Best of 2007
- Abstract and colour techniques in painting. Claire Harrigan. 751.4 HAR
- The age of turbulence: adventures in a new world. Alan Greenspan. 332.11 GRE, CD 332.11 GRE
- Amazing rare things: the art of natural history in the age of discovery. David Attenborough. 508.022 ATT
- America in space: NASA’s first fifty years. 629.409 AME
- American creation: triumphs and tragedies at the founding of the republic. Joseph J. Ellis. 973.3 ELL
- Animal, vegetable, miracle: a year of food life. Barbara Kingsolver. 630.2 KIN, CD 641 KIN
- Are we Rome?: the fall of an empire and the fate of America. Cullen Murphy. 973.931 MUR
- Arsenals of folly: the making of the nuclear arms race. Richard Rhodes. 355.0217 RHO
- The art of political murder: who killed the Bishop? Francisco Goldman. 972.81 GOL
- At the center of the storm: my years at the CIA. George Tenet. 327.12 TEN
- The atomic bazaar: the rise of the nuclear poor. William Langewiesche. 355.0217 LAN
- Better: a surgeon’s notes on performance. Atul Gawande. 617 GAW
- The black swan: the impact of the highly improbable. Nassim Nicholas Taleb. 003.2 TAL
- Blackwater: the rise of the world’s most powerful mercenary army. Jeremy Scahill. 355.354 SCA
- The Blair years: extracts from the Alastair Campbell diaries. 941.086 CAM
- Blessed unrest: how the largest movement in the world came into being, and why no one saw it coming. Paul Hawken. 333.72 HAW
- The body has a mind of its own: how body maps in your brain help you to do (almost) everything better. Sandra Blakeslee, Matthew Blakeslee. 150 BLA
- The boys from Dolores: Fidel Castro’s schoolmates from revolution to exile. Patrick Symmes. 972.91 SYM
- The canon: a whirligig tour of the beautiful basics of science. Natalie Angier. 500 ANG
- Can’t buy me love: the Beatles, Britain, and America. Jonathan Gould. 782.4216 GOU
- Carlisle vs. Army: Jim Thorpe, Dwight Eisenhower, Pop Warner, and the forgotten story of football’s greatest battle. Lars Anderson. 796.332 AND
- Catching the big fish: meditation, consciousness, and creativity. David Lynch. 158.12 LYN
- Cheating destiny: living with diabetes, America’s biggest epidemic. James S. Hirsch. 616.462 HIR
- China road: a journey into the future of a rising power. Rob Gifford. 951.06 GIF
- The coldest winter: America and the Korean War. David Halberstam. 951.904 HAL
- Cultural amnesia: necessary memories from history and the arts. Clive James. 909.098 JAM
- Dancing with Rose: finding life in the land of Alzheimer’s. Lauren Kessler. 616.831 KES
- The dangerous book for boys. Conn Iggulden, Hal Iggulden. 031.02 IGG
- The day of battle: the war in Sicily and Italy, 1943-1944. Rick Atkinson. 940.5421 ATK
- Dead certain: the presidency of George W. Bush. Robert Draper. 973.931 DRA
- Death by black hole: and other cosmic quandaries. Neil deGrasse Tyson. 523.88 TYS
- The diary of Petr Ginz, 1941-1942. Y 940.5318 GIN
- The discovery of France: a historical geography from the Revolution to the First World War. Graham Robb. 944 ROB
- Down the Nile: alone in a fisherman’s skiff. Rosemary Mahoney. 916.2 MAH
- Driven out: the forgotten war against Chinese Americans. Jean Pfaelzer. 979.4 PFA
- The elephant in the playroom: ordinary parents write intimately and honestly about the extraordinary highs and heartbreaking lows of raising kids with special needs. 306.874 ELE
- Elephants on acid: and other bizarre experiments. Alex Boese. 500 BOE
- Everything he hasn’t told you yet: a new way to get men talking about stuff that matters. Burton Silver and Martin O’Connor. 155.632 SIL
- The father of all things: a Marine, his son, and the legacy of Vietnam. Tom Bissell. 959.7043 BIS
- The feminine mistake: are we giving up too much? Leslie Bennetts. 331.4 BEN
- Fifteen candles: 15 tales of taffeta, hairspray, drunk uncles, and other Quinceanera stories. 395.24 FIF
- Forced to be family: a guide for living with sinister sisters, drama mamas, and infuriating in-laws. Cheryl Dellasega. 646.78 DEL
- Forever on the mountain: the truth behind one of mountaineering’s most controversial and mysterious disasters. James M. Tabor. 796.522 TAB
- From the bottom up: one man’s crusade to clean America’s rivers. Chad Pregracke. 363.7394 PRE
- Gomorrah. Roberto Saviano. 364.106 SAV
- Good calories, bad calories: challenging the conventional wisdom on diet, weight control, and disease. Gary Taubes. 613.283 TAU
- The greatest battle: Stalin, Hitler, and the desper-ate struggle for Moscow that changed the course of World War II. Andrew Nagorski. 940.5421 NAG
- Hotel: an American History. A.K. Sandoval-Strausz. 647.94 SAN
