Presidents’ Day
- Accidental presidents: eight men who changed America. Jared Cohen. 973.099 COH
- All the presidents’ children: triumph and tragedy in the lives of America’s first families. Doug Wead. 973.099 WEA
- All the presidents’ gardens: Madison’s cabbages to Kennedy’s roses–how the White House grounds have grown with America. Marta McDowell. 635.0975 MACD
- The American presidency. 352.23 AME
- The American presidency. 973.099 AME
- The American presidents. David C. Whitney. 923 WHI
- Author in chief: the untold story of our presidents and the books they wrote. Craig Fehrman. 973.099 FEH
- Baptism by fire: eight presidents who took office in times of crisis. Mark K. Updegrove. 973.099 UPD
- The best presidential writing: from 1789 to the present. 973.099 BES
- The Black history of the White House. Clarence Lusane. 975.3 LUS
- Character: profiles in presidential courage. Chris Wallace. 973.099 WAL
- The complete book of U.S. presidents. William A. DeGregorio. 973.099 DEG
- Dead presidents: an American adventure into the strange deaths and surprising afterlives of our nation’s leaders. Brady Carlson. 973.099 CAR
- Don’t know much about the American presidents: everything you need to know about the most powerful office on Earth and the men who have occupied it. Kenneth C. Davis. 973.099 DAV, CD 973.099 DAV
- First dads: parenting and politics from George Washington to Barack Obama. Joshua Kendall. 973.099 KEN
- First families: the impact of the White House on their lives. Bonnie Angelo. 973.099 ANG
- The First Family detail: Secret Service agents reveal the hidden lives of the presidents. Ronald Kessler. 363.283 KES
- First in line: presidents, vice presidents, and the pursuit of power. Kate Andersen Brower. 352.329 BRO
- Five presidents: my extraordinary journey with Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, and Ford. Clint Hill. 363.283 HIL
- The gatekeepers: how the White House Chiefs of Staff define every presidency. Chris Whipple. 973.92 WHI
- God in the White House: a history: how faith shaped the presidency from John F. Kennedy to George W. Bush. Randall Balmer. 973.099 BAL
- The hardest job in the world: the American presidency. John Dickerson. 352.23 DIC
- The heart of power: health and politics in the Oval Office. David Blumenthal, James A. Morone. 362.1 BLU
- Houses of the presidents: childhood homes, family dwellings, private escapes, and grand estates. Hugh Howard. 973.099 HOW
- In the President’s Secret Service: behind the scenes with agents in the line of fire and the presidents they protect. Ronald Kessler. 363.28 KES
- In the shadow of liberty: the hidden history of slavery, four presidents, and five black lives. Kenneth C. Davis. Y 306.362 DAV
- The invisible bridge: the fall of Nixon and the rise of Reagan. Rick Perlstein. 973.924 PER
- Listen up, Mr. President: everything you always wanted your president to know and do. Helen Thomas, Craig Crawford. 973.099 THO
- A magnificent catastrophe: the tumultuous election of 1800, America’s first presidential campaign. Edward J. Larson. 973.44 LAR
- My fellow Americans: the most important speeches of America’s presidents, from George Washington to George W. Bush. 815 MYF
- Power and constraint: the accountable presidency after 9/11. Jack Goldsmith. 352.235 GOL
- The preacher and the presidents: Billy Graham in the White House. Nancy Gibbs, Michael Duffy. 269.2 GIB
- Presidential diversions: presidents at play from George Washington to George W. Bush. Paul F. Boller, Jr. 973.099 BOL
- Presidential leadership: rating the best and the worst in the White House. 973.099 PRE
- Presidential power: unchecked and unbalanced. Matthew Crenson, Benjamin Ginsberg. 352.23 CRE
- The presidents. 973.099 PRE
- The presidents club: inside the world’s most exclusive fraternity. Nancy Gibbs, Michael Duffy. 973.92 GIB
- The president’s house: a first daughter shares the history and secrets of the world’s most famous home. Margaret Truman. 975.3 TRU
- The presidents: noted historians rank America’s best–and worst–chief executives. Brian Lamb, Susan Swain, C-SPAN. 352.23 LAM
- The president’s photographer: fifty years inside the Oval Office. John Bredar. 973.099 BRE
- Presidents’ secrets: the use and abuse of hidden power. Mary Graham. 973.099 GRA
- The presidents vs. the press: the endless battle between the White House and the media — from the founding fathers to fake news. Harold Holzer. 070.4493 HOL
- Prisoners of the White House: the isolation of America’s presidents and the crisis of leadership. Kenneth T. Walsh. 973.099 WAL
- Republic of spin: an inside history of the American presidency. David Greenberg. 973.099 GRE
- Second chance: three presidents and the crisis of American superpower. Zbigniew Brzezinski. 327.73 BRZ
- Sex with presidents: the ins and outs of love and lust in the White House. Eleanor Herman. 973.099 HER
