379.263
- The best of Harry Belafonte’s the long road to freedom: an anthology of black music. Harry Belafonte. CD P COLL BHB B-62
- Get on board! underground railroad & civil rights freedom songs. Kim & Reggie Harris. CD P HARR GOB H-98
- Genuine Negro jig. Carolina Chocolate Drops. CD P CARO GNJ C-52
- Shakin’ a tailfeather. CD ZM SHAK ST M-40, Cass. ZM SHAK ST M-40
- Twenty-five. Sweet Honey in the Rock. CD MA SWEE TWE S-51
- Encyclopedia of African-American culture and history. Electronic Resource
- The bat boy & his violin. Gavin Curtis. Pic CUR
- Be boy buzz. Bell Hooks. Pic HOO
- Beauty, her basket. Sandra Belton. Pic BEL
- Big Jabe. Jerdine Nolen. Pic NOL
- Cassie’s word quilt. Faith Ringgold. Pic RIN
- Coming on home soon. Jacqueline Woodson. Pic WOO
- Dancing the Ring Shout! Kim L. Siegelson. Pic SIE
- DeShawn days. Tony Medina. Pic MED
- Do you know what I’ll do? Charlotte Zolotow. Pic ZOL
- Faraway drums. Virginia Kroll. Pic KRO
- Fishing day. Andrea Davis Pinkney. Pic PIN
- Freedom on the menu: the Greensboro sit-ins. Carole Boston Weatherford. Pic WEA
- Freedom Summer. Debbie Wiles. Pic WIL
- Girls together. Sherley Anne Williams. Pic WIL
- Goin’ someplace special. Patricia McKissack. Pic MACK
- Going north. Janice N. Harrington. Pic HAR
- Grandma’s hands. Dolores Johnson. Pic JOH
- God bless the child. Billie Holiday. Pic HOL
- Haircuts at Sleepy Sam’s. Michael R. Strickland. Pic STR
- Hot city. Barbara Joosse. Pic JOO
- Hot day on Abbott Avenue. Karen English. Pic ENG
- I have heard of a land. Joyce Carol Thomas. Pic THO
- Janna and the kings. Patricia Smith. Pic SMI
- Jewels. Belinda Rochelle. Pic ROC
- Joe-Joe’s first flight. Natasha Anastasia Tarpley. Pic TAR
- Joe Louis, my champion. William Miller. Pic MIL
- The Jump at the Sun treasury: an African American picture book collection. J 810.8 JUM
- Just like Josh Gibson. Angela Johnson. Pic JOH
- Li’l Dan, the drummer boy: a Civil War story. Romare Bearden. Pic BEA
- Little Cliff and the porch people. Clifton L. Taulbert. Pic TAU
- Nappy hair. Carolivia Herron. Pic HER
- No mirrors in my Nana’s house. Ysaye M. Barnwell. Pic BAR
- On Mardi Gras day. Fatima Shaik. Pic SHA
- Papa’s mark. Gwendolyn Battle-Lavert. Pic BAT
- The patchwork path: a quilt map to freedom. Bettye Stroud. Pic STR
- Pictures for Miss Josie. Sandra Belton. Pic BEL
- Shades of black: a celebration of our children. Sandra L. Pinkney. Pic PIN
- Skin again. Bell Hooks. Pic HOO
- Sky sash so blue. Libby Hathorn. Pic HAT
- A strawbeater’s thanksgiving. Irene Smalls. Pic SMA
- Summer sun risin’. W. Nikola-Lisa. Pic NIK
- Summertime from Porgy and Bess. George Gershwin. Pic GER
- Sweet music in Harlem. Debbie A. Taylor. Pic TAY
- Sweet potato pie. Kathleen D. Lindsey. Pic LIN
- A sweet smell of roses. Angela Johnson. Pic JOH
- Take it to the hoop, Magic Johnson. Quincy Troupe. Pic TRO
- Thunder Rose. Jerdine Nolen. Pic NOL
- Uptown. Bryan Collier. Pic COL
- Virgie goes to school with us boys. Elizabeth Fitzgerald Howard. Pic HOW
- Why heaven is far away. Julius Lester. Pic LES
- Almost to freedom. Vaunda Micheaux Nelson. E NEL
- A band of angels: a story inspired by the Jubilee Singers. Deborah Hopkinson. E HOP
- A bus of our own. Freddi Williams Evans. E EVA