- The house that George built: with a little help from Irving, Cole, and a crew of about fifty. Wilfrid Sheed. 782.4216 SHE
- How doctors think. Jerome Groopman. 610.696 BRO
- How your house works: a visual guide to understanding & maintaining your home. Charlie Wing. 643 WIN
- The human touch: our part in the creation of a universe. Michael Frayn. 128 FRA
- I am a strange loop. Douglas Hofstadter. 153 HOF
- I am America (and so can you!) Stephen Colbert. 818 IAM
- Imperial life in the emerald city: inside Iraq’s Green Zone. Rajiv Chandrasekaran. 956.7044 CHA
- In Europe: travels through the twentieth century. Geert Mak. 940.5 MAK
- India after Gandhi: the history of the world’s largest democracy. Ramachandra Guha. 954.04 GUH
- Indian summer: the secret history of the end of an empire. Alex von Tunzelmann. 954.035 VON
- The intellectual devotional American history: revive your mind, complete your education, and converse confidently about our nation’s past. David S. Kidder. 973 KID
- The invisible cure: Africa, the West, and the fight against AIDS. Helen Epstein. 362.1969 EPS
- Kabul Beauty School: an American woman goes behind the veil. Deborah Rodriguez. 305.486 ROD, CD 915.81 ROD
- King, Kaiser, Tsar: three royal cousins who led the world to war. Catrine Clay. 940.309 CLA
- The kings of New York: a year among the geeks, oddballs, and geniuses who make up America’s top high school chess team. Michael Weinreb. 794.1 WEI
- The last Mughal: the fall of a dynasty: Delhi, 1857. William Dalrymple. 954.031 DAL
- Last night I dreamed of peace: the diary of Dang Thuy Tram. 959.7043 DAN
- Legacy of ashes: the history of the CIA. Tim Weiner. 327.12 WEI
- Leviathan: the history of whaling in America. Eric Jay Dolin. 639.28 DOL
- Lone survivor: the eyewitness account of Operation Redwing and the lost heroes of SEAL Team 10. Marcus Luttrell. 958.1047 LUT
- The long road home: a story of war and family. Martha Raddatz. 956.7044 RAD
- Medical apartheid: the dark history of medical ex-perimentation on black Americans from colonial times to the present. Harriet A. Washington. 174.28 HAR
- Musicophilia: tales of music and the brain. Oliver Sacks. 781.11 SAC
- The nine: inside the secret world of the Supreme Court. Jeffrey Toobin. 347.7326 TOO
- Nine ways to cross a river: midstream reflections on swimming and getting there from here. Akiko Busch. 551.483 BUS
- Nixon and Mao: the week that changed the world. Margaret MacMillan. 327.73 MACM
- No sheep for you: knit happy with cotton, silk, linen, hemp, bamboo, and other delights. Amy R. Singer. 746.432 SIN
- The occupation of Iraq: winning the war, losing the peace. Ali A. Allawi. 956.7044 ALL
- Once upon a quinceañera: coming of age in the USA. Julia Alvarez. 395.24 ALV
- 1001 ideas for kitchen organization. Joseph R. Provey. 643.3 PRO
- Overtreated: why too much medicine is making us sicker and poorer. Shannon Brownlee. 362.1 BRO
- Paris: the secret history. Andrew Hussey. 944.36 HUS
- Planet Earth as you’ve never seen it before. 508 PLA
- Plumbing. Rex Cauldwell. 696.1 CAU
- The politics of heaven: America in fearful times. Earl Shorris. 973.93 SHO
- Poor people. William T. Vollmann. 362.5 VOL
- Power, faith, and fantasy: America in the Middle East, 1776 to the present. Michael B. Oren. 327.73 ORE
- Practical wisdom for parents: demystifying the preschool years. Nancy Schulman. 649.123 SCH
- Predators: who they are and how to stop them. Gregory M. Cooper, Michael R. King. 362.88 COO
- The pursuit of glory: Europe, 1648-1815. Tim Blanning. 940.25 BLA
- The rest is noise: listening to the twentieth century. Alex Ross. 780.9 ROS
- Rethinking thin: the new science of weight loss–and the myths and realities of dieting. Gina Kolata. 613.25 KOL
- Sacco and Vanzetti: the men, the murders, and the judgment of mankind. Bruce Watson. 345.025 WAT
- Sea of thunder: four commanders and the last great naval campaign, 1941-1945. Evan Thomas. 940.5426 THO
- Shadow of the Silk Road. Colin Thubron. 915 THU
- The siege of Mecca: the forgotten uprising in Islam’s holiest shrine and the birth of al Qaeda. Yaroslav Trofimov. 953.8053 TRO
- A slave no more: two men who escaped to freedom: including their own narratives of emancipation. David W. Blight. 973.7115 BLI
- The star machine. Jeanine Basinger. 791.4309 BAS
- Storm world: hurricanes, politics, and the battle over global warming. Chris Mooney. 363.7387 MOO
- Supreme conflict: the inside story of the struggle for control of the United States Supreme Court. Jan Crawford Greenburg. 347.7326 GRE
- Takeover: the return of the imperial presidency and the subversion of American democracy. Charlie Savage. 973.931 SAV