- The Smithsonian book of presidential trivia. Amy Pastan. 973.099 PAS
- Team of five: the presidents club in the age of Trump. Kate Andersen Brower. 973.099 BRO
- The Virginia dynasty: four presidents and the creation of the American nation. Lynne Cheney. 973.099 CHE
- Where they stand: the American presidents in the eyes of voters and historians. Robert W. Merry. 973.099 MER
- White House chef: eleven years, two presidents, one kitchen. Walter Scheib. 642.4 SCH
- The White House: the president’s home in photographs and history. Vicki Goldberg. 975.3 GOL
- 41: a portrait of my father. George W. Bush. B Bush, Spanish Lang. B Bush
- 1864: Lincoln at the gates of history. Charles Bracelen Flood. 973.7092 FLO
- 1917: Lenin, Wilson, and the birth of the new world disorder. Arthur Herman. 940.3 HER
- 1944: FDR and the year that changed history. Jay Winik. 940.5373 WIN
- A. Lincoln: a biography. Ronald C. White, Jr. B Lincoln
- Abe: Abraham Lincoln in his times. David S. Reynolds. B Lincoln
- Abraham Lincoln. George McGovern. 973.7092 MACG
- Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass: the story behind an American friendship. Russell Freedman. Y 973.7092 FRE
- The accidental president: Harry S. Truman and the four months that changed the world. A.J. Baime. 973.918 BAI
- The age of Clinton: America in the 1990s. Gil Troy. 973.929 TRO
- The age of Reagan: a history, 1974-2008. Sean Wilentz. 973.927 WIL
- All the best, George Bush: my life in letters and other writings. George Bush. B Bush
- The American journey of Barack Obama. B Obama
- American lion: Andrew Jackson in the White House. Jon Meacham. B Jackson, Large Type B Jackson
- American sphinx: the character of Thomas Jefferson. Joseph J. Ellis. B Jefferson
- American Ulysses: a life of Ulysses S. Grant. Ronald C. White. 973.82 WHI
- Andrew Jackson. Sean Wilentz. 973.56 WIL
- Andrew Jackson: his life and times. H.W. Brands. B Jackson
- Andrew Johnson. Annette Gordon-Reed. 973.81 GOR
- Audacity: how Barack Obama defied his critics and created a legacy that will prevail. Jonathan Chait. 973.932 CHA
- The autobiography of Calvin Coolidge. B Coolidge
- The avenger takes his place: Andrew Johnson and the 45 days that changed the nation. Howard Means. 973.81 MEA
- Back to work: why we need smart government for a strong economy. Bill Clinton. 338.973 CLI
- Barack and Michelle: portrait of an American marriage. Christopher Andersen. B Obama
- Barack before Obama: life before the presidency. David Katz. 973.932 KAT
- Barack Obama: conservative, pragmatist, progressive. Burton I. Kaufman. 973.932 KAU
- Barack Obama: the story. David Maraniss. B Obama, CD B Obama
- Being George Washington: the indispensable man, as you’ve never seen him. Glenn Beck. B Washington, CD B Washington
- Being Nixon: a man divided. Evan Thomas. B Nixon
- Benjamin Harrison. Charles W. Calhoun. 973.86 CAL
- The best “worst president”: what the right gets wrong about Barack Obama. Mark Hannah. 973.932 HAN
- Beyond the White House: waging peace, fighting disease, building hope. Jimmy Carter. B Carter, Large Type B Carter
- The bridge: the life and rise of Barack Obama. David Remnick. B Obama
- Bush. Jean Edward Smith. B Bush
- A call to action: women, religion, violence, and power. Jimmy Carter. 323.34 CAR
- Calvin Coolidge. David Greenberg. 973.915 GRE
- The center holds: Obama and his enemies. Jonathan Alter. 973.932 ALT
- Chester Alan Arthur. Zachary Karabell. 973.84 KAR
- The Clinton tapes: wrestling history with the president. Taylor Branch. 973.929 BRA
- Colonel Roosevelt. Edmund Morris. B Roosevelt
- Commander in chief: FDR’s battle with Churchill, 1943. Nigel Hamilton. 940.5322 HAM
- A complicated man: the life of Bill Clinton as told by those who know him. Michael Takiff. B Clinton
- A consequential president: the legacy of Barack Obama. Michael D’Antonio. 973.932 DAN
- Coolidge. Amity Shlaes. B Coolidge
- A country of vast designs: James K. Polk, the Mexican War, and the conquest of the American continent. Robert W. Merry. 973.61 MER
- The day Kennedy died: 50 years later Life remembers the man and the moment. 973.922 DAY
- Days of fire: Bush and Cheney in the White House. Peter Baker. 973.931 BAK
- Decision points. George W. Bush. 973.931 BUS, Large Type 973.931 BUS, CD 973.931 BUS
- Destiny and power: the American odyssey of George Herbert Walker Bush. Jon Meacham. B Bush
- Destiny of the republic: a tale of madness, medicine, and the murder of a president. Candice Millard. 973.84 MIL, CD 973.84 MIL
- Eisenhower: in war and peace. Jean Edward Smith. B Eisenhower
- Eisenhower 1956: the president’s year of crisis: Suez and the brink of war. David A. Nichols. 973.921 NIC
- Eisenhower: the White House years. Jim Newton. 973.921 NEW
- The eloquent president: a portrait of Lincoln through his words. Ronald C. White, Jr. B Lincoln
- Every drop of blood: the momentous second inauguration of Abraham Lincoln. Edward Achorn. 973.7 ACH