- Circle unbroken: the story of a basket and its people. Margot Theis Raven. E RAV
- Civil War days. Ellen Weiss. E WEI
- Faraway home. Jane Kurtz. E KUR
- In the time of the drums. Kim L. Siegelson. E SIE
- The Invisible Princess. Faith Ringgold. E RIN
- Up the learning tree. Marcia Vaughan. E VAU
- Abraham’s battle: a novel of Gettysburg. Sara Harrell Banks. J BAN
- Bud, not Buddy. Christopher Paul Curtis. J CUR
- Color me dark: the diary of Nellie Lee Love, the great migration North. Patricia McKissack. J MACK
- Double Dutch. Sharon M. Draper. J DRA
- The dream bearer. Walter Dean Myers. J MYE
- Flying free. Sharon Dennis Wyeth. J WYE
- Forty acres and maybe a mule. Harriette Gillem Robinet. J ROB
- Grandma’s general store: the Ark. Dorothy Carter. J CAR
- Hush. Jacqueline Woodson. J WOO
- Junebug and the Reverend. Alice Mead. J MEA
- Missy Violet & me. Barbara Hathaway. J HAT
- No laughter here. Rita Williams-Garcia. J WIL
- Numbering all the bones. Ann Rinaldi. J RIN
- The Old African. Julius Lester. J LES
- One true friend. Joyce Hansen. J HAN
- The red rose box. Brenda Woods. J WOO
- The rock and the river. Kekla Magoon. J MAG
- Roll of thunder, hear my cry. Mildred D. Taylor. J Tay Newbery, J AUDIO CD, J AUDIO Cassette
- Send one angel down. Virginia Frances Schwartz. J SCH
- Some friend. Marie Bradby. J BRA
- The starplace. Vicki Grove. J GRO
- Storm warriors. Elisa Carbone. J CAR
- Strawberry moon. Karen English. J ENG
- Time pieces: the book of times. Virginia Hamilton. J HAM
- Yankee girl. Mary Ann Rodman. J ROD
- Angel to angel: a mother’s gift of love. Walter Dean Myers. J 811 MYE
- Bruh Rabbit and the tar baby girl. Virginia Hamilton. E 398.24 HAM
- Carver: a life in poems. Marilyn Nelson. J 811 NEL
- Come Sunday. Nikki Grimes. J 811 GRI
- Ellington was not a street. Ntozake Shange. Pic SHA
- For the love of the game: Michael Jordan and me. Eloise Greenfield. E 811 GRE
- In daddy’s arms I am tall: African Americans celebrating fathers. J 811.008 IND
- Isn’t my name magical?: sister and brother poems. James Berry. J 811 BER
- Jump back, honey: the poems of Paul Laurence Dunbar. J 811 DUN
- Make a joyful sound: poems for children by African-American poets. J 811.008 MAK
- My man Blue: poems. Nikki Grimes. E 811 GRI
- The other side: Shorter poems. Angela Johnson. J 811 JOH
- A ring of tricksters: animal tales from America, the West Indies, and Africa. Virginia Hamilton. J 398.24 HAM
- The secret of the stones: a folktale. Robert D. San Souci. J 398.21 SAN
- Sure as sunrise: stories of Bruh Rabbit & his walkin’ talkin’ friends. Alice McGill. J 398.24 MACG
- Sweet words so brave: the story of African American literature. Barbara K. Curry and James Michael Brodie. J 810.9 CUR
- ‘Twas the night b’fore Christmas: an African-American version. J 811 ROS
- Uncle Remus: the complete tales. Julius Lester. J 398.24 LES
- Wiley and the Hairy Man. Judy Sierra. J 398.21 SIE
- Words with wings: a treasury of African-American poetry and art. J 811.008 WOR
- African American military heroes. Jim Haskins. J 923.5 HAS
- African-Americans in the Old West. Tom McGowen. J 978 MACG
- The Africans. Jen Green. J 973.04 GRE
- All around town: the photographs of Richard Samuel Roberts. Dinah Johnson. J 779 JOH