- Terra: our 100-million-year-old ecosystem–and the threats that now put it at risk. Michael Novacek. 576.84 NOV
- 30,000 years of art: the story of human creativity across time and space. 709 THI
- Until proven innocent: political correctness and the shameful injustices of the Duke lacrosse rape case. Stuart Taylor, Jr., K.C. Johnson. 364.1532 TAY
- Vaccine: the controversial story of medicine’s greatest lifesaver. Arthur Allen. 614.47 ALL
- The war: an intimate history, 1941-1945. Geoffrey C. Ward. 940.5373 WAR
- Whiskey tango foxtrot: a photographer’s chronicle of the Iraq War. Ashley Gilbertson. 956.7044 GIL
- The whisperers: private life in Stalin’s Russia. Orlando Figes. 947.084 FIG
- Why Marines fight. James Brady. 359.96 BRA
- The wild trees: a story of passion and daring. Richard Preston. 585.5 PRE
- The world without us. Alan Weisman. 304.2 WEI
- You, staying young: the owner’s manual to extending your warranty. Mehmet C. Oz. 612.67 OZ, Large Type 612.67 OZ
- The zookeeper’s wife: a war story. Diane Ackerman. 940.5318 ACK, Large Type 940.5318 ACK
- About Alice. Calvin Trillin. B Trillin
- Agent Zigzag: a true story of Nazi espionage, love, and betrayal. Ben Macintyre. 940.5486 MACI
- Alexis de Tocqueville: a life. Hugh Brogan. B Tocqueville
- Alice: Alice Roosevelt Longworth, from White House princess to Washington power broker. Stacy A. Cordery. B Longworth
- Amerigo: the man who gave his name to America. Felipe Fernandez-Armesto. B Vespucci
- Boone: a biography. Robert Morgan. B Boone
- Born on a blue day: inside the extraordinary mind of an autistic savant: a memoir. Daniel Tammet. 616.8588 TAM
- Born standing up: a comic’s life. Steve Martin. B Martin
- Brother, I’m dying. Edwidge Danticat. B Danticat
- Clapton: the autobiography. Eric Clapton. B Clapton
- Coltrane: the story of a sound. Ben Ratliff. 781.65 RAT
- Crashing through: a true story of risk, adventure, and the man who dared to see. Robert Kurson. 362.41 KUR
- The Diana chronicles. Tina Brown. B Diana, Large Type B Diana
- Edith Wharton. Hermione Lee. B Wharton
- Einstein: his life and universe. Walter Isaacson. B Einstein, Large Type B Einstein, CD B Einstein
- FDR. Jean Edward Smith. B Roosevelt
- The florist’s daughter. Patricia Hampl. 818 HAM
- Gerald R. Ford. Douglas Brinkley. 973.925 BRI
- Gertrude Bell: queen of the desert, shaper of nations. Georgina Howell. B Bell
- Grand avenues: the story of the French visionary who designed Washington, D.C. Scott W. Berg. 975.301 BER
- Here if you need me: a true story. Kate Braestrup. B Braestrup
- Ike: an American hero. Michael Korda. B Eisenhower
- Iggy Pop: open up and bleed. Paul Trynka. B Pop
- An illuminated life: Belle da Costa Greene’s journey from prejudice to privilege. Heidi Ardizzone. B Greene
- Infidel. Ayaan Hirsi Ali. B Hirsi Ali
- Leni: the life and work of Leni Riefenstahl. Steven Bach. B Riefenstahl
- Leonard Woolf. Victoria Glendinning. B Woolf
- Little heathens: hard times and high spirits on an Iowa farm during the Great Depression. Mildred Armstrong Kalish. 977.761 KAL
- A long way gone: memoirs of a boy soldier. Ishmael Beah. 966.4 BEA, Y 966.4 BEA, Large Type 966.404 BEA
- Look me in the eye: my life with Asperger’s. John Elder Robison. 616.8588 ROB, CD 616.8588 ROB
- The lost world of James Smithson: science, revolution, and the birth of the Smithsonian. Heather Ewing. B Smithson
- Love is a mix tape: life and loss, one song at a time. Rob Sheffield. B Sheffield
- Marco Polo: from Venice to Xanadu. Laurence Bergreen. B Polo
- The mistress’s daughter. A. M. Homes. B Homes
- Nixon and Kissinger: partners in power. Robert Dallek. 973.924 DAL
- Nureyev: the life. Julie Kavanagh. B Nureyev
- Once upon a country: a Palestinian life. Sari Nusseibeh. 956.944 NUS
- One drop: my father’s hidden life– a story of race and family secrets. Bliss Broyard. B Broyard
- Opening day: the story of Jackie Robinson’s first season. Jonathan Eig. B Robinson
- The ordeal of Elizabeth Marsh: a woman in world history. Linda Colley. B Marsh
- Pistol: the life of Pete Maravich. Mark Kriegel. B Maravich
- Poster child: a memoir. Emily Rapp. B Rapp
- Schulz and Peanuts. David Michaelis. B Schulz
- Shoot the widow: adventures of a biographer in search of her subject. Meryle Secrest. B Secrest
- Stanley: the impossible life of Africa’s greatest explorer. Tim Jeal. B Stanley
- Tasting the sky: a Palestinian childhood. Ibtisam Barakat. Y 956.95 BAR
- Thomas Hardy. Claire Tomalin. B Hardy
- Too close to the sun: the audacious life and times of Denys Finch Hatton. Sara Wheeler. B Hatton
- Touch and go: a memoir. Studs Terkel. B Terkel
- Toussaint Louverture: a biography. Madison Smartt Bell. B Toussaint Louverture