- Faith: a journey for all. Jimmy Carter. 234.23 CAR
- The faith of George W. Bush. Stephen Mansfield. B Bush, CD B Bush
- Father Abraham: Lincoln and his sons. Harold Holzer. Y 973.7092 HOL
- FDR. Jean Edward Smith. B Roosevelt
- FDR v. the Constitution: the court-packing fight and the triumph of democracy. Burt Solomon. 347.73 SOL
- The fiery trial: Abraham Lincoln and American slavery. Eric Foner. 973.7092 FON
- Fire and fury: inside the Trump White House. Michael Wolff. 973.933 WOL
- First family: Abigail and John. Joseph J. Ellis. B Adams
- Franklin and Eleanor: an extraordinary marriage. Hazel Rowley. B Roosevelt
- Franklin and Lucy: President Roosevelt, Mrs. Rutherford, and the other remarkable women in his life. Joseph E. Persico. B Roosevelt
- Franklin D. Roosevelt: a political life. Robert Dallek. 973.917 DAL
- Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Roy Jenkins. 973.917 JEN
- Franklin Pierce. Michael F. Holt. 973.66 HOL
- Friends divided: John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. Gordon S. Wood. 973.3092 WOO
- A full life: reflections at ninety. Jimmy Carter. B Carter
- George H.W. Bush. Timothy Naftali. 973.928 NAF
- George Washington. James MacGregor Burns, Susan Dunn. 973.3 BUR
- George Washington: the political rise of America’s founding father. David O. Stewart. 973.41 STE
- George Washington: the wonder of the age. John Rhodehamel. B Washington
- Gerald R. Ford. Douglas Brinkley. 973.925 BRI
- Giving: how each of us can change the world. Bill Clinton. 361.37 CLI, Large Type 361.37 CLI, CD 361.37 CLI
- Grant. Ron Chernow. B Chernow
- Grant’s final victory: Ulysses S. Grant’s heroic last year. Charles Bracelen Flood. B Grant
- The Great divide: the conflict between Washington and Jefferson that defined a nation. Thomas Fleming. 973.3 FLE
- Guest of honor: Booker T. Washington, Theodore Roosevelt, and the White House dinner that shocked a nation. Deborah Davis. 973.911 DAV
- Hand of providence: the strong and quiet faith of Ronald Reagan. Mary Beth Brown. B Reagan
- Harry S. Truman. Robert Dallek. 973.918 DAL
- Heir to the Empire City: New York and the making of Theodore Roosevelt. Edward P. Kohn. B Roosevelt
- Herbert Hoover. William E. Leuchtenburg. 973.916 LEU
- Herbert Hoover: a life. Glen Jeansonne. B Hoover
- His Excellency: George Washington. Joseph J. Ellis. B Washington
- His final battle: the last months of Franklin Roosevelt. Joseph Lelyveld. 973.917 LEL, CD 973.917 LEL
- His very best: Jimmy Carter, a life. Jonathan Alter. B Carter
- Hoover: an extraordinary life in extraordinary times. Kenneth Whyte. 973.916 WHY
- The hour of fate: Theodore Roosevelt, J.P. Morgan, and the battle to transform American capitalism. Susan Berfield. 973.911 BER
- How Ike led: the principles behind Eisenhower’s biggest decisions. Susan Eisenhower. 973.921 EIS
- Ike: an American hero. Michael Korda. B Eisenhower
- Ike and Dick: portrait of a strange political marriage. Jeffrey Frank. 973.921 FRA
- Ike and McCarthy: Dwight Eisenhower’s secret campaign against Joseph McCarthy. David A. Nichols. 973.921 NIC
- Ike’s bluff: President Eisenhower’s secret battle to save the world. Evan Thomas. 973.921 THO, CD 973.921 THO
- Impeached: the trial of President Andrew Johnson and the fight for Lincoln’s legacy. David O. Stewart. 973.81 STE
- An imperfect God: George Washington, his slaves, and the creation of America. Henry Wiencek. B Washington, Large Type B Washington
- In Lincoln’s hand: his original manuscripts with commentary by distinguished Americans. 973.7092 LIN
- Incomparable grace: JFK in the presidency. Mark K. Updegrove. 973.922 UPD
- Indomitable will: LBJ in the presidency. Mark K. Updegrove. 973.923 UPD
- Jack Kennedy: the education of a statesman. Barbara Leaming. B Kennedy
- Jacksonland: President Andrew Jackson, Cherokee Chief John Ross, and a great American land grab. Steve Inskeep. 973.56 INS
- Jacqueline Kennedy: historic conversations on life with John F. Kennedy, interviews with Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., 1964. B Kennedy
- James A. Garfield. Ira Rutkow. 973.84 RUT
- James and Dolley Madison: America’s first power couple. Bruce Chadwick. 973.51 CHA
- James Buchanan. Jean H. Baker. 973.68 BAK
- James K. Polk. John Seigenthaler. 973.61 SEI
- James Madison. Richard Brookhiser. B Madison
- James Madison: America’s first politician. Jay Cost. B Madison
- James Monroe. Gary Hart. 973.54 HAR
- Jefferson: architect of American liberty. John B. Boles. 973.46 BOL
- Jefferson’s America: the President, the purchase, and the explorers who transformed a nation. Julie M. Fenster. 973.46 FEN
- JFK: a vision for America in words and pictures. B Kennedy
- JFK and the unspeakable: why he died and why it matters. James W. Douglass. 973.922 DOU
- JFK: coming of age in the American century, 1917-1956. Fredrik Logevall. B Kennedy, J.
