Asian Pacific American History
Asian Pacific American History
- 3 sections: poems. Vijay Seshadri. 811 SES
- The arts of Asia. Meher McArthur. 709.5 MACA
- Asian American histories of the United States. Catherine Ceniza Choy. 973.0495 CHO
- Asian art in the Art Institute of Chicago. Elinor L. Pearlstein, James T. Ulak. 709.51 PEA
- Behind my eyes. Li-Young Lee. 811 LEE
- Buddhists, Hindus, and Sikhs in America. Gurinder Singh Mann. 294 MAN
- The Chinese in America. Iris Chang. 973.0495 CHA
- Covering: the hidden assault on our civil rights. Kenji Yoshino. 342.73 YOS
- Dear memory: letters on writing, silence, and grief. Victoria Chang. 816.6 CHA
- Eastern philosophy. Chakravarthi Ram-Prasad. 181 RAM
- Facing the mountain: a true story of Japanese American heroes in World War II. Daniel James Brown. 940.5412 BRO
- From a whisper to a rallying cry: the killing of Vincent Chin and the trial that galvanized the Asian American movement. Paula Yoo. Y 305.895 YOO
- The geography of thought: how Asians and Westerners think differently– and why. Richard E. Nisbett. 153.4 NIS
- The glass constellation: new and collected poems. Arthur Sze. 811.54 SZE
- Human dark with sugar. Brenda Shaughnessy. 811 SHA
- Impounded: Dorothea Lange and the censored images of Japanese American internment. Dorothea Lange. 940.5317 LAN
- Imprisoned: the betrayal of Japanese Americans during World War II. Martin W. Sandler. Y 940.5317 SAN
- Infamy: the shocking story of the Japanese American internment in World War II. Richard Reeves. 940.5317 REE
- Just Americans: how Japanese Americans won a war at home and abroad. Robert Asahina. 940.5421 ASA
- Lifelines: a doctor’s journey in the fight for public health. Leana Wen. 362.1 WEN
- Lost kingdom: Hawaii’s last queen, the sugar kings, and America’s first imperial adventure. Julia Flynn Siler. 996.902 SIL
- The making of Asian America: a history. Erika Lee. 973.0495 LEE
- My Korean deli: risking it all for a convenience store. Ben Ryder Howe. 381.147 HOW
- Not here. Hieu Minh Nguyen. 811.6 NGU
- Paradise of the Pacific: approaching Hawaiʻi. Susanna Moore. 996.9 MOO
- Rise: a pop history of Asian America from the nineties to now. Jeff Yang, Phil Yu, Philip Wang. 306.095 YAN
- The rupture tense: poems. Jenny Xie. 811.6 XIE
- The snakehead: an epic tale of the Chinatown underworld and the American dream. Patrick Radden Keefe. 364.15 KEE
- The spirit catches you and you fall down: a Hmong child, her American doctors, and the collision of two cultures. Anne Fadiman. 306.461 FAD
- Sweet like jasmine. Bonnie Gray. 248.4 GRA
- The symmetry of fish. Su Cho. 811.6 CHO
- Tales of Kalila and Dimna: classic fables from India. Ramsay Wood. 398.24 WOO
- A thousand times you lose your treasure. Hoa Nguyen. 811.6 NGU
- Tong wars: the untold story of vice, money, and murder in New York’s Chinatown. Scott D. Seligman. 364.106 SEL
- The train to Crystal City: FDR’s secret prisoner exchange program and America’s only family internment camp during World War II. Jan Jarboe Russell. 940.5317 RUS
- Unfamiliar fishes. Sarah Vowell. 996.9 VOW
- Uprooted: the Japanese American experience during World War II. Albert Marrin. Y 940.5317 MAR
- We hereby refuse: Japanese American resistance to wartime incarceration. Frank Abe, Tamiko Nimura. Graphic 940.5317 ABE
- What’s so great about America. Dinesh D’Souza. 973 DSO
- Acts of faith: the story of an American Muslim, the struggle for the soul of a generation. Eboo Patel. 305.697 PAT