- Two lives: Gertrude and Alice. Janet Malcolm. B Stein
- Von Braun: dreamer of space, engineer of war. Michael J. Neufeld. B Von Braun
- Warm Springs: traces of a childhood at FDR’s polio haven. Susan Richards Shreve. 614.549 SHR
- When she was white: the true story of a family divided by race. Judith Stone. B Laing
- The art of simple food. Alice Waters. 641.5 WAT
- Cucina del sole: a celebration of southern Italian cooking. Nancy Harmon Jenkins. 641.5945 JEN
- Desserts by the yard: from Brooklyn to Beverly Hills: recipes from the sweetest life ever. Sherry Yard. 641.86 YAR
- Gluten-free girl: how I found the food that loves me back– & how you can, too. Shauna James Ahern. 641.5631 AHE
- How to cook everything vegetarian: simple meatless recipes for great food. Mark Bittman. 641.5636 BIT
- How to pick a peach: the search for flavor from farm to table. Russ Parsons. 641.35 PAR
- Revolutionary Chinese cookbook: recipes from Hunan Province. Fuchsia Dunlop. 641.595 DUN
- A twist of the wrist: quick flavorful meals with ingredients from jars, cans, bags, and boxes. Nancy Silverton. 641.555 SIL
- Classics for pleasure. Michael Dirda. 809 DIR
- Cleopatra’s nose: 39 varieties of desire. Judith Thurman. 814 THU
- The curtain: an essay in seven parts. Milan Kundera. 814 KUN
- Due considerations: essays and criticism. John Updike. 814 UPD
- How to talk about books you haven’t read. Pierre Bayard. 809 BAY
- Other colors: essays and a story. Orhan Pamuk. 894.3 PAM
- Portraits and observations: the essays of Truman Capote. 814 CAP
- Soldier’s heart: reading literature through peace and war at West Point. Elizabeth D. Samet. 810.71 SAM
- The windows of Brimnes: an American in Iceland. Bill Holm. 814 HOL
- Blue lipstick: concrete poems. John Grandits. Y 811 GRA
- Captivity. Laurie Sheck. 811 SHE
- The collected poems, 1956-1998. Zbigniew Herbert. 891.85 HER
- Elegy: poems. Mary Jo Bang. 811 BAN
- The poet slave of Cuba: a biography of Juan Francisco Manzano. Margarita Engle. Y 811 ENG
- Time and materials: poems, 1997-2005. Robert Hass. 811 HAS
- Tough boy sonatas. Curtis L. Crisler. Y 811 CRI
- Your own, Sylvia: a verse portrait of Sylvia Plath. Stephanie Hemphill. Y 811 HEM
- After the baby boomers: how twenty- and thirty-somethings are shaping the future of American religion. Robert Wuthnow. 200.973 WUT
- Amish grace: how forgiveness transcended tragedy. Donald B. Kraybill, Steven M. Nolt, David L. Weaver-Zercher. 364.1523 KRA
- God is not great: how religion poisons everything. Christopher Hitchens. 200 HIT
- Head and heart: American Christianities. Garry Wills. 277.3 WIL
- How to read the Bible: a guide to scripture, then and now. James Kugel. 221.6 KUG
- A Jesuit off-Broadway: center stage with Jesus, Judas, and life’s big questions. James Martin. 812 MAR
- The misunderstood Jew: the Church and the scan-dal of the Jewish Jesus. Amy-Jill Levine. 261.26 LEV
- The preacher and the presidents: Billy Graham in the White House. Nancy Gibbs. 269.2 GIB
- Reading Judas: the Gospel of Judas and the shaping of Christianity. Elaine Pagels. 229.822 PAG
- Religious literacy: what every American needs to know–and doesn’t. Stephen Prothero. 200.7 PRO, CD 200.71 PRO
- The scandalous Gospel of Jesus: what’s so good about the good news? Peter J. Gomes. 226 GOM
- The stillborn God: religion, politics, and the modern West. Mark Lilla. 201.72 LIL
- The year of living Biblically: one man’s humble quest to follow the Bible as literally as possible. A.J. Jacobs. 220 JAC
- The encyclopedia of popular music. R 781.64 ENC
- The abstinence teacher. Tom Perrotta. Fic PER
- The air we breathe. Andrea Barrett. Fic BAR
- Angelica. Arthur Phillips. Fic PHI
- Away. Amy Bloom. Fic BLO
- The bad girl. Mario Vargas Llosa. Fic VAR, Spanish Lang. Fic VAR
- Bangkok haunts. John Burdett. Fic BUR
- Be near me. Andrew O’Hagan. Fic OHA
- The beautiful miscellaneous. Dominic Smith. Fic SMI
- The beautiful things that heaven bears. Dinaw Mengestu. Fic MEN
- Beyond reach. Karin Slaughter. Fic SLA
- The big girls. Susanna Moore. Fic MOO
- The blood of flowers. Anita Amirrezvani. Fic AMI
- Body of lies. David Ignatius. Fic IGN
- Bridge of sighs. Richard Russo. Fic RUS
- The brief wondrous life of Oscar Wao. Junot Diaz. Fic DIA
- By George. Wesley Stace. Fic STA
- Celluloid memories. Sandra Kitt. Fic KIT
- Cheating at canasta. William Trevor. Fic TRE
- Coal black horse. Robert Olmstead. Fic OLM
- Dancing to Almendra. Mayra Montero. Fic MON, Spanish Lang. Fic MON
- Delirium. Laura Restrepo. Fic RES
- Devotion. Howard Norman. Fic NOR
- Divisadero. Michael Ondaatje. Fic OND
- Eureka. Jim Lehrer. Fic LEH
- The exception. Christian Jungersen. Fic JUN