- JFK day by day: a chronicle of the 1,036 days of John F. Kennedy’s presidency. Terry Golway, Les Krantz. 973.922 GOL
- JFK’s last hundred days: the transformation of a man and the emergence of a great president. Thurston Clarke. 973.922 CLA
- Jimmy Carter. Julian E. Zelizer. 973.926 ZEL
- John Adams. John Patrick Diggins. 973.44 DIG
- John F. Kennedy. Alan Brinkley. 973.922 BRI
- John Quincy Adams: American visionary. Fred Kaplan. B Adams
- John Tyler. Gary May. 973.58 MAY
- John Tyler: the accidental president. Edward P. Crapol. 973.58 CRA
- A just and generous nation: Abraham Lincoln and the fight for American opportunity. Harold Holzer, Norton Garfinkle. 973.7092 HOL
- Kennedy and King: the president, the pastor, and the battle over civil rights. Steven Levingston. 973.922 LEV
- Killing Kennedy: the end of Camelot. Bill O’Reilly, Martin Dugard. 973.922 ORE, Large Type 973.922 ORE, CD 973.922 ORE
- Killing Reagan: the violent assault that changed a presidency. Bill O’Reilly, Martin Dugard. 973.927 ORE, Large Type 973.927 ORE, CD 973.927 ORE, Ebook, EAudiobook
- King Richard: Nixon and Watergate: an American tragedy. Michael Dobbs. 973.924 DOB
- Lady Bird and Lyndon: the hidden story of a marriage that made a president. Betty Boyd Caroli. 973.923 CAR
- Land of Lincoln: adventures in Abe’s America. Andrew Ferguson. 973.702 FER
- The last of the president’s men. Bob Woodward. 973.924 WOO
- The last Republicans: inside the extraordinary relationship between George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush. Mark K. Updegrove. 973.928 UPD
- LBJ, architect of American ambition. Randall B. Woods. B Johnson
- Letters and speeches. Theodore Roosevelt. 973.911 ROO
- Lincoln and the abolitionists: John Quincy Adams, slavery, and the Civil War. Fred Kaplan. 973.7114 KAP
- The Lincoln anthology: great writers on his life and legacy from 1860 to now. B Lincoln
- The Lincoln conspiracy: the secret plot to kill America’s 16th president–and why it failed. Brad Meltzer, Josh Mensch. 973.7092 MEL, CD 973.7092 MEL, EAudiobook
- Lincoln in the world: the making of a statesman and the dawn of American power. Kevin Peraino. B Lincoln
- Lincoln on war. 973.7 LIN
- Lincoln: the biography of a writer. Fred Kaplan. B Lincoln
- Lincoln’s greatest case: the river, the bridge, and the making of America. Brian McGinty. 346.0322 MACG
- Lincoln’s lie: a true Civil War caper through fake news, Wall street, and the White House. Elizabeth Mitchell. 973.7 MIT
- Lincoln’s lieutenants: the high command of the Army of the Potomac. Stephen W. Sears. 973.73 SEA
- The Lincolns: portrait of a marriage. Daniel Mark Epstein. B Lincoln
- The long goodbye. Patti Davis. B Reagan, Large Type B Reagan, CD B Reagan
- Lyndon B. Johnson. Charles Peters. 973.923 PET
- The man he became: how FDR defied polio to win the presidency. James Tobin. B Roosevelt
- The man I knew: the amazing story of George H.W. Bush’s post-presidency. Jean Becker. B Bush
- A man of faith: the spiritual journey of George W. Bush. David Aikman. B Bush
- The man who saved the union: Ulysses Grant in war and peace. H. W. Brands. B Grant, CD B Grant
- Martha Jefferson: an intimate life with Thomas Jefferson. William G. Hyland Jr. B Jefferson
- Martin Van Buren. Ted Widmer. 973.57 WID
- Millard Fillmore. Paul Finkelman. 973.64 FIN
- Mourning Lincoln. Martha Hodes. 973.7092 HOD
- Mr. and Mrs. Madison’s war: America’s first couple and the second war of independence. Hugh Howard. 973.52 HOW
- My father at 100. Ron Reagan. B Reagan, CD B Reagan
- My father, my president: a personal account of the life of George H.W. Bush. Doro Bush Koch. B Bush
- My life. Bill Clinton. B Clinton, Large Type B Clinton, CD B Clinton, Spanish Lang. B Clinton
- “Negro president”: Jefferson and the slave power. Garry Wills. 973.46 WIL
- Never enough: Donald Trump and the pursuit of success. Michael D’Antonio. 333.33 DAN
- The Nixon defense: what he knew and when he knew it. John W. Dean. 973.924 DEA
- Nixonland: the rise of a president and the fracturing of America. Rick Perlstein. 973.924 PER