- All for love: continents of exile. Ved Mehta. B Mehta
- All in. Jerry Yang. B Yang
- Along the roaring river: my wild ride from Mao to the Met. Hao Jiang Tian. B Tian
- Battle hymn of the tiger mother. Amy Chua. 306.874 CHU
- Bend, not break: a life in two worlds. Ping Fu. B Fu
- Bento box in the heartland: my Japanese girlhood in whitebread America. Linda Furiya. 641.509 FUR
- Bitter winds: a memoir of my years in China’s Gulag. Harry Wu & Carolyn Wakeman. B Wu
- Catfish and mandala: a two-wheeled voyage through the landscape and memory of Vietnam. Andrew X. Pham. 915.97 PHA
- Charlie Chan: the untold story of the honorable detective and his rendezvous with American history. Yunte Huang. B Apana
- Concepcion: an immigrant family’s fortunes. Albert Samaha. 929.2097 SAM
- The cooked seed: a memoir. Anchee Min. B Min
- Dark harbor: building house and home on an enchanted island. Ved Mehta. 690.83 MEH
- Double cup love: on the trail of family, food, and broken hearts in China. Eddie Huang. B Huang
- The fifth book of peace. Maxine Hong Kingston. B Kingston
- First they killed my father: a daughter of Cambodia remembers. Loung Ung. B Ung
- Forget sorrow: an ancestral tale. Belle Yang. Graphic B Yang
- Fresh off the boat. Eddie Huang. B Huang
- Harvest son: planting roots in American soil. David Mas Masumoto. B Masumoto
- A heart for freedom: the remarkable journey of a young dissident, her daring escape, and her quest to free China’s daughters. Chai Ling. 248.246 LIN
- Jackie Chan. 791.43 JAC
- The latehomecomer: a Hmong family memoir. Kao Kalia Yang. B Yang
- Listening to stone: the art and life of Isamu Noguchi. Hayden Herrera. 730.92 HER
- Lucky girl. Mei-Ling Hopgood. B Hopgood
- Mao’s last dancer. Li Cunxin. B Li
- Marrying Anita: a quest for love in the new India. Anita Jain. B Jain
- Names for light: a family history. Thirii Myo Kyaw Myint. 929.2 MYI
- The opposite of fate: a book of musings. Amy Tan. B Tan
- Rock & roll jihad: a Muslim rock star’s revolution. Salman Ahmad. B Ahmad
- Seeing ghosts: a memoir. Kat Chow. B Chow
- She is mine: a war orphan’s incredible journey of survival. Stephanie Fast. 362.734 FAS
- The song poet: a memoir of my father. Kao Kalia Yang. B Yang
- Sounds of the river: a memoir. Da Chen. B Chen
- Speak, Okinawa: a memoir. Elizabeth Miki Brina. B Brina
- Still life with rice: a young American woman discovers the life and legacy of her Korean grandmother. Helie Lee. B Baek
- The Tao of Bruce Lee. Davis Miller. B Lee
- Tastes like war: a memoir. Grace M. Cho. B Cho, EAudiobook
- Tea that burns: a family memoir of Chinatown. Bruce Edward Hall. B Hall
- Ten thousand sorrows: the extraordinary journey of a Korean war orphan. Elizabeth Kim. B Kim, Audio
- That good night: life and medicine in the eleventh hour. Sunita Puri. 610.92 PUR
- Under the same sky: from starvation in North Korea to salvation in America. Joseph Kim. 362.87 KIM
- The unwanted: a memoir. Kien Nguyen. B Nguyen
- The unwinding of the miracle: a memoir of life, death, and everything that comes after. Julie Yip-Williams. B Yip-Williams, Large Type B Yip-Williams
- Vietnamerica: a family’s journey. GB Tran. Graphic B Tran
- Watching the tree: a Chinese daughter reflects on happiness, tradition, and spiritual wisdom. Adeline Yen Mah. B Mah
- Yeh Yeh’s house. Evelina Chao. B Chao
- American masala: 125 new classics from my home kitchen. Suvir Saran. 641.5954 SAR
- Asian tofu: discover the best, make your own, and cook it at home. Andrea Nguyen. 641.6565 NGU