- Exit ghost. Philip Roth. Fic ROT
- Falling man. Don DeLillo. Fic DEL
- Fieldwork. Mischa Berlinski. Fic BER
- Finn. Jon Clinch. Fic CLI, CD Fic CLI
- Fire in the blood. Irene Nemirovsky. Fic NEM
- Flight. Sherman Alexie. Fic ALE
- Foreigners. Caryl Phillips. Fic PHI
- The 47th samurai. Stephen Hunter. Fic HUN
- Free food for millionaires. Min Jin Lee. Fic LEE
- A free life. Ha Jin. Fic JIN
- The gathering. Anne Enright. Fic ENR
- The god of animals. Aryn Kyle. Fic KYL
- The god of spring. Arabella Edge. Fic EDG
- A good and happy child. Justin Evans. Fic EVA
- The gravedigger’s daughter. Joyce Carol Oates. Fic OAT
- Hannibal rising. Thomas Harris. Fic HAR
- Heart-shaped box. Joe Hill. Fic HIL, CD Fic HIL, Spanish Lang. Fic HIL
- House lights. Leah Hager Cohen. Fic COH
- House of meetings. Martin Amis. Fic AMI
- In the country of men. Hisham Matar. Fic MAT
- In the driver’s seat: stories. Helen Simpson. Fic SIM
- The Indian clerk. David Leavitt. Fic LEA
- The Italian lover. Robert Hellenga. Fic HEL
- Interred with their bones. Jennifer Lee Carrell. Fic CAR
- Jamestown. Matthew Sharpe. Fic SHA
- Knots. Nuruddin Farah. Fic FAR
- Last night at the Lobster. Stewart O’Nan. Fic ONA
- Let the Northern Lights erase your name. Vendela Vida. Fic VID
- Like you’d understand, anyway: stories. Jim Shepard. Fic SHE
- Lost City Radio. Daniel Alarcon. Fic ALA, Spanish Lang. Fic ALA
- Lost paradise. Cees Nooteboom. Fic NOO
- Lottery. Patricia Wood. Fic WOO
- Loving Frank. Nancy Horan. Fic HOR
- The lying tongue. Andrew Wilson. Fic WIL
- Mary Modern. Camille DeAngelis. Fic DEA
- The Maytrees. Annie Dillard. Fic DIL, CD Fic DIL
- The Ministry of Special Cases. Nathan Englander. Fic ENG
- Mister Pip. Lloyd Jones. Fic JON, Y Fic JON
- Mothers and sons: stories. Colm Toibin. Fic TOI
- Narn i ch^in Hurin: the tale of the children of Hurin. J.R.R. Tolkien. Fic TOL, Y Fic TOL, J TOL, Spanish Lang. Fic TOL
- Nineteen minutes. Jodi Picoult. Fic PIC
- On Chesil Beach. Ian McEwan. Fic MACE
- Orpheus lost. Janette Turner Hospital. Fic HOS
- The other side of you. Salley Vickers. Fic VIC
- Out stealing horses. Per Petterson. Fic PET
- Past perfect. Susan Isaacs. Fic ISA
- Paula Spencer. Roddy Doyle. Fic DOY
- Peony in love. Lisa See. Fic SEE, Large Type
- Pontoon. Garrison Keillor. Fic KEI
- The post-birthday world. Lionel Shriver. Fic SHR
- Power play. Joseph Finder. Fic FIN
- The raw shark texts. Steven Hall. Fic HAL
- Red cat. Peter Spiegelman. Fic SPI
- The reluctant fundamentalist. Mohsin Hamid. Fic HAM
- Returning to earth. Jim Harrison. Fic HAR, CD Fic HAR
- Run. Ann Patchett. Fic PAT
- Sacred games. Vikram Chandra. Fic CHA
- The savage detectives. Roberto Bolano. Fic BOL
- The scandal of the season. Sophie Gee. Fic GEE
- The secret servant. Daniel Silva. Fic SIL
- The Septembers of shiraz. Dalia Sofer. Fic SOF
- The seventh well. Fred Wander. Fic WAN
- The shadow catcher. Marianne Wiggins. Fic WIG
- Skylark farm. Antonia Arslan. Fic ARS
- Someone knows my name. Lawrence Hill. Fic HIL
- The Spanish bow. Andromeda Romano-Lax. Fic ROM
- Stalin’s ghost. Martin Cruz Smith. Fic SMI
- Strange as this weather has been. Ann Pancake. Fic PAN
- Surveillance. Jonathan Raban. Fic RAB
- Swim to me. Betsy Carter. Fic CAR
- The terror. Dan Simmons. Fic SIM, CD Fic SIM
- Then we came to the end. Joshua Ferris. Fic FER
- A thousand splendid suns. Khaled Hosseini. Fic HOS, Large Type Fic HOS, CD Fic HOS
- Travels in the scriptorium. Paul Auster. Large Type Fic AUS
- Tree of smoke. Denis Johnson. Fic JOH
- Trespass. Valerie Martin. Fic MAR
- The vanishing act of Esme Lennox. Maggie O’Farrell. Fic OFA
- The view from Castle Rock: stories. Alice Munro. Fic MUN
- War and peace. Leo Tolstoy; translated by Richard Pevear, Larissa Volokhonsky. Fic TOL 2007
- The Welsh girl. Peter Ho Davies. Fic DAV
- What is the what: the autobiography of Valentino Achak Deng. Dave Eggers. Fic EGG
- The wheel of darkness. Douglas Preston. Fic PRE
- White lies. Jayne Ann Krentz. Fic KRE, Large Type Fic KRE
- The winds of Marble Arch and other stories: a Connie Willis compendium. Connie Willis. Fic WIL
- The winter lodge. Susan Wiggs. Fic WIG, Large Type Fic WIG
- World without end. Ken Follett. Fic FOL
- The year of fog. Michelle Richmond. Fic RIC
- American detective: an Amos Walker novel. Loren D. Estleman. Mystery EST
- A beautiful blue death. Charles Finch. Mystery FIN
- The broken shore. Peter Temple. Mystery TEM
- The Chicago way. Michael Harvey. Mystery HAR
- The collaborator of Bethlehem. Matt Beynon Rees. Mystery REE
- The Commission. Michael Norman. Mystery NOR
- The crime writer. Gregg Hurwitz. Mystery HUR