- Nixon’s darkest secrets: the inside story of America’s most troubled president. Don Fulsom. 973.924 FUL
- Nixon’s shadow: the history of an image. David Greenberg. B Nixon
- Nixon’s White House wars: the battles that made and broke a president and divided America forever. Patrick J. Buchanan. 973.924 BUC
- No ordinary time: Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt: the home front in World War II. Doris Kearns Goodwin. B Roosevelt
- Obama: an intimate portrait. Pete Souza. B Obama
- Obama: an oral history 2009-2017. Brian Abrams. 973.932 ABR
- Obama: the call of history. Peter Baker. B Obama
- The Obamas. Jodi Kantor. B Obama
- The outlier: the unfinished presidency of Jimmy Carter. Kai Bird. 973.926 BIR
- The passage of power. Robert A. Caro. B Johnson
- Polk: the man who transformed the presidency and America. Walter R. Borneman. B Polk
- The president and the assassin: McKinley, terror, and empire at the dawn of the American century. Scott Miller. 973.88 MIL
- “The president has been shot!”: the assassination of John F. Kennedy. James L. Swanson. Y 973.922 SWA
- President Kennedy has been shot: experience the moment-to-moment account of the four days that changed America. 364.1524 PRE
- President McKinley: architect of the American century. Robert W. Merry. 973.88 MER
- The president will see you now: my stories and lessons from Ronald Reagan’s final years. Peggy Grande. 973.927 GRA
- The president’s devotional: the daily readings that inspired President Obama. Joshua DuBois. 242.2 DUB
- The problem of democracy: the Presidents Adams confront the cult of personality. Nancy Isenberg, Andrew Burstein. 973.44 ISE
- The promise: President Obama, year one. Jonathan Alter. 973.932 ALT
- Reagan: a life in letters. 973.927 REA
- The Reagan diaries. Ronald Reagan. B Reagan
- Reagan: the Hollywood years. Marc Eliot. B Reagan
- Reagan: the life. H.W. Brands. B Reagan
- Reclaiming history: the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Vincent Bugliosi. 973.922 BUG
- Remembering Jack: intimate and unseen photographs of the Kennedys. Jacques Lowe. 973.922 LOW
- Renegade: the making of a president. Richard Wolffe. B Obama
- The return of George Washington: 1783-1789. Edward J. Larson. B Washington
- Revolutionary: George Washington at war. Robert L. O’Connell. 973.409 OCO
- Richard M. Nixon. Elizabeth Drew. 973.924 DRE
- Richard M. Nixon: a life in full. Conrad Black. B Nixon
- Richard Nixon: the life. John A. Farrell. 973.924 FAR
- Rightful heritage: Franklin D. Roosevelt and the land of America. Douglas Brinkley. 973.917 BRI
- Rising star: the making of Barack Obama. David J. Garrow. 973.932 GAR
- The road to Camelot: inside JFK’s five-year campaign. Thomas Oliphant, Curtis Wilkie. 973.922 OLI
- Roosevelt sweeps nation: FDR’s 1936 landslide & the triumph of the liberal ideal. David Pietrusza. 973.917 PIE
- The Roosevelts: an intimate history. Geoffrey C. Ward. B Roosevelt, DVD 973.91
- The Rough Riders; [and], An autobiography. Theodore Roosevelt. B Roosevelt
- A self-made man: the political life of Abraham Lincoln, 1809-1849. Sidney Blumenthal. 973.7092 BLU
- Sharing good times. Jimmy Carter. B Carter, Large Type B Carter, Audio B Carter
- Six encounters with Lincoln: a president confronts democracy and its demons. Elizabeth Brown Pryor. B Lincoln
- The stranger: Barack Obama in the White House. Chuck Todd. 973.932 TOD
- Team of rivals: the political genius of Abraham Lincoln. Doris Kearns Goodwin. B Lincoln, Large Type B Lincoln, CD B Lincoln
- Theodore Roosevelt for the defense: the courtroom battle to save his legacy. Dan Abrams, David Fisher. 345.0256 ABR
- There I grew up: remembering Abraham Lincoln’s Indiana youth. William E. Bartelt. Ind. Coll. B Lincoln
- These few precious days: the final year of Jack with Jackie. Christopher Andersen. B Kennedy
- Three days in January: Dwight Eisenhower’s final mission. Bret Baier. 973.921 BAI