- At home with Madhur Jaffrey: simple, delectable dishes from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka. Madhur Jaffrey. 641.595 JAF
- Authentic Vietnamese cooking: food from a family table. Corinne Trang. 641.595 TRA
- Burma: rivers of flavor. Naomi Duguid. 641.5959 DUG
- Chop suey: a cultural history of Chinese food in the United States. Andrew Coe. 641.5951 COE
- The classic Asian cookbook. Sri Owen. 641.595 OWE
- Climbing the mango trees: a memoir of a childhood in India. Madhur Jaffrey. 641.509 JAF
- The cooking of Indonesia and the Philippines. Ghillie Basan, Terry Tan, Vilma Laus. 641.5959 BAS
- Cradle of flavor: home cooking from the spice islands of Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore. James Oseland. 641.5959 OSE
- Every grain of rice: a taste of our Chinese childhood in America. Ellen Blonder; Annabel Low. 641.595 BLO
- The fortune cookie chronicles: adventures in the world of Chinese food. Jennifer 8. Lee. 641.5951 LEE
- India: cookbook. Pushpesh Pant. 641.5954 PAN
- Indian home cooking. Suvir Saran. 641.595 SAR
- Indian vegetarian feast. Anjum Anand. 641.5954 ANA
- Into the Vietnamese kitchen. Andrea Quynhgiao Nguyen. 641.5959 NGU
- Momofuku. David Chang, Peter Meehan. 641.595 CHA
- On the noodle road: from Beijing to Rome, with love and pasta. Jen Lin-Liu. 641.822 LIN
- Revolutionary Chinese cookbook: recipes from Hunan Province. Fuchsia Dunlop. 641.595 DUN
- Simple Asian meals: irresistibly satisfying and healthy dishes for the busy cook. Nina Simonds. 641.595 SIM
- Simple Thai cookery. Ken Hom. 641.5959 HOM
- Smoke & pickles: recipes and stories from a new southern kitchen. Edward Lee. 641.5975 LEE
- A spoonful of ginger: irresistible, health-giving recipes from Asian kitchens. Nina Simonds. 641.595 SIM
- True Thai. Victor Sodsook. 641.595 SOD
- The turmeric trail: recipes and memories from an Indian childhood. Raghavan Iyer. 641.595 IYE
- Washoku: recipes from the Japanese home kitchen. Elizabeth Andoh. 641.595 AND
- Above the East China Sea. Sarah Bird. Fic BIR
- The age of dreaming. Nina Revoyr. Fic REV
- The age of Shiva. Manil Suri. Fic SUR
- Aloft. Chang-rae Lee. Fic LEE
- American born Chinese. Gene Luen Yang. Y Graphic Yang
- An arrow to the moon. Emily X.R. Pan. Y Fic PAN
- The art of hearing heartbeats. Jan-Philipp Sendker. Fic SEN
- The astonishing color of after. Emily X.R. Pan. Y Fic PAN
- The bad Muslim discount. Syed M. Masood. Fic MAS
- Before we visit the goddess. Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni. Fic DIV
- Bijou Roy. Ronica Dhar. Fic DHA
- Bird of another heaven. James Houston. Fic HOU
- Blood hina: a Mas Arai mystery. Naomi Hirahara. Mystery HIR
- Blue-skinned gods. SJ Sindu. Sci. Fic SIN
- Bone. Fae Myenne Ng. Fic NG
- The book of form and emptiness. Ruth Ozeki. Fic OZE, Large Type Fic OZE
- The book of salt. Monique Truong. Fic TRU
- Brothers. Da Chen. Fic CHE
- Burnt sugar. Avni Doshi. Fic DOS
- Charmed particles. Chrissy Kolaya. Fic KOL
- China dolls. Lisa See. Fic SEE, Large Type Fic SEE
- The chosen and the beautiful. Nghi Vo. Sci. Fic VO, Fic VO
- The city of Devi. Manil Suri. Fic SUR
- The climate of the country. Marnie Mueller. Fic MUE
- A cruel season for dying. Harker Moore. Mystery MOO
- Dava Shastri’s last day. Kirthana Ramisetti. Fic RAM, Ebook
- Death doesn’t forget. Ed Lin. Mystery LIN
- Death of a red heroine. Qiu Xiaolong. Fic CHI
- The descendants. Kaui Hart Hemmings. Fic HEM, DVD Drama D