- Down river. John Hart. Mystery HAR
- Fresh kills. Reggie Nadelson. Mystery NAD
- Ghostwalk. Rebecca Stott. Mystery STO
- Heartsick. Chelsea Cain. Mystery CAI
- High season. Jon Loomis. Mystery LOO
- In the woods. Tana French. Mystery FRE
- The Indian bride. Karin Fossum. Mystery FOS
- Kept: a Victorian mystery. D.J. Taylor. Mystery TAY
- Mistress of the art of death. Ariana Franklin. Mystery FRA
- Nefertiti: the book of the dead. Nick Drake. Mystery DRA
- New England white. Stephen L. Carter. Mystery CAR
- Person of interest. Theresa Schwegel. Mystery SCH
- The snow empress. Laura Joh Rowland. Mystery ROW
- Songs of innocence. Richard Aleas. Mystery ALE
- The Spellman files. Lisa Lutz. Mystery LUT
- Spook country. William Gibson. Mystery GIB
- The tenderness of wolves. Stef Penney. Mystery PEN
- Three bags full: a sheep detective story. Leonie Swann. Mystery SWA
- The tin roof blowdown: a Dave Robicheaux novel. James Lee Burke. Mystery BUR
- Wash this blood clean from my hand. Fred Vargas. Mystery VAR
- The water’s lovely. Ruth Rendell. Mystery REN
- What the dead know. Laura Lippman. Mystery LIP
- The woods. Harlan Coben. Mystery COB
- The Yiddish policemen’s union. Michael Chabon. Mystery CHA
- A bigger life: an Eden Plain novel. Annette Smith. Rel. Fic SMI
- Crimson eve. Brandilyn Collins. Rel. Fic COL
- Feeling for bones. Bethany Pierce. Rel. Fic PIE
- The master of secrets. D.S. Lliteras. Rel. Fic LLI
- Quaker summer. Lisa Samson. Rel. Fic SAM
- Saving Erasmus. Steven Cleaver. Rel. Fic CLE
- Willow Springs. Jan Watson. Rel. Fic WAT
- Acacia. David Anthony Durham. Sci. Fic DUR
- Bright of the sky. Kay Kenyon. Sci. Fic KEN
- Cauldron. Jack McDevitt. Sci. Fic MACD
- Ilario: the lion’s eye. Mary Gentle. Sci. Fic GEN
- In war times. Kathleen Ann Goonan. Sci. Fic GOO
- Making money: a novel of Discworld. Terry Pratchett. Sci. Fic PRA
- The name of the wind. Patrick Rothfuss. Sci. Fic ROT
- Scar night. Alan Campbell. Sci. Fic CAM
- Shelter. Susan Palwick. Sci. Fic PAL
- The silver ship and the sea. Brenda Cooper. Sci. Fic COO
- Un lun dun. China Mieville. Sci. Fic MIE
- Ysabel. Guy Gavriel Kay. Sci. Fic KAY
- Exit wounds. Rutu Modan. Graphic Fic MOD
- I killed Adolf Hitler. Jason. Graphic Fic JAS
- The magical life of Long Tack Sam. Ann Marie Fleming. Graphic 793.8 FLE
- Notes for a war story. Gipi. Graphic Fic GIP
- Shortcomings. Adrian Tomine. Graphic Fic TOM
- The arrival. Shaun Tan. Y 741.5 TAN
- Aya. Marguerite Abouet, Clement Oubrerie. Y 741.5 ABO
- Laika. Nick Abadzis. Y 741.5 ABA
- Marvel Zombies. Robert Kirkman. Y 741.5 KIR
- Re-gifters. Mike Carey. Y 741.5 CAR
- Robot dreams. Sara Varon. Y 741.5 VAR
- Romeo and Juliet. William Shakespeare. Y 741.5 SHA
- The absolutely true diary of a part-time Indian. Sherman Alexie. Y Fic ALE
- The astonishing adventures of Fanboy & Goth Girl. Barry Lyga. Y Fic LYG
- The Aurora County All-Stars. Deborah Wiles. J WIL, J AUDIO CD WIL
- Beige. Cecil Castellucci. Y Fic CAS
- Before I die. Jenny Downham. Y Fic DOW, Y AUDIO CD DOW
- Bone by bone by bone. Tony Johnston. Y Fic JOH
- Book of a thousand days. Shannon Hale. Y Fic HAL
- Converting Kate. Beckie Weinheimer. Y Fic WEI
- Cures for heartbreak. Margo Rabb. Y Fic RAB
- A darkling plain. Philip Reeve. Y Fic REE
- Deadline. Chris Crutcher. Y Fic CRU
- Diary of a wimpy kid: Greg Heffley’s journal. Jeff Kinney. J KIN
- Dragonhaven. Robin McKinley. Y Fic MACK
- Dragon’s keep. Janet Lee Carey. Y Fic CAR
- Dramarama. E. Lockhart. Y Fic LOC
- Dreamquake: book two of the Dreamhunter duet. Elizabeth Knox. Y Fic KNO
- Eclipse. Stephenie Meyer. Y Fic MEY, Y AUDIO CD MEY
- Emmy and the incredible shrinking rat. Lynne Jonell. J JON
- Epic. Conor Kostick. Y Fic KOS
- Evil genius. Catherine Jinks. Y Fic JIN
- Evolution, me & other freaks of nature. Robin Brande. Y Fic BRA
- Extras. Scott Westerfeld. Y Fic WES, Y AUDIO CD WES
- The falconer’s knot. Mary Hoffman. Y Fic HOF
- Firestorm. David Klass. Y Fic KLA, Large Type Fic KLA
- First light. Rebecca Stead. J STE
- For now. Gayle Friesen. Y Fic FRI
- Freak show. James St. James. Y Fic SAI
- Harry Potter and the deathly hallows. J.K. Rowling. Y Fic ROW, J ROW, Large Type Fic ROW, CD Fic ROW, Y AUDIO CD ROW, J AUDIO CD ROW, J AUDIO Cassette ROW
- Hero. Perry Moore. Y Fic MOO
- How it happened in Peach Hill. Marthe Jocelyn. Y Fic JOC
- How to steal a dog. Barbara O’Connor. J OCO
- Hush: an Irish princess’ tale. Donna Jo Napoli. Y Fic NAP
- I am Rembrandt’s daughter. Lynn Cullen. Y Fic CUL
- I love you, Beth Cooper. Larry Doyle. Y Fic DOY
- The invention of Hugo Cabret: a novel in words and pictures. Brian Selznick. J SEL
- Jack Plank tells tales. Natalie Babbitt. J BAB