- Thomas Jefferson and the Tripoli pirates: the forgotten war that changed American history. Brian Kilmeade, Don Yaeger. 973.47 KIL
- Thomas Jefferson: author of America. Christopher Hitchens. B Jefferson
- Thomas Jefferson: the art of power. Jon Meacham. B Jefferson, CD B Jefferson
- The three lives of James Madison: genius, partisan, president. Noah Feldman. 973.51 FEL
- Too close to the sun: growing up in the shadow of my grandparents, Franklin and Eleanor. Curtis Roosevelt. B Roosevelt
- Traitor to his class: the privileged life and radical presidency of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. H.W. Brands. B Roosevelt
- Twilight at Monticello: the final years of Thomas Jefferson. Alan Pell Crawford. B Jefferson
- Ulysses S. Grant. Josiah Bunting III. 973.82 BUN
- Ulysses S. Grant: the unlikely hero. Michael Korda. B Grant
- An unfinished life: John F. Kennedy, 1917-1963. Robert Dallek. B Kennedy, Audio B Kennedy
- Warren G. Harding. John W. Dean. 973.914 DEA
- The wars of the Roosevelts: the ruthless rise of America’s greatest political family. William J. Mann. 973.917 MAN
- Washington: the indispensable man. James Thomas Flexner. B Washington
- Washington’s end: the final years and forgotten struggle. Jonathan Horn. 973.41 HOR
- Washington’s farewell: the founding father’s warning to future generations. John Avlon. 973.41 AVL, Ebook
- “We are Lincoln men”: Abraham Lincoln and his friends. David Herbert Donald. 973.7 DON
- We are the change we seek: the speeches of Barack Obama. 973.932 OBA
- When trumpets call: Theodore Roosevelt after the White House. Patricia O’Toole. B Roosevelt
- White House diary. Jimmy Carter. 973.926 CAR
- The wilderness warrior: Theodore Roosevelt and the crusade for America. Douglas Brinkley. B Roosevelt
- William Henry Harrison. Gail Collins. 973.58 COL
- William McKinley. Kevin Phillips. 973.88 PHI
- Woodrow Wilson. H.W. Brands. 973.913 BRA
- Wrestling with his angel: the political life of Abraham Lincoln. Vol. II, 1849-1856. Sidney Blumenthal. 973.7092 BLU
- Writings. James Madison. 973.51 MAD
- Writings. George Washington. B Washington
- You never forget your first: a biography of George Washington. Alexis Coe. B Washington
- Zachary Taylor. John S.D. Eisenhower. 973.63 EIS
- The Armageddon file. Stephen Coonts. Fic COO
- Balance of power. Richard North Patterson. Fic PAT
- Capital crimes. Stuart Woods. Fic WOO
- Citizen Washington. William Martin. Fic MAR
- Courting Mr. Lincoln. Louis Bayard. Fic BAY
- Dear George, Dear Mary. Mary Calvi. Fic CAL
- Eighteen acres. Nicolle Wallace. Fic WAL
- Finale: a novel of the Reagan years. Thomas Mallon. Fic MAL
- The first patient. Michael Palmer. Fic PAL
- A friend of Mr. Lincoln. Stephen Harrigan. Fic HAR
- A heartbeat away. Michael Palmer. Large Type Fic PAL
- Hidden empire. Orson Scott Card. Sci. Fic CAR
- Hope never dies. Andrew Shaffer. Mystery SHA, Ebook
- The hornet’s nest: a novel of the Revolutionary War. Jimmy Carter. Fic CAR
- A house divided. Jonathan F. Putnam. Mystery PUT
- The impeachment of Abraham Lincoln. Stephen L. Carter. Fic CAR, CD Fic CAR
- Iron wolf. Dale Brown. Fic BRO
- It’s classified. Nicolle Wallace. Fic WAL
- Joe Steele. Harry Turtledove. Fic TUR
- Josiah for president. Martha Bolton. Rel. Fic BOL
- Landfall. Thomas Mallon. Fic MAL
- The Lincoln conspiracy. Timothy L. O’Brien. Fic OBR
- The Lincoln deception. David O. Stewart. Fic STE
- The Lincoln myth. Steve Berry. Fic BER
- Lucy: a novel. Ellen Feldman. Fic FEL
- Madam President. Nicolle Wallace. Fic WAL
- Mounting fears. Stuart Woods. Fic WOO, Large Type Fic WOO
- O: a presidential novel. Fic OAP
- These honored dead. Jonathan F. Putnam. Mystery PUT
- Facts about the presidents: a compilation of biographical and historical information. Joseph Nathan Kane, Janet Podell. R 923 KAN
- Guide to the presidency. R 353.031 GUI
- The presidency A to Z. R 352.23 PRE
- Andrew Jackson. Robert V. Remini. CD B Jackson
- Don’t know much about the American presidents. Kenneth C. Davis. CD 973.099 DAV
- Lincoln’s melancholy: how depression challenged a president and fueled his greatness. Joshua Wolf Shenk. CD B Lincoln