- The dim sum of all things. Kim Wong Keltner. Fic KEL
- Dixieland sushi. Cara Lockwood. Fic LOC
- Don’t let him know. Sandip Roy. Fic ROY
- An empire of women. Karen Shepard. Fic SHE
- Evening is the whole day. Preeta Samarasan. Fic SAM
- The expatriates. Janice Y.K. Lee. Fic LEE, Large Type Fic LEE, CD Fic LEE, Ebook
- Family business. S.J. Rozan. Mystery ROZ
- Family life. Akhil Sharma. Fic SHA, Large Type Fic SHA
- Fiona and Jane. Jean Chen Ho. Large Type Fic HO
- The Fire Horse girl. Kay Honeyman. Y Fic HON
- First comes like. Alisha Rai. Romance Rai, Ebook
- For the record. Charlotte Huang. Y Fic HUA
- Forgotten country. Catherine Chung. Fic CHU
- Four-Four-Two. Dean Hughes. Y Fic HUG
- Free food for millionaires. Min Jin Lee. Fic LEE
- A free life. Ha Jin. Fic JIN
- The ghost bride. Yangsze Choo. Large Type Fic CHO
- Ghost hero. S.J. Rozan. Mystery ROZ
- Ghost month. Ed Lin. Mystery LIN
- Girl gone viral. Alisha Rai. Romance Rai, EAudiobook
- Girl in a box. Sujata Massey. Mystery MAS
- The girl in the garden. Kamala Nair. Fic NAI
- The girl with ghost eyes. M.H. Boroson. Fic BOR
- Gold diggers. Sanjena Sathian. Fic SAT
- Good enough. Paula Yoo. Y Fic YOO
- A good scent from a strange mountain: stories. Robert Olen Butler. Fic BUT
- The good son. Michael Gruber. Fic GRU, CD Fic GRU
- Hate to want you. Alisha Rai. Romance Rai, Ebook
- Heart of a samurai: based on the true story of Manjiro Nakahama. Margi Preus. Y Fic PRE, J PRE
- Home boy. H.M. Naqvi. Fic NAQ
- Hotel on the corner of bitter and sweet. Jamie Ford. Fic FOR, Large Type Fic FOR
- How to get filthy rich in rising Asia. Mohsin Hamid. Fic HAM
- The hundred secret senses. Amy Tan. Fic TAN, CD Fic TAN
- The hungry tide. Amitav Ghosh. Fic GHO
- I Hotel. Karen Tei Yamashita. Fic YAM
- If I had your face. Frances Cha. Fic CHA
- Ilustrado. Miguel Syjuco. Fic SYJ
- In other rooms, other wonders. Daniyal Mueenuddin. Fic MUE
- In the country: stories. Mia Alvar. Fic ALV
- In the lap of the Gods. Li Miao Lovett. Fic LOV
- In the shadow of the Banyan. Vaddey Ratner. Fic RAT
- Incensed. Ed Lin. Mystery LIN
- The inheritance of loss. Kiran Desai. Fic DES, Large Type Fic DES
- The interpreter. Suki Kim. Fic KIM
- Intimacies. Katie Kitamura. Fic KIT, Ebook
- The island of bicycle dancers. Jiro Adachi. Fic ADA
- Juniors. Kaui Hart Hemmings. Y Fic HEM
- K-Pop revolution. Stephan Lee. Y Fic LEE
- Kaleidoscope. Cecily Wong. Fic WON
- Kitchen Chinese. Ann Mah. Fic MAH
- The last Chinese chef. Nicole Mones. Fic MON
- The last empress. Anchee Min. Fic MIN
- The last story of Mina Lee. Nancy Jooyoun Kim. Fic KIM, Ebook, EAudiobook
- Leave it to me. Bharati Mukherjee. Fic MUK
- Level up. Gene Luen Yang. Graphic Fic YAN
- Liberty Meadows. Frank Cho. Y 741.5 CHO
- Light from uncommon stars. Ryka Aoki. Sci. Fic AOK, EAudiobook
- Loathe at first sight. Suzanne Park. Romance Park
- A long stay in a distant land. Chieh Chieng. Fic CHI
- The lost and forgotten languages of Shanghai. Ruiyan Xu. Fic XU
- Lost men. Brian Leung. Fic LEU
- The love wife. Gish Jen. Fic JEN, CD Fic JEN
- Lucky everyday. Bapsy Jain. Fic JAI
- The lucky gourd shop. Joanna C. Scott. Fic SCO
- Madras on rainy days. Samina Ali. Fic ALI
- The magic of ordinary days. Ann Howard Creel. Large Type Fic CRE, DVD Drama M
- The majesties. Tiffany Tsao. Fic TSA, EAudiobook
- Mambo in Chinatown. Jean Kwok. Fic KWO
- A map for the missing. Belinda Huijuan Tang. Fic TAN
- A map of betrayal. Ha Jin. Fic JIN