- The Amistad slave revolt and American abolition. Karen Zeinert. J 973.57 ZEI
- Black hands, white sails: the story of African-American whalers. Patricia C. McKissack & Fredrick L. McKissack. J 693.2 MACK
- The Black regiment of the American Revolution. Linda Crotta Brennan. J 973.34 BRE
- Bound for glory: from the Great Migration to the Harlem Renaissance, 1910-1930. Kerry Candaele. J 973.04 CAN
- Breaking ground, breaking silence: the story of New York’s African burial ground. Joyce Hansen & Gary McGowan. J 305.56 HAN
- Civil rights marches. Linda and Charles George. J 973.92 GEO
- Civil War days: discover the past with exciting projects, games, activities, and recipes. David C. King. J 973.71 KIN
- Coming together: celebrations for African American families. J 394.26 COL
- Cooking. Angela Shelf Medearis and Michael R. Medearis. J 641.59 MED
- Cracking the wall: the struggles of the Little Rock Nine. Eileen Lucas. J 379.263 LUC
- Crafts that celebrate Black history. Kathy Ross. J 745.594 ROS
- Dance. Angela Shelf Medearis and Michael R. Medearis. J 793.3 MED
- A drawing in the sand: a story of African American art. Jerry Butler. J 704.03 BUT
- The Dred Scott decision. Brendan January. J 342.73 JAN
- The Fourteenth Amendment: equal protection under the law. David L. Hudson, Jr. J 342.73 HUD
- Free at last!: stories and songs of Emancipation. Doreen Rappaport. J 305.896 RAP
- Freedom walkers: the story of the Montgomery bus boycott. Russell Freedman. J 323.1 FRE
- Grandma Lois remembers: an African-American family story. Ann Morris. E 973.04 MOR
- Hard labor: the first African Americans, 1619. Patricia C. & Fredrick L. McKissack. J 973.2 MACK
- Harriet Tubman and the underground railroad. Michael Martin. J 973.71 MAR
- Hell Fighters: African American soldiers in World War I. Michael L. Cooper. J 940.3 COO
- Hush songs: African American lullabies. Joyce Carol Thomas. J 781.5 THO
- I have a dream. Martin Luther King, Jr. J 305.8 KIN
- I see the rhythm. Toyomi Igus. J 780.89 IGU
- In praise of our fathers and our mothers: a black family treasury by outstanding authors and artists. J 306.85 INP
- Into the land of freedom: African Americans in Reconstruction. Meg Greene. J 973.8 GRE
- Let my people go: Bible stories told by a freeman of color to his daughter, Charlotte, in Charleston, South Carolina, 1806-16. Patricia & Fredrick McKissack. J 221.95 MACK
- Lincoln, slavery, and the Emancipation Proclamation. Carin T. Ford. J 973.71 FOR
- Music. Angela Shelf Medearis, Michael R. Medearis. J 780.89 MED
- The school is not white!: a true story of the civil rights movement. Doreen Rappaport. J 379.263 RAP
- A slave family. Bobbie Kalman. J 973.2 KAL
- Welcome to Addy’s world, 1864: growing up during America’s Civil War. Susan Sinnott. J 973.71 SIN
- York’s adventures with Lewis and Clark: an African-American’s part in the great expedition. Rhoda Blumberg. J 917.804 BLU
- Aunt Clara Brown: official pioneer. Linda Lowery. EB Brown
- Benjamin Banneker. Melissa Maupin. JB Banneker
- Beyonce. Kathleen Tracy. JB Knowles
- Blind Boone: piano prodigy. Madge Harrah. JB Boone
- Can you imagine? Patricia McKissack. JB McKissack
- Catching the fire: Philip Simmons, blacksmith. Mary E. Lyons. JB Simmons