- Reagan, in his own voice. CD 815 REA
- Abraham and Mary Lincoln: a house divided. VIDEO B Lincoln
- Backstairs at the White House. DVD Drama B
- Clinton. DVD B Clinton
- FDR. DVD B Roosevelt
- FDR, a presidency revealed. DVD B Roosevelt
- FDR: years of crisis [and] FDR, the war years. DVD B Roosevelt
- Founding brothers. DVD 973.409
- George H. W. Bush. DVD B Bush
- George Washington. DVD Children A
- Give ’em hell Harry. DVD B Truman
- Jefferson makes a difference. DVD 973.46
- JFK, a presidency revealed. DVD 973.922
- Jimmy Carter. DVD B Carter
- John Adams. DVD Drama J
- John & Abigail Adams. DVD B Adams
- Journeys with George: a home movie. DVD 973.931
- Kennedy. DVD B Kennedy
- Kennedy. The complete series. DVD Drama K
- LBJ. DVD B Johnson
- The life of Lincoln. DVD B Lincoln
- Lincoln. DVD Drama L
- Lincoln: his life and legacy. DVD 973.7
- Mandate: the President and the people. DVD 352.235
- Nixon: a presidency revealed. DVD 973.924
- Picturing the presidents. DVD 973.022
- President Barack Obama: the man and his journey. DVD B Obama
- The president’s book of secrets. DVD 352.235
- The Presidents: the lives and legacies of the 43 leaders of the United States. DVD 923
- Secret access Air Force One. DVD 387.742
- Secret honor. DVD Drama S
- So you want to be president? DVD Children S
- TR. DVD B Roosevelt
- 20th century. Politics & presidents. DVD 973.9
- Unprecedented: the 2000 presidential election. DVD 324.97
- W. DVD Drama W
- Where history lives a tour of the White House. DVD 975.3
- Young Mr. Lincoln. DVD Drama Y
- Abraham Lincoln. Mary Pope Osborne, Natalie Pope Boyce. J 973.7 OSB
- Abraham Lincoln: our sixteenth president. Sarah Hansen. JB Lincoln
- Abraham Lincoln you never knew. James Lincoln Collier. JB Lincoln
- Air Force One. Andrew Santella. J 387.74 SAN
- America votes: how our President is elected. Linda Granfield. J 324.6 GRA
- Barack Obama: our forty-fourth President. Catherine Nichols. JB Obama
- Barack Obama: president for a new era. Marlene Targ Brill. JB Obama
- Barack Obama: United States President. Roberta Edwards. JB Obama, Sp. Lang. JB Obama
- Benjamin Harrison: our twenty-third president. Sandra Francis. JB Harrison
- Calvin Coolidge: our thirtieth president. Melissa Maupin. JB Coolidge
- Chester A. Arthur: our twenty-first president. Carol Brunelli. JB Arthur
- Duck for President. Doreen Cronin. Pic CRO
- Dwight D. Eisenhower: our thirty-fourth president. Sarah Hansen. JB Eisenhower
- Franklin D. Roosevelt: our thirty-second president. Melissa Maupin. JB Roosevelt
- Franklin Pierce: our fourteenth president. Steven Ferry. JB Pierce
- George Bush: our forty-first president. Sandra Francis. JB Bush
- George did it. Suzanne Tripp Jurmain. EB Washington
- George W. Bush: our forty-third president. Michael Burgan. JB Bush
- George Washington: first president, 1789-1797. Mike Venezia. EB Washington
- George Washington: our first president. Ann Graham Gaines. JB Washington
- George Washington, spymaster: how the Americans outspied the British and won the Revolutionary War. Thomas B. Allen. J 973.3 ALL, J AUDIO CD 973.3 ALL
- George Washington’s teeth. Deborah Chandra & Madeleine Comora. E 973.4 CHA
- Gerald R. Ford: our thirty-eighth president. Sandra Francis. JB Ford
- The ghost, the White House, and me. Judith St. George. J SAI
- Grover Cleveland: our twenty-second and twenty-fourth president. Ann Graham Gaines. JB Cleveland
- Harry S. Truman: our thirty-third president. Ann Graham Gaines. JB Truman
- Herbert Hoover. Amy Ruth. JB Hoover
- Herbert Hoover: our thirty-first president. Gerry & Janet Souter. JB Hoover
- The house that George built. Suzanne Slade. JB Washington
- An illustrated timeline of U.S. presidents. Mary Englar. J 973.099 ENG
- Jack: the early years of John F. Kennedy. Ilene Cooper. JB Kennedy
- James A. Garfield: our twentieth president. Carol Brunelli. JB Garfield
- James Buchanan: our fifteenth president. Gerry & Janet Souter. JB Buchanan