- The land of the silver apples. Nancy Farmer. Y Fic FAR
- Leepike Ridge. N.D. Wilson. J WIL
- The lion hunter. Elizabeth E. Wein. Y Fic WEI
- Memoirs of a teenage amnesiac. Gabrielle Zevin. Y Fic ZEV
- Middle school is worse than meatloaf: a year told through stuff. Jennifer L. Holm. J HOL
- Mistik Lake. Martha Brooks. Y Fic BRO
- My mother the cheerleader. Robert Sharenow. Y Fic SHA
- The mysterious Benedict Society. Trenton Lee Stewart. J STE
- The mysterious edge of the heroic world. E.L. Konigsburg. J AUDIO CD KON
- The new policeman. Kate Thompson. J THO, Y Fic THO
- No talking. Andrew Clements. J CLE
- Notes from the midnight driver. Jordan Sonnenblick. Y Fic SON
- The off season. Catherine Gilbert Murdock. Y Fic MUR
- On the wings of heroes. Richard Peck. J PEC, J AUDIO CD PEC
- Peak. Roland Smith. Y Fic SMI
- Powers. Ursula K. Le Guin. Y Fic LEG
- Red spikes. Margo Lanagan. Y Fic LAN
- Remembering Mrs. Rossi. Amy Hest. J HES
- Repossessed. A.M. Jenkins. Y Fic JEN
- The restless dead: ten original stories of the supernatural. Y Fic RES
- Skulduggery Pleasant. Derek Landy. Y Fic LAN
- Slam. Nick Hornby. Y Fic HOR
- Someday this pain will be useful to you. Peter Cameron. Y Fic CAM
- Spanking Shakespeare. Jake Wizner. Y Fic WIZ
- Story of a girl. Sara Zarr. Y Fic ZAR
- Strays. Ron Koertge. Y Fic KOE
- The sweet far thing. Libba Bray. Y Fic BRA
- A swift pure cry. Siobhan Dowd. Y Fic DOW
- The talented Clementine. Sara Pennypacker. J PEN
- Tamar. Mal Peet. Y Fic PEE
- Thirteen reasons why. Jay Asher. Y Fic ASH
- This is what I did. Ann Dee Ellis. Y Fic ELL
- The Titan’s curse. Rick Riordan. J RIO, J AUDIO CD RIO
- Touching snow. M. Sindy Felin. Y Fic FEL
- Town boy. Lat. Y Fic LAT
- Twisted. Laurie Halse Anderson. Y Fic AND
- Undercover. Beth Kephart. Y Fic KEP
- The Wednesday wars. Gary D. Schmidt. Y Fic SCH
- What the moon saw. Laura Resau. Y Fic RES
- What they found: love on 145th street. Walter Dean Myers. Y Fic MYE
- The white darkness. Geraldine McCaughrean. Y Fic MACC
- White night: a novel of the Dresden files. Jim Butcher. Y Fic BUT
- Why war is never a good idea. Alice Walker. Y Fic WAL
- Wicked lovely. Melissa Marr. Y Fic MAR
- Wildwood dancing. Juliet Marillier. Y Fic MAR
- Blue lipstick: concrete poems. John Grandits. Y 811 GRA
- The poet slave of Cuba: a biography of Juan Francisco Manzano. Margarita Engle. Y 811 ENG
- Today and today: haiku. Kobayashi Issa. E 895.6 KOB
- Tough boy sonatas. Curtis L. Crisler. Y 811 CRI
- The wizard. Jack Prelutsky. E 811 PRE
- Your own, Sylvia: a verse portrait of Sylvia Plath. Stephanie Hemphill. Y 811 HEM
- The all-I’ll-ever-want Christmas doll. Patricia C. McKissack. Pic MACK
- The apple pie that Papa baked. Lauren Thompson. Pic THO
- At night. Jonathan Bean. Pic BEA
- Babies in the bayou. Jim Arnosky. Pic ARN
- Bow-Wow bugs a bug. Mark Newgarden & Megan Montague Cash. Pic NEW
- Dimity Dumpty: the story of Humpty’s little sister. Bob Graham. Pic GRA
- Dog and Bear: two friends, three stories. Laura Vaccaro Seeger. Pic SEE
- Fancy Nancy and the posh puppy. Jane O’Connor. Pic OCO
- Fox. Kate Banks. Pic BAN
- Fred stays with me! Nancy Coffelt. Pic COF
- A good day. Kevin Henkes. Pic HEN
- How to be a baby, by me, the big sister. Sally Lloyd-Jones. Pic LLO
- I am invited to a party! Mo Willems. Pic WIL
- The incredible book eating boy. Oliver Jeffers. Pic JEF
- Knuffle Bunny too: a case of mistaken identity. Mo Willems. Pic WIL
- Let it shine: three favorite spirituals. Ashley Bryan. Pic BRY
- Little Red Riding Hood. Jerry Pinkney. Pic PIN
- Max counts his chickens. Rosemary Wells. Pic WEL
- Mother Goose numbers on the loose. Leo and Diane Dillon. Pic DIL
- My friend is sad. Mo Willems. E WIL First Grade
- Not a box. Antoinette Portis. Pic POR
- Nothing. Jon Agee. Pic AGE
- 1 2 3: a child’s first counting book. Alison Jay. Pic JAY
- Orange pear apple bear. Emily Gravett. Pic GRA
- Pip & Squeak. Ian Schoenherr. Pic SCH
- A second is a hiccup: a child’s book of time. Hazel Hutchins. Pic HUT
- Thank you, Bear. Greg Foley. Pic FOL
- There is a bird on your head! Mo Willems. Pic WIL
- Today I will fly! Mo Willems. E WIL First Grade
- When dinosaurs came with everything. Elise Broach. Pic BRO
- Dinosaurs: the most complete, up-to-date encyclopedia for dinosaur lovers of all ages. Thomas R. Holtz, Jr. J 567.9 HOL
- The down-to-earth guide to global warming. Laurie David, Cambria Gordon. J 363.7387 DAV
- Glass slipper, gold sandal: a worldwide Cinderella. Paul Fleischman. J 398.2 FLE
- An inconvenient truth: the crisis of global warming. Al Gore. J 363.7387 GOR
- Living color. Steve Jenkins. J 591.47 JEN