- Charlie Sifford. Grant Britt. JB Sifford
- Civil rights pioneer: a story about Mary Church Terrell. Gwenyth Swain. JB Terrell
- Colin Powell. John Passaro. JB Powell
- Condoleezza Rice: being the best. Mary Dodson Wade. JB Rice
- Dave the potter: artist, poet, slave. Laban Carrick Hill. J 666.3 HIL
- A day in the life of a colonial sailmaker. Laurie Krebs. EB Forten
- Denzel Washington. Alex Simmons. JB Washington
- The diary of Susie King Taylor, Civil War nurse. JB Taylor
- Donovan McNabb. Michael Bradley. JB McNabb
- Duke Ellington: the piano prince and his orchestra. Andrea Davis Pinkney. EB Ellington
- Five brilliant scientists. Lynda Jones. E 509 JON
- Five famous writers. Lynda Jones. E 810.9 JON
- Frederick Douglass. John Passaro. JB Douglass
- A free Black girl before the Civil War: the diary of Charlotte Forten, 1854. JB Forten
- George Washington Carver: a photo biography. John Riley. EB Carver
- Great African Americans in the arts. Carlotta Hacker. J 700.92 HAC
- Harriet Tubman: the road to freedom. Catherine Clinton. JB Tubman
- I was born a slave: the story of Harriet Jacobs. Jennifer Fleischner. JB Jacobs
- Ida B. Wells-Barnett: powerhouse with a pen. Catherine A. Welch. JB Wells-Barnett
- If I only had a horn: young Louis Armstrong. Roxanne Orgill. EB Armstrong
- I’ve seen the promised land: the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Walter Dean Myers. EB King
- Jackie Robinson: strong inside and out. JB Robinson
- James Baldwin. James Tackach. JB Baldwin
- James Earl Jones. Judy L. Hasday. JB Jones
- Knockin’ on wood: starring Peg Leg Bates. Lynne Barasch. EB Bates
- Kobe Bryant. Michael Bradley. JB Bryant
- Leon’s story. Leon Walter Tillage. JB Tillage
- Major Taylor, champion cyclist. Lesa Cline-Ransome. EB Taylor
- Marcus Garvey: Black nationalist. Peggy Caravantes. JB Garvey
- Maritcha: a nineteenth-century American girl. Tonya Bolden. JB Lyons
- Muhammad Ali, the man who could float like a butterfly and sting like a bee. Ntozake Shange. EB Ali
- Native son: the story of Richard Wright. Joyce Hart. JB Wright
- A picture book of Thurgood Marshall. David A. Adler. EB Marshall
- Promises to keep: how Jackie Robinson changed America. Sharon Robinson. JB Robinson
- Romare Bearden: collage of memories. Jan Greenberg. J 709.2 GRE
- Rosa Parks. L.S. Summer. JB Parks
- Satchel Paige. Lesa Cline-Ransome. JB Paige
- Serena Williams. Michael Bradley. JB Williams
- Sojourner Truth. Peter & Connie Roop. JB Truth
- Story painter: the life of Jacob Lawrence. John Duggleby. JB Lawrence
- A strong right arm: the story of Mamie “Peanut” Johnson. Michelle Y. Green. JB Johnson
- Talkin’ about Bessie: the story of aviator Elizabeth Coleman. Nikki Grimes. JB Coleman
- Talking with Tebe: Clementine Hunter, memory artist. JB Hunter
- Toni Morrison. Diane Patrick-Wexler. JB Morrison
- Venus Williams. Michael Bradley. JB Williams
- Vision of beauty: the story of Sarah Breedlove Walker. Kathryn Lasky. EB Walker
- The voice that challenged a nation: Marian Anderson and the struggle for equal rights. Russell Freedman. JB Anderson
- When Marian sang: the true recital of Marian Anderson: the voice of a century. Pam Muñoz Ryan. EB Anderson
- With open hands: a story about Biddy Mason. Jeri Chase Ferris. JB Mason