- James Earl Carter: our thirty-ninth president. Lori Hobkirk. JB Carter
- James K. Polk: our eleventh president. Ann Graham Gaines. JB Polk
- James Madison: fourth president, 1809-1817. Mike Venezia. EB Madison
- James Madison: our fourth president. Ann Graham Gaines. JB Madison
- James Monroe: fifth president, 1817-1825. Mike Venezia. EB Monroe
- James Monroe: our fifth president. Ann Graham Gaines. JB Monroe
- Jimmy Carter. Heidi M.D. Elston. JB Carter
- John Adams: America’s 2nd president. Barbara Silberdick Feinberg. JB Adams
- John Adams: our second president. Ann Graham Gaines. JB Adams
- John Adams: second president, 1797-1801. Mike Venezia. EB Adams
- John F. Kennedy. Catherine Corley Anderson. JB Kennedy
- John F. Kennedy: our thirty-fifth president. Judith E. Harper. JB Kennedy
- John Quincy Adams: our sixth president. Gerry & Janet Souter. JB Adams
- John Quincy Adams: sixth president, 1825-1829. Mike Venezia. EB Adams
- John Tyler: our tenth president. Steven Ferry. JB Tyler
- Kennedy through the lens: how photography and television revealed and shaped an extraordinary leader. Martin W. Sandler. JB Kennedy
- Lincoln through the lens: how photography revealed and shaped an extraordinary life. Martin W. Sandler. JB Lincoln
- Lyndon Baines Johnson: our thirty-sixth president. Melissa Maupin. JB Johnson
- Make your mark, Franklin Roosevelt. Judith St. George. JB Roosevelt
- Martin Van Buren: our eighth president. Steven Ferry. JB Van Buren
- Michael Townsend’s Where do presidents come from?: and other presidential stuff of super-great importance. J 973.099 TOW
- Millard Fillmore: our thirteenth president. Gerry & Janet Souter. JB Fillmore
- My tour of Europe: by Teddy Roosevelt, age 10. EB Roosevelt
- Our White House: looking in, looking out. J 975.3 OUR
- A picture book of Dolley and James Madison. David A. Adler, Michael S. Adler. EB Madison
- President. Jacqueline Laks Gorman. J 352.23 GOR
- President Barack Obama. Jennifer L. Marks. JB Obama
- Presidents. James Barber. J 973.099 BAR
- Presidents’ Day. Margaret McNamara. E MACN
- Presidents’ Day. Natalie M. Rosinsky. E 394.2 ROS
- The revolutionary John Adams. Cheryl Harness. J 973.3 HAR
- Richard M. Nixon: our thirty-seventh president. Ann Graham Gaines. JB Nixon
- Ronald Reagan: our fortieth president. Cynthia Amoroso. JB Reagan
- Rutherford B. Hayes: our nineteenth president. Sandra Francis. JB Hayes
- Stand tall, Abe Lincoln. Judith St. George. JB Lincoln
- Stink: the incredible shrinking kid. Megan McDonald. J MACD, Sp. Lang. J MACD
- Take the lead, George Washington. Judith St. George. JB Washington
- Theodore. Frank Keating. EB Roosevelt
- Theodore Roosevelt: champion of the American spirit. Betsy Harvey Kraft. JB Roosevelt
- Theodore Roosevelt: our twenty-sixth president. Ann Graham Gaines. JB Roosevelt
- Thomas Jefferson: our third president. Elizabeth Sirimarco. JB Jefferson
- Thomas Jefferson: third president, 1801-1809. Mike Venezia. EB Jefferson
- Ulysses S. Grant: our eighteenth president. Ann Graham Gaines. JB Grant
- Warren G. Harding: our twenty-ninth president. Gerry & Janet Souter. JB Harding
- The White House: an illustrated history. Catherine O’Neill Grace. J 975.3 GRA
- Who was George Washington? Roberta Edwards. JB Washington
- William Clinton. Ann Graham Gaines. JB Clinton
- William Henry Harrison: our ninth president. Ann Graham Gaines. JB Harrison
- William Howard Taft: our twenty-seventh president. Melissa Maupin. JB Taft
- William McKinley: our twenty-fifth president. Cynthia Amoroso. JB McKinley
- Woodrow Wilson: our twenty-eighth president. Carol Brunelli, Ann Graham Gaines. JB Wilson
- Zachary Taylor: our twelfth president. Carol Brunelli. JB Taylor
- 41: un retrato de mi padre. George W. Bush. Spanish Lang. B Bush
- John F. Kennedy: su liderazgo: las lecciones y el legado de un presidente. John A. Barnes. Spanish Lang. 158.4 BAR
- Lincoln. Francisco Luis Cardona Castro. Spanish Lang. B Lincoln
- Barack Obama: Presidente de Estados Unidos. Roberta Edwards. Sp. Lang. JB Obama