- The middle heart. Bette Bao Lord. Fic LOR
- Miss Dimple suspects. Mignon F. Ballard. Mystery BAL
- Monkey bridge. Lan Cao. Fic CAO
- Nanjing requiem. Ha Jin. Fic JIN
- No good to cry. Andrew Lanh. Mystery LAN
- Oleander girl. Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni. Fic DIV
- On fragile waves. E. Lily Yu. Fic YU
- On Sal Mal Lane. Ru Freeman. Fic FRE
- On such a full sea. Chang-rae Lee. Fic LEE
- On the line. S.J. Rozan. Mystery ROZ
- Once the shore: stories. Paul Yoon. Fic YOO
- The ones we’re meant to find. Joan He. Y Fic HE, EAudiobook
- Outrun the moon. Stacey Lee. Y Fic LEE
- The paper daughters of Chinatown. Heather B. Moore. Fic MOO, Ebook
- Parachutes. Kelly Yang. Y Fic YAN
- Perfect harmony. Barbara Wood. Fic WOO
- Perfidia. James Ellroy. Fic ELL
- A person of interest. Susan Choi. Fic CHO
- Radiant fugitives. Nawaaz Ahmed. Fic AHM
- The reeducation of Cherry Truong. Aimee Phan. Fic PHA
- Re Jane. Patricia Park. Fic PAR
- The reluctant fundamentalist. Mohsin Hamid. Fic HAM
- Same difference. Derek Kirk Kim. Y 741.5 KIM
- Saving fish from drowning. Amy Tan. Fic TAN
- Sayonara slam. Naomi Hirahara. Mystery HIR
- Serena Singh flips the script. Sonya Lalli. Fic LAL
- Serving crazy with curry. Amulya Malladi. Fic MAL
- The shadow hero. Gene Luen Yang. Y 741.5 YAN
- The Shanghai Moon. S.J. Rozan. Mystery ROZ
- Shattered: the Asian American comics anthology: a secret identities book. Graphic 741.5 SHA
- Shelter. Jung Yun. Fic YUN
- Short girls. Bich Minh Nguyen. Fic NGU
- Snakeskin shamisen. Naomi Hirahara. Mystery HIR
- Snow falling on cedars. David Guterson. Fic GUT
- Songs of Willow Frost. Jamie Ford. Fic FOR, Large Type Fic FOR, CD Fic FOR
- Sons of heaven. Terrence Cheng. Fic CHE
- Sumo. Thien Pham. Y 741.5 PHA
- The surrendered. Chang-rae Lee. Fic LEE
- Swimming back to Trout River. Linda Rui Feng. Fic FEN
- Take no names. Daniel Nieh. Mystery NIE
- Take what you can carry. Kevin C. Pyle. Y 741.5 PYL
- A tale for the time being. Ruth Ozeki. Fic OZE
- Tallgrass. Sandra Dallas. Fic DAL
- The taste of ginger. Mansi Shah. Fic SHA, CD Fic SHA
- This is a bust. Ed Lin. Mystery LIN
- A thousand years of good prayers: stories. Yiyun Li. Fic LI, DVD Drama T
- The tiger mom’s tale. Lyn Liao Butler. Fic BUT
- Trouble. Gary D. Schmidt. Y Fic SCH
- Unaccustomed earth. Jhumpa Lahiri. Fic LAH
- The unpassing. Chia-Chia Lin. Fic LIN
- The Valley of Amazement. Amy Tan. Fic TAN
- The Wangs vs. the world. Jade Chang. Fic CHA
- A well-tempered heart. Jan-Philipp Sendker. Fic SEN
- When the emperor was divine. Julie Otsuka. Fic OTS
- Wingshooters. Nina Revoyr. Fic REV
- Winter and night. S.J. Rozan. Mystery ROZ
- World and town. Gish Jen. Fic JEN
- Year of the reaper. Makiia Lucier. Y Fic LUC
- Daughter from Danang. DVD 959.704
- Jake Shimabukuro: life on four strings. DVD 787.89
- Maya Lin: a strong clear vision. DVD 917.53
- The mistress of spices. DVD Foreign M
- Princess Ka`iulani. DVD Drama P
- Shanghai kiss. DVD Comedy S
- Asian dreamland. CD ZM FOLK AD P-92
- Asian groove. CD Q ASIA AG P-22
- Asian lounge. CD Q ASIA AL P-42
- Asie de l’est = East Asia. CD Q ASIA AE O-63
- Asie du sud = South Asia. CD Q INDIA AS O-62
- Chants of India. Ravi Shankar. CD Q INDIA CI S-23
- Instrumental music of Vietnam. CD Q VIET IMV K-60
- Music from the People’s Republic of China. CD Q CHIN-P MFP R-08
- Music from the tea lands. CD Q COLL MFT P-02
- Silk road journeys when strangers meet. Yo-Yo Ma & the Silk Road Ensemble. CD Q CHIN MA M-82