Saturday Playdate
Goshen Public Library Goshen Public Library, Goshen, IN, United StatesAn open playtime for children aged 2-5 years old. Join us in the storyhour room from 11:00 -12:00 for free play with other kids. Enjoy playing with new toys that are not always available.
Greyt Readers
Goshen Public Library Goshen Public Library, Goshen, IN, United StatesCome to the Library and read to the greyhounds! The greyhounds love to lay and listen to kids read to them. This is a perfect opportunity for kids, who don’t normally like reading aloud, to practice in front of an audience that won’t judge or critique their reading skills. But the greyhounds aren’t coming for just […]
Saturday Playdate
Goshen Public Library Goshen Public Library, Goshen, IN, United StatesAn open playtime for children aged 2-5 years old. Join us in the storyhour room from 11:00 -12:00 for free play with other kids. Enjoy playing with new toys that are not always available.