- May I pet your dog?: the how-to guide for kids meeting dogs (and dogs meeting kids). Stephanie Calmenson. E 636.7 CAL
- Pocket babies and other amazing marsupials. Sneed B. Collard III. J 599.2 COL
- The poet king of Tezcoco: a great leader of ancient Mexico. Francisco Serrano. J 972.018 SER
- Sneeze! Alexandra Siy. J 612.2 SIY
- Spiders. Nic Bishop. J 595.44 BIS
- Tuttle’s Red Barn: the story of America’s oldest family farm. Richard Michelson. J 975.1 MIC
- Dolley Madison saves George Washington. Don Brown. JB Madison
- Down the Colorado: the story of John Wesley Powell, the one-armed explorer. Deborah Kogan Ray. JB Powell
- Henry’s freedom box. Ellen Levine. EB Brown
- The many rides of Paul Revere. James Cross Giblin. JB Revere
- The wall: growing up behind the Iron Curtain. Peter Sis. JB Sis
- Bloody Jack: being an account of the curious adventures of Mary “Jacky” Faber, Ship’s Boy. L. A. Meyer. Y AUDIO CD MEY
- Cave of the dark wind: a Never Land book. Dave Barry, Ridley Pearson. J AUDIO CD BAR
- Clementine. Sara Pennypacker. J AUDIO CD PEN
- Harry Potter and the deathly hallows. J.K. Rowling. Y AUDIO CD ROW, CD Fic ROW, J AUDIO CD ROW, J AUDIO Cassette ROW
- The higher power of Lucky. Susan Patron. J AUDIO CD PAT Newbery
- The rules of survival. Nancy Werlin. Y AUDIO CD WER
- Treasure Island. Robert Louis Stevenson. Read by Alfred Molina. J AUDIO CD STE
- Charlotte‘s web. DVD Children C
- Knuffle Bunny. DVD Children K
- Peter Pan. DVD Children Platinum ed. P
- Ratatouille. DVD Children R
- Airborn. Kenneth Oppel. Y AUDIO CD OPP
- Before I die. Jenny Downham. Y AUDIO CD DOW
- The book thief. Markus Zusak. Y AUDIO CD ZUS
- The dead fathers club. Matt Haig. CD Fic HAI
- Harry Potter and the deathly hallows. J.K. Rowling. CD Fic ROW, Y AUDIO CD ROW, J AUDIO CD ROW, J AUDIO Cassette ROW
- Natural born charmer. Susan Elizabeth Phillips. CD Fic PHI
- Easy tiger. Ryan Adams. CD MR ADAM ET A-02
- I am. Chrisette Michele. CD MR CHRI IAM C-02
- Live at Massey Hall 1971. Neil Young. CD MA YOUN LMH Y-82
- Long road out of Eden. Eagles. CD MR EAGL LRO E-02
- Neon bible. Arcade Fire. CD MR ARCA NB A-85
- Not too late. Norah Jones. CD MJ JONE NTL J-25
- Russian album. Anna Netrebko. CD B NETR RA N-02
- Undiscovered. James Morrison. CD MA MORR UND M-02
- Wincing the night away. The Shins. CD MR SHIN WNA S-05
- Becket. DVD Drama B
- Bridge to Terabithia. DVD Drama B
- Casino Royale. DVD Action Adv. C
- Days of heaven. DVD Drama D
- Dreamgirls. DVD Drama D
- Facing the giants. DVD Drama F
- Freedom Writers. DVD Drama F
- Hairspray. DVD Musical H
- Happy feet. DVD Musical H
- The heart of the game. DVD 796.323
- The illusionist. DVD Mystery I
- Night at the museum. DVD Comedy N
- The painted veil. DVD Drama P
- Planet Earth. DVD 508
- The prestige. DVD Drama P
- The Queen. DVD Drama Q
- Sicko. DVD 362.1
- The Simpsons movie. DVD Comedy S
- The ultimate gift. DVD Drama U
- The war. DVD 940.53
- La bruja de Portobello. Paulo Coelho. Spanish Lang. Fic COE
- Los ejercitos. Evelio Rosero. Spanish Lang. Fic ROS
- El enigma de Paris. Pablo De Santis. Spanish Lang. Fic SAN
- Amando a Pablo, odiando a Escobar. Virginia Vallejo. Spanish Lang. B Vallejo
- Ayude a sus hijos a triunfar en la escuela secundaria y llegar a la universidad: guia para padres latinos. Mariela Dabbah. Spanish Lang. 373.182 DAB
- Ismaelillo. Jose Marti. Spanish Lang. 861 MAR
- Quiubole con– tu cuerpo, el ligue, tu imagen, el sexo, las drogas y todo lo demas: un libro para niñas, chavas, chicas o como quieras llamarles–. Gaby Vargas. Spanish Lang. 155.533 VAR
- Quiubole con– tu cuerpo, el ligue, tus cuates, el sexo, tu familia, las drogas y todo lo demas: manual de supervivencia para hombres. Gaby Vargas. Spanish Lang. 155.532 VAR
- El regalo del tiempo: cartas a mis hijos. Jorge Ramos. Spanish Lang. 170.44 RAM
- La ventaja latina en el trabajo: aprovecha quien eres para alcanzar tus metas. Mariela Dabbah y Arturo Poire. Spanish Lang. 650.1 DAB
- ABeCedarios: Mexican folk art ABCs in English and Spanish. Cynthia Weill, K.B. Basseches. Sp. Lang. Pic WEI
- El conejito Knuffle: un cuento aleccionador. Mo Willems. Sp. Lang. Pic WIL
- 10 patitos de goma. Eric Carle. Sp. Lang. Pic CAR
- El joven Zorro: la marca de hierro. Jan Adkins. Sp. Lang. J ADK
- Martina, una cucarachita muy linda: un cuento cubano. Carmen Agra Deedy. Sp. Lang. Pic DEE
- My colors, my world = Mis colores, mi mundo. Maya Christina Gonzalez. Sp. Lang. Pic GON
- My name is Gabito: the life of Gabriel Garcia Marquez = Me llamo Gabito : la vida de Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Monica Brown. Sp. Lang. JB Garcia Marquez
- Quien se esconde? Satoru Onishi. Sp. Lang. Pic